Chapter 3

Natsu's POV

I'm walking by the bathroom trying to sneak to the bookshelf for the reading glasses and a random book. There's no way I will ever live it down if they know I not only read but read well. My handwriting is shit, but that doesn't have anything to do with my reading ability. 

I hear Lucy sigh out loud. Surely she's not going to do it again already? Right? I think to myself, I take a step closer to see if I can hear and stumble a little bit. I hold my breath hoping Lucy didn't notice but instead of yelling I heard; purring?

Wait, what? Is Lucy purring? If she is I don't know what I will do. Purring is highly erotic to dragon slayers, I don't know why but it is a huge turn on. I do however know that this seemed to go for all dragon slayers so I figure it must be instinct. It was a weird conversation with Sting, Rouge, Gajeel and I; we learned a lot about each other that night. 

We were having a dragon slayer only night which Laxus was to busy for and Cobra/Eric was unreachable for. We were drinking and as it turns out, everyone was cool about my liking Lucy. We totally drank enough to start spilling our guts and threaten each other at the same time. Gajeel admitted to having a thing for Levy, much to my relief. And turns out Rouge and Sting are gay; for each other! Which is great but they were totally ready to fight us, but then when instead drunk Gajeel and I hugged them saying how great it was that they found their happiness. We were VERY drunk, I should add. 

So of course after that came up we talked about what we searched for in a mate and each of us had purring on the top of the list. If they couldn't purr they weren't mate material.

I shake my head a little trying to snap my thoughts back to the present. I start to hear panting and light moaning. Fuck me, she IS doing it again! How in the actual fuck am I supposed to get away from her now? We are literally locked in here for three whole days. I then noticed that I had moved to the door. My hand barely touched the knob and I froze, the door started to swing open. 

Through the small crack I could see  Lucy touching her breast. Her panting growing faster as I see one of her hands slide from massaging one of her nipples, I can't stop myself from watching her hand trail down below the waters. I saw her face as she found what she was looking for, I could hear my own pulse but it did nothing to drown out her moans. Oh for fucks sake I'm hard as a rock. I try not to groan when I hear, "Aaaaaaahhhhhh, N-Nat-sssuuuuuu!"

Every last ounce of self control I had was gone. I slid into the room silently and stripped myself of my clothes and before she could pant even twice I slid into the water with her sealing her lips with mine. I couldn't take it anymore. The look of ecstasy on her gorgeous face was just too much, the way she said my name.

I expected her to kick me out, to get mad definitely be embarrassed but none of that happened. She returned the kiss almost like she was expecting it. Fuck me, fuck me, fuck me; I need her. My hands glide along her skin pulling her closer to me. I could feel the already hot water heating up. I have to be careful. I can't hurt her. 

"Luce," I moan out her name gasping for air. 

"Natsu?" Her voice was timid like she was afraid. Did I scare her?

"Do you want me to stop?" I ask her, I need to know before anything else. I need to know if she wanted me at least half as much as how much I needed her. 

To my surprise she laughed, the look of fear must have been etched into my face as I waited for her to hit or kick me out. My eyes were screwed shut now I didn't want to see it coming. Instead I felt as her wet hand gently pulled my face closer. "Never," she whispered. My eyes flew open and she kissed me. 

She didn't want me to stop? My heart pounded because of this news and the fact that she was kissing me naked in the bathtub. If I thought my cock was hard before I was sadly mistaken. It was painfully throbbing now. I leaned into Lucy breathing in her delicious scent. Memorizing the sweet taste of her lips. I nip at her lips sliding my tongue over the bottom one as she opened her mouth allowing me in. 

I thrusted my tongue into her mouth and I moaned, she was amazing. Her lips were good but they were only a tease compared to what lay inside. I felt like I was drinking Lucy up consuming the amazing woman in my arms. I had to tear myself away again before I went to far. 

"Lucy," my breathing was uneven and loud as I gasped for air. "Will you be my mate? Dragon slayers only mate once, but I don't want you to feel trapped..." 

"Yes," Lucy interrupted me purring. "When is mating season?" She asked. 

"Uh next month," I can barely answer her. She said yes! And she knew about mating season? I'm so happy and confused at the same time. 

"Good then we have a little time to get to know each other first," She purred at me again. "Do you want to mark me now?" 

I nodded this was the second to last step before I could bury my pulsing, throbbing cock inside of her. After I mark her and we consummate it, we will go into a 12 hour deep sleep preferably with me still inside of her to make it easier to pass my magic on to her. She will gain a small amount of my magic it will not be anything like being trained by a dragon but still more powerful than say a second generation dragon slayer, with proper training of course.

I watched her as her lips opened to answer me, "Yes Natsu, make me yours." I lost it. I pulled her to me while still in the tub, she was wrapping her legs around my hips and I kissed her as deeply as I could. When I finally needed to stop to breathe I went to her neck running my tongue lightly along the left side of her neck. 

I found the spot I wanted and whispered, "This will only hurt for a second." I felt her nod and I sank my dragon fangs into her smooth neck. I was careful not to be too rough with her, not wanting to hurt her in anyway. 

I felt as she flinched but quickly relaxed back into my arms. I felt as a couple drops of her blood entered my mouth. I released her neck just to lick up the trace amounts of blood, kissing her as I went. My body started to catch on fire again still not time yet so I extinguish it. Just a little longer. I gently turned Lucy's head to face mine so I could kissed her again. 

When I broke the kiss this time I looked deep into her eyes before asking, "Do you want to mark me?" I almost couldn't ask but I had to. It was the last step, the final one before I could get the relief that I ached for. Please for the love of Mavis say yes. 

"I always have," Her purrs reached my ears. Fuck I'm so painfully hard right now I moan out loud. "Here," she moaned in my ear.

I let Lucy decide where she wanted to mark me before I interrupt her, "Make sure there is at least a little blood just a couple of drops will do." My words were almost nothing but pants as I tried to breathe. 

I watched her nod and as she went down the right side of my neck I felt her tongue against my skin. Almost time, I think to myself when I felt her teeth nip at my neck. I hiss a little at this. How can she be so cruelly slow with this? Then I felt her tongue again and I couldn't help the moan of pleasure I let out. I finally relaxed into her arms allowing her to do what she will. 

That's when I felt her teeth sink deep into my neck. I hissed; not in pain but pleasure, I want so badly to plunge into her sweet center knowing that the heat from the water will be nothing close to what I'm about to feel. She finally lets me go kissing and licking at the mark I'm sure she left. I even feel something trail down my collarbone. I look down to see a single drop of blood before I watch as Lucy licked it up. 

She's mine now. I grab her gently and nudge her legs apart. I line myself up at her entrance well aware that by biting me; she would have been soaked even if we were not in a tub of water. I look into her eyes, "Are you ready?" Her eyes so large, I could see a little fear behind them but I also saw determination and lust. Oh so much lust, I shuddered taking one last breath before kissing her and sliding into her for the first time...

"Natsu?" I hear Lucy ask as she waved a hand in front of my face, she had a towel wrapped tight around her body her hair still slightly damp with a concerned look on her face. I look down at myself seeing that I was still wearing clothes that only just barely concealed the painful erection I now had. Fuck! It was all a dream? You have got to be fucking kidding me! 

My startled reaction seemed to concern my blond partner even more. She stepped closer and put her hand against my forehead, I knew I would be blazing hot and quite frankly I don't know why she bothers to check my temperature I am a fire dragon slayer I literally create fire. Her cool hand though was feeling hot, causing me to moan out loud in relief and need.

"Your cold! Natsu your sick." I hear her worried words as the world began spinning around us. I lift a heavy hand to my head trying to make sense of what she was saying to me. 'Sick? Me?' But it didn't seem to make sense. I groan again and when Lucy grabs me again I feel her hot body pressed tightly to mine. 

I look up at her and stare into her creamy chocolate eyes that seemed to hold fire in their depths. Her sweet heart shaped face slightly flushed from her recent bath seemed to glow as her golden hair reflected the candle light from the bathroom, it created something of a halo effect. It seems that it is now dark in the room although it should still be at least late morning now, but I don't care.

Just staring into this woman's eyes was enough; it was almost enough to make me forget that at any moment I could hurt her, break her in some unspeakable way. Using my fire to do anything but protect her made me sick to even think about and the thought of hurting her only extinguished my fire, leaving nothing not even a stream of smoke.

I move the hand from my own head to her cheek and rub my thumb lightly along her smooth porcelain like jaw. "Your beautiful, do you know that?" I ask her as the spinning of the room quickened and I fell to the floor the world leaving me as the last thing I saw was Lucy on her hands and knees beside me. "Beautiful," was the last thing I say in a barely audible voice.