Chapter 33

Lucy's POV

I woke up to the sound of Nashi and Luke fussing. I looked down to see them in my arms and Natsu fast asleep with Happy and Melody sleeping on him.I can't help smiling at them. I fixed Nashi and Luke so they could nurse and looked up at Celeste and began talking quietly to her.

"We need to make it to where we can talk without others over hearing us again." I sighed wishing out loud.

"We can do that, just hold still a moment." She instructed and there was a faint glow of gold around my family and I. Nothing at all like the first time she blessed us just enough to establish our connection, and thankfully we didn't keep our gold color this time.

'Can you hear me?' I ask her through my mind.

'Yes sweetheart and now you can hear me but those around us can't.' she responded.

'Oh thank goodness, I need to fill you in on so much, we couldn't tell Melody the whole plan only enough for you to understand that there was more.' I tell her.

'I figured there was more than there appeared to be. So go ahead and fill me in, while the little ones are sleeping.' she requested. I nod my head and tell her everything from the former mayor to the Pietra government seeking war with us. I told her about the dragon realm and that if we took her there before un-petrifying her she could live forever while there but would never be able to leave. I told her how the Dragon Realm had grown to the point of actually being a small country. I even told her how I meet with the queen of Fiore occasionally and how I was currently working on negotiations to have Magnolia as part of our country.

'So the queen is favorable to you?' Celeste asked me.

'We are friends but she is still a Queen and can't just give away land. I am trying to talk to her about possibly selling it to us and maybe even granting her access to Magnolia being as she is a friend.' I say smiling at her.

'I see, you and Natsu have been working very hard to have expanded the strength of the Dragons so far that you ever felt the need to acquire a little land for the country. But isn't there plenty of land in the Dragon Realm? Why do you need more land on Earthland?'

'For the war, we need clear boundaries so that Fiore wont get sucked into our war. As I said the queen is a friend of mine and the only reason she has agreed to any talks on the matter is because I pointed out the fact that Pietra might try to wage war with them as well. I am currently waiting for her to receive the same news that I have. Pietra wants war with us dragon slayers. But even a year on Earthland and I still haven't figured out why.' I can't help looking away as I say all of this.

Why does Pietra want war with us? Is it simply because we are the new King and Queen? New to them anyway. Having spent so much time in the Dragon Realm it has been decades to us. So much so that many of the dragon slayers feel the war was just a caution and unlikely to begin with. That is until they have to go on a long trip on Earthland just to come back and find almost a decade has gone by since they have been home. Being the mother of babies for so long is exhausting maybe there is a way to change that?

'I want to go to the Dragon Realm. To see all of our new people.' Celeste sighs.

I nod my head, 'Alright we will leave tonight then when there is the least amount of people around. They might try to blame the war on this but we will know the truth.' I look up at her stone face, soon she will be able to move and express herself the way she does in our minds when she talks to us. I smile, "I will see you later Celeste I need to get Natsu up and we need to check into our hotel."

I said that out loud and as if on cue Natsu flinches saying "I'm up!" as if I had been yelling at him. Celeste and I laugh out loud, unable to control it as my babies fuss a little and Melody complains to her daddy about waking her up. Happy just rubbing his eyes as he looked around confused.

"Okay you three help me out here, we need to get to the hotel." I laugh and then using my mind I fill Natsu in on the plan. We continue to laugh as we said our goodbyes and take our very sleepy children to our hotel.

The staff were friendly and repeatedly told us how adorable our children were as well as Happy who was carrying Nashi at the time because Melody begged to be carried by her mommy and Natsu carried Luke. "Oh look how cute they all are! How did you get so lucky to have such angels?" The green haired receptionist asked me.

I laughed a little, "A lot of work and luck." Of course she laughed showing us to our room where our luggage had been delivered much earlier.

"Well I hope you have a nice stay please just let me know if you need anything at all." she gushed cooing at Nashi and Luke who were awake now gurgling at each other.

"Thank you we will." I smile as she left, Natsu already crashing on the bed next to the twins. The time difference between the Dragon Realm and here was pretty hard to get used to. But honestly it ended up working out for the best. After all if we sleep during the day we could escape during the night much easier.

I tucked in my now clean and full babies, kissing each of their foreheads as I did. Melody requested to sleep with the rest of us not wanting to sleep by herself or with just Happy so we all slept on the king size bed thankful that the staff were willing to switch us rooms to accommodate the request. I lay down next to Melody who had the twins between her and Natsu. I watched them all sleep peacefully tucking a loose strand of her bright red hair behind her ear before falling asleep myself.

Natsu's POV

When we all woke up Lucy and I took care of the twins making sure they were clean and fed before the five of us took our luggage to Celeste. We ended up having to use a new move Lucy had developed called Blackest Night, it basically covered us all in celestial magic and made it extremely hard for anyone to see us, including other dragon slayers. It also muffled any noise we could have made making it easier with the twins. Melody and Happy actually carried the luggage while Luce and I carried the twins.

We made it to Celeste without any issues but unfortunately the new mayor was standing at the base of Celeste's feet. Lucy sat down with both twins while I got closer to find out what was going on.

"Star Dragon, your saying that the dragon slayers can revive you? Truly if they could then why can't they do it here? I do not trust that they have your best interest at heart. After all if they could, why wouldn't you be able to return after they did?" This new mayor irritated me to no end. He wasn't even giving Celeste any time to respond. "You shouldn't go after all the people here in Sapphire need you. You are a source of inspiration to all of Pietra. The Star Dragon savior of the people."

"That is kind of you to say but I can not say that I know yet what I will do. My adoptive daughter and her family were planning on staying for a little while and they told me that even if I didn't want to go now but in a few years that was fine as well. There is no time limit on this and to take my time deciding." Celeste responded, she was telling the truth and only using vague words like a little while or were planning, careful not to lie. I frowned, there must be a reason so I took a mental note about it.

"I see, well they are not so bad if they told you to take your time. I was concerned that they were trying to pressure you into going." The new mayor sighed in what seemed to be relief. "I didn't mean to accuse your family of any unpleasant things, I was just worried about you." The mayor was a small slim man with dark green hair and gold eyes. I do not know his name.

'Celeste, I'm talking in your head. What is the mayor's name?' I ask her.

"Mayor Stone, I understand you are uneasy, especially since your predecessor was caught trying to wage a war with my kind, my family. But you really should consider your words more wisely when you speak to me. I am only the last dragon for now. My kind is not extinct and most likely will not become extinct. So long as there are dragon slayers there will always be dragons dwelling within them." Celeste answered tactfully giving me my answer at the same time.

"Dragons dwell inside of them? How is that even possible when dragons are so big and humans are so small?" the man whined like a child.

'He thinks that he is getting important information from me but do not worry, I am being careful.' she tells me before speaking out loud, "Their hearts are what make them dragons. That is how dragons will never go extinct."

"But there are only a handful of dragon slayers I'm told. 7 and apparently their wives get some of their power as well. Although I can't understand that at all." the guy groaned like his head hurt. I really wanted to punch him. Didn't the last mayor say that his office was restricted from having mages working there?

Celeste however just laughed, "Magic is magic, to try and explain it's nature is not one of my past times."

"I suppose your right. Just please tell me if you decide to leave us. We all love you very much. Besides that little boy who sleeps at your feet with blue hair would be devastated." the man pointed at young child who looked smaller than Melody had last year. I smile at that thought, looks like Celeste wanted to adopt another child.

'I do but I do not want to have you raise him. I truly want to do it myself and if I can move again then I can.' she responded sadly to my thoughts. "I will keep your words in mind Mayor Stone. But for now could you leave me to rest I want to be awake when my family comes to visit again." She is so sly I have to bite my lip at her words. To think people used to think I was stupid.

I tell Lucy everything that is going on through our bond and feel her sigh content. We had been slightly worried that Celeste might try to re-adopt Melody from us after we took her to the Dragon Realm but reasoned that we could all just live together or next to each other so it wouldn't affect how our baby looked at us.

'Don't worry I would never hurt any of you like that.' Celeste responded, oops I forgot I was linked to her. She chuckled a little bit at me while we watched the mayor leave. I had already scouted much of the surrounding area looking for any signs of spies or guards and found none. To be safe we even casted Celestial Arena which went completely unnoticed by anyone that would have been looking simply because it was so late at night it blended into the stars above.

'It's all clear!' I tell Luce through our bond as we all make our way to Celeste's feet again this time around the little boy. 'You're sure that he doesn't have any family?' I ask her.

'Unfortunately I know he has no family. They all died in a house fire two months ago and the orphanage doesn't have enough room for him. I have been taking care of him by having people deliver food and drink and one of the caretakers of the orphanage comes once a week to bathe him.'

'That's horrible!' Lucy barely stops herself from exclaiming out loud.

'Let's hurry poor Happy and Melody can't hear us and Happy isn't normally so quiet.' I tell them. They thankfully agree and we get everything into position and I take out the magic item that will teleport us home. It was a silver bell with a phoenix engraved around it. "Everyone ready?" I ask out loud and everyone nods. I take the bell and swing it hard and Lucy recites a chant.

"Fairy Tail Fairy Tail, the door between worlds take us home to Fairy Tail, home sweet home." she cited and the eight of us disappear from the hilltop without a trace.

Lucy's POV

We arrive outside of Fairy Tail in the field where we had Levy and Freed set up a barrier so no one could see us and Natsu takes out another magic item a pen and writes 10 inches tall on Celeste's leg. It shrinks her down to ten inches tall and using his dragon slayer strength carries her inside. She did manage to bless the little boy before he was done with the pen so he was now that gold glittery color and Levy and Juvia came running out to us to help with the babies not expecting a fourth one.

"Are you going to adopt a kid everytime you go to Sapphire?" Gray asked half jokingly as he slugged Natsu in the arm up ahead. I roll my eyes at the boys.

"He is my new baby brother," I explain to Levy knowing full well that Gray could hear me. She nodded picking up one of the twins and Juvia took the other. I took my new brother and Melody ran inside with Happy. We all make it to the door and go inside, together.

"The Queen and King have returned! We hear as one of the guards at the gate announced for anyone who would listen. Unlike on Earthland where it was the middle of the night it was late morning here. Leaving my family quite refreshed. For us it will be months before anyone in Pietra would even sound the alarm of our escape. To be fair as far as Fairy Tail was concerned we had been gone for almost a year.

Natsu takes Celeste to the open palace gardens and puts her down erasing the writing on her putting her back to normal size again. "Okay so how do we free you normally?" I ask her wanting to be sure we wouldn't ruin it.

"Well it would require a lot of Fire magic and the midnight sky or celestial magic." she responds sighing out loud.

I smile, "Great then we found the right spell!"

We summoned about ten of each Fire and Celestial Dragon slayers who would have been standing by for this and with Natsu, Melody and I we drenched her in our dragon roars. I stopped before those around us and recited the spell. "What was done to protect may be undone with time, stars of fire heed our call and remove this stone and restore the flesh on this dragon of starlight."

Celeste began to glow her golden glitter and before we knew it she was stretching her wings and dancing around the garden. "I'm free!" she sang and suddenly we heard a baby crying. Confused I looked around it didn't sound like any of mine and then I saw my blue haired brother crying on the grass nearby.

"Hush now sweetheart it is only I, the Star Dragon, Celeste." she cooed at him. He reached for her and she nuzzled him letting him climb onto her snout and purring to him. We all heard him mutter Mommy before closing his eyes again falling back to sleep in the warm sun.

"Awww." I heard many ladies coo that could see their actions. I roll my eyes at how cute they were being and gave directions as I headed to the palace to determine what all needed our attention.