Chapter 15

Natsu's POV

Lucy is just waiting as they announce the rules of the match. If one is knocked out the other is the winner of one forfeits the other is the winner, so on so forth standard rules apply. Flair has one of her creepy glares directed at Lucy and I have to fight the urge to run down there and protect my mate. 

She looks up at me and smiles reassuringly. As soon as the match starts she summons Loki, Cancer, Sagittarius and Virgo. The crowd is going wild including the announcer who is gushing over her Aquarius star dress that she was also using. I feel my fist tighten. "Can't kill him, can't kill him, can't kill him" I barely mutter to myself as I restrained myself from punching Jason the reporter. Who was ogling my Luce like he had some kind of chance with her.

"Ccccoooolllll! Lucy Heartfelia has not only summoned four spirits at the same time a feat that is unheard of in all of magic history but she is also using even more magic called star dress! For an entirely different spirit! Look at that outfit, it's so cool!" Jason was practically screaming into the microphone making my ears hurt. Time seemed to crawl.

I watched as they all got into formation and Lucy lured her closer with water having Sagittarius and Loki shepard Flair and she obviously thought she had Lucy but Cancer shot up seemingly out of nowhere cutting her hair short before she could tangle Luce in her gross hair. I knew we were thinking the same thing the match is over, but then it happened.

This of course caused Flair to scream her blood curdling scream. Then as if that wasn't enough Lucy had to dodge her nails? That's new. From up here I can hear Flair spitting out some nonsense that she had trained hard and her hair magic wasn't the only thing she knew. Blah blah blah. Just great, Luce is going to be pissed. 

Lucy's POV

Shitty red head, so now she has poison nails huh? I call for Aries, a fifth spirit. Natsu is going to go nuts later. "Aries she has poison nails don't let her hit anyone, okay?" Aries nods and immediately starts using her wool to surround our allies. Everyone she almost gets a hit on she hits the soft pink wool instead. Time seems to freeze several times when one of my precious spirits almost gets hit.

I have to end this quickly my blood is boiling with fury, but how?  I don't want to use my dragon slayer magic yet. Then it hit me. Wait, why? 

Sure it would be nice to see how far I can go but the purpose of this is to show the world just how powerful Natsu and I have become. Master even said so. I looked up at Natsu and see him smiling and nod. He could hear my thoughts and he agreed. We will only go easy on friends and only so they can get some fight time in. 

"Okay, let's do this," I say and smile lifting my whip I crack it at her this time it's on fire. Natsu, "You better be watching!" I said purposely leaving his name unspoken. Fairy Tail knew about us but the rest of the world was about to get a show but that won't be until the end. 

Flair is trying to dodge my whip as my spirits surround her. I close their gates leaving just the two of us on the field, her very exhausted and huffing for air. "Do you give up?" I ask her hoping she says no.

"What kind of question is that? You ran out of magic and now you think you can get me to give up? Never!" The audience is roaring in the stands wanting to see the rest of the fight. 

"Okay, you asked for it," I smile at her before the entire field was covered in black shadow that twinkled like the night sky. The entire stage appears to have become the very middle of the night. "Celestial arena, meteor shower!" I call out my arms raised over my head and as if I'm actually throwing the stars myself I hurl my arms forward towards Flair. The field obeyed me and hurled each twinkle or star inside it's space towards her. The whirl of light dazzling to the onlookers as the once twinkling dark arena became a swirl of light as each shooting star hit their target in quick succession. 

Flair had tried to dodge or deflect my attacks but she just couldn't. When the last star crashed into her she finally passed out. I released the hold I had on my magic. The crowd was cheering everyone was on their feet. The referee took several seconds to realise what had just happened and declared me the winner. Flair was carried away by medical staff when she woke up screaming "How?"

The crowd though they were the best, when the referee had announced the victory they exploded into cheers and applause. I was just standing there waving and taking it in. This is real they were cheering for me not someone else, me. I found that several people had thrown roses with thorns clipped down into the stadium. 

It was almost like Loki had been summoned he appeared holding several bouquets of roses telling me he would put the rest in water for me. I nodded a little tired and ready to go home. Fairy Tail swarmed around me with Natsu who lifted me up on his shoulders. I couldn't stop the laughter or tears I was so happy. I didn't even notice what Jason was saying in the microphone and I didn't even really care. 

We left the stadium that way with myself comfortably on his shoulders and soon Happy came flying at me. I spread my arms out for him and he comes diving in. It's almost like he is a whole new Exceed now. All he wanted to do was hug and cuddle me, and of course eat fish. I don't mind in fact it really helps soothe the ache in my heart. I almost feel like I shouldn't do this but at the same time Happy just looks so overjoyed to do it I just couldn't help myself. 

No one seems to notice that all the dragon slayers were surrounding us again. Or if they did, they chose to ignore them. Fairy Tail is already well aware of the changes. Natsu and I are King and Queen of the dragons but the rest of the world doesn't know that yet. For now it will be a guild secret. 

Sting and Rogue had come to us asking about joining the current Sabertooth members with Fairy Tail and we are not opposed to it but it was really Master's choice. In the end they decided to wait until after the tournament to make the announcement, whatever it might be. 

Natsu's POV

This feels so right! Lucy is in my arms the world cheering for her showing just how amazing she truly is. Even Jason's annoying voice in the background couldn't irritate me in this moment. Happy had, of course, flown into her waiting arms. I tried so hard not to distract her from her moment. Yet I couldn't stop the small nuzzling motion I gave her leg as she rode my shoulders. It was barely perceptible even to dragon slayers but the older ones saw it and glanced away. Wendy thankfully was to busy talking to Carla to notice. 

I needed her in a bad way. Seeing her as she released her power even if it was only a very small amount of it had my blood pumping. My already twice enhanced senses were about to drive me wild with lust. 

"I think it's time for a party!" I hear Lucy call out; which of course got the whole guild cheering and running towards the guild hall. No one noticed as Lucy and I disappeared from them. Happy being the only exception and only because Lucy told him to try roses instead of fish to win Carla's heart. 

"Luce?" I beg as I pull her in for a kiss now that we are back home. 

"Natsu, I need you!" her moans sending my body in fast forward as I carried her to our bed. Somehow losing our clothes on the way. 

I kiss along her collarbone as I gently lay her down, her back arching as if to meet me. I can feel her heat radiated off of her drawing me in. I can't help it, I pulled away and go down on her. Her very smell intoxicating as I tried to restrain myself but I give up and dive in. Her sweet juices already running down my face when I felt her start to stiffen. I pull away and thrust my entire length into her causing her to sing me a sweet song of love as our lust guided us.

Lucy's POV

A few hours pass before we finally sneak back into the guild the party is still going full force as Natsu guides me to our booth. I sit on his lap, my lips aching for his touch again even as we arrive. 

"I love you Natsu," I whisper to him before my lips meet his in a passionate kiss. I don't want to let anyone ever think that they could possibly steal him away from me, not ever. Mavis knows I would probably tear them apart. 

I snuggle into his arms and lay my head into the crook of his neck. I feel myself start purring as I lay there. The sensation still new to me but somehow comforting. 

"Hey Lulu!" I hear Levy call out to me. I open my eyes and smile at her before I wave back at her. "Can I talk to you for a second?" her question had me curious as I nodded yes. I give Natsu a quick peck before hopping off his lap.

We walk to the library which had somehow turned into our little hang out corner. When we settled into our seats and got comfortable I looked at my friend, waiting patiently.

I see her fidget and her eyes darting from one place to the next. Her fingers continuing to run over a recently read book that sat nearby. 

Finally, I couldn't take it anymore, "So what's up Levy?" She started to laugh nervously and twitch a little. Her nervousness was driving me crazy but I waited anyway. 

"Lulu I don't really know the best way to ask this or for that matter if I should at all. I really don't want to upset you and it really took me a long time to talk to you after everything that happened. I just don't want to ruin our friendship by saying something stupid." Once Levy started talking she just couldn't stop and she looked like she was nearly ready to cry.

"Levy," I placed my hand on her shoulder trying to get her to look at me. When she did, I could see the tears in her eyes fighting to be let out and I pulled her into a tight hug. "You are my best friend, unless you're saying it to be mean, I doubt that I could ever hate you."

She started to cry gently on my shoulder until she finally pulled away and looked at me. "What does it mean to be Queen of the Dragons?" She stared hard into my eyes firm resolve straightening her back.

I smile at her, "Well it means a lot of things like we are responsible for the well being of dragons as a whole. It includes both dragon slayers and dragons as well as dragon riders but I hear that they are all gone. The last one supposedly died during the dragon wars. But Natsu would know more about that than I do." I looked at my friend again and watched her intent eyes watching me.

"We are also responsible for the creation of future generations, but honestly that is every slayers responsibility. We can either give birth to children or adopt them training them in the ways of the dragons and instilling our magic into them." I take a breath and sit back in my comfy chair. "We also have to enforce laws or select others to enforce the laws just like any other kingdom. Eventually if we somehow boosted our numbers by 5,000% we would look into creating our own country but including myself there are only 8 of us. So that is really unnecessary." I watched as Levy listened intently nodding here it there and sometimes even taking a note or two. 

"Why do you ask?" I watched as she started to fidget again. 

"Well, I mean..." She floundered for a while then, "How does a dragon slayer decide to take a mate?" She asked instead. 

I smile knowingly at my friend. Instead of just telling her I walk away and pick up a book I had hidden in a dark corner of the library and I came back holding a dark leatherwood book. It was haphazardly made and thrown together I felt foolish for it but I worked hard on it, Levy was standing now. 

"Never tell a soul about this book, it can be dangerous and I'm still not done with it but if you have your glasses on you like I think you do then you can read it now." I hold the book tightly to my chest. Afraid that I might have left out something important but also knowing I hadn't. 

She quickly slipped on her glasses and seated herself comfortably; I handed her the book. She was done in just a few minutes but I saw when understanding hit her and when she found the answer she was looking for. 

"Thank you," was all she said. those two words although so small held a mountain of information. I understood all too well what was going on in her head. I nodded and smiled at her, I let us out of the library and by the time we returned to our friends we were laughing again. No one but Natsu aware of what had transpired in the library.