Chapter 26

Natsu's POV

Well I can not say I saw that coming; at all. I think that Luce is broken I keep waving a hand in front of her face but I'm not getting anything out of her. I just shrug and instead pull her into my arms. I love the feel of her in my arms I think to myself as I inhale her scent. I start to kiss on her gently and I feel her slowly melt into my arms. 

Erza and Jellal getting married although surprising; want all that weird after all Lucy and I mated and it only takes the once. Besides that should keep her busy while I keep Luce busy. I smile to myself as I hear her moan lightly. 

"Time to go," I purr in her ear. I was careful of how I was touching her we are outside with a bunch of people and, well uh, kids are around. I feel her nod responding to my purrs. Leaving the now happily engaged couple behind I take Luce up in the air with me before heading home. 

Lucy's POV

"Laxus, Erik; do something now or we will meddle with yours as well," I whisper perfectly aware that they could both hear me. I could hear their reactions Erik was much calmer as if he was already working on it. Good, they both needed a good stiff push. "You have at least two weeks. I make no promises after that." 

There was silence on the flight back home and something didn't feel right about it either. I waited unwilling to read his mind sensing that it was something he needed to say. We enter our home through the open window and I sat down and waited as Natsu paced the floor between us. Something was not right.

"Natsu?" I ask him after several minutes had ticked by. This seemed to startle him and he started running his fingers through his hair seemingly to get even more frustrated. "Natsu?" I ask again.

"Luce what do you hear?" Natsu asked getting very serious he looked into my eyes. 

"Where?" I ask him, it's not like we can't hear most of the town. But something told me I should already know.

"Here in this room. What do you hear?" he asked slowly, quietly; staring deep into my eyes. 

I closed my eyes and listened intent on figuring it out. I heard our breathing, heartbeats, I could hear Natsu's heart hammering in his chest as if he couldn't hold himself back. I frown and look back at him. "I don't hear anything weird except your heart hammering." I look at him confused. 

He stepped forward and kissed me gently, "I'm probably just imagining things. Don't worry about it." he sighed out disappointed; believing his own words. I'm curious but let it drop. 

It's been three weeks since mating season ended and honestly I think we are both a little jumpy. After all our instincts are telling us I could be pregnant even though we both already know that I'm not. Besides, even if I had gotten pregnant, I would only be a few weeks along anyway and completely unable to detect anything anyway. 

Natsu's POV

It's been two months since the tournament and I can't shake the feeling that something is wrong. I can't put my finger on it but something isn't right. To make matters worse Luce is acting weird. She no longer cares for strawberry shakes. It's unreal how much like strawberries and cream her scent resembles but she has even changed her homemade shampoos and soaps over to blueberries and raspberries. Her scent has not changed at all though. 

We are at the guild and I can't help the feeling of lust that washes over me; like a tidal wave it just hits me. The dragon slayers actually dive out of the way as I reach for my mate across the room. I pull her to me inhaling her scent as if it were a drug, sometimes I wonder if it is. 

"Luce?" I purred to her only to receive a giggle in return. 

"Bed," is all she says as she stands up. I drag her with me gently kissing any part of her that I could possibly reach. Her wrist my current focus. I almost don't even notice us arriving at home until I gently take my scarf off her neck putting it away carefully before tearing her clothes off her. 

Lucy's POV

Natsu has gotten more animalistic as time has passed. Part of me feels a little concerned over this but when all things are said and done, I can't help feeling proud? That is the word yet I still don't understand how it is the word. It's been four months since we made S class and we have been out on plenty of jobs. It's amazing how few jobs we have to go on now because they pay so much better, then again I also don't have to worry about rent anymore. Our adventures to good to pass up we go even when we don't really need to, because why not?

I groan slightly riding the train back to Magnolia from one such mission Natsu by my side. I feel sick to my stomach, maybe those shakes are starting to wear off now? If I remember right they did say that we would need it everytime we rode the bullet train. I guess we should feel lucky that it lasted this long for regular transportation. 

Thankfully Natsu seems fine for the moment so he carries me back home from the station and curls up in bed with me. I'm so tired. I feel like I haven't slept in a month. I see Natsu yawning just as much as I was. 

"Let's take a nap? Happy will be back in a couple hours so we can just get up after he gets here." Natsu tried hard to stifle a yawn but when he saw me yawning as well, he failed. It's a little weird being this tired so early in the day, it's only a little past lunch. I shrug the thought away we did just do a S class mission we are probably just tired.

"That sounds like a good idea." I answer for once we put on some light night clothes, after all Happy would be coming home and he tended to come in through the bedroom window. 

I curl into Natsu's arms and nuzzle him kissing lightly as we drifted off to sleep. 

Natsu's POV

I wake up to a crying, sobbing Happy. "Happy?" I ask so groggy I'm not even sure if I'm actually awake or not. 

"NATSU!!!" I hear him scream but I couldn't hold on anymore. I pull him to me and try to calm him.

I drift off into the dark slumber that was sleep again. Even asleep I could feel Lucy in my arms cuddling deep into my heat. The few times I felt her being pulled away I felt as our fire ignited all over us, thankful I didn't feel Happy in our arms as our flames mingling together. I could feel her sigh in relief as she snuggled back into my arms. 

Lucy's POV

I stretched out for the first time in what felt like forever and I feel like I am starving. I look over at Natsu and play with his hair until he stirs himself awake. I can't help smiling at him when he reaches out to me pulling me in for a kiss. I can't help the moan that escapes me as I deepen the kiss. Why does it feel like I haven't tasted him in ages?

Natsu's POV 

The feel of her fingers running through my hair sent shivers through me as I opened my eyes. Seeing her beautiful face smiling back at me, I couldn't not reach for her. Her lips tasted like home as I pulled her closer. She deepened the kiss not willing to let me go. 

I heard a bunch of noises around us but I couldn't tear my focus from my mate as I felt my breathing stutter and my heart race. How does she do this to me? "Luce?" I ask her begging her for anything at all. 

"Natsu," she purred back pulling me in for another breathtaking kiss. 

"Yes," I growl pulling her as close as I can. I feel my hands slip under her clothes and start to pull them away until I felt something else pull us apart, earning our fire as it erupted from us as we both twirl around ready to defend ourselves from whatever threat it could be. 

I couldn't help freezing and just staring at our guild mates as they circled around us. "What the hell are you doing in our bedroom?" I ask in a low tone that I could see sent shivers down their spines. Lucy was growling by my side ready to snap. The bedroom is not the best place to interrupt us.

"Get out!" Her voice much darker than mine had been and her very aura emitted black rage causing many of them to run for their very lives. I looked around to find all of the dragon slayers surrounding us facing out and away from us ready to defend us from our friends. 

"What the hell is going on?" I finally asked them. Earning several glares, three particular people stood out amongst the rest: Erza, Gray and Gildarts. I groan and I could hear Lucy next to me do the same as we cradled our heads in our hands. "What the hell?" I ask again as darkness surrounded me. The last thing I do is pull Lucy into my arms and she tries to nuzzle into my neck. Then nothing. 

Lucy's POV

I stretch again this time wincing as everything felt sore. "What the hell?" I groan putting a hand to my head. 

"Luce? Why do I feel like I've been hit by a truck?" I hear Natsu say next to me.

"Don't know, but if it hit you then it hit me too. My head is killing me." I try to soothe the throbbing in my head by rubbing my temples. When I could finally open my eyes and look around, I see that we are not at home but in the guild infirmary. "What the hell?" I can't seem to stop asking that one question. Did something happen to us? Why don't I remember anything? As far as I could tell Natsu and I had only went to take a short nap, but somehow that seems all wrong. 

"Natsu?" I ask and look over at him to see him respond. "Why are we in the infirmary?" That seemed to shock him; he started to look around the room and even jumped up only to sway and fall over. I caught him before he could land on the floor and after having watched his reaction I slowly crawl out of the cot standing next to my mate. I don't know what is going on but we had to make sure everyone was okay. 

We make our way to the door and slowly opened it to find all of the dragon slayers behind it. Even the new one's Levy, Mira and Kinana. They all stared at us as if we were ghost until Natsu finally yelled out, "What the hell is going on? Why are we here? Why don't we remember getting hurt?" He was impatient and after he yelled both our stomachs growled as if we hadn't eaten in weeks and we collapsed to our hands and knees. 

"What the hell?" I groan out covering my mouth with a hand as I shakily try to make it to a toilet or even outside. I don't know when the last time we ate was but whatever it was it was coming back up. I felt Natsu mimicking me as we both rushed to the nearest window and hurled out of it. After we were done and literally shaking from heaving, we just drop to the floor and start breaking out in a cold sweat. 

"What the hell?" I hear Natsu gasp as we both pass out, our backs to each other holding each other up. 

Natsu's POV

"My head," I groan.

"Your's and mine," Luce answered. "Nothing makes sense, what could have happened?" 

I groan in response, "I know one thing we need to get to a window we need to eat and soon or we will end up dry heaving again." I watch her nod and we both make our way slowly to the window opening it and sitting in the bright sunshine, drinking in the light the best way we could considering everything.

After a couple hours the sun was barely shining into the room anymore but we were strong enough to jump out the window to find a sunny patch of grass to lay in. Several hours pass and then I realise what we are wearing. Lucy and I used celestial wings and fly home to change into regular clothes out of our PJs. Once we were inside I could smell us, the wind is no longer blowing the scent away. We smelled horrible even to me. I pull Luce to the shower and we clean up and then get dressed before going outside again, this time we took our lawn seats to eat outside hopefully we won't be disturbed for a day or two. 

"You know we should have been safe inside the guild maybe we should hide a little?" Luce suggested, I could see an uneasy shiver running down her spine. I nod and we take to the roof. If nothing else we would sense them long before they figure out where we were. Maybe we could even figure out what the hell was going on? But for now we needed to eat and eat a lot. We stretch out on our roof careful not to be seen from the ground below. 

Only a few hours passed before the sun sets, allowing us to consume starlight now. Lucy had listened into my thoughts all day following my lead. She curled against me as she bathed in the starlight. We drank in the light as if our lives depended on it and honestly; it kind of did. I have no idea how much time had passed where we couldn't eat anything. 

It wasn't long after sunset that we had people showing up at the house calling out for us. It was the slayers first, I frown and squint my eyes. They swore an unbreakable oath when they voted for us to be King and Queen so I know that regardless of what everyone else at the guild thought they were only trying to help us. 

After some serious thought and Lucy confirming my thoughts I spoke only a hair above a whisper, "Don't turn around or acknowledge you are being spoken to." All the slayers froze listening intently. "What is going on? Why were we in the infirmary and why is it that the last thing we remember was laying down for a short nap? How long were we out for?"

It was Gajeel who responded barely loud enough for the other slayers to hear him, but he knew we could easily make it out. "You have been asleep for four months, all we know is Happy came in screaming about you two not waking up. We had you in the infirmary because we were trying to heal you. I do not know why you don't remember."

"Why were Gildarts, Erza and Gray glaring at us?" I ask taking it all in. 

"They probably think you did some kind of forbidden spell, we couldn't find a curse on you so they could have assumed you had to have done something forbidden that caused you to sleep."

I waited and after Lucy and I agreed we jumped down to the ground making sure they couldn't tell where we had been, just in case something like this happened again. "We were starving, did you guys even try to feed us while we were sleeping?" I growl at them.

This time Laxus answered, "We tried but we couldn't get you to swallow anything at all. We even tried fire but nothing worked."

"So weird, why did we fall asleep in the first place? I remember thinking  that is was weird we were so tired so early in the day." Luce looked towards me but I could only shrug.

"All I know is that I'm still starving it's going to take a few days to make up for not eating for four months." I groan putting a hand over my stomach. 

"What are you eating? I don't smell anything." Sting asked curious. 

I smile a moment, I guess we never told them. I look over at Lucy and nod for her to go ahead, I know she was really keeping a lid on it so it can be her choice.

"The best thing I have ever tasted, starlight." Lucy purred out much to the astonished look on their faces. "We are still hungry though. Four months? How are we even alive?" she mused out loud. 

"We could ask Celeste?" I suggest shrugging. I have no clue how else to answer her. I turn to the slayers before us, "We need a few days to eat and not be disturbed. Can you keep everyone away until we figure out what the hell is going on?" 

They all responded by nodding and it was decided that one of them would always be near the house where they could receive orders or whatever. 

When they were gone Lucy and I returned to our hiding place so we could continue to eat while we figured this out and if we fell asleep we would still be okay. 
