Chapter 34

Lucy's POV

It took what felt like an eternity but what was actually after only a few hours I was able to speak with the Celestial King and found out I could tweak the way time worked in the Dragon Realm but it would be more and more difficult the more often we tried to do it. I smiled at him, "That's okay we only need to change it a little bit." After I was done talking with him I summoned team Natsu and the original dragon slayers and their mates. After discussing it for quite a while we decided that the time difference should remain the same but altered to allow those under 21 to age although still at a much slower rate. It was determined that since mating season only occurred every seven years here we would use that and make it to where all the children would age one year for every seven. When we were done we set up the announcement and dozens of daycares and schools were set up throughout the country to accommodate all the children that would no longer need to go to Magnolia.

Many still went to Magnolia of course either with their parents or on trips and some just to give said parents a break. After all most had been parents of infants for over fifty years, Natsu and I included closing in on a couple hundred years and we really needed the breaks.

With these changes the country began growing much faster. I ended up contacting the queen of Fiore with a special device that she wears on her wrist that seemed to freeze time around her so we could speak normally to each other. She ended up granting us the land after her spies had reported back to her about Pietra. We paid a heavy price for it but thanks to our generous merchants we were able to do it with enough left over to continue running the country as normal.

"Hisui, why don't you come to the Dragon Realm for a visit? You seem stressed and time moves faster here so you could take a long vacation without your work piling up on you." I ask her; concerned for my friend. She had what anyone could see were dark bags under her eyes even with what makeup she had on. I could also see her skin was sunken in a bit like she hadn't been eating properly for a while now. Most likely from overworking herself and stressing about Natsu and I. She truly is a good friend.

"What? I couldn't possibly impose like that! Besides I thought only dragon slayers could go there?" She asked slightly confused. I know she was intrigued and had been wanting to visit for some time now, but I also knew she would never ask, she would see it as a selfish wish or daydream at best.

I laughed at her sweet concern, "I am the Queen and I have done it on several occasions for workers that did special work for us but didn't want to leave their family homes behind. Besides you haven't seen me in what a few months? For me it has been a few decades since we last spoke face to face. We just celebrated our 400th anniversary last month." I sighed thinking about all the time that has passed by. We spent so long building our country up and now that the children were ageing it was growing even faster particually now that they didn't have to leave the safety of Fairy Tail.

"You may come anytime so long as we are friends," I smile at her image. "I really wish you would, I have missed you." I added trying to clear her conscious.

She smiled in response and cheered, "Look out Fairy Tail I'm coming to visit! What should I pack? Is it hot there? Cold? Is there a beach?" I smiled telling her to pack whatever she wanted to do we had it all from beaches to icy mountains, islands and the mainland.

"I don't know how long it will be for you but it will be a little over a week in my time before I arrive." she answered and I smiled back.

We hang up the device and I sit back sighing at the thought of seeing my friend again. Sure it would take over a year but that would be okay. At least she was coming. Natsu and I had set up a teleportation item that could move buildings outside of the kingdom so that we could put a doorway by the palace gates to Tenrou Island. It is Fairy Tail's sacred land and honestly that made the former Master very happy. He insisted that all of the original Fairy Tail members call him Gramps though. I still mess up from time to time and call him Master but he smiles when I change it to Gramps.

Celeste absolutely loves flying around with my baby brother, his name is Tidus which seemed to suit him. Between his blue hair and love for the stars and the sea, it was natural. He also seems to have developed a bit of a crush on Melody and was heartbroken when he found out magic made them family. No one has told him that it wouldn't effect them from a mating perspective yet. We're waiting to see how they grow up. Maybe they will grow closer, maybe they will just stay friends only time will tell.

Several years have passed here in Fairy Tail and Melody was now 15 in Earthland years anyway. While Nashi and Luke were 10, Nashi was a fire dragon slayer and Luke was a celestial dragon slayer. Natsu and I actually have other children as well. Luna who is 7 years old, a celestial dragon slayer and Igneel who is 5, a fire dragon slayer.

Natsu's POV

Life seems so good now. My five babies are growing up so fast and I am so glad that the dragon realm has slowed their growth so we could spend so much more time with them. We are still preparing for the war with Pietra but even Lucy and I are starting to relax hoping that peace will continue. It was time to send someone to deliver a communicator to Pietra's royal family with at least the guise of trade in mind. I think Lucy is planning on asking Queen Hisui if she will send someone for us.

Lucy and I have opened up the dragon realm so that celestial spirits may visit without using their magic the whole time so they come here to visit and relax. Lucy has all 13 zodiac keys but there are still several hundred silver keys she does not and they all say they could use a vacation.

Several years pass and we built something of a crossroads. It was basically a road that led to a circle of paths each path had an archway that when they passed through it would take them to different cities or even countries that we had made treaties with. Which has caused a boom in trade, what wouldn't sell in Magnolia would sell for a high price in Crocus and so on. We had some workers with passes so that during dragon season on Earthland they could just come to us and pick up the merchandise it was a fairly efficient system.

Lucy's POV

Hisui's visit was fun and she truly seemed to relax while she was here. When I asked her about maybe sending a device to Pietra for trade and possibly peace she sadly shook her head.

"I'm sorry it will only give them a reason to attack Fiore, claiming we were siding with Fairy Tail." She was right of course, but that didn't help the sence of foreboding I had.

"That's okay, Natsu and I should probably go ourselves anyway." I smile at my friend. We spent the rest of her visit having fun and I showed her some of the many wonders that Fairy Tail now had; from beaches with black sand to volcanos that erupted ice we even had either a very large lake or very small sea that was so salty there were no fish in it. She got particularly excited about the fact that spirits could come here whenever they wanted.

At the end of her visit Natsu and I decided it was time for us to head out as well. We left Erza in charge too keep the kingdom running smoothly while we were gone. We took our personal guards with us and much to our discomfort we also brought our children. A sure sign of peace, we couldn't bare to leave them behind and allow them to age and grow without us there by their sides. Melody was well taught in how to use the silver bell and if anything were to happen to us she could at least take her siblings back to Magnolia and then to Fairy Tail. The bell could only take a max of 10 people so everyone couldn't use it. It did make me a little nervous the idea of our children leaving us behind but it was for the greater good of the kingdom.

It's finally time. I can only hope that peace could actually be a possibility. We used a gate that sat close to the border of Pietra, in truth it was one of the first gates we had set up. Sending scouts and spies to keep us informed on their movements as time has passed. It has been a few months on Earthland and here we are.

We I have the wagon set up and we head to Pietra, I wonder if we can actually void this war?