Chapter 18

Natsu's POV

"Never, just Gray for being stupid enough to piss off my Queen," I couldn't stop the purr as the words left my lips. Fuck me what is wrong with me? I have always known that I loved her but even I know that I'm being well passed sappy and clingy. I cuddle into her smelling her sweet scent. Fuck it all I love seeing her in my scarf, vaguely the thought of seeing her in only my scarf enters my mind. 

"I have ideas," I whisper and I hear her purr in response. 

"I see that and I like them," she answered me. 

"Time to go home!" I grab her picking her up and she giggles in response. 

"Natsu, you have the first fight!" she squealed in delight. 

I slump a little in response, "Can they skip me until last? We'll come back eventually." My breathing was growing heavy as I responded to her scent, she was reacting quickly to my words. 

"I tell you what we can leave if you defeat your opponent quickly, my match is last so we would still have to be quick but..." I couldn't stop myself I kissed her stopping the words in their tracks. When I finally release her she was leaning in for more not ready to stop yet. 

*cough cough* I groan internally, why do we keep getting interrupted today? I look up to see a very red Erza and Gray staring anywhere but at us. 

"What?" I groan at them, I had been starting to get an erection before I saw Gray's dumbass face. 

"You'll be fighting Gildarts!" Gray responded shocked. "You can't be quick."

I smile and before I could respond I hear Lucy's sweet giggles stopped me in my tracks. "Yes he can and within the first 30 seconds of the fight."

I smile real big, "Is that a challenge I hear?" 

"It's the only way we can go home between our fights, so yes."

I groan in response, "The man has some pride you know?" He is going to kill me if I end the fight quickly.

"Yes, but he needs to see you for who you are. And you are a King," Fuck it all she is right, of course.

"You know I was really hoping that my last fight would be the one that really showcased my powers," I sigh knowing I'm not getting out of it. 

"Attention please!" Mira called out using the microphone interrupting not only our conversation but everyone's. "There has been a bit of an accident so we are rearranging several fighters opponents so please look to the board to see if your fight has changed. All fights have been put off by two hours so that everyone can make any necessary preparations. Thank you!" 

"Just great! Who am I fighting now then?"I grumble before looking up. I'm still first and Lucy is still last but now I'm facing Bixlow and Gildarts will be fighting Rogue. Lucy will be fighting... Erza. I look at Lucy and smile. "Need to make any changes to your strategy?" I ask my mate.

She only smiled at me and grinned at Erza, "Let's have a great match!" 

Which made Erza smile, "Let's give it our all, no regrets." 

I laugh a little and look for Gray's name and flinch a little. "Tough luck," I groan for Gray he just gave his weird creepy grin. 

"Oh no this will be fun," he replied. Looking at the name of his childhood rival, Lyon. I don't care to see an ice vs ice match it seemed quite boring to me considering how often I have already seen it. I honestly don't understand why Juvia likes him so much. He comes off as a total creep and let's face it he will probably never admit his obvious feelings for her.

I glance behind him and of course I see Juvia behind a support beam stalking him. You know on second thought maybe they are perfect for each other? I wonder if Lucy and I could get them together? I smile wickedly at my thoughts when I feel Lucy squeeze my hand in agreement. 

"Gray let's make a bet," My wicked grin never leaving my face. He looked at me interested so I continued, "Whoever finishes their match faster wins and the loser has to do whatever the winner says for exactly 10 hours. After all of today's matches. We both have to win and if one of us loses our fight we also lose the bet."

He gives a full on smile showing his teeth, "Your on squinty eyes!" We shook hands our grips fighting for dominance before Erza glared at us making Gray forfeit.

"Hey Bixlow!" I yelled towards him a couple tables away. He turned to me and I continued, "Our fight is going to be short so don't hold it against me, okay?" 

He laughed before responding, "Does that mean your going to give up?" 

"No it means I'm not going to hold back!"

"I wouldn't want you too!" He huffed, "We'll see who wins." I hear him grumble. 

"So Luce, two hours?" I raise an eyebrow at her. It was like she was waiting for it her lips were on mine.

"Let's go," she purred in my ear so no one else could hear. We were out the door before Erza and Gray could turn back around from talking with Wendy...

It was short but we needed to relieve some tension before my fight, after all, I didn't want to kill Bixlow. We were back with five minutes to spare and I had a goofy grin on my face. Once I was done with Bixlow I could really ravage her. 

I'm on the field looking in the stands for my mate and once I found her I held up the Fairy Tail signal which was returned by every Fairy Tail member even Bixlow, my opponent. This fight was only a match nothing serious about it and this was to show that there would be no hard feelings either way. I could see Gramps smiling like a proud father as we all knew what we were doing, confusing many onlookers and judges including the loud and obnoxious Jason.

I look at Bixlow and talk where only he and the dragon slayers could hear me, "I'm sorry Bixlow but Lucy gave me 30 seconds to finish the fight, no hard feelings."

"The only way this is ending in 30 seconds is if you forfeit," He chuckled.

"Just promise no hard feelings?" I sigh not willing to argue at the moment. 

"No hard feelings," he replied. 

"Now begin!" The referee announced cutting in after declaring all the match rules. 

I lift my left hand towards him and, "Celestial Volcano!" Then an eruption much like a volcano fired at him like a canon. It was an immense amount of pressure as my magic slowly drained. It was big and it was loud; the resulting ash made it hard to see. When all the smoke finally cleared the referee announced me the winner. Bixlow was knocked out of bounds and was unconscious against the wall. 

I looked up at Lucy, "So how did I do?" I was smiling smugly and most of Fairy Tail was covered in ash except for Lucy of course who used a simple spell to block it. The crowd above going crazy over my move.

"25 seconds let's go," she smiled and I ran from the arena towards the exit while I tried ignoring Jason on his microphone. 

"Cccc Oooo Llll! Fairy Tail's Salamander, Natsu Dragneel, just took out his guild mate Bixlow with one hit! That was one hit right? Right? Yes I just had it confirmed that it was indeed one hit although no one seems to know what attack that was the fire power behind it was so cccoooollll! It was like a volcano! Natsu the Fire Dragon Slayer just used a new move and it has a devastating impact! Sssssooooo cccoooolllll!" 

I groan until I finally hear my mate calling for me. "Natsu, hurry." She whispered and the next thing I care to know was that I was home with my mate and she was breathtaking. 

In our bedroom, I could feel as our blood pumped through our veins. The sight of her silky smooth skin drawing me in like honey. Her almost pearl like completion radiating in the afternoon sun. I'm so glad that day two started so much earlier in the day than yesterday. The sunlight naturally drawn to our bodies fed us a slow but constant amount of energy as I slowly grazed my fingers along her arms. 

"You are beautiful," I gasp as she combs her fingers through my hair pulling me closer. 

"Let's see where did we leave off?" she cooed, her breath gently passed against my face. I couldn't stop anymore her very scent drove me wild. I took her in my arms and her sweet plump lips were against my own, her tongue slipped through; licking along my lower lip asking, begging, for entrance. I gave it to her. Anything she could ever want, I wanted to give her. 

I stripped us of our clothes quickly feeling like a starving man as the sun's rays fed into our hunger. Her sweet ample breasts bounced a little as she leaped into my arms again wrapping her powerful legs around my hips. My arms as if conditioned to doing so supported her legs as my hands traveled up her spine and back down to her tight ass again. "Luce?" I whisper with what little air I still had in my lungs before she stole that as well. Her fingers still in my hair as we fell to the bed, pulling me closer deeper into her kiss. 

I couldn't take it, my erection was throbbing and I could feel her entrance as I rubbed against her; wet and slippery just begging to be filled. I thrust in, feeling her sweetness encase me trapping my very willing member inside her, causing her back to arch off the bed towards me as I nipped and sucked on her soft breasts. Fuck me, I love you. Soon the rhythm we set grew faster, hungrier, as we felt the orgasms coming. The closer we got to it the faster we moved. The slight film of sweat coating us glistening in the light. The sight of her moaning beneath me driving me forward. Her gorgeous eyes were screwed shut, her mouth parted open her moans constant in the air around us, a sweet duet to my ears as my own moans accompanied hers. Her muscles straining to keep up with what she was wanting. 

Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! Fuck!

Lucy's POV

"N-Nat-sssuuuuuu!" I moan out, the feel of him supporting me almost to much with everything else. My orgasm spinning out of control as the next thing I knew he was matching me moan for moan. I finally collapsed his arms the only reason I didn't hit the floor. 

"It's okay Luce just lay in the sunlight by the window for a while. I'll get everything ready." I hear Natsu's tired but satisfied voice. We both know that we have a second match today but honestly I don't even care at the moment. I should be focusing on my first match and that, from the sound of the stadium, was about two maybe three fights away. Sometimes super hearing is nice, after all it did allow us to go home without worrying about me missing my fight.

I stretched in the sunlight basking in it's glow, I love being able to lay naked by the window without any neighbors to see me.  I open the window letting in the warm fall air. I could taste a cool front in the air coming this way but for now it was warm. I relished the sun pouring it's sweet nectar into my very bones. I wonder if the sunlight will taste different in winter? I haven't really notice a difference between summer and fall but I am pretty new to this after all. 

I concentrated on the sun's rays drinking in the delectable beams of light as I recovered all my spent energy. If anything actively eating the sunlight tasted so much better than 'munching' throughout the day. Even Natsu thinks so, it's why we set up the lawn chairs in the one area that gets sunlight all day long and conveniently starlight all night long. I easily had recovered all my energy and then some before finally getting up to take a bath. 

When I looked up I saw Natsu watching me a grin on his face as he leaned in to kiss me. "Seeing you eat like this is breathtaking," he whispered. "You are beautiful." I kiss him back happy to have my mate by my side. 

"I didn't think I could ever be so happy in life until I met you," I tell him. I could feel my eyes begin to water as tears sprang up. "I truly love you Natsu." I pull him to me embracing him trying to somehow make him feel what I felt. 

I hear him chuckle a little, "Lucy I can hear and see your thoughts and feel your emotions, I love you too; never forget that." His arms wrapped around me in a tight embrace. We lay there naked under the sunlight feeding off only the sun and each other's love. "I have the bath ready, I don't want to let you go but I'm sure you don't want to smell like sex when you fight Erza," he chuckled again. "I can't wait to see everyone's face when you defeat her."

I sigh and nod my head releasing my hold on him a fraction and he picked me up and carried me the tub.