Chapter 21

Natsu's POV

Oh the things I could have Gray do and I have. But I have to be good if this works Lucy and I will have quite a bit more free time. I could see Gramps eyeing me and Lucy especially after Gajeel just kissed Levy seemingly out of nowhere. I grinned back at him which seemed to startle him. Then he realized what I was confirming his thoughts and he smiled too.

'He is probably thinking that the quicker his brats settle down the sooner he can relax.' Lucy said catching the exchange she kisses me before walking off to find Juvia.

'Yeah probably, but he definitely won't relax when it comes to us slayers though. We get super over active and protective especially when we have kids, blood or adopted.' I respond to her retreating form also using my mind.

'Let's get this going, I'm a bit hungry and once I'm fed, I want you.' I smile at the images she sent me.

"Gray!" I said a little too loud making him jump in surprise. "I want you to hold Juvia's hand the next time she walks by." I smile wickedly at him.

"What! Why?" he paled as he realised I was serious.

I grin real big and sling an arm around his head and whispered in his ear, "Because we both know you like her a lot."

He shivered and tried to shrug me off, "I don't know..." he looked at the dark aura I was emitting stopping his protest. "It's not like she actually likes me she just..." He stopped again paling even more when he looked at me.

"Let's just say I know without a doubt that she truly likes you and if she leans on your shoulder after YOU grab her hand, I want you to kiss her as if it was your last chance to ever let her know how you feel." I growl in his ear.

"What-" He starts.

I cut him off, "Because if you don't I'll make sure you don't get another chance. Lyon is not afraid of his feelings for her and I can see her being whittled down everytime he comes around. You will lose her and it will be no one's fault but your own." I could feel as every slayer in the room aside from Wendy heard what I said. I was sure to lace my words with desire so I could trick her censor headset, so she wouldn't have to hear what I said.

"You wouldn't!" he growled ripping away from me.

"By what I've seen it will only take another two or three times of them getting together. But I wonder what would happen if she took a mission with him?" I ask him knowing exactly how it made him feel.

"She wouldn't go on a mission with him." he spat back at me.

I raise an eyebrow at him, "Even if Lucy tells her to during these 10 hours?" I saw him pale as if his very ghost left his body. "I tell you what, you don't have to kiss her. Just do exactly what you want and we will see if Lyon can do better." I nodded my head towards the man walking into the guild for Gray to see, it was Lyon. I hadn't invited him but his timing was to fucking perfect not to use.

Gray was paper white and as if on cue Juvia came towards us about to walk by just like Lucy told her, without looking at Gray and walking towards Lyon. Unlike Gray, Juvia was aware that this was a test to see if he could actually have any feelings for her. She knew what we were doing and that if things worked the way we wanted she would finally have her Gray-sama.

It looked like he was going to let her go when, "Wait!" Gray called out grabbing her hand. I fought to hide my grin when Juvia immediately leaned into his chest sighing happily, not expecting anything else.

Gray lifted her chin up with his fingers so that she faced him. "Juvia what do you think of me? Don't gush like you normally do just, seriously, please tell me. How do you actually feel?" I'm a little impressed by how seriously he is taking this and continue to watch discreetly for Juvia's benefit.

"Gray-sama... Juvia loves you, being next to Gray-sama is all Juvia could ever want." I hear when she swallows unsure of what was going on at the moment.

"Why?" he asked her.

"Gray-sama is the first person to ever treat Juvia as a person. Gray-sama has shown Juvia kindness even when Juvia was an enemy, a horrible enemy." Her eyes shadowed over; she seemed to shake it off, she continued. "Gray-sama, Juvia has seen the darkness and pain even in Gray-sama's eyes and yet Gray-sama still shows kindness to everyone. Juvia admires Gray-sama so very much. Even if Gray-sama doesn't want Juvia, Juvia will always admire Gray-sama even after Juvia moves on." Most of the time the way she talks kind of gives me a headache but I ignore it for now. She is unaware of what all I said to Gray so what she just said was like icing on the cake.

Gray is looking deep in her eyes forgetting where he is, "Do you really mean that?" he whispers.

"Of course Juvia-" she gets cut off as he pulls her in for a rough kiss. Shocked she freezes and then when he starts to pull away, probably afraid he hurt her, she kisses him in return, pulling him back in.

I walk away and look up at Gramps and winked at him. He smiles and motions for me to come up to the railing with him. I do and Lucy meets me up there and I sit next to him pulling Lucy into my lap snuggling into her kissing along the back of her neck.

"So did you two do that? he motions to Gajeel and Levy who were talking while Levy was sitting on his lap occasionally they would kiss each other much to the rest of team Shadow gear's disappointment. Lucy nods smiling at them.

"A bit of teamwork," I say as I nibble on Lucy's earlobe making her squirm a little.

"And that?" this time he is pointing to Gray and Juvia who were still kissing like the world was about to end, a very heartbroken Lyon walking away.

I give Master my signature grin that Lucy loves so much, "Oh yeah, he almost lost her I'm sure of it. We just saved them both a bunch of heartache."

Master looks me up and down for a few minutes and sighs, "I don't know whether to thank you or scold you for meddling." he takes another swig of his beer and smiles. "Let's just say what's done is done."

I nod before nipping at my mate again, she purrs in response to my affection making me want to kiss on her more. I behave if only barely knowing Lucy doesn't want too much attention.

"I'm just glad I was able to find a pair of those censoring headphones for Wendy. I even got a pair for Asuka. Assuming her parents want her to have them of course," Lucy sighed leaning into my arms. She was still cool to the touch to me I don't really understand it because Happy tells me she is just as warm when she holds him as I when I do. I nuzzle her neck a little reminding her that I'm still here, as if she could forget she was sitting in my lap.

"Give them to me, I'll make sure they get to her," Master tells her she nods and does just that.

She then leans back into me again sighing, "I love you." she turned her head kissing me softly before cuddling into my arms, content to watch our friends goofing off nearby.

"You know tomorrow is the last day of the tournament?" Master asked us.

"Yep and Luce and I will be fighting each other, this is going to be legendary!" I laugh out loud. Many people stopped having heard what we we're talking about and listened in intently.

"Do we need to add extra security spells to the arena?" Master sighed out worried about the answer.

"That's not a bad idea actually. If Freed and Levy would go out with me now I can help set it up tonight and then it won't affect our match," Lucy smiled.

I groan, "I thought you said you were hungry?" l lifted an eyebrow letting her know it was not the food I was worried about.

She giggled in response, "Natsu it won't take that long!" I started nuzzling her neck and nipping every now and again whimpering as I did.

"Brats," We heard Gramps mumble under his breath before taking a swig. I stuck my tongue out at him before nibbling on Lucy's ear. Still trying to get her to change her mind.

"Natsu." her normally playful tone absent sent a chill down my spine, I froze. I slowly released my grip on her and she stood up and walked away. I watched her until she left with Freed and Levi much to Gajeel's and Thunder Legends dismay.

"Damn," I groan and slumped back in my chair. Frustrated I just sit there because Mavis knows I can't stand up yet, not with my obvious boner.

"Natsu, what are you doing?" Gramps asked me, I could hear the confusion in his voice.

"I'm trying not to piss her off, I love her. I don't want to die." I groan looking up giving him a small grin with that last part.

"Salamander, I don't think that's what he means," Gajeel said walking up. I look at them both confused. "He wants to know why you are playing matchmaker," he groaned.

"Good question," Erza agreed appearing out of nowhere. 'Oh shit something is wrong, Lucy!'

'Sorry, but Natsu you can handle this.' she responded with her mind.

"But I don't want too," I whined out loud. That earned me several confused looks from Gramps, Gajeel and Erza. "Luce," I answered their unspoken questions.

'Just take Master into the office and put up a silence barrier, or you can just sleep outside,' she sighs which is weird to do with your mind but whatever.

I jump up and grab Gramps dragging him to his office, "No! No, Luce that's okay I'll tell him!" I said out loud. Gramps just kind of smirks and let's me drag him to the office and Erza and Gajeel seem peeved being left behind but remain silent.

When I get to the office I put Gramps on his chair closed the door behind me recited the silence spell and turn around to face him.

"Well that is a new one," he remarks after examining the spell and nodding his head approvingly before turning to face me. "So what did she tell you to do?"

"To tell you or sleep outside," I flinched as Lucy yelled at me for being an idiot.

"She can hear you still?" he questioned me noticing the flinch.

"Sorry, when we mated our minds kind of became linked so we can hear each other's thoughts, I don't know how far away we can be though, this is the furthest we have been since we..." Lucy wants me to tell him so I figure I should tell him whatever he asked. Which the thought seemed to make Lucy happy.

He nodded, "How strange. So what did you need to tell me?"

I shrugged, "Whatever you want to know, I guess."

"Why are you setting your comrades up?"

"So they can be happy," I smile this would be easier than I thought.

"No other reason?" I shake my head no at his question. "What do you know about the Wraith?"

"Only that it wanted my mate," I could feel my rage bubble within me.

"How do you know that?" he seemed puzzled.

"Luce said that they always come for her. She has never destroyed one before though. So she hopes that means that was the only one and she doesn't have to worry about it anymore."

"They have come for her before?" he seemed to think that was impossible.

"Yeah, apparently her old ancestor, even older than Anna even, made an enemy of a dark mage, and sent one after her family. As you can guess it never got them all. Always searching for them, Anna created a spell that would confuse them and effectively hide them from the Wraiths." I growled, now quite upset by the story. "But it's over now that Luce turned it to ash."

Gramps nodded and then asked, "What are your plans tomorrow?"

I smile real big at him, "To fight my mate."

He groaned, "Are you going to let her win?" Confused I just look at him, He sighed, "Are you going to lose on purpose?"

"I understood what you were saying but Gramps I don't understand why?"

"You love her?"

"Of course, but I also respect her and trust her. She would hate me if I threw the fight," I feel a little bit hurt at the thought of doing something so underhanded.

Gramps just looked at me and smiled really big, "Sometimes you surprise me with how right you are." Then he started laughing and after a moment I joined in. We finally left the office and Lucy was only just walking in the door. I jumped over the railing running to her unable to wait to hold her in my arms again. I sweep her up and kiss her spinning us around.

"Natsu let's go home," she purred to me. Then her scent hit me. I continue to carry her out the door. I give Happy a look and he turned back to Wendy and Carla as Lucy and I left.