Chapter 14

Natsu's POV

They just elected us Queen and King of the dragons. I can't believe it. I mean I was fairly sure that I was the only one eligible anyway, I don't think any of their dragons were royalty, but still I had figured they would have required some great speech or something first. I watched as the last of the dragons kneeled before Lucy and I. I glanced at her and she nods at me. 

"My friends we accept," Lucy and I say in unison. Our fellow dragons slayers rise to their feet still ignoring the guild around us who were now openly staring. They came forward and one at a time they blasted us with their dragon roars. We stood our ground and took each hit. Feeling lucky that Erik the poison dragon slayer was right before Wendy who also used healing magic and was last. Once we were done she healed us giving us our health and magic back. When Fairy Tail realized we were done chaos exploded around us. 

"What the fuck was that!?!" I heard Gray yell from the back. I looked at him to find he was one that had tried to wipe his tears away but only succeeded in making his face even redder and puffier than if he would have left it alone. Most everyone said the same thing some without cursing and many more just asking, "What?"

I grab my queen's hand and silently walk to our little booth in the back corner. The sea of people parting before me surprised me until I realised that Wendy was using air to do it.

I pulled my mate into my arms and we continued to cry holding each other close, effectively ignoring anyone and everyone. The booth was peaceful even with all the noise outside of it. I look up to see Gajeel, who had put iron poles up keeping people out and Laxus would just tap it whenever they got to close giving them a small shock, just enough to keep them away. 

I look down into my mates bloodshot eyes. "We finally told them," I said my voice sounded like I was croaking rather than talking.

"We told them," She agreed with her voice a shy whisper. 

"Was it worth it?" I ask her praying that she understood what I meant. 

She looked up her sweet chocolate brown eyes still watery as she pulled me in for a kiss. "Natsu I don't regret mating with you. You are worth it." 

I feel my heart pounding in my chest at her response. "We won't stop trying," I promised her. "Every year until we are satisfied, I swear." I kiss her sweetly. She responded by pulling me deeper, my sweet kiss turning delectable as I nibble on her lip and I moved down her neck a little before remembering we weren't home and I moved back up to her mouth again. 

"Good because we are not giving up until we have a baby, besides Happy that is," I smile as she said those words. As if on cue Happy tackled us in his little arms as he tried so hard to hold us together. "Our Happy." I heard her whisper. 

We spent several minutes in our little family hug crying, laughing, kissing and crying some more, hugging the whole time never once releasing each other. 

***Cough cough***

Luce and I look up our bloodshot eyes heavy from our excessive tears. Our arms tightening around each other and Happy. It was Master standing just outside of Gajeel's barricade. He just eyed Gajeel and Laxus up and down and walked under the lowest bar. Gajeel and Laxus just pretended they didn't see him as he walks between them. Part of me wants to laugh but instead I just try to clean me face and hand Happy to Lucy. She always seems to calm down whenever she holds him now, instead of yelling at him or calling him a damn cat like she used to. 

"So that is some secret you two have been keeping," Master grumbles. I can only nod my head fighting the tears that threatened to spill yet again. "I can't stand seeing my brats cry," Master sighs and pats my shoulder and side hugs Lucy. "You can always come to me."

Lucy and I can't stop we just start bawling on his shoulders. As weird and awkward as it should have been, it wasn't and Happy cried along with us. The closest thing to a family I have and we were all crying. Soon enough Master leaves us; before he goes he tells us that the tournament didn't start until 7 pm so if we needed to go and rest we could. We thanked him and the three of us take his advice. 

I decide the infirmary is the best place for us and the three of us take up one of the far too small cots and hold each other tightly. Wendy our designated guard this time, stood outside the door preventing anyone from entering and I'm pretty sure that Erik stood at the foot of the steps talking to Kinana keeping watch as well. Royalty would take some getting used to.

Lucy's POV

The tournament was going to start soon so we had to get up. Natsu and I cleaned up and I carried Happy who had curled up in my arms for warmth now. It seems that I now run about as hot as Natsu does so Happy likes for me to hold him more than ever. I scratch behind his ears, my Happy. Lisanna might have helped Natsu hatch him but he is just as much my son as he is Natsu's maybe even more than Lisanna because she was gone for so long, not that it was her fault.

We walk downstairs and join everyone else waiting for the lottery line up. I hope Natsu and I don't have to fight each other right away. I look at him to see him searching the crowd. Then I realize where is Team Natsu? Natsu, Happy and I are here and so is Wendy and Carla. But where are Erza and Gray? I start searching as well and finally find them hunched over our old usual table. It seemed so long ago since the last time we sat there, almost a lifetime. 

I walked over to them and sit down quietly next to Erza and Natsu next to me. They glance up and Erza grabs my hand and squeezes it. Gray looks at me from the other side of her and gives me a small smile and nod before putting his head back down. Natsu slings an arm over my shoulders and pulls me close. Erza releases my hand and puts her head back down as well. Wendy sits on the other side of Natsu holding Carla who stays quiet, frowning. The other dragon slayers stand or sit at a nearby table and the Thunder Legend sit at a table near Laxus, all but Freed that is.

Mira walks across the stage and to the mike with Master. Master looks out at everyone and sees us all, smiling at us he nods for Mira to continue. 

"Without further ado the tournament lineup! We have so many contestants that this will take at least a week so make sure you plan accordingly!" Mira announced to everyone. The guild was packed and I'm sure that the mike was attached to a lacrima broadcasting to the whole town so that everyone could hear her.

"I will now show the results!" she says with her bright smile and she uncovered the board behind her. A large board showing the matchups was revealed and my first match was dead last and against Flair. I groan inwardly she creeps me out so much, why do I have to fight her again?

"Lucky," I look up at Natsu who was smiling at me. "Your going to mop the floor with her," He growls approvingly in my ear so that no one else could hear it. 

"Does that mean I get a reward if I win?" I try to ask innocently batting my eyes at him. 

He purrs his response, "As soon as we can get away." I feel my heart speed up and my core tightened at his response. I smile and nod back not trusting my voice at this particular moment, and look back at the board. Natsu had the first match and he was against Sting. 

I turn to all the dragon slayers, "You are all to give it your best you are not to go easy on either of us do you understand?" They smiled and nodded. 

"Good because I want to know how strong our King is!" Sting teases Natsu. 

Of course Natsu took the bait it was like he was waiting for it he punched his right fist into his left hand, "I'm all fired up!" He then released the control on his magic letting everyone around us feel his magic, just briefly but it was enough to make many fall over and I definitely saw Sting stagger a little. I held in my giggles and knocked Natsu on the back of the head. 

"Are you trying to hurt Happy?" I whisper yell at him giving him an evil glare wrapping Happy protectively in my arms. The only reason he hadn't been knocked out was because he was in my arms already. 

"What I knew he was with you!" he whined. When he looked at me again he shuddered and held up both hands in surrender, "Okay. Okay, I'll be more careful!" The look I was giving him could have melted ice, I'm sure. 

Natsu's POV

Man I love her, even while everyone else is still reeling from me letting a little more of my magic be felt, she still knocks me in the head. I'm pretty sure she was only saying that so that others wouldn't notice her laughing. I did though and so did the other dragon slayers. Happy, I'm sure that even though he was in her arms still didn't notice and was simply napping. 

He looks so happy being there a part of me wants to play a prank on him. But now that Lucy sees herself as his mother figure I can only shudder at the thought of what she would do to me if I did. 

My fight is first and it's against Sting, this will be interesting. I really want to just end it as quick as possible but he is a dragon slayer and I don't want to destroy his pride. I think I will let him get in a few good hits before I knock him out. Lucy is standing next to me and I raise an eyebrow at her. She nods back agreeing with my plan. I also only plan to use my fire and not celestial. I want to see how far I can go and it will make it a little easier on Sting and the other dragon slayers.

Lucy's POV

Natsu's plan was a good one, I also plan to only use my Celestial Spirit magic for as long as I can. I know it's dumb but what is the real harm in keeping an ace in the hole?

I watch Natsu's fight from Fairy Tail's section of the stadium. He does well not overpowering Sting and it appears like it is a fairly even match that he wins. The crowd goes crazy thinking they saw a great huge fight right off the bat. I can't help but smile and cheer for my mate. 

Natsu and I plan to let all the slayers shine at least a little so that their pride won't suffer. My second match will probably be against Rogue assuming he wins against his own opponent of course.

The first round of matches go fairly quickly and before I know it is my turn. 

"You've got this!" Natsu gives me a pat on my shoulder as I walked away. I give him two thumbs up, each one having a little flame flicker above it before I run off.