Chapter 30

Lucy's POV

It's no wonder Natsu was in a hurry, I didn't even notice time ticking by as I stood there infuriated with the management here. I quickly grab Happy giving him a hug and kiss before letting Natsu drag me away the other slayers running off in their own directions leaving only Wendy with all the exceeds. 

I could hear her getting very upset very quickly as the man tried to reason with her. Lily and Carla now in their transformation states. Poor Happy could only fly around their heads crying that mom and dad had to leave. 

"For crying out loud Happy, when are you going to grow up?" Carla snapped at him. Causing Happy to just cry some more. Happy flew to Lily who held him while he cried I could feel Lily's disgust at Carla even as we rounded corner after corner. 

"Wendy?" I warned only to hear her eek a little in response, low enough the manager wouldn't have noticed. 

"Well there really is nothing to say about any of this anyway dragon slayers will no longer stay here after this month. If you don't like it, I suggest you review your policies and discuss them with our Queen and King when they are ready to check out." Wendy stated very loudly and proudly. 

"Good Girl," I say before entering our room. The sounds of their conversation being cut off the moment the door closed behind us.

The days turned into weeks until finally a month had passed very blissfully.

Natsu's POV

I wake up to my mate stretching hissing at her tender muscles as she did. I smile before jumping out of bed and running a hot bath for us and coming back to carry her in with me. We bathed well getting dressed and cleaning up our things before we are ready to check out. We have zero desire to return to this hotel after the way they treated our Happy. 

The thought of how strongly Luce felt about Happy made me to happy for words. Lucy is truly like a mother to him always trying her best for him. Our clothes clean and ourselves ready for the day we exit the room. We go downstairs to find Wendy with Happy and the others. 

"Happy!" Lucy practically ran to him and he squealed like the big baby he is flying into her arms. 

"Mom, I'm so glad it's over!" Happy cried into her chest. 

"Oh Happy, you know we would always come back to you." I laugh as I pet him on the head. He surprised me by jumping from Lucy and into my arms to snuggle with me. 

"Dad!" He cried making me put down all of our luggage and wrap my arms around him. I let him cry for a few minutes until I realise I'm getting weird looks from Gajeel and Laxus. I made faces at them telling them to fuck off and they snickered at me while I handled Happy.

"Happy, you know you might be big brother one day so you need to be strong for them." I say very seriously as I cradled him in my arms. He smiled laughing more than happy to agree.

"Okay, we need to stop and see Celeste before we go to the train so we should hurry. The staff here are supposed to deliver our luggage for us so we won't have to drag it around." Lucy announces clapping her hands to get our attention. 

"Aye!" Happy calls out flying in a circle around our heads making the rest of the group laugh. 

"Frotch thinks so too!" Frotch stated causing more laughter as Rogue picks up his Exceed. 

"Is everybody ready? We should fly it will save us a bunch of time if we do." Lucy announced again. We all nodded and the Exceeds take their places on the dragon slayers back and Happy carries Kinana while Mira uses Satan Soul to fly carrying Levy herself. Lucy and I use Celestial Wings and take off into the air towards the celestial dragon.

When we arrived we call out our hellos from as far as we dare before landing in front of her. "Celeste! It's time for us to go home now and we just wanted to say thank you and goodbye before we do." Lucy told her excited from the rush of flying so early in the morning effectively ignoring the children who were playing nearby. 

"Hahah, I'm so glad to see you all in such high spirits!" She laughed heartily at us. The children seemed to hear her and scampered off scared.

"Did those kids just hear you?" I ask her pointing them out to her. 

"Oh, yes. It seems that after you all used so much magic on me so that I could move those who have magic can now hear my voice. It has made this past month so very delightful especially the children! They love to play on me just like their several times over great grandparents did when they were children." She laughed out her glee. 

"They even talk back! To think I will be able to have full conversations even after you leave." She sighed and quietly added, "I will miss you all so very much, do you know that?" 

"It's so nice to be able to talk to a dragon again, it has been so hard since our dragons died." Wendy responded for us. I look around to see all the other natural dragons agree. 

"But you know now that we know you are here we can send at least one of us to come see you every year. So it's not goodbye, just a rather long see ya later." I grin at her.

"So it is, come here all of you I want a hug from each of you!" Celeste demanded making Laxus and Eric a little uncomfortable as she did but one look at me told them they had better do it, and they did. We laughed some more talking at length about our lives and plans. We plan to go home and get straight to work after all Luce and I haven't been on a job in several months. Happy insisted that the first job we go on he had to be allowed to come. We agreed not willing to part from our little blue fur ball so soon. 

When we were about to say our goodbyes one last time, Celeste interrupted us, "Lucy, Natsu; can I have a word before you leave?" she asked we looked at the others nodding for them to go on ahead of us. Happy included since he was carrying Kinana. 

"What's up?" I ask her. 

"I was wanting to know how you would feel about me, maybe, adopting a small child to raise as a dragon slayer? I won't if you're uncomfortable with it and who knows exactly how I will manage considering I can't move. Maybe it is a dumb idea." She sighed.

"I think it's a great idea. It is sure to be hard so maybe choose a child at least 5 years old so they can walk around if they need to. But otherwise, yeah." Lucy chimed in I couldn't help smiling at their exchange. Another dragon slayer sounds great!

"Do you already have a child in mind?" I ask her ready to help if we could. 

"Actually yes this little girl by my hind leg, I do not know exactly how old she is. Come out Melody and say hello." she instructs a small red headed child with curly locks and green eyes. 

She steps out timidly and waves at us. I can feel Lucy's need to snatch the child up and hug her but she refrains. "Hello, Melody where are your parents?" She asked her softly instead. The little girl just shook her head making me and Lucy frown. "Well how old are you?" Luce asked instead. The little girl looked at her fingers and showed us four. "Can you use a toilet and bathtub by yourself?" Lucy asked her. The little girl nodded her head her red curls bouncing as she did. 

Luce and I just smiled I put a hand on her shoulder and give a gentle squeeze. "Okay, then I guess I should talk to the mayor about it before we go then." I say earning a smile from both Luce and Melody. 

I close my eyes to search for the little irritating man and as luck would have it, he was on his way here. We waited a little longer for him to arrive and when he did I squared off with him making him flinch. 

"Mayor Fred, can you use magic at all?" I ask him a little to proud of myself when he jumped back in surprise. 

"What? Me, magic, oh no. I don't have that talent." he flustered, why is it everything this man says irritates me so much? 

"Do you have someone who works with you who does?" Lucy asked next and the mayor denied. 

"Why not?" I ask him magic isn't that rare and there are still plenty of people who can use small amounts of magic on everyday things like salons and home improvement even if they don't have enough to fight with. 

"Well my office is restricted to be magic free because of some issues in the past," he responded. 

"That sounds like a load of baloney if I have ever heard it!" Celeste tells us. The tiny beady man just stands there unable to hear her. 

"Celeste the Star Dragon wants to adopt this child and she will need someone capable of magic in order to hear her in case the child needs help with something like a bath or whatever." I say getting frustrated. 

"Oh I see, well the local orphanage has plenty of ladies who would be willing to help I'm sure." the beady man was starting to look like a fat bug to me. 

I groan and look back at Celeste, "Is there anyone you would prefer to ask?" Hoping for a better answer than what this guy was willing to give. 

"No one nearby I'm afraid." Celeste answered back. 

I perked up, "But there is someone you want to ask? Where are they maybe we can ask them on our way?" 

"You two," came her blunt reply. 

"What!?!" Luce and I practically screeched. 

"I know that considering mating season just ended you will probably be getting ready for a baby but perhaps this little one could help out? Just for another year or two and then she could come back to staying with me again."

"Celeste, I don't think you understand what you are asking us." Luce tried to explain. "We would love to take Melody with us but you have to understand that we might get attached and it would end up hurting us to send her back."

"I see, I had not thought of that." Celeste mused. 

"Furthermore the child herself could get abandonment issues from something like that. So it would very possibly hurt all three of us and then there is Happy and maybe just maybe a baby." Luce adds. 

I hold up a hand stopping her, "Let's just do it." I tell her. I look at the little girl in front of us, "Do you have any family at all?" I ask her. She nods her head and points up a Celeste. I look back at my mate. "Let's just do it, we can cross that bridge when we get there and besides she would need someone to tuck her in at night and read her stories and unfortunately Celeste can't do all of that." 

I watched as Lucy's eyes filled with tears and she nodded her head. Celeste called the child over to her and blessed her turning her that same glitter gold as we had been before. "It will only last for a day or two considering she is far too young to worry about mating." Celeste informed us. 

"Wait, so you are adopting this little girl?" Mayor Fred butted in concerned. 

"Does it matter if we are or if Celeste is?" I ask him. "She is family now so she will be staying with us for a couple years, longer if she wants." 

"Well you need to inform her orphanage before you go or they will be worried sick!" 

"I was never in an orphanage. I have been by myself until I found Celeste." Melody just broke my heart into little pieces. 

"Well then we can leave a picture with you and if anyone comes looking for her send us word after they talk to Celeste of course." Lucy responded not letting the man take the little girl from us. "Now should you call me big sister or Aunty?" She asked the little girl earning giggles in return. She looked at Celeste and then back at me and Luce. 

"Mommy and Daddy; Granny thinks we should do it like this." Melody said a little confused. 

We glare at Celeste, "She does now does she?" I ask her before hearing her laugh a little. 

"You are the ones who said you would get to attached to her and that it would break her heart, remember?" She defended herself. 

"Wait, Celestial Dragon. You know who is pregnant right now don't you? How the season ended late last night?" I ask her confused. 

"If you are asking me if Lucy is pregnant the answer is I don't know yet. But if Melody is with you I can see through her eyes and I will be able to tell you when I do know which will be in 12 weeks in most cases. Sometimes as long as 15 but 12 is much more common." Celeste answered us. 

"I am so confused right now. What season? Pregnant? What?" Mayor Fred asked us. 

I groan and just tell him to nevermind. I look at the sweet little girl who called me Daddy looking frightened and all alone. "Come to Daddy, Melody." I open my arms to her and she ran into them so passed happy to finally belong somewhere. "My little girl." I sigh and Lucy stood up kissing me softly on the cheek. We used Celestial Wings and fly away to the train station. To find a very surprised group of dragon slayers. 

"You just couldn't wait could you?" Gajeel tried to mock us, but we just shrugged it off. Having a little tickle fight with our little girl as we waited for the last of our luggage to be loaded. 

"You know it looks like it will be a good hour before we can leave maybe two? Maybe we should go and buy some good clothes and shoes for her?" I ask Lucy not making eye contact. All the girls got really excited until I held up a hand to silence them. "Just the four of us if all you ladies want to do more, and I'm sure you do, then you can go after we get back to Magnolia. I was thinking just a good three or maybe as many as five outfits for now and one pair of shoes maybe a suitcase to put them in. Only one suitcase!" I try to emphasize to Lucy. 

She turned to Melody and with a big smile she asked, "Do you want to go shopping while we wait?" The little girl nodded her head slowly most likely unsure as to what we were talking about. 

"Gihi, I guess we have the whole day to ourselves then?" he looked down at Levy who was grinning back at him. 

I groan knowing he was probably right but refusing to admit it just glaring at him. "We will take as long as my mate ends up deciding," I growl and they all grinned at me, knowing I lost. 

"Come on Happy lets go!" Lucy laughed and a very playful Happy flew up picking up Melody in the process. 

"Careful, with her!" I yelled out following close behind. I could hear all the slayers laughing at me as I ran to catch her if she fell. 

"Natsu, Happy carries you around. I think he can carry little Melody." Lucy scolded me. 

"But what if she gets scared?" I ask her, she looks at the laughing giggling little girl in front of us and back at me. Okay good point, I sulk knowing my worries were ridiculous. She leaned over and kissed me making me smile again. 

"Two babies at once, this is sure to be an adventure." She smiled at me. 

"Hey we don't know that yet!" I say smiling at her. 

'With everything we did last month I find that to be unlikely.' She said using her mind not wanting to let Melody hear her. 

"Headphones, we need to get her those headphones!" I yelled, Lucy laughed telling me where she had gotten the other two sets from. Thankfully she got them from here last year. 

We go to the shop Lucy meant and let Melody pick out what color and design she liked. She picked red cat ears to match her hair so that they looked real just like Wendy's did. We couldn't help smiling at her as we paid for them and let her put them on right there in the store before we left. We let her pick out most of her clothes Lucy only helped a little bit guiding her towards matching sets. We were about to leave when I saw a dragon costume right there in the window and it was fire dragon red just like Melody's hair. 

Melody stopped and looked at me then at Lucy and said the cutest thing ever, "Mommy Daddy, please I promise I'll be good!" 

I groan knowing full well that I wanted to buy it for her but also that I didn't want to spoil her rotten. I look at Lucy and she saw my confliction. 

"If we pick out a suitcase next and then we'll leave for the train," Lucy tells her, letting her know there would be no more stops after this. 

She nodded super excited and we go in she tried them on until we find a well fitted one and when she wasn't looking I bought another one two sizes up. She wanted to know if she could wear it out and the staff were more than happy to let her and when she came out roaring like a little dragon I looked at the ladies at the counter and asked if they had any child sized suitcases here. When Melody picked this one she picked one with pink, red and gold dragons flying all over a red sparkly roller suitcase. 

I groaned at the cuteness that is now my daughter. I leaned over to kiss my mate and whisper, "She is to cute! I'm going to die." The ladies at the counter couldn't help laughing at me making me red as I watched my little Melody jump and hop around pulling her now full suitcase behind her. Her new shoes shining in the light. 

"Is it her birthday?" They asked giggling. 

"No, we just adopted her today so we are very new to this." Luce explained to the ladies getting even more praise. 

The conversation did confuse me though, "Hey Melody, could you answer something for me?" I ask her. She comes running over her cloth dragon wings flapping as she did. Her smile huge and waiting patiently for me to continue. "When is your birthday?" 

She looked at me confused before saying, "I don't know." shrugging like it wasn't a big deal. 

My heart broke a little inside, "Can you ask Celeste if she knows?" I ask her. 

She nods happily and closes her eyes for a brief second, "She says she doesn't know exactly but it would be sometime around now that I turn four." She smiled again at me. I look up at the ladies and Lucy who nods in agreement. 

"Then I guess that means today is your birthday! I pick her up throwing her in the air and Happy catches her flying her around the store in front of the now shocked staff. I hold my hands up and Happy safely brings her to me landing in Lucy's arms after he did so. "Or maybe we should do next week so we can have a big party?" I ask her. 

"No! Today is the best day ever!" she squealed in my ears clutching her little arms around my neck tightly. 

Lucy laughed and laughed until she finally managed to say, "I guess she is Daddy's little princess! Or dragon anyway!" Luce kept laughing. 

I hugged a little, "She is a dragon princess, she is our daughter now after all!" This made Lucy sit down laughing even harder. 

"I'm a dragon princess?" Melody asked her eyes big and wide; absolutely adorable. 

"I am the King of the dragons Natsu Dragneel and your mother is Queen is the dragons Lucy Dragneel. That makes you our little princess." I tickled her as I cradled her in my arms. Finally, I couldn't help it and kissed her on her cheeks and neck and she squealed in delight as I tickled her. Lucy grabbed her little suitcase and we made our way back to the train station. Look at that it only took us two hours. I couldn't help beaming as I called for the other slayers to meet us there. 

"Melody Dragneel," I whisper as my baby girl now tuckered out began to fall asleep in my arms. I pick up the suitcase and carry it while Happy also tired from playing with Melody fell asleep in Lucy's arms. I lean over to kiss her, yes this is my family. Now the only question is do I have one princess or two, do I get a prince? We got on the train and slinging back our shakes and getting little Melody up enough to drink her own miniature sized one, cherry flavored, before she fell back asleep again. We are finally going home.