Chapter 24

Natsu's POV

I know that Luce and I have been gone for a little while now, but as I watch her smooth skin rise and fall laying under me I can't help but stare at her. The sun now setting was casting a warm glow upon her hair making it look like it was lighting up like fire. I graze my fingers along her arms watching as the goosebumps shivered under the lightest of touches. She is mine. I sigh pulling her into my arms well aware that we would have to leave soon to prepare for the festival, but for now I just needed to fill her more. Somehow make her feel the love that I feel for her as I pull her aching body against my own.

Lucy's POV

I love being able to feel Natsu's sweet thoughts embrace me. Along with his arms the feeling really has nothing to be compared to, knowing that he loves me so wholeheartedly warms my heart. I bask in his warmth letting it fill me with the happiness I have so long been denied.

I growl at him and he flips me over pressing his lips to mine, I eagerly deepen the kiss. Feeling almost sated when he pulls away. He mummers something about how beautiful I am, his lips grazing against mine as he spoke. 

"What?" I ask my mind blurring as I thrust my hips into his making him groan as I feel him enter me again.

"Hhhmmmmm?" he moaned forgetting about whatever we were talking about. He kissed me, our tongues danced together as our bodies moved together. 

He thrusted into me making me call out, "N-Nat-sssuuuuuu!" I couldn't stop as my hunger drove me deeper into our little world of two. 

Natsu's POV

I loved making Luce scream my name. It was a guilty pleasure I enjoyed far too little of in my opinion. I'm laying on my back as she rides me her back is arched leaving her breast well within my reach. I nip at one suckling it, the other between my fingers as I make her moan and scream my name. 

Finally not being able to take this slow pace, I throw her down on the mattress. I slammed into her sweet heat again and again our matching moans creating a melody that only seemed to drive us onwards. Another hour passes us by before I feel her contracting around me. I try to hold on just a little longer but the harder I try not to cum the more painfully aware I am of every little detail. 

The way her hips have arched into mine, her legs clamped onto me preventing me from pulling away, the way her voice kept rising as she screamed my name, the look on her face as she screamed for me, and of how sweet and delicious she smells. I kiss her thrusting my tongue deep into her mouth swallowing her screams as I finally could take no more. I cum pulling her hips into me refusing to let them down, I cum as I keep thrusting into her. Knowing that my cum is filling her, I keep going. 

I don't know at what point our kiss broke apart but at some point I feel as Luce bites down on my mark, hard. Releasing another whole new wave of pleasure through me as I call out to her. Fuck me, when did this become so fucking good? Her hot core surrounding me, I thrust just one more time before I break down, collapsing into her waiting arms. 

Lucy's POV

Fuck yes! I needed that so badly, to feel Natsu fill me with everything he had. I could still feel him pulsing inside of me. My frustrations all forgotten as I held him in my arms. For fucks sake he passed out on top of me again. We needed to do this more. 

"Lucy?" I hear someone call for me. Wait what? I concentrate and find that Erza is talking to herself? Maybe?

"Lucy? Don't forget to meet me at the guild in an hour. I'll be waiting for you." Erza repeated herself twice more before stopping. 

Why did I have to tell her that we could hear them from so far away? "Arg!" I groan as I plop back causing Natsu to stir in my arms. I froze and then gently lifted his face towards mine again. "I love you," I whisper before kissing him gently on the lips again. 

Unfortunately I did need to be reminded of the time. I pulled Natsu out of me, sadly, and rolled him over next to me. I want to just jump on him again but I know I would break my promise to Erza if I did. Regardless of all the changes to my magic I am still a celestial spirit mage and as such I have to keep my promises. 

I silently climb out of bed and take a quick hot shower before getting myself ready. I was just having Cancer do my hair when Natsu leaned on the door frame peeking in. I smile at him, "Hello sleepyhead. Did you sleep well?" I giggled a little as Cancer finished my hair and returned to the celestial realm. 

Natsu decided to stop hiding behind the door frame now that he was gone and he was still naked sporting his boner at full attention. I licked my lips at the sight and glanced at the clock behind him. I only have 10 minutes before I have to leave. I groan as I felt myself heat up. 

Natsu took a deep breath and smiled back at me. "We've never done it in that short of a time frame before," He walked up closer and bent down purring into my ear, "But I can try not to mess up your hair again."

Before I knew what was going on I had my back against the door frame and my legs around Natsu as he slowly slid himself in hissing as he did. "5 minutes of fun and 5 minutes to clean up," he moaned before he started thrusting again. Then as if thinking better of it he stopped and grinned at me. He pulled out and sank to his knees and he kissed me thrusting his tongue deep into my core as he did. 

"N-NAT-SSSUUUUUU!" my voice rang out at the unexpected turn. My climax already building as he worked his tongue occasionally thrusting his fingers into me as he did. "N-Nat-sssuuuuuu, please?" I finally moan out and I feel as he pulls away pulling me up onto his hips as he thrusted into me again. It didn't take long for my orgasm to hit and he came deep inside of me again. Pushing his throbbing dick as far as he could, my legs pinned up above his shoulders. I felt my body shake as I took him in. 

He glanced up at the clock and grins. "Two minutes to clean up," before letting one of my legs down he sank to his knees again licking me clean pushing his tongue deep inside to get every drop. "There," he moans pulling away leaving me panting. 

"What?" I manage. 

"Your all clean even I can barely smell your lust, for now anyway." he gives me that big goofy wonderful grin of his again. "And I didn't mess up your hair or make-up, I think I win a prize," he purred before adding, "After the festival of course." I nod only too happy to lock ourselves away again for several more weeks if I could. 

"Good, I'll meet you at the ferris wheel with the others. If tonight goes well all of us are going to be disappearing for a little while," I can't help smiling at his comment. Who knew we would get so excited about our friends getting laid?

I kiss him gently before turning towards the door only to feel him still holding onto my yukata. I turn back and give him another light kiss before running towards the window. 

"Celestial wings," and I flew to the guild to make up for the lost time. 

Natsu's POV

Fuck me, how is Luce so amazing? Even as I say that we will meet later I couldn't release my hold on her. Not until she kissed me again and gently pried my fingers away herself. I watched as she flew away, so much for not messing up her hair, then again it was up in a tight braided bun so maybe it will be fine? I turn back to the bathroom and start a shower, time for me to get ready too. 

Lucy's POV

I was just landing when I saw Erza running up to me wearing a yukata of her own her hair and make-up a mess. I showed her inside and I really shouldn't have been surprised to see Levy and Juvia there as well with their hair and makeup a mess. 

"Open gate of the crab, Cancer!" I look to him and motioned to the others, "Can you help me get them ready?" 

"Of course, ebi ebi, your majesty!" he did a quick bow before taking the two bluenettes and started working his magic on their hair and makeup. 

I took Erza and cleaned her face and did her make-up. Cancer of course finished with both Levy and Juvia and came over to fix Erza's hair for me. 

My Queen your hair, shall I fix it? ebi ebi." Cancer asked me. 

Subconsciously I reached up to touch it, "Is it a mess?" I ask him worried Natsu was rougher than I thought. 

"Just a few stands came loose, probably happened while walking here, ebi ebi." He replied. I nodded my head and he fixed it before returning to the celestial realm. 

"So are you girls ready to get laid?" I asked them getting horrified looks in return. I couldn't stop myself from laughing. 

"Lucy!" All three of them yelled at me. 

I held up my hands in surrender. "To be fair the only one that might not is Erza and only if she tells poor Jellal no." I sigh out and clamped a hand on my mouth as if I had let some huge secret out. 

"What!?!" All three of them yelled out again as I grinned at them. 

"Levy, Gajeel is waiting patiently for you so there is no rush. But keep in mind that everyday that passes you will feel an overwhelming urge to somehow make up for it." I said waving off her argument. "Yes I know, why do you think Natsu and I are so horny all the time?" she didn't try to answer me.

I turned to Juvia, "Can you really say that if Gray were to ask you to be his that you would say no?" She turned a light shade of red unable to answer me. 

I look back to Erza, "You deserve happiness just as much as the rest of us. You both do, so don't worry about silly things. If he somehow gets the balls to ask you to marry him say yes and make him moan your name at least until sunrise." Erza Scarlett was just as red as her scarlett hair. She kept mumbling the word "Marry?" to herself before suddenly her back straightened and she looked back up into my eyes. 

"I see, thank you for the advice. I will take it under advisement," her words said that but her scent however said 'Jellal come fuck me.' I didn't bring it up though. The only reason I was so straight forward with them was the fact that they all smelled of desire and it was making it hard for me to keep the will to set off the fireworks later with Natsu anywhere other than the bedroom. 

"Fuck it all, we are all horny. There's no reason for us to deny it." I moan remembering the feel of Natsu inside of me.

"Lucy!" They all yelled at me again. 

"Don't deny it, I can smell it on all of you." I groan and I got a bit of a wicked thought. I stood up and walked over to Levy and whispered in her ear turning her away from the other two. "Gajeel is a dragon slayer, you did read the entire book right?" I asked her really low as I gently caressed her breast. 

"What are you-? Yeah I did why-?" she couldn't stop her stuttering as I gently played with her. 

I gently pinched one and gave her a slight kisses on her ear as I spoke against her skin. "Are you sure you don't need to read it again?" I purr. She nodded either too afraid to speak or enjoying it far to much to try. "Okay then I'll leave you alone then," I moan out loud where only she could hear me. I couldn't stop the smirk that appeared in my face as I listened to her light pants and her heart hammering inside her chest. 

I walk away as Levy is still trying to compose herself failing miserably as I could smell her heat pooling around her. Juvia had walked away from Erza trying to compose herself as I walked up behind her I put my arms around her shoulders and started twirling her hair with my fingers. 

She started blushing cutely and stammering, "L-L-Lucy?" 

I purred in her ear, You know Gray is going to have ice cold hands right?" I released her hair and slid my hands down her shoulders stopping at her collarbone. I summoned a little bit of cold from Neptune's Trident. I felt as the spell took shape leaving a trident made of ice in my hands until I released it. Letting it melt on Juvia. I heard her gasp as the ice cold water absorbed into her, her arousal skyrocketing as the last drops slowly slid from my fingertips landing on her.

My now ice cold hands slowly caressing her breast as I had done to Levy the difference being that Juvia could feel every bit of it because her body was literally made of water. I slid an icy finger up along the side of her face. "Don't you?" I asked her now that the scent of her arousal filled the air around us. I released her and walked towards Erza who was still alone as Levy was trying not to look anyone in the eye and Juvia was currently a glowing beacon. 

"So Erza," I whisper like it's a big secret. "What are you into? Do you want him to dominate you? Or do you want to dominate him?" She was immediately red faced with me asking about him being the dominant. "That really is something you will have to talk to him about." I whisper, "You'll need a safe word. After all unlike dragons slayers you can't read each other's minds, to know what feels good and how far is far enough." I leaned in and licked along her ear causing her to let out a small eek of surprise. Her scent already potent, before starting overwhelming me. "Careful now, or you'll make me grab Natsu and never come back," I purr in her ear. "Your desire is overwhelming."

I stood back up and walk to the center of the three women. All of their scents so overpoweringly strong that I would be extremely surprised if any of them made it to the fireworks. 

"Alright let's go!" I yell out like I hadn't just made them all overly aware of their current state. I grab Levy and Juvia by the arm and start marching them to the door of the guild; Erza dutifully following behind me.