Chapter 22

Lucy's POV

Today, the final round of matches, unlike the rest of the week we were fighting our opponents in the morning. Natsu fights Gildarts and won much to the guilds general disbelief and I fought MiraJane. So that only left Natsu and I. Honestly Mira just kind of putting on a good show and revealed a lot of skin. Which drove the men in the crowd absolutely fucking nuts. Gildarts and Natsu's fight to me seemed like they were just playing around until Gildarts got distracted and fell out of bounds. I highly doubt it was an accident but whatever.

We broke for lunch and the final fight would start at 4. Somehow Natsu and I kept getting pulled away from each other to do different things which frustrated us both immensely. I was with Erza who was currently eating a damn strawberry cake. She continued to eat the cake cheerfully. It was like she didn't know what fear was; my dark aura had the entire cafe empty and she just couldn't seem to care less.

"Why are we here again?" I asked her darkly. 

"Because you're the only person I can trust to give me your honest opinion," she responded wiping her face all delicate like she hadn't just acted like a child while eating it. 

"My opinion on what?" My tone was still flat, I was unimpressed so far and not to sure if she was telling the truth.

She froze up and started twiddling with her hair. That got my attention, my dark mood dropped for a moment as I watched her. I couldn't help the smile that spread across my face. 

"This is about Jellal isn't it?" I ask her my voice sweet and cheerful again as I asked her. She jumped a little and smiled shyly nodding. 

"Fucking yes it's about time!" I yelled out catching the attention of the others who seemed relieved that I was in a better mood as now people started filtering in. 

"What's that mean?" she asked visibly startled. 

"Exactly what I said now," I lean across the table waving getting the waitress attention holding up three fingers and pointing at the strawberry cheesecake. She nodded and hurried off with my order. I turned my attention back to Erza. "What point are you two at and what still needs to be done?"

Poor Erza was just as red as her hair and started stuttering a little, "I-I-I don't know what you mean!" she whisper yelled in response. 

"Gotcha," I say out loud winking at her. Then with my mind I spoke to Natsu who was clear across town. 'Natsu did you catch that?' 

'Of course I did, Jellal can't seem to stop dancing around the issue either!' he groaned. 'What if we set them up somehow?'

I'm still smiling happily when the waitress arrives with three strawberry cheesecakes. "Can I also get another five blueberry cheesecakes?" I smile sweetly at her. 

"Of course right away!" she smiled happily. Now that my dark mood is gone many of the tables were packed and almost everyone had been asking to sit closer to Erza and myself having seen our fight and then to see us eating like old friends was a wonder to them. I had of course cast a silence charm around us so that other people couldn't hear us. Natsu of course being the only exception.

I smile as I scoot one of the strawberry cheesecakes toward Erza. "So tell me, what would be your dream first date be?" My finger still on the cake dish. 

She gulped nervously and nodded conceding defeat yet again. I smiled sweetly and released the dish. "Well honestly fireworks and maybe some star gazing. A festival would be nice though." she sighed dreamily eating her cake slowly this time. The waitress arrived with my blueberry cakes I thanked her and asked if I could go ahead and pay because we might be in a rush later. She agreed and I paid for all the food not just what I was currently using to bribe Erza and my own. For some reason I have the oddest craving for blueberries lately. 

'Natsu?' I asked him unbeknownst to Erza. 

'I heard, there is supposed to be a small festival after our match but no fireworks. That the two of us could easily fix. But how to get them to go out together?' he muttered. 

I frown, "Erza's would it be easier if it was a bet like how we did Gray and Juvia?" 

She shook her head no, "I wouldn't want there to be any question on why we were going out." I want to groan of course, prim and proper Erza. I decide to listen in on Natsu and Jellal while enjoying my blueberry cake ignoring the strawberry ones much to Erza disappointment. 

"So Jellal, if you could go on a date with Erza what would you do?" Natsu asked him much to my enjoyment he started choking on his drink. 

"What are you talking about? Who said anything about-?" Jellal tried to defend but Natsu interrupted him.

"Yeah, yeah no one is saying that, I'm just asking what if, you know?" Natsu tried to reassure him. 

Jellal didn't seem to believe him, but seemed to decide it was okay. Thankfully he was completely unaware of Natsu and my meddling with Gray and Juvia or Levy and Gajeel. "Well, I guess it's kind of cliche but maybe a festival with a great view of the fireworks. I would love to watch her eyes light up from that." he sighed and then quickly added, "That is if I liked her, you know what I mean." 

I could feel as Natsu and I roll our eyes at the same time. I cover it up to Erza by sliding another cake towards her. Myself working on my third blueberry one.

"I hear there is a small festival tonight, if you want Luce and I could arrange some fireworks?" he sighed as if he were bored.

"Yeah that would be nice. I mean wait. What?" I choke on a bite of blueberry cheesecake and Erza is about to send me flying when I shake me head no I was fine. 

"You should eat slower, I can't have you getting hurt!" Erza yelled my silence spell had faltered and the rest of the customers saw me choking with Erza lecturing me. 

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry. It just went down the wrong is all," I finally say. I could hear several people start to whisper about how we were getting along and several chuckling. "Erza you need to eat this there is no way I can right now as you can see," I feign exhaustion dramatically motioning towards the last strawberry cheesecake. 

She simply laughs and so do I as we eat the last of our food. I don't put the spell back up because of the attention we now had. We talked about different missions we have been on together. 

"Oh my Mavis, do you remember our first real mission together?" I asked her as we laughed drinking our milkshakes. 

"Do you mean the one with lullaby?" she asked me.

"Yeah that's the one! I used to be so afraid of you." I laughed with her. 

"Afraid of me? Why?" she asked a little startled. 

"I watched you knock out Natsu on the train as if it were an everyday task like brushing your teeth! Why wouldn't I be afraid of you?" I continued to laugh. 

"I guess I can understand that," she laughed scratching her forehead gently. 

I could still hear the whispers of those around us most startled that we were actually good friends and had quite a bit of history together, "I guess that's Fairy Tail for you!" I heard a random person laugh. 

Good now everyone isn't quite attached to our conversation. I lean forward and whisper, "There is a small festival tonight after my match." she starts to turn red and gulps. "Why don't you go with me and we could accidentally meet him?" I tap my nose trying to imply that I could find him easily. 

She nodded her head, "Okay, that sounds nice."

"Great then it's settled! Meet me at the guild about an hour before the festival and come dressed in your prettiest outfit. I'll do your makeup!" I cheered getting more attention but now I don't care.

We were leaving the cafe and I waved to our waitress to let her know. she smiled happily and called out to, "please come again."

We were walking in happy silence as I continued to listen to Natsu. "Great it's settled make sure to dress up or it will upset her," I could almost see him lean in all scary like, "And you wouldn't want to upset her tight?" 

"No!" came his nervous reply.

"Good! Then meet me and Luce at the Farris wheel first thing after the festival starts and don't be late." Natsu got up and stretched. "Now thanks to you guys, I didn't get to spend any time with her before our fight. You have to take responsibility for keeping the crowd safe now," he groaned. "Now we are going to be all pent up," Thanks a lot." he grumbled.

I couldn't help laughing out loud, Erza stares at me until I answer. "Natsu, he was just lecturing the guys for preventing us from being together before our match. He's telling them that they have to take responsibility by keeping everyone safe now." 

"I see, that goes for me as well. I apologise you may hit me for my transgression," she bowed towards me. 

I hold up my hands in surrender, "No, no it's alright. Just help keep people safe so Natsu and I can concentrate will be more than enough!" 

"As you wish then," she smiled back and we resumed walking. It's 3:45pm maybe I could still get a kiss? 

"Luce!" I hear and see Natsu running towards us and I shake my head no. Almost but still not yet. He visibly deflates but we high five anyway, much to the surprise of the onlookers at the stadium. 

"Now it's that time everyone's been waiting for! The match between our two finalist Natsu Dragneel, the Salamander of Fairy Tail and Lucy Heartfilia, Heavenly Star of Fairy Tail!" Jason announces screaming into the mic "Ccccoooolllll!" 

Natsu's POV

I can't help getting irritated at the way Jason keeps going on about Lucy. I feel my fire flair up in anger and Gramps walks up taking the mic, I smile and nod to him. It's finally time! I can smell Lucy getting excited too. Fuck Luce, I'm starting to want to put the match off but I shake the thought out of my head. 

"Slight correction," Master announces as Luce and I walked towards the center of the arena towards each other. "This fight is between Natsu Dragneel the, as you say, Salamander of Fairy Tail and Fairy Tail's Heavenly Star, Lucy Dragneel." The whole stadium erupts into chaos as people screamed "What!?!" Luce and I just reached each other and instead of shaking hands like the other contestants I cradle her face in my hands. 

"I love you, Luce." I whisper pulling her close. 

"I love you too Natsu." She wraps her arms around my neck pulling me the rest of the way, kissing me gently. The fire that ignited around us too good to be true. Our words were too soft for anyone to hear aside from the slayers and even Wendy was cooing over how cute we were being. 

I embrace her one last time before we release each other. "Are you ready?" I ask her starting to feel the blood pumping in my veins. 

"Oh yes," she purred as we walked back to our starting positions raising the Fairy Tail signal to each other as the rest of Fairy Tail stood up and returned it. 

"Oh yes and they are also the Dragon Queen and King, so please be sure to utilize the fire blankets we have been handing out all day, thank you for your attention in this matter." Gramps walked away from a stunned Jason and crowd.

"What? Lucy Heartfilia is now Lucy Dragneel? Furthermore she is a Queen? When did Natsu Dragneel become a King? When did all this happen? Why?" Jason screamed near tears from being so far outside of the loop. 

The dragon slayers approached him and when Jason turned around he had six very angry dragon slayers surrounding him. 

Gajeel stepped forward first with Wendy beside him, "We would like for you to stop sexualizing everything you say about our Queen. Now." His voice low carried well to the mic broadcasting to the whole stadium. 

Wendy stepped forward, "Don't you know this is a family event? There are children here!" she scolded him. 

Sting and Rogue glared at him before Sting growled, "Our Queen is really none of your business." Eric glared at him making Jason turn white when he emitted the smallest trace of poison from his lips. Laxus just let a spark of electricity cover his body flexing his power a little.

"I'm sorry of course, family event." He gulped nervously and watched as they each used their dragon force to reach the Fairy Tail stand, Sting and Rogue just beside it with the rest of Sabertooth. 

"Oh yes that reminds me," Gramps seemed to pop out of nowhere making Jason piss himself a little, much to my amusement. Gramps smirked and announced, "Sabertooth is now officially a part of Fairy Tail let's fix your guild marks shall we." He uttered a short spell and all of Sabertooth's members marks glowed transforming them into the Fairy Tail insignia. "Now that I got the paperwork back from the magic council finally, Natsu, Lucy." he called down to us. We looked up at him ready for what's next. "The Fairy Tail way!" he now punched his own hand in the sky with the Fairy Tail signal and all of Fairy Tail even the new members from Sabertooth followed suit. As Lucy and I returned the salute.

"Now let the match begin!" He announced disregarding the referee Luce and I jump into the air.