Chapter 7

Natsu's POV

All I can do is hold her to feel her around me as I cum again and again. I need to feel her release; it's like a drug I can't get enough of. Her sweet, sweet body begging for me just as much as mine begged for her. Everytime one of us woke up it was to wake the other and start again. I had stopped looking at the clock no longer caring, I knew that all I needed was her. Her screams filled me with a desire to only satisfy her.

We still haven't gotten up to eat or drink anything yet, we just haven't felt a need to. I clutch her body close in my arms the driving force that had started all of this long since gone. What we felt now was longing to just be with each other to somehow make up for lost time. But I know we have to stop soon my body rejecting the idea that occurred to me after I released myself in my mate yet again. Instead of passing out I just screamed my ecstasy as I continued to thrust into her. It was as if Lucy could understand my very thoughts because she kept going too almost like we were unable to stop.

Lucy's POV

We can't stop, we can never stop. My body, although exhausted, seemed to scream for more even as he would cum inside of me. I should be starving I know that day three of our trip is coming to an end but I am nowhere near ready to let him go. What can I do?

A short ding dong chime like noise sounded startling both of us, we freeze. "This is the Engineer speaking, I am sorry to announce that there has been a two day delay due to weather and damages to the track. If you wish you may leave your car but keep in mind that although we are parked the weather is fearsome outside. I would like to apologise for the delay please understand that we are doing everything we can to move forward again. Thank you." ding dong went the chime again signaling the end of the transmission.

I look at Natsu who is wearing a huge grin that made my body only scream to fuck me. "I guess that means we get another two days to ourselves?" His question was more like a statement as I felt my blood begin to boil with need.

"Yes," I grabbed him again rolling us over to allow me on top again. "Yes it does," I purr to him as I roll my aching hips on him.

Natsu's POV

It is now the end if day four of our trip and day three since we started having sex, as much as Lucy and I didn't want to stop we had to. We needed to eat and drink, to take a bath and clean the sweat and cum soaked sheets. I groan at the thought that the only reason we were stopping was because our body's demanded that we did. We ate three days worth of food that we found in the kitchen nothing spoiling thanks to magic and even ordered more.

Lucy was eating about as much as I was which only made sense because she was gaining my magic. If the amount of sex we had anything to do with how strong she would be she would be stronger than I was. We went three days without me pulling out of her, that had to be some kind of record. We took our bath together not seeing a reason to separate for any amount of time and we fucked some more while we were there too.

Fuck me, Lucy how are you so perfect? The water was boiling hot when we got out but I don't think she noticed because as we were stepping out my flames ignited drying not only me off but her also. Instead of freaking out she moaned curling herself into my arms.

Do my flames feel good to her I wonder? How good do they feel? I decide to test it out by wrapping my arms around her releasing my pint up flames while still on the tiled floor so that I wouldn't cause a fire. Her moans were almost immediate which turned me on again. I pull her up at the same time as she jumps into my arms. I quickly thrust into her wet, hot center and right in the middle of the bathroom I fuck her while we are standing. My flames still raging around us as I heard and felt her screams as we climaxed together.

Lucy's POV

I know his flames should be burning me but they weren't in fact they seemed to soothe me and they ignited my lust again. When we were finally done in the bathroom I had to clean up again afraid his cum would spill out everywhere if I didn't. It didn't, in fact other than my usual wetness that I had become used to there was nothing.

Was I really taking all of him in? That is both amazing and frightening he cums a lot most of the time taking between a full minute to three before he would finish. I know because it would keep my own orgasm going the whole time and that in and of itself was amazing. I decide to disregard the thought when I walked out and saw the bed already cleaned and made up while Natsu was washing the old sheets about to load them in the machine.

Woah, I felt a surge of white hot lust flow through me at the sight. "Fuck me," I barely whisper as I took the sight in. Natsu's head shot up and as if reading my mind he slowly finished, starting the machine before walking at a slow even pace towards me.

"You called?" he purred into my ear sending my blood boiling. We grab each other and right there in the middle of the floor he started pounding into me again. I'm thankful we had decided to wash our clothes and still hadn't gotten dressed yet. I have found that hanging in the air while only his arms supported me was a big turn on.

For one thing we didn't really have to clean up anything and since I now know that his cum didn't create the messes, my own did. We could just keep going. My climax was quickly approaching when the food appeared. I was hungry all right but I needed him not food right now.

When he came it was like he couldn't hold back anymore his flames circled around us as he filled me. My own screams of pleasure almost silent in the inferno that was now our love.

Natsu's POV

We left a scorch mark on the floor I see as I finally let her down. She releases my hips but her arms won't let me go. "I love you," she says barely able to stand.

I smile at her like I have never smiled before, "I love you." She nods and snuggles into my arms some more. I end up carrying her to the kitchen and we eat our food. I can't help the way I look at her. She is beautiful and she is mine, somehow. I have decided not to worry about it anymore as I gently prod her to take another bite of food before she fell asleep. She barely swallowed before passing out letting me catch her and carry her to the now clean bed.

I tuck her in and still wide awake, I grab the fastest pair of glasses on the shelf and a stack of books that we hadn't gotten to the other day. I was determined to read them all before we left. If even one thing was useful to Lucy then it would be worth it. I cuddle with her in bed as I read and she slept. Tomorrow we should be arriving for our job.

Lucy's POV

I wake up to Natsu reading beside me. I snuggle into him and he hands me a pair of glasses kissing me sweetly. I return the kiss and put on the glasses and I read with him. The glasses only speed up your own reading ability so I guess I'm a faster reader than he is because I'm able to keep up but then I notice that he is waiting for me a lot of the time so I decide to race him. We always seemed to finish at about the same time. But then I don't think he is actually giving it his all.

I can't help but giggle as we finish a boring book on politics. I reach up and kiss him long and deep. I'm ready to take it further but then we heard the ding dong chime. I groan but listen anyway.

"This is your Engineer speaking, announcing that we will be arriving at the station in exactly 10 minutes! Thank you for riding with us." ding dong the chime notified us that that was the end.

Natsu and I practically fly around the car getting dressed and our things together and we had just zipped up the last bag when I felt as the car lurches forward letting me know we were stopping. I look at Natsu worried his motion sickness would affect him but thankfully he was still running around putting his shoes on. I giggle at him and he looks up giving me his signature smile as I put my own shoes on. The light I hadn't noticed above the door turned green. I look at Natsu and he shrugs. We shoulder our bags and open the door.

"Welcome to Pietra! We have been eagerly awaiting your arrival." A short older gentleman gushed the moment we exited the train.

"Uh thanks, Mr?" Came Natsu's reply. We are both confused as to who this is.

"I'm so sorry, please excuse my rudeness. I am the Mayor, Fred of this fair town Sapphire of Pietra!"

"Nice to meet you Mayor Fred, are you the one who sent us the request?" I ask him trying to be both polite and friendly.

"Well no, not technically, my assistant did but it was done on my orders. You see anymore it has almost become a bit of bragging rights when a dragon slayer from Fairy Tail destroys part of a town. I know it seems strange but I figure that since the area had to be demolished anyway it would be perfect!" Mayor Fred explained at length.

"Oh well I guess if it works out for everyone then it's okay?" I say not really sure how to take that.

"This is perfect Luce! You can practice the fire dragon roar without worrying," Natsu chuckled as he slings an arm around my shoulders. I groan in response.

"Wait you're both dragon slayers?" Mayor Fred's eyes grew wide.

"Not exactly," I respond. How am I supposed to answer that?

"Where is the area we are supposed to work at?" Natsu asked. "I'm all fired up!"

"Yes, yes of course. This way please," Mayor Fred turned around and led us to the area. He showed us the stakes marking where we would be working. Thankfully, one side was facing a grassy field and it had been raining for the past week so we didn't have to worry about starting a fire. The mayor walked far back but remained so that he could watch us, making me nervous.

"Don't worry about him, fire is freedom. The ability to let everything go and just be," Natsu says as he puts an arm around my shoulders again trying to calm me down.

"It would help if the only thing on my mind wasn't about how much I want to jump you," I moan at the thought.

"Hmm maybe you should use that?"he purrs in my ear.

"How?" I'm confused.

"Well the Fire Dragon's Roar is about release; be it anger or frustration it's about bringing peace to yourself by giving the chaos a place to go," Natsu says this like he is an expert, which I guess he is.

"Alright so look we are pointed away from town right now and there is a huge field on the other side so you have nothing to worry about." He takes my hands in his and starts breathing deeply. "First you need to find your center find the place with the most chaos the most anger or even the most passion. Do you have it?"

"I think so," I say after a minute I had closed my eyes and my breathing now matched his, deep and even each one has a purpose. I nod my head now calm I could feel all the energy bubbling inside me. I felt so much, I never even realised the pain of it all.

"Does the pain go away after you use it?" I ask him hopefully.

He gives me a sad smile, "Depends on what is causing the pain. If it's something old then yes but if it's something you are still dealing with then no."

I nod in understanding, I decided to use pain, the pain of losing my father after I was finally able to connect to him, The pain of what could have been. "I'm ready."

"Good now focus on the pain the emotion and scream out the incantation fire dragon's roar. Do you want to try it now?" He asked me concerned.

I smile and nod, "I have you beside me so I should be fine." I let my smile grow as I spoke letting him know that I had absolute faith in him. He grinned back and he took a step back, allowing me to try.

I take several deep breaths and focus on the pain. I let it fill me, I let myself feel the pain of what I had lost. My father, we could have had a real relationship together but as soon as we make amends I get stuck in a 7 year time stasis and when I wake up he had already died. I feel the tears brim at my eyes but I don't let them fall.

I scream, "FIRE DRAGON'S ROAR!" and to my surprise it works. I watch in amazement as my screams unleash a blazing whirlwind of fire and it tunnels right through the obstacles in my way, incinerating everything in its path. I see it reach the end of the buildings and I slowly turn my head, hoping that the flames would turn with me. They did thankfully, when I was finally out of breath I looked at my handy work panting just a little and looked at Natsu.

"I did it!" I yelled jumping up and down a little bit as I did. Natsu started laughing at me, but I could tell he was happy. I actually roared just like him. That means we really did mate, we really are one. I could see the pride and love in his eyes as he looked at me.

"Can I go again?" I ask him not sure if I was hoping he said yes or no.

"How about together?" He asked making me so happy I started jumping up and down again.

He took that as a yes and we took up or positions and together screamed, "FIRE DRAGON'S ROAR!" together our flames danced yellows, oranges and reds so bright and amazing, it was beautiful. I watched as we slowly walked, incinerating the remaining debris to dust. When we were done I walked over to the opposite edge and I saw that the field was perfectly fine. In fact it looked like it was refreshed and less soaked than before.

I run back over to Natsu and throw myself into his arms, "I really did it!" He laughed as he twirled me around, holding me tight. We both wanted to tell the guild about us when we got home and not the magazines so we kept it platonic but Mavis knows I really wanted to kiss him.