Chapter 8

Natsu's POV

We finished the job so quickly Mayor Fred just stared at us when we walked back to him. When he finally realized we were actually done he quickly gave us our reward praising us on a job well done. He invited us to come back anytime at all. He then told us how he had a hotel room set up and paid for us because he thought it would take a few weeks, not several minutes to complete the job.

Lucy and I just kind of laugh for a minute and I say, "No one knows how to destroy things like I do!" Pushing Lucy over the edge as she tried to hold onto her sides to prevent hurting herself from laughing so hard. 

Mayor Fred is a little lost on what to do and just seems to decide to wait is out. Bad move. 

"Fairy Tail the guild of monsters!" I say next as Lucy finally lands on the ground flipping onto her back, her laughter seemingly endless. 

"Fairy Tail the guild of legggggeeeeeennnnddssss!" I stretched the word legends as long as I could. Making Lucy start actually rolling on the ground laughing. 

"Fairy Tail the guild of chaos!" I screeched that one causing Lucy to shed tears and struggle to breathe. I couldn't help myself I joined her on the ground as we laughed together. After several minutes had passed, we were finally able to breathe again. 

"It's nice to be able to do a job, be thanked and actually get the reward," I hear Lucy sigh before starting to get up. I look up at her, the sun was just behind her causing that halo light effect on her hair I love so much. She holds a hand out to me and I take it standing up with her help. 

"Yeah it's nice having people actually like us destroying things," my grin firmly planted on my face. 

"Well should we go home now or stay for a while?" She asked looking up into my eyes. 

"Well I think I heard about some kind of festival bonfire thing tonight," I cut off trying to remember what the article said. 

"Oh the Star Dragon Festival! You two should really stay, we celebrate the birth of the Star Dragon every year even though she has long since died. She protected this town when all others deserted us, she died to do so." Mayor Fred is both helpful and annoying. . "It last for about a month. so about the same time as you hotel is paid for. It would also be a great honor to have a dragon slayer there during the gratitude ceremony! I'll even double your reward if you will stay"

I look to Lucy and I see that starry look in her eyes and laugh, "I guess we are staying then." I watch her excitement before turning to the mayor, "So where is the hotel?"

Lucy's POV

I have to say I'm disappointed that the room the mayor arranged for us had two full sized beds. Natsu saw me frown and he pulled me over to one of them kissing me as we went. I soon forgot about the size as he stripped me of my clothes purring as he felt my body. 

I should have pushed him off, I should have reminded him that we would be leaving soon. Instead I helped him shed his own clothes as I returned his kisses. My body yearning for his touch feeling starved of his affection. I push him on top of the bed and crawl on him. I could feel my own wetness starting to drip as I gently rubbed his tip against it coating it lightly before I lined him up with my aching entrance. I guess I was taking to long because just as he was lined up he thrusted himself in. 

"Aaaaaaahhhhhh!" I moan barely able to stop myself from screaming. I hiss as I adjusted to him again this time much faster than before. "You feel so good," my moans seemed to have broken whatever spell that had kept him still. I rode him rolling my hips in time with his thrusts and thanks to the help of his hands on my hips I was able to keep up. 

"I'm going..." I hear him start saying as I feel him erupt inside of me his cum filling me as my own orgasm rocked my body. 

After laying there a few minutes just holding each other. I feel Natsu pick me up and carry me to the shower. He never let me go as he set the water and I watched him almost in a daze. I love this man. I watched his muscles work as he moved. The way his skin seemed to glide so effortlessly over them. 

I let out a low purr of appreciation as I watched his every movement. I seem to have startled him but when he looked at me, he just smiled. The water was ready and he gently lowered me into it. I moan as the hot water seemed to seep into my bones relaxing every muscle on the way. Well every muscle but one. 

I look at Natsu who had gotten into the large tub with me and I feel myself grow hot, very hot.

Natsu's POV

I love to hear her purr. It almost seems like she is talking to me when she is just purring. The low purr that just came from her almost had me hard again. It was almost like she was saying come fuck me. Oh Mavis I love her so much. How can it be real that she loves me to? The way she watches me is almost unnerving like she is about to pounce on me.

I set her into the now scalding water and watch as she leans back moaning. I quickly get into the tub trying not to disturb her and at the same time maybe hide my now recovered boner. She wants to go to the festival I can't keep her locked up in our room. 

I had just leaned back to enjoy the comfort the water provided when I felt the water getting hotter. I look up at Lucy to see the slightest hint of flames licking her skin above the water. The sight was truly amazing. Her hair still dry had started to raise up her eyes were shaded darkly and her mouth had a small grin as she showed me her now slightly larger canines as she lightly bit her lower lip. 

I was almost panting just looking at her, my boner now throbbing again aching to feel her hot core. 

"Luce?" I want to beg for her my voice small to my own ears as I felt myself moving towards her. I was practically on top of her feeling the flames heat as I was about to kiss her. "Please?" I ask her barely controlling myself. I needed her, I wanted her and for the love of all that is good I was going to have her.

"Yes!" I hear her say as she grabs me pulling me the rest of the way to her body.  My world ignited again. Everytime I touch her, everytime I felt her passion my body starts to act on its own. 

We only just had sex a few minutes ago and yet here I am aching with need again as I feel her tongue in my mouth. My arms circled her waist pulling her closer, and thankfully, onto my throbbing shaft. I feel myself thrusting into her like the world was going to end if I didn't. I felt as her nails dug into my back as she clung to me. I heard her shuddering breaths between her sweet intoxicating moans. Then at last I felt her walls spasming around me as I cum inside of her filling her with my need. 

But I can't stop. I feel her moans matching mine as I continue to ram inside of her. I don't think we actually let out any screams just because everytime one of us was about to the other would swallow the screams in a blindingly deep kiss. My hips aching as I felt myself coiling yet again ready to cum deep inside of her. I lift her legs up onto my shoulders as the water around us sloshed everywhere. Lucy has to let me go for this but quickly latches onto my arms her nails again sinking into me, driving me faster. I can feel her tightening around me before my world goes white. I cum inside of her as deep as I could possibly go still pushing into her as I hear her silent screams. I see the look on her face, I see her screaming for all her worth but no sounds are coming out. I can still hear the water as it splashes around us. I can't help it I lean forward pushing myself as far as I can go and pull her lips to mine. 

I feel her return the kiss trying desperately to pull us closer as if we could become one if we tried hard enough. When we finally stopped climaxing I collapse on top of her. the water all but gone now, the room full of steam. 

"I love you." we say to each other at the same time exhausted and out of breath. 

"Luce," I say after several minutes of holding her we still haven't separated but I had let her legs down. 

"Yeah?" she looks up into my eyes with her now half lidded ones.. She is fighting sleep now. 

"Do you still want to go to the festival?" I ask her. I watch her slowly nod her head. "Okay," I add water to the bathtub and proceed to wash my nearly unconscious mate and myself as quickly as possible. I help her out of the tub using my fire to dry us off not bothering with the towels. I clean up and help her get dressed in a yukata she has brought from the Celestial Realm. It was covered in a flame pattern and there was a matching men's outfit for myself. 

Once I was done she gently stands up wincing as she did. I jump up ready to carry her but she waved me off. I watch her slowly walk into the bathroom again and I hear her call for Cancer. I wait patiently and when she came out her hair was tied up and her make-up done. 

I walk slowly to her and take her hand kissing the top of it. "I love you my beautiful mate." 

Lucy's POV

My legs feel like jelly my whole body ached with a now familiar pleasant tenderness. I sigh as I walk into the bathroom and I settle into a seat. I call for Cancer and when he sees me, he quickly does my hair and make-up. When he is done he looks at me with a suspicious look in his eyes. "Leo would like to speak with you, ebi."

"Oh, okay thank you I'll call him then." I smile at him and close his gate. "Loki?" I asked to tired to actually open his gate. 

He appears anyway, sometimes it is a little disturbing, can he hear everything I say? "Yes, beautiful?" 

"Cancer said you needed to speak with me?" I ask him to tired to really notice his watchful eyes. 

"Yes I wanted to know how it was going we haven't spoken since the train when Natsu passed out," came his easy response. 

I hesitate, "Give me a minute please." he nods and I open the bathroom door walking out. 

Natsu walks to me very slowly and when he reached me he takes my hand kissing the back of it, "I love you my beautiful mate." 

"I love you too," I say quietly. "Loki is here can I tell him? About us I mean?" I try to search his eyes for an answer but I'm so tired, fuzzy and a bit numb from earlier. 

I did however see his face light up, "Do you want to do it together?" he asked me. 

I smile really wide, "I would like that so very much." I sigh. "We can tell all our friends together and when the guild knows then the rest of the world can know."

"I'm all fired up! " He whispered excitedly. "Hey Loki!" he yelled out. I watched as my spirit walked out of the bathroom his suit clean and straight. 

"Hey Natsu, how's it going?" I hear Loki's reply. 

I watch Natsu look at me and raised an eyebrow in question. I smile and nod my head at him waiting to hear how he would do it. Will he be shy about it? Or what if he is a show off? Actually, I kind of like that idea. Natsu nods at me as if he heard my inner thoughts and looked up at Loki again. 

"Well I just had the most wonderful thing happen to me I don't really know how to say it," he grins at Loki before adding, "So I figured I would just show you." Loki nodded ready to see whatever it was. 

Natsu turned to me, "If that's okay with you?" I barely nod before he reaches one hand behind my head pulling me into a passionate kiss. I gasped a little, surprised at the intensity. Which he took as permission to deepen the kiss. I could barely breathe as I returned his kisses immediately forgetting my spirit is watching us. I wrap my arms around his neck pulling him closer. My body already responding to his touch as my legs quivered beneath me. I feel Natsu's arms wrap around my waist gently holding me steady against him. 


Startled I look up to find Loki standing there uncomfortably. I finally registered that Natsu had loosened my Yukata and it had gradually slipped off me shoulders. It was only covering me now because my arms had been raised while around his neck. I feel myself blush as I hurriedly covered myself properly again. 

Natsu seemed to have forgotten about Loki as well because his eyes were still half closed and his breathing still ragged. His eyes were still full of lust as he was ready to devour me. It only made my need worse as I tried to look away and catch my breath. 

"Luce?" He asked melting my heart I turn to him and see Loki closed his own gate. I throw myself at my mate, my need far to much as I slammed into him again. 

"Mine!" I growl hardly understanding myself my voice taking the shape of growls. It would have startled me if I had half my mind thinking rather than just my hormones.