Chapter 31

Lucy's POV

When we returned to the guild everyone of course was well passed shocked to find out that we now had a daughter but she was immediately loved by everyone. She chose to have her guild mark put on her right hand just like mine and the same color as Natsu's. I think red is her favorite color just a hunch from all the red colored outfits she picked out and red light up shoes and red headphones.

I laugh as I see her running around playing with Asuka while wearing a ruby red dress with light pink roses embroidered all over it and a pink ribbon around her waist a pair of white leggings underneath. Now that she is out daughter she is still a celestial dragon slayer but she had quite the ridiculous tolerance to heat. Even though she only commanded the one element apparently slayers only become duel typed after mating. Who knew?

The guild no longer seemed worried about our deep sleep but still curious. So we did tell them that Celeste had to borrow power after getting hurt. We never did figure out how she got hurt though.

Melody loves to eat the stars just like me but she also enjoyed playing out in the sun with Asuka. So it was really a win/win for her. The weeks passed by and all of us ladies started getting really fidgety nesting, cleaning and recleaning our homes. Poor Melody has been only too happy to let me bathe her every morning and again every night. A part of the guild was sectioned off for the babies when they are born and Levy with Freed's help put up barriers to protect the area from all of the Fairy Tail fights.

Finally it has been 12 weeks since we left. We all gathered around little Melody who could still talk to Celeste and while she was eating ice cream told us all the news.

Only one couple didn't get pregnant and that of course had been Sting and Rogue. Having said that Mira and Laxus were having a baby girl and Eric and Kinana were having a baby boy. Natsu and I were having a baby boy and girl and Levy and Gajeel were having twin baby boys. We all cried super emotional happy tears as the guys tried to stay out of the way of the other females. When we found out Natsu couldn't stop hugging and kissing me laughing like a mad man. He pulled Melody over and kissed and loved on her. "Two princesses and a prince!"

"Wrong," I say making him freeze. I smile and point at Happy, "two of each." I corrected and Happy joined in on our little family hug.

"We are finally getting the big family I always wanted," I sighed leaning into his comforting arms purring as I do. "I love you," I say looking up into his eyes.

"I love you too," he purred in response holding me close as we watched Melody play with Happy around the guild.

"I still can't believe you two; adopting one as soon as mating season was over what were you thinking?" Gray grunted, Juvia now firmly attached to his arm. He leaned over kissing her forehead before looking back at us. Dragon slayers were not the only pregnant ones. Both Juvia and Erza were also pregnant. Erza and Jellal are having a boy and Juvia and Gray were having twin girls. They were farther along than us though but considering the fact that Melody was so close to Asuka's age who was now 7 there was plenty of age gaps.

"Well to be fair Celeste was wanting to adopt her then she realized she couldn't because she couldn't move outside of the one position let alone take care of our sweet baby here," I cooed at Melody who was laughing at the weird voice I was making.

"So, we get to keep our little princess," Natsu cooed at her as well.

"Daddy! I'm a Dragon Princess!" she whined giggling at us before running off with Happy again. The weeks passed in happy harmony just like this.

We continued to make funny faces at our daughter from across the guild hall as she played when one day the guild suddenly went quiet. I looked up to see Jason in the doorway with a camera in hand. Master quickly walked up to him and asked, "What are you doing here?"

"I heard Fairy Tail had a big story and thought I would stop by to check it out, it sounded so cccoooollll!" he grinned looking at our Master and looking around curious why everyone looked so hostile.

"I see, I'm sorry but this story is not for the papers or magazines. It is personal and since this guild is a family we will keep it to ourselves. Please be careful on your way out. I'm sorry you went to all the trouble of coming here. Please have a nice day." Master ushered him back out the door.

Poor Melody frightened by the silence came running wailing for us, "Mommy! Daddy!" She ran straight for us and we quickly pick her up shielding her from Jason. Happy upset that Melody was crying yelled for him to get out because he made a baby cry.

Jason unsure how to process this froze in place. "Baby? Natsu and Lucy have a baby? How old is she? Wait how long have they been married?" he asked his questions trying to avoid Master by going around him.

Bad idea, Master went into his giant form slamming a fist down on the floor in front of Jason, "My brats adopted a little girl is that a problem?" Jason gulped shaking his head no. "As I said it is not the papers or magazines business to know. There will not be any article about this, do you understand?" Again Jason afraid for his life, quickly agreed nodding his head. "Good then you can leave now." Master showed him out the door. After several minutes he called for Freed to put up runes blocking reporters from entering or taking pictures of inside the guild.

When he was well on his way we all started relaxing again and we worked hard to make little Melody laugh again.

Natsu's POV

"Does anyone know about Erza and Juvia yet?" I growled low, watching Gray closely.

"No, we all want to keep it to ourselves until they start showing. You know no one wants to hire a pregnant mage the fact that they are both married won't mean anything to the clients." Came his grumbling response, he was watching me carefully.

"So we have an unwanted guest then?" I ask raising an eyebrow at him. He nodded curtly and I shifted to face my beautiful mate. She saw me nodded before smiling back at Melody and sending her off to Mira for some extra special ice cream.

When our little girl was gone she turned her focus back to me, before closing her eyes. The entire guild seemed to dim having celestial magic blanket the entire place not leaving even a single floorboard go untouched the Star like air almost to beautiful to breathe in, no one from the guild would pay any attention to it knowing what was going on. However any intruders would not.

My turn, I take a deep breath and focus on my mate's magic knowing the feel and flow of it better than even my own. I honed in on any and all fuzzy areas and just before I'm about to move onto another tactic I find something odd it wasn't just a small of thing either. There was a patch near Master that was like a giant whole in Lucy's Celestial Arena yet when I opened my eyes it matched the surrounding area. I focused in on the area and walk towards it, Gray on one side of me his ice demon slayer magic at the ready with half his face and body covered in black and Luce on the other her Celestial King Dress already activated. I of course had Dragon King Force activated as well.

Our guild mates moved out of the way confused why we looked ready to murder someone and yet we were walking towards Gramps. The remaining dragon slayers joined our ranks and just as it looked like we were about to confront Gramps, Luce and I had set the trap. Her Celestial Arena strengthened by the Celestial King Dress and my black flames coasting along it unseen. When my flames had a net like appearance around the invisible intruder Lucy dropped Celestial Arena and wrapped another layer of blue flames which hung the intruder in the air. Then Gray froze the floor and had razor sharp spikes below the netting. Erza had her sword pointed at it and Gajeel and Levy had their arms shaped like swords pointed at it as well. Rogue and Sting had the ice coated with their magic a swirling mix of light and dark and Eric had a venomous cloud hovering just over the spikes.

Master walked up next to me and addressed the very outnumbered and surrounded person. "Who are you and what do you want with my brats?" his words as always sounded silly but his tone was that of a man addressing someone about to be executed, his face held the same grave expression as his voice. We all looked like we were ready for war.

"Stop, I come in peace, I swear!" A frightened man's voice squealed.

I wanted to groan and did, "Mayor Fred, you don't exactly have a lot of time to explain yourself here." my voice still low and full of menace, knowing it was the mayor of Sapphire City in Pietra did not ease my nerves. In fact it had every nerve ending raw and ready to fray.

"I just came to check on the little girl, Melon." His cloak now gone the sad little fat man could do nothing but cower as the collective rage of the guild as they passed judgment on him, now that they could all see him.

"My daughter, Melody, is just fine. Now why don't you tell us why you are actually here?" I growl. I am so thankful that Mira had the foresight to take her in the back for her extra special ice cream. I reached a hand now the shape and feel of a dragon's to his chin before adding, "False words will not help you here."

"Why are you attacking me? I have done nothing wrong!" the little fat man screamed.

It was Master who answered him, "On the contrary you have used magic to trespass and leaked confidential information to the press. By law, you are ours to do with how we see fit, within reason of course. And currently you are a threat. So why don't you tell us the truth? Hmmmm?"

I lit my clawed hand on fire ready for the go ahead to slice the irritating man down to size. My anger was boiling, to a dragon slayer a child is a child, there is no difference between an adopted one and one that they shared blood with. Once they have taken them in, it was final. The thought of Fred disrespecting or worse hurting my little girl had my blood boiling. And the rest of Fairy Tail felt the same; we are family.

The man paled when he realized he didn't have a choice and nervously chuckled. "I guess the jig is up?" He smiled trying to look harmless earning Gray's anger as he elongated the spikes below him.

He yelped and begged us for mercy, "I'll tell you everything I swear! Please this net is literally made of fire!"

"It hasn't burned you yet," my tone was far colder than Gray's ice as I glared at him. "Start talking."

"I was sent to see how strong the country of Dragon Slayers had become. Since they have their own King and Queen we figured that you must have a considerable amount of people and my country wanted to know if we should make a treaty with you or wage war! The fact that the Star Dragon recognizes you as King and Queen only makes you more dangerous." I really hate Mayor Fred's voice. I looked at Lucy who had recorded everything and then at Master who summoned the magic council to take the prisoner away along with a copy of the evidence.

Pietra wanted war now did they? My hands clenched at the thought. I looked to Lucy, "Please go to the celestial realm. You will be safer there." I begged her but she refused. She would be laying our eggs soon.

"We are a family and we will fight as one." she spoke low and soft caressing my cheek. She smiled before adding, "But the Celestial King would like to see us. He would be happy to come here. We can put up a barrier so know one can see or hear outside but Fairy Tail or the dragon slayers?" I nodded my head and we set to work, Melody playing with Happy and Asuka inside the guild hall, being watched by Erza and Mira.

It was decided that all of Fairy Tail would hear what the Celestial King had to say and we went about setting the barrier. When we were done all of Fairy Tail including of course our little Melody was outside the guild and inside of the barrier, Luce summoned her spirits.

A/N Yes I meant to screw up Melody's name when Mayor Fred said it. I was trying to show how little he cared about her!