Chapter 25

Natsu's POV

Fuck just listening to Luce as she exposed all if their weaknesses had me yearning for her whispers and touches myself. Ice? Maybe that's not a bad idea we could try, but for us fire would probably be better anyway. After all Luce had Juvia moaning out with the tiniest touches. Fuck, fuck fuck fuck fuck. 

"FUCK ME!" I groan much to the guys surprise. I then plop down on the nearest bench and try to pull myself together. 

Gajeel, Gray and Jellal just look at me like I'm crazy. Let's be honest I totally am right now. "Luce, your a Demon." I say so that they can all hear me. Lucy just giggled at me not bothering to reply. 

"What happened?" Gray asked like the fucking idiot that he was. 

I glared at him and decided to play around a little bit, but nowhere near the level Lucy did, dear Mavis! "Luce is talking dirty and it is driving me mad," I hissed trying to rein myself in.

"Oh," he coughed and then looked at me seriously. "Does she do that a lot?" I nod my head waiting for the next question as I hung my head trying to get control of the boner I was barely concealing. 

"If she does it a lot then why is it affecting you so much?" Jellal is actually the one who asked, that kind of surprised me, honestly. 

I look up seeing all three of them looking at me seriously. I groan a little, honestly it was probably closer to a moan, before replying. "Because normally we are in bed, about to be in bed, generally touching each other, or teasing me about going to bed." Then I glared at them before adding, "Not listening to her, across town mind you, as she feels up Levy and Juvia's breast purring in their ears about all the things you two could be doing to them later tonight." 

That got their attention, I have Gajeel and Gray's focus now. I decided to go on, "She even summoned Neptune's Trident and let it melt over Juvia as she purred about your fucking hands being cold and if she was ready/willing to receive your icy attention." I glared at Gray like it was his fault. "Giving me many ideas for later," I mumble loud enough for them to barely hear. 

"Poor Levy though she could probably use some ice after your done with her tonight Gajeel" I groaned again shifting a bit. "Luce didn't let them clean up and they are coming here drenched in their own arousal. Your nose very well may be the end of you two." I looked up, he is fully red now as I could tell her scent was starting to drift where he could smell it too. Then I looked at Jellal and shook my head in pity. 

"What?" he finally asked not being able to take the silence, he looked like he was afraid to hear what was said about him.

I stood up and whispered in his ear, "I hope you're more demanding in the bedroom than outside of it. Apparently that is what Erza's wants." I lowered my voice again to make sure that Gray couldn't hear me, "Start slow and work your way up and she probably will never stop."

I look up at them all red faced before adding, "I hope you all have good stamina if they have half of what Luce does." 

"Natsu!" I hear Lucy call from down the street. I stand up comfortable again and wave to her. Letting out a slight purr at the sight of my mate. Making the men around me even more uncomfortable. 

"Time for the ferris wheel huh?" I ask in a normal tone of voice as if I had not just told these three men that their dates wanted to jump their bones. They all groaned a little. 

"Oh and Gajeel?" I turn to him before we were within hearing distance. He turned to me listening. "If you hurt Levy you do realize that Luce will kill you and I will have to help her bury your body, right?" I said it with a cheerful tone which seemed to scare all three men, he nodded. 

I turned to my mate who ran the rest of the way jumping into my arms kissing me like we hadn't seen each other in months not a couple of hours. I twirled us around much to Lucy's delight. 

She stopped for a moment and glanced at Gajeel, "he is right you know?" Which made him visibly shiver and nodded his head. "Good" then she turns back to me and whispers just high enough the guys could barely hear her but the ladies who were still walking a ways off could not. "When we get home I'll show you the ideas I came up with." her purrs like music to my ears. 

"Maybe we could disappear for a while before then?" I moan in response praying she said yes. 

"If things go really well, but we have to be back to set off the fireworks." Her purrs, I could see were affecting the other guys which caused me to glare at them and stand defensively between her and them. They each took a very large step back.

Lucy's POV

It was a little fun teasing the boys about things they might be able to do later if they were good. The girls however were a little too focused on themselves and their needs as we walked in silence they were each growing more aroused by their own thoughts.

I can't help but purr as my tongue found his making him moan loud enough that they could all hear it. The ladies having finally arrived watched with hungry eyes that each of the men could easily see now that we teased them so much. 

I secretly watched as they each adjusted themselves. Then to my surprise Levy walked up to Gajeel and whispered to him, "Let's go, thank Lu later. I need you now." 

"You'll miss the festival in fact we will miss the next several days altogether," Gajeel warned her afraid she would change her mind. In fact he was acting almost like Natsu had been, searching for any reason at all that she would not want him. 

"I know. Now!" Her tone was still quiet but it was demanding and loud enough for the non slayers to hear her. They both blushed and turned walking away from the festival. 

I chuckled a little, "Not even trying to hide it." Natsu agrees having been holding me from behind, he starts to kiss along my neck enticing a moan out of me. Now Juvia is watching and can barely contain herself her own arousal almost to much to bare. She looks at Gray with pleading eyes. Now waiting in line being forced to watch as we snuggled and cuddled each other occasionally even nipping. Her scent was only urging us on, much to her discomfort.

He takes her hand and pulled her away a little before whispering, "Are you sure? I don't want you to feel pressured into this." Ah how cute, he is being sweet. I think to myself as Natsu continues driving me half crazy. He is currently licking my mark sending little shivers throughout my body as he did.

"Juvia is trying not to make it rain, but Juvia is having a hard time with it. Juvia is sorry Gray-sama. Juvia doesn't want to pressure Gray-sama either. Gray-sama is so caring about Juvia. Juvia wants to cry but that will make it rain too. What should Juvia do Gray-sama?" 

"Juvia should get laid," I cough where Gray could hear me and Juvia looks at me concerned. 

"Juvia wants to know if Lucy is going to be alright?"

That went completely over her head, not Gray's though. "If Natsu keeps it up, I'll be more than alright." I purr out letting my arousal show clearly. Making everyone blush profusely, everyone but Natsu and I. 

"Is that a request?" he growled licking the very edge of my ear. 

'Fuck Natsu, your going to take this to far!' I warn him using my thoughts because I'm moaning in his arms, slowly getting hotter. He purrs in response but still managed to pull away. I don't know if I should thank him or drag him home. 

"Feel free to drag me home whenever you want." Fuck he had to say that out loud? Forget the damn ferris wheel, I grab him and start dragging him away just to be stopped by Mira. FUCK IT ALL! My body actually burst into flames showing exactly how pissed I was. Mira didn't even bat an eyelash.

"Sorry you two, you have to stay a little longer," she grabbed ahold of me and Natsu dragging us back towards the festival. Fuck me Natsu. I wanted to scream but I followed her obediently, we leave Erza and Jellal behind. Earlier than expected but okay. 

"Sorry, we were going to pretend we didn't set a date up for you. But let's be honest you two were made for each other," Natsu calls back towards them. 

I roll my eyes and summon Aries, Loki, Aquarius and Scorpio. "Are you four ready then?" Loki stiffened and Aries squealed in joy nodding happily. Aquarius and Scorpio nodded. "Okay have fun!" I called out as Mira continues to drag Natsu and I to a stage. 

"Now time for the winning announcements!" Master said using a mic. "In 4th place Our very own MiraJane of Fairy Tail!" he waited while the entire world seemed to applaud, his announcement was being broadcasted all over Magnolia with lacrima screens positioned all over for the festival. "Third place goes to Gildarts also of Fairy Tail!" 

"Second place is now held by Natsu Dragneel the current Fire Dragon King!" The world seemed to erupt into roars around us. 

"And first place, goes to Lucy Dragneel, the current Celestial Dragon Queen!" Natsu and I had to cover our ears for this one and I imagine so did the other dragon slayers as the very air vibrated with the chaos that was the noise surrounding us. 

"Who would have thought our two finalists would have been married? Or for that matter that they would actually fight each other? Natsu what made you actually hit Lucy during your match? Don't you love her?" 

"What kind of question is that? I only had a match against her. Of course I love her. Don't tell me you expected me to throw the match too Mira? I respect and trust Luce to much to do something so underhanded!" Natsu growled making me shiver; my lust starting to climb again. 

"Ah, and Lucy what about you? You even cut him drawing blood when you hit Natsu don't you love him?" 

"Because we are Fairy Tail and we grow by trusting each other to expand our limits and grow. At the same time we also trust each other not to go too far." I looked at Natsu and added, "and I trust no one more than my husband."

I leaned forward and whispered into her ear where the mic couldn't pick it up, "If you don't let us go now you just might get a real show." I hissed blowing into her ear before stepping back. I saw Mira blush just slightly and turn back to the crowds. 

"You heard them? They love and respect each other so much that they could put their feelings aside for the match! So let's give them one last round of applause before we let them enjoy their date here at the festival!" They did much to our poor eardrums misfortune applaud as if their very lives depended on it.

"The prize for finishing in the top 3 is becoming an S class mage! So Natsu Lucy you both are now S class mages and we can only hope to see you grow more in the future!" Mira announced and Natsu and I high five. We are S class now!

We were allowed to leave and we quickly found somewhere to hide until we could burn off enough of our lust to get ourselves back under control. 

Once we did we started walking around the festival enjoying ourselves. We even found Erza and Jellal sharing some cotton candy at one point. 

Natsu's POV

All my senses are finely tuned into Lucy. The way she laughed or generally enjoyed the festival. I watched as her eyes lit up when we came across Erza and Jellal eating cotton candy. I couldn't help the chuckle that escaped me as she awed over how they were sharing their treat. 

I need to plan a surprise for her but it is difficult when she can read my thoughts at anytime. I go ahead and buy some cotton candy and bring it back to her as she watched Erza and Jellal. 

"Erza would you like to ride the ferris wheel again?" Jellal asked her. From what I can see he seems to be doing pretty well. Considering how tight Lucy had her wound up before, the fact that he had Erza calm and relaxed now is probably a good sign. Then again he could have gotten his dumbass friend zoned again. I groan silently, I guess I should figure it out. 

I turn my attention to Erza, she is wearing a purple kimono with light pink cherry blossoms decorating it. Her posture as always is straight but I notice that her expression is soft. Her eyes are slightly dilated and she had the faintest of blushes on her cheeks. The weather is still warm out so it can't be that. Her heart rate is also slightly elevated. I smile so Jellal at the very worse hasn't ruined his chances. I then regrettably, smell the air. 

"I would like that very much," Erza responded. I try not to gag as their arousal hits me. Never again. 

"Luce, they smell gross," I whined to my mate. She just giggles and pulls me away from them. 

Lucy's POV

"Gajeel, mark me. Please?" Levy begged him. 

Are you sure? I can't undo it once it's done. Mavis knows I don't deserve you. Not after everything I've done." Was Gajeel's response. I want to groan Levy had her work cut out for her. I don't think even Natsu was this hard to convince. 

"I knew it. You don't actually like me," Levy's cried big crocodile tears, I'm sure. 

"No shrimp, I love you." He tried to soothe her. Then I hear kissing noises before a sharp intake of breath. "It's your turn now?" Gajeel's voice was really shaky now. He must have marked her, I smiled to myself. Then I heard him moan, time to ignore them now because Mavis knows I don't want to listen as they fuck each other.

I decide to tune into Gray and Juvia. "Oh Gray-sama!" Nope they are definitely enjoying themselves. I shake my head trying to clear it. Erza and Jellal were sharing cotton candy together. I couldn't help aweing at them when I saw it. I could tell Erza wasn't to far from dragging Jellal off and honestly I'm pretty sure the only reason they haven't already is because we promised them fireworks. 

I look at Natsu and grin. "Luce, they smell gross," he whined. I giggle a little.

"Then let's go get ready for the fireworks and then we can leave," I purred. Fuck, listening in on our friends has made me slightly horny. Again. Fuck.

Natsu raised an eyebrow at me and cuddled in close. "Let's go," he purred right back. Fuck it all, Natsu and I used Celestial wings and find a good place and start right there in the air. Not bothering to land. We shoot off one after another using both celestial and fire magic. Making all sorts of designs in the air much to the delight of those below us.  After several minutes I started to feel myself calming down. Natsu and I joined hands and did a unison raid for the very last firework making it the very largest and brightest one, of course it was the fairy tail insignia. When we came back down to the ground we heard cheers go up.

When we looked back up towards where all the commotion was I saw Jellal down on one knee in front of Erza. Holy shit, is he proposing tonight? Isn't this their first date?  I see Erza nodding her head happily and shaking a little bit as he put the ring on her finger. Fuck!