Chapter 19

Lucy's POV

It's time, I can feel as excitement courses through my body the sun shining bright on my skin. I changed out of my sandals for a simple pair of socks and sneakers. I won't give any unnecessary handicaps to myself. I'm going to be fighting Erza after all, the proud Titania, I swallow a little nervous. This is going to be my first true fight yeah I have gone on missions with Natsu and yeah I fought Flair but this is Erza. I will finally know how truly strong she is and honestly that thought had always terrified me before but now it was like I was a child opening a present on Christmas morning. I was full of excitement and anticipation.

"The winner is Gray of Fairy Tail! Better luck next time Lyon! Our next contestants will be Erza Scarlet, Titania, of Fairy Tail and Lucy Heartfilia, Heavenly Star, also of Fairy Tail! (A/N - Sorry I just had too! This is not canon I came up with it.) 

I walk out onto the field smiling waving at the crowds as they cheered for Erza and I. The referee started to announce the rules and I display the Fairy Tail signal for all of us. Every Fairy Tail member answered just as they had for Natsu. Including my opponent, Erza. I see Natsu in the stands and smile before turning around to face Erza and the now terrified referee who froze stopping his announcements. I walked over to Erza and held out my hand and she took it firmly.

"With honor!" she stated.

"The Fairy Tail way!" I answered and we walked apart and readied ourselves. I looked at the referee who jumped and quickly finished his announcements and yelled out "begin!" I called upon my Aquarius star dress as well as Loki. "Are you ready Loki?" I called out.

He smiled, putting his right hand over his heart, "Yes your majesty!" He bowed slightly and we took off into the air. 

"Heaven's wheel!" we hear Erza requiped into one of her strongest armors and swords and which was probably her best armor against me. 

I smile and see Loki doing the same. This was all going according to plan. I call forth Aries and Cancer they immediately go to their positions and as Loki and I run around Erza who was throwing blades toward us as we dodged and kept going. I call for Gemini who was already transformed into myself. They ran alongside me and I called forth Scorpio. 

I almost had her surrounded just a little more. Erza seemed to understand what I was planning and started into the air sending her swords in a wheel around kicking up dirt and dust as she did which only aided us as a smoke screen. "Taurus, Virgo, Sagittarius, Capricorn; now!" I call out feeling my magic draining from me calling out nine gold spirits. I reach my position and Erza is now in the middle of a 10 zodiac spirit circle. "Aquarius!" My key now re-formed thanks to Yukino's help. She appeared before me and together my spirits and I call "Unison raid!" The stadium lit up in a flash of light blinding any who stared for to long. When I felt the magic hit their mark I covered the field in my "Celestial arena!" I know that the same truck will not work on Erza that I used on Flair but it will keep her distracted as I finish my real spell. "Meteor shower!" under my breath I am still chanting. "Libra, Pisces" They go to their positions using the smoke and light to hide their movements. 

"Ophiuchus!" I scream having now called forth all 13 of the zodiac. Erza froze as did everyone in the crowd the only people who knew about me having all the keys was Yukino and Natsu. The only reason Yukino knew was because she is the one who gave them to me hoping that I could give them the life they wanted. The only reason I agreed was so that she could live in peace. Like she wanted, no more fighting or missions just to go home again.

The sky became black a look of astonishment on everyone faces and Erza actually looked afraid as her jaw dropped she was staring into the sky forgetting about me and no one having noticed I had already summoned Libra and Pisces they were still hidden in the debris from the unison raid.

"Urano Metria!" I called out no longer in Aquarius star dress I was now in the star dress of the Celestial King which was only available because I had all 13 zodiacs summoned. The dark material looked like it was made from night sky stars and all. A very short mini skirt edged in gold with what appeared to be a long skirt over top of it except it did not have sides only a front and back equipped with a golden belt, a sweet Milky Way color covered the various edges of my top and wrist and neck. There were no sleeves but it still had the arm guards and the straps of my top connected at the one around my neck leaving my back and shoulders bare. It was more like a frilly bikini top that was somehow also formal it did however show my stomach clearly. The back of my neck guard held more of the milky way fabric so sheer you almost wouldn't notice it. My hair up in a side ponytail held by more of the fabric with star like charms that hung low from it. 

Erza dodged most of my attack but was still badly wounded.

I held the stars in my hands as the dust finally settled and everyone's attention was back on me many gasping in disbelief and awe. My spirits bowed low to the ground resting at least one knee on the ground. Except for Ophiuchus who looked down from the heavens above waiting for a sign to strike. 

"Lucy, you have indeed become so very powerful." Erza said respect in her voice sweat on her face. "You know that I will not throw in the towel just from this show of power, yes?" I nod at her words smiling. 

"I want to see how truly powerful you are so do not hold back. I can take it," I called out to her. My smile still firmly planted on my face. "After all I have just summoned all 13 of the zodiac and called upon the Celestial King star dress for this fight. I wouldn't want all this to be for nothing." I see as Erza's eyes go wide as she looked around and saw that indeed there were 13 spirits surrounding her. 

"Fire empress armor!" She lunged at me sword in hand ready to take me down but I jump and using Aries pink wool levitated high above her, near Ophiuchus. "Heaven wheel!" She flew towards me trying to land a blow but ultimately she failed. I stepped off the pink wool and let myself fall towards her.

I lifted my arms to the heavens, "Holy Celestial Night rain down upon us and show your brilliant lights, let us feel the might of your beauty the brilliance of your flames. Show us the true meaning of the heavens. Heavenly Night!" My spell activated before she could so much as take a breath. My celestial arena only added to the terrifying power of this spell.

"Adamantine armor!" I hear Erza scream just before my attack landed. The shock waves throwing anyone not already sitting down several meters back and those that were sitting were thrown back only a couple rows.

I landed on another waiting pink wool platform that Aries had waiting for me and I waited. When the dust settled Erza was still breathing but could no longer stand. She looked at me and laughed. She laughed a good hearty laugh that seemed to drown out all other noises out. Making much of the audience start to panic. Erza laughed and laughed until tears slid from her one real eye. She finally stopped and looked at me, "I concede defeat!" And yelled out to the referee who then declared me the winner. 

I shut all of my spirits gates and undid my star dress walking over to Erza I held out my hand to help her up. The crowd is as silent as death itself until I pull Erza to her feet and we hold up the Fairy Tail sign together, we were met with the same from our friends and family. Many jump down onto the platform rushing us and Natsu picked me up on his shoulders again smiling like a loon. The crowd, realizing that it was actually safe, erupted into cheers of their own making all the dragon slayers and myself clamp down on our ears trying to soften the assault to our eardrums. Confetti and fireworks took to the sky even though there was another round of matches to go yet.

Mira and Master tried to announce that the second round of fights would start at 7 pm, after dinner, during which the stage would be repaired and more protective spells placed around the stage to guarantee a safe viewing experience. Then on the other side of the stage there was what felt like an earthquake that shook the ground and everyone above it. The Celestial King was here.

"Is everything alright Celestial King?" I asked jumping off of Natsu's shoulders running up to him. Giving a polite bow that reflected my own rank as Queen. He returned it with the same respect any King would give to a Queen.

"Yes my friend I just had to congratulate you on your rise in power. You have grown so very much!" His voice boomed shattering many people's very will to even stand. 

"Please Celestial King these are things that only a few know." I ask using tact to leave out the details that so many would have heard otherwise. 

"Of course, of course, I just had to give you a gift to celebrate!" He bowed again leaning down he held his hand out to me. I cautiously jump on it and Natsu was by my side which made the Celestial King laugh before he chanted.

"Sit tibi imperium esse diuturna cum fortuna, felix et sanus ac longa vita tua." Natsu and I heard it in our own language though; 'May your reign be long and prosperous, your life long, healthy and happy.'

We smiled bowing again thanking him for his gift of well wishes. He set us down and returned to the Celestial Realm. 

"Oh freaking Ccccoooolllll! Lucy Heartfilia, Heavenly Star of Fairy Tail, had not only won using amazing never before seen celestial magic she has even been recognized by the Celestial King! Who seems to be a personal friend of hers! Are you kidding me right now this amazing woman is so powerful she even has Kings bow to her in respect! Oh, what's that? She's single? Are you for real? You hear that fellas Miss Lucy Heartfilia is single! Soo coooooooool!"

Natsu and I both react growling with snarls on our faces that we quickly remove, "It's almost time." I growl and he nods his head putting a protective arm around my shoulder squeezing it gently.

I stopped listening to Jason as Natsu tugged me towards the exit. It's time to celebrate. "Let's eat!" He yells out to the guild before running off while still holding my hand bringing me with him. I love you Natsu.

We all get to the guild to find a great feast waiting for us all. There is even enough for all the dragon slayers which is kind of hard to believe. Natsu and I are sitting in our booth by the window drinking in the sunlight while we waited on our food. Sunlight through a window is not very filling and taste kind of bland. 

Natsu's POV

"Team Natsu let's go outside to eat!" I see Lucy's eyes light up and everyone cheers. We get outside and Lucy finds a couple lawn chairs by a table we could all sit at. Lucy and I take a chair each and everyone else gathers around the table. 

"Fuck so what do I have to do?" Gray asked hoping to get his torture done and over with. 

I smile and look up at him, "Popsicle breath it doesn't start until after the final match of the day so Lucy and your fight." Gray immediately started choking on his drink sputtering as he tried to breath. 

"What!?!" He was finally able to reply. 

"Your's and Lucy's fight." I repeated really slowly so he could catch on. 

"Why the fuck do I have to fight her?" He asked very stupidly if you ask me. 

"Gray you won your fight right?" Lucy asked him. He nodded and she smiled, "Then that means we are supposed to fight next unless they change who we are fighting again."

Mira walks up to us carrying our order putting it down on the table. "Nope we are not rearranging anyone again. We only did it last time because we found out someone tried to cheat." She smiled at us. 

Erza slammed a fist down on the table, "Who tried to cheat? They deserve to be squashed like the bugs that they are." Her eyes were crazy scary having just walked up to our table after Wendy treated her wounds. She was still limping but otherwise she seemed fine.

"Don't worry Master is still punishing them!" Mira giggled in response. Sometimes I have to wonder how I got myself surrounded by these hellish scary women. But then I look at Lucy and sigh grabbing her hand as we are with everyone. 

Honestly I had started to forget there was anyone there. Lucy was feeding me throwing bits of food into the air for me to catch with my mouth and even throwing the odd fireball to spice things up. I take some grapes and try to get her to eat them off the vine and when she does I do a little cheer making her blush. She puffs a little fire at me which I then eat. 

When she starts to laugh at my antics I take it as a sign to lean in and kiss her sweetly. I just want to cuddle her and hold her tight in my arms and whisper sweet nothings in her ear. Which I then start to do. I pull her to me wrapping my arms around her shoulders as she leaned into my chest. I kiss the top of her head and nibble on her ear making her giggle even more. 

We were lounging on the lawn chairs again when I decided; why not. I look Lucy in the eyes and see her own mischievousness looking back at me. "Star Dress Aquarius." She whispers and I give a low growl as she gets off me. I chased her by the pool and eventually tackle her in getting us both wet. When we reached the surface we were full of laughing and splashing at each other. 

Lucy's POV

Natsu has forgotten where we are but that's okay because we are safe here. I could feel as all the dragon slayers posted themselves into easily defendable positions around the guild and Wendy was even outside with us. I don't see her defending us but she would be able to alert us if something was coming. Natsu is being so lovey-dovey and I love it. I'm soaking it in as he feeds me grapes and as he gently nibbles on my ear.

I know when he starts to think about throwing me into the pool his body heat climbs whenever he is sexy playful like this. I eventually take a dive letting him tackle me into the deep end of the pool resurfacing laughing like the love sick couple we are. I mean it to we are love sick. We can't get enough of each other just being together helps so much. 

Occasionally like earlier today it feels like we can't get enough sex and other times like now all we want to do is play around. I had asked Natsu about it a little while ago and he said it was because dragons kind of go into heat even outside of mating season so that the couple could stay strong. I kind of like it, it keeps things interesting at the very worst.

I could however still hear what our friends were saying unlike Natsu;

Erza: "Wow look at them."

Mira: "I know isn't it adorable!"

Gray: "Why did I have to lose a bet to him? He's going to make me do something embarrassing. I just know it!

Juvia: "Gray-Sama lost a bet too?"

Gray: "Who did you lose a bet to? And what about?"

Juvia: "Juvia bet that Gray-Sama would win his match faster than Natsu did. It was to Lov- Juvia means Lucy." 

Gray: "That's the same bet flame brain and I made. What did you bet?"

Juvia: 10 hours of doing anything Lucy said after all the games tonight. Juvia is kind of happy Juvia lost the fight now so Juvia doesn't have to be tired tomorrow."

Gray: "That's the exact same bet we made. I have a bad feeling about this."

Mira: "Maybe they are going to make you do things to each other!" 

Gray: "Oh Mavis!"

Juvia: "What kind of things?"

Gray: "Don't worry about it. I'm sure it's nothing!" 

Mira and Erza laugh about it all as they watch Natsu and I flirt and play around. Suddenly I tackle Natsu switching very quickly and hard back into horny. I felt my body heat rising and Natsu feels it too. We literally attack each other getting the attention of our team. I pull him hard, my fingers laced in his hair as I devoured his lips. 

"Fuck me," Natsu moans quietly as he lifts me out of the water. I purr in response, our fire drying us off. 

"Natsu! Wendy is here!" Erza screamed coming forward with a dark aura surrounding her. Wendy steps in front of her stopping her in her tracks. "What?"

"He can't hear you right now, he won't notice you at all. In fact he hasn't noticed any of us for a couple hours now." Wendy told them somehow not stuttering at all even with her face the same color as Erza's hair. 

"What do you mean, he doesn't noticed us?" Everyone asked together. 

"Well Lucy still notices us but she still can't fight it. They are mates and it is normal for this to happen." 

"Hey pipsqueak, get out off here. I'll take over," Gajeel walks over taking up the door frame. 

"Thank you!" Wendy calls running off with Carla back to the dorm rooms. 

"What?" Gray asked. 

Gajeel glares at him and then cracks a smile. "Stripper, they are in heat." Mira drops the platter she was holding and it clatters on the ground. Natsu is still rubbing up against me his fingers dangerously close to undressing me. 

"Heat?" Mira whispers her fingers covering her mouth. 

"Yeah it's not always so severe like this, the first year is always the most extreme." he smiled again and Erza looks like she might have smoke coming out of her ears. Gray was paper white and silent, Juvia a glowing red blabbering and Levy who was behind Gajeel had walked up and heard everything and hid behind the door. I bit into Natsu's neck careful not to leave a mark but hard enough to get his attention.  I'm ever so quickly getting wet again. 

"Lucy still notices us?" Mira questioned him. 

He barely looks at us and my tongue is currently in Natsu's mouth. "Barely she is fighting but soon she won't notice at all." I moan aloud jumping into Natsu's arms wrapping my legs tightly around his hips, his hands gripping my thighs holding me steady. 

"Bed," I purr in his ear loud enough for them all to hear it. He growls seductively in response and switches my position to bridal style running home carrying me as I take in his scent purring loudly. I can still hear our friends. 

"Looks like she won her fight," Gajeel laughed out loud.

"What do you mean?" Erza questioned him. 

"A natural dragon slayer would have taken her mate right here in front of everybody but she was raised human so her instincts fight her whichever way you look at it. Salamander on the other hand will do anything bunny girl says in the way he thinks she means it." Gajeel continued to lecture them. 

"So if you take a mate?" Mira asked leaving the question open for him to finish. 

"The same," he huffed. "You might want to put Salamander's fight off a bit. It only just started but he shouldn't be long considering the shape they were this morning." 

That's it, I couldn't concentrate anymore Natsu was running up the stairs of our home and I was desperately trying to strip him as we went.