Chapter 29

Natsu's POV

I wake up because Luce is already awake and stretching. I watch as the starlight dances on her skin through the window content just to drink in her image from here. "I love you," I whisper hardly even realizing that I had said anything at all. I watch as she turns to me smiling bending down to give me a soft kiss. 

"Shower?" she asked as she stood up. I stretch back and after doing so I hear the water already running. I follow her scent into the bathroom and right into the shower where we clean up for the day. 

We were already dressed and just opening the door when I looked out and saw Levy and Mira waiting on the other side. Even the sight of them is not enough to put a damper on my mood. I wrap my arms around my mate's shoulders and purr lightly. I'm being both gentle and stating that she is my mate at the same time, besides Luce loves it when I do this. 

"You're up?" They said at the same time making me frown and Lucy giggle which in turn erased my frown. They seemed to get really nervous like they said something wrong and tried to backtrack. I ignore them as I inhaled my mates scent letting my purrs tickle her ear.

I guess they got whatever they wanted to say out because they were walking away unfortunately Lucy was following them which meant I was too. I listened to her purrs as we walked not caring about our surroundings in the least. I walked when she walked and stopped when she stopped. The only words I heard were hers, Although I'm sure she was talking to people I only heard a little noise here or there. 

At one point Luce said something was beautiful and I looked up to see we were at a beach. It was crowded even with it being so late in the year and so early in the day the sunrise still just creeping over the water but Lucy was happy. I smile pulling her into my arms as we put down a beach towel and cuddled there under the sky. I felt the rays of light change from starlight to sunlight drinking in the food and basking in Lucy's cool arms. Maybe the reason she still feels cool to the touch to me is because she is like the stars and I am more like the sun? 

I feel Lucy flinch under my protective arms and look around to find Levy and Gajeel having a little mock fight on the shore. Relaxed again I nuzzle into Lucy's neck and we stretch out on our towel soaking up the good food. Dimly I'm aware of the cleaning staff entering our room across town and leaving several food baskets their chatter about us being locked up in our room as scandalous as it would seem not to far from the truth. 

"How long?" I ask her curious how long we had until mating season. 

She looked up into my eyes her own a little sad still as she smiled and said, "Tomorrow." 

I grinned back at her and signal for Sting and Rogue to come here when they do I give them directions to have food delivered to all of our rooms enough for four weeks, knowing full well that we were not going home before mating season ended. Before they left I also instructed them to make sure the rooms were paid up so we wouldn't be hurting anyone either. They nodded giggling and horsing around and occasionally kissing and holding hands. 

We are dragon slayers and none of us are immune to the call of mating season. We needed this time every year to build our bonds stronger or overtime it would eventually fade. But now it was roaring to life all of us young and healthy and feeling the need to create families. 

I nip at Lucy's neck again and we can hold each other softly wanting nothing as we did. We lay in the sun for hours, with our new powers getting sunburned was no longer a concern but we still turned over finding a more delicious position to lay in as we ate. 

One of the others said something about food and we just grunted not wanting to get up and move. They seemed to understand and left without us as we fed on the daylight shining brightly on us. It wasn't long however that some pervert decided to ruin it. 

"Hello beautiful, ditch this loser and join us. We are way more fun." Some guy with the fakest blond hair and blacked out sunglasses dared to say to my mate. 

"I think I'm fine here thanks, have fun." she said motioning for me to stay quiet and stay still. This will be nice to watch, I can already tell.

"Ah come on now beautiful don't be like that? We just want to have some fun." His first mistake he talked to her, his second mistake assuming she was defenseless, and his third and biggest mistake he dared to touch her; he grabbed her arm. 

We both lit up in flames our bodies completely covered making the dirt bag and his buddies jump back a good distance. "I said I'm fine and my HUSBAND and I are just fine where we are!" Lucy hissed at them. 

Two of the guys in the back wet themselves and the guy in sunglasses was holding up his hands in surrender. "Sorry, we didn't know you were mages. We'll leave you alone." 

This really pissed off Lucy and I decided to take a step back and utter a quick pray for their dumbass souls, just loud enough they could hear me. "What if we are? That doesn't give you a right to harass other people just because they are not mages." Lucy was practically spitting venom at this. Yep they are about to die.

"You had to go and piss off the Queen of the Dragons, you all are about as stupid as they come." I roll my eyes not bothering to whisper my words. My words had their intended effect making them all go white as realization hit them. They were harassing a Queen.

"Luce can we kill the one with the sunglasses? He is the one that pissed you off." I say waving a hand at the guy currently wetting himself. With that they all ran off as far as they could. 

I couldn't stop myself from chuckling as they ran away. I take my mate into my arms again our flames now gone and we relaxed back onto the beach soaking in the sun once again. It wasn't long before I could hear Mayor Fred making his way to us and I couldn't stifle the groan as I thought about what was coming. I felt Lucy stiffen and groan as well, at least we both felt the same about this guy. 

We continued to lay there enjoying our own company until they were close enough to talk to at a normal human level. "What now?" I ask plenty of my pissed off mood showing in those two small words.

"Pardon the intrusion but I needed to ask a few questions if I may?" came Mayor Fred's voice. I prop myself up finally opening my eyes and looking at who all was in front of us. 

"Hey Luce, the pervert is back. Do you think he still wants to steal you away from me?" I ask letting my fire coat my body once again before extinguishing it. I grin as he coward behind the mayor. 

This did not escape the mayor's notice, "Pervert?" he asked all of us. 

It was Luce who answered this time, "Apparently this scum bag thinks he is allowed to harass women unless they are mages. Dumbass wouldn't take no for an answer he even grabbed me, until we let our fire coat over us. He even peed himself before running away." Lucy scoffed at the pathetic excuse for a boy in front of us. After all a man would never behave like such a child. 

"I see so everything said and done was in self defense?" the mayor asked seemingly already making up his mind. 

I laughed out loud, "What was done except us covering our own bodies on fire? He should know better than to attack the Queen of the Dragons and the fact he did so in front of me, the King of the Dragons, should tell you just how stupid he truly is." I couldn't stop laughing even as Lucy ran her fingers through my hair softly chuckling in amusement. 

"Yes, well I'm afraid that unlike Fiore here in Pietra people are not quite so familiar with your countries royalty." This stopped my laughter completely as I glared at him from on the ground. 

I stood up slowly and helped my mate up as well before speaking to them again. "We are the King and Queen of the Dragons, there is no border on a map stopping our rule. Even Celeste, the star dragon that blessed us last year here in Sapphire City recognises us as her King and Queen. When she was hurt we came, even passing out from the sheer amount of magic she needed to be healed." I glowered at him. 

"Come on Natsu it is almost time, we need to speak with Celeste before we go anyway." Lucy announced and I nodded. We didn't bother to walk away and instead chose to use celestial wings to fly from the spot. Still in only in our swimsuits we fly all the way to Celeste. 

When we landed we both took a deep breath of fresh air releasing our tension into the clear air around us. "Celeste?" I ask hoping we were not disturbing her. She hummed in response. "Why did you die?" 

Lucy and I could hear her soft sigh before she answered, "Young ones, why would you ask me that the day before mating season?" We then told her what had happened at the beach when we were done she hummed thinking for a few minutes. 

"The man with sunglasses, I know who you are talking about I have seen him talking to many young and beautiful ladies just like that. I died to protect this village from Arcnologia petrifying my body and trapping my soul here. That young man was not even alive so long ago. It was a time when peace was a reality instead of a simple wish." If she could have moved her body I could almost feel that she would have looked off into the sunset. I waited patiently for her to go on holding Luce to me as we listened to her story. 

"I remember letting the village children climb onto my back and watching as they slid down it yet again squealing in joy as they did. I know that elsewhere people were not so lucky and there was much strife but here, it was paradise." 

"Laxus, Mira, Gajeel, Levy, Eric, Kinana, Sting, Rogue and Wendy come to Celeste now." I commanded and waited for them to respond before turning my attention back to Celeste. 

"I quite wish that I could somehow change my position so that the little ones could climb on me yet again." She sighed out. I smile at my mate and she nodded her head in agreement. 

We stood up and the dragon slayers all arrived kneeling before us as they did. We waved them off letting them stand before explaining our plan. "Celeste wants to move to a more comfortable and comforting position, and we want to help. Will you help us?" Lucy asked them, they all smiled and Wendy even jumped into the air landing on one of Celeste's clawed feet. She quickly chanted a healing spell to inspect for any damages not already repaired by us earlier. She gave us a thumbs up before sliding down and standing between Laxus and Mira. 

They each took up a post and we released our magic and for the first time in over four hundred years Celeste stretched out moving her body around until she curled up laying down. She of course gathered the attention of the whole town moving at all and they came rushing to see what was going on. I quietly told Wendy to climb up Celeste's back and slide down like a small child. The mayor was close enough that when we spoke to Celeste again speaking up for the crowds benefit he could easily hear what we had to say. 

"I'm sorry we could not lift the curse on you but I hope that the children of this town and any others coming through will play on you like they did before you were petrified. I hope you see just a little of the peace you once had long ago." I say to her. 

Our magic was still running through her so she could still move and when she spoke every one could hear her. "Oh this is wonderful King Natsu and Queen Lucy. I don't know how I could ever thank you!" She bowed her head one last time before returning to her preferred position and solidifying again. 

We all step away from her figure breathing a little hard from the effort we expended. When we looked around to find what appeared to be the whole town surrounding us our backs straightened. The other slayers kneeled to us again.

"Go make your last preparations," I waved them all off. "Wendy?" I ask and she steps forward after all the others took off in different directions. "Are you going to be okay on your own? I ask her quietly bending at one knee to talk to her. 

She smiled, nodding her head happily, "Carla, Happy and Lily are supposed to be here soon. In fact their train should be arriving any minute now!" She danced about making Luce laugh at the cuteness of it all. Just because I am a guy doesn't mean how cute the young slayer is was lost on me. Now that I am mated I feel more of a big brother or father like bond with her. After talking with the other guys I found that they felt the same. 

"Well then let's go greet them, I hear a train pulling up now." Lucy smiled her sweet smile. The thought of seeing Happy again making me smile. "Besides I need to see my baby, it's been too long." she added. Mavis I love this woman. I nod in agreement and pick Wendy up putting her on my shoulders before casting celestial wings. We flew away much to the onlookers disbelief, to the train station. When we arrived we found out that it was the wrong train. The Exceed's train would be arriving in about ten minutes. We decided to wait there when I realised Gajeel and Levy might want to see Lily. 

"Gajeel Levy, Lily will be here soon if you want to see him before it's time." I call out getting many weird looks from the people surrounding us when I did. 

"Sting Rogue, all the exceeds are coming!" Wendy called out.

"Coming!" came Levy's excited answer. I also heard Sting and Rogue grunt in response. Lucy and I chuckle at her as we sit down comfortably on a bench to wait. Luce was getting uncomfortable with the stares considering she was still in her bikini she called out Virgo and asked for a light coverup which Virgo happily supplied and requesting punishment. 

"Why do you always ask to be punished?" I ask her, I have been curious for a long time about this.

"Because punishment feels good," was her blunt reply. 

"What do you consider punishment exactly?" I asked a little nervous what her answer could be. She stepped forward and whispered in my ear and I couldn't help turning bright red and of course Lucy did too being able to hear what she said. 

"I see, could you give us a couple months you know mating season starts tomorrow and we get a little overprotective if you know what I mean." I try to downplay it a little only for her to nod her head excitedly as I'm still talking. 

"I am not doing that!" Lucy exclaims again gaining the attention of those around us. 

"I didn't say you would, but we might be able to arrange for someone else to if that is what she really wants." I respond looking away from my mate. I can't help the fact she has such a pervy spirit. Lucy put the cover up on it was an almost sheer purple material that went well with her suit. 

It wasn't long before Gajeel and Levy arrived and when they did they refused to look at us. "You heard Virgo didn't you?" I ask them and they nodded still looking anywhere but at us. 

"When is this train going to arrive?" I ask myself looking over at an unflustered Wendy whom I just realised was wearing her censoring headphones again. Smart girl. 

"Here it comes!" she started bouncing on her feet in excitement. Lucy and I jump up as well to see the train and Gajeel and Levy are right next to us as we waited for our Exeedes to get off the train. 

"Happy!" Luce and I yell out much to the displeasure of those around us. It wasn't only us either I didn't even notice Sting and Rouge behind us probably waiting on Frotch and Luther, then I saw them right behind Carla. We all called out our Exceeds names as if they were our children and to be honest they kind of were. Not just Happy to me and Luce but Sting and Rouge especially. 

We were probably a hell of a sight embracing our now flying cats. I had forgotten that all the Exceeds had stayed in Fiore so almost no one here would have seen them before. 

"My Happy!" Lucy squealed cuddling him happily into our waiting arms. 

"Lushie! Natsu! You had me so scared!" He cried in our arms as we sank to the ground in our little family hug. "I missed you both so much!" He cried. Fuck it all I even started to tear up as my mate and child cried in my arms. The three of us started purring right there on the ground finally happy to be together again. I kissed each of them on the head before pulling them both into a tight hug. 

"My family," I purred earning their happy purrs in response. I looked over to see all the others in tears as well. Gajeel like myself had managed not to let them spill out while Sting and Rouge were both a bawling mess to have their Exceeds back. Wendy and Carla were also letting out happy tears although their relationship was a bit reversed from the rest of us who looked at the Exeedes as our children Carla was more like a mother figure to her. We wiped our eyes and stood up again and taking Happy who was lazily curled up in Lucy's arms we took our time walking back to the beach. 

"Let's enjoy our last day together?" I purr to them as they agreed. Happy already knew it was that time of year and also knew him and the other Exceeds would be staying with Wendy until it was over. We played at the beach making sand castles and splashing in the water. Generally we enjoyed each other's company. When the sun was setting I looked at my mate as she held our little Happy in her arms slowly dozing in and out as he slept on her lap. 

"Hey little buddy," I say to him he rubbed his eyes sleepily as he looked up at me. "Let's get ice cream before we separate?" He smiled and did a sleepy cheer in the air. Luce tried to stand up but I picked her up instead knowing she was still too tired to be doing all the activities that we have been doing today. 

When we got inside the little ice cream parlor we each ordered our favorite flavors and to my delight Lucy picked strawberry, we found our seats chatting about the long fun day we had. 

"Mom Dad I really missed you." Happy sighed as he lazily licked his cone cuddling between us in the booth. 

I reach down and patted his head as Lucy snuggled him, "We missed you too Happy." I purr out as we all started purring again. With the exception of our purring we finished our cones in silence as we enjoyed each other's company. 

"How long do I have to wait for you two this time?" Happy asked us looking up with his big round eyes. 

"Just a month, then we can be a big happy family again!" Lucy cooed to him snuggling him in her arms again. "Who knows maybe our family will even get a little bigger?" She whispered. Happy started flying right there in the parlor right over our heads as he happily sang about us being in love. Unlike a little over a year ago we didn't get mad or tell him to shut up. Instead we kissed each other and held our arms out for him to be in the middle of our family hug. "We love you so much." Lucy purred to him as we walked out of the shop the current customers still shocked at a talking, flying cat. 

"Let's have a race back to the hotel!" Happy chimed in and of course Lucy and I agreed we both used celestial wings and flew into the air. "Hey no fair! I'm the only one that's supposed to fly!" He whined as we laughed soaring into the air. Of course Lucy and I let Happy win after all he was going to have to survive without us for another month. 

We walked into the hotel laughing and Happy quickly made himself comfortable in Lucy's arms again before a member of the staff came running up to us. 

"I'm very sorry to tell you this but pets are not allowed here." They apologised. 

"I'm not a pet though!" Happy exclaimed jumping out of Lucy's arms and flying in front of the man. "I am an Exceed, not a pet!" He yelled out. 

"Happy, it's okay. You're not staying here anyway, remember? Your staying with Wendy across town. Next time we are here we will all just stay there instead." Lucy tried to soothe the blue exceed back into her arms. 

"It's not fair, Mommy." He cried into her chest, making me glare at the little cowering man in front of us. 

"Maybe we can still switch hotels, since this one likes to keep families apart I would rather not stay here." I growl. 

"What's all the fuss about?" Gajeel asked walking in with Levy and Panther Lily flying next to them only to be joined by Sting and Rouge with their two Exceeds as well. 

I waited for Wendy and Carla to arrive before explaining that the staff are saying Happy wasn't allowed here because they think he is a pet. This peeved Lily off quite a bit.

He transformed into his larger fighting form and asked, "Do you consider me a pet?" Scaring the living shit out of the staff. Carla saw this and transformed into her human form as well before asking them the same question. She then turned around and started lecturing Happy about causing an unnecessary scene right before the season started. 

"I'm sorry! I just didn't want to be far away from Natsu and Lushie,'' he sobbed. Earning himself cuddles and kisses from Lucy. 

"We can still call the hotel across town where Wendy is staying they didn't have an issue with the Exceeds being there and they knew better than to call them pets!" Levy suggested. We continued to discuss our options when we were interrupted by a man in a suit, probably the manager.

"Is there something I can help you with? I am the manager here." He politely introduced himself. I am still mad they made my son cry. 

Lucy held up her hand stopping me from saying something very colorful. "We want to know why you refuse to serve Exceeds here." she demanded in the voice that spoke volumes about her life as heiress. 

"Exceeds? I'm sorry I do not know what dish that is." He responded. 

"Dish!" Happy screamed flying up into the air in circles over our heads. "He wants to eat us. Carla, Lily; hurry fly out of his reach!"

They both groaned before Lily asked Happy if he really thought either I or Lucy would allow that to happen? Like a brick he landed on top of my head with nothing more than an, "Oh." 

Lucy taking control of the situation again directs her comments back to the manager, "No, an exceed would be these guys, most all dragon slayers have one with only a couple exceptions and honestly it's only a matter of time before they do as well."

The manager just stared at Happy, "It's a talking cat." He said dumbly. I groan. Mating season was only a few minutes away, Fuck.

"I'm afraid we will have to deal with this after," I groan feeling the first wave of emotions hit me. I can't help clutching at my chest not surprised the others were doing the same. It's not like we couldn't control ourselves but it certainly made it hard. "Everyone to your rooms! Wendy take good care of Happy and others." I sigh out pulling on Lucy, we needed to hurry to our rooms now.