Chapter 35

Natsu's POV

We were greeted at the gates of Pietra, where my little Melody acted as our voice seeing as she has grown up so well. It took some convincing but they finally got me to agree. She is my baby, she shouldn't have to deal with any of these things.

Pietra's castle guards seemed confused, and after someone ran up to one of them whispering in their ear; their backs straightened. I heard what was said, 'Dragneel is the name of the Dragon King and Queen.'

"We will announce your arrival right away, please come this way," The one in the flashiest armor said. We stepped forward all dressed as we were, a royal family. Lucy had had her spirits bring us some of our more intimidating royal clothes. Honestly, I thought they were stuffy and a drag to wear but after a couple decades you get really used to them.

'I heard that,' Luce tells me using her mind. I just smile at her thinking about how beautiful she is, even when she was upset. I see her smile at my thoughts and grabs my hand as we begin to follow the guards in after several minutes the guards stop in front of what appears to be a throne room.

"I'm sorry, only the royal family may enter past this point." one of the men said blocking not only our guards but also Melody, using his pike to do so. The point of the pike uncomfortably close to her little neck.

"Then why are you blocking the first princess with our guards?" Luce hissed. The man jumped and looked back and forth between Melody and us for several seconds.

"If you don't remove your weapon from my daughter I will remove your head." my voice was low and menacing as I glared at the guard who still had his pike by her throat. "Dragon's do not give many chances." I felt not only as Luce and I but Melody's siblings covered our bodies in our magic. Three celestial dragon slayers and two fire dragon slayers all of whom were children of the King and Queen who exudes both fire and celestial dragon slayer magic and then the body guards as well. Poor Happy was extremely upset his claws at the ready as he was closest to her since he had been sitting on her shoulder, which meant they were not only blocking a princess but a prince as well.

The man would have died already if not for the fact that we were here to create peace. He very slowly lowered his weapon putting it on the ground stepping away trembling before us as he remained bowed. I could hear his heart hammer in his chest, his lungs failing to make a sound as the man's breath would not come to him, even the way that his very skin seemed to have lost the ability to breathe. He instantly had a cold sweat as he trembled before us. Even without our heightened abilities we could have seen him shaking in his boots.

"My King, my Queen," Eric arrived just then, he was a part of our rear guard but he honestly did more surveillance from afar using his ability to hear a person's soul. "This man did not intend to threaten Princess Melody and although his careless actions do deserve death. I know that is not your wish." I nod acknowledging his words and flick my hand at the man kneeling allowing him to flee from our collective rage. My daughter once again by my side, Eric bowed and returned to his position with the rear guard.

Lucy and I could have easily heard him from his post, but his decision was wise, so that any onlookers would understand why it was that we let him go. I looked at my daughter and check to make sure the weapon had not touched her, it had not. I sighed happily and hugged her to me. She has grown so much that even a pike at her throat had not made her flinch, her training has gone well. I look around at my other children, the twins Nashi and Luke were holding hands as always while Luna and Igneel stood behind them. They were ready to take care of their siblings while Lucy and I tore this castle apart if they harmed Melody, they are all good kids.

"Your guests have arrived!" Melody's voice echoed through the hall. Everyone fell silent and all eyes turned to her, a sense of dread could be felt as her voice carried throughout the hall, not even a trace of a tremble in her voice from the incident, her voice powerful as we could hear it reverberate against the walls. They watched shocked at all the commotion with the guard only to have her announce themselves.

"Announcing the Royal Dragons of the Zodiac, Savior of Fiore, Final Guildmaster of Fairy Tail, King of Dragons, The Salamander himself, his royal majesty, the King of Fairy Tail: Fire Dragonslayer: Natsu Dragneel!" I held my head up high as I listened with pride as Melody's words filled the air, confident in her speech. My black robes edged in gold and red had stars in violent burst and flames on the trim. It was my favorite set looking the most like my old adventure clothes from before Luce and I mated, it was just great.

"Announcing the Royal Dragons of the Zodiac, Savior of Fiore, Heir of Heartfilia, Friend of the Celestial King, Champion of the Zodiac, the one and only Heavenly Star, her royal majesty, Queen of the Dragons and Queen of Fairy Tail: the Celestial Mage Supreme: Lucy Dragneel!" Luce held her head up high as she walked alongside me. Her slim figure draped in a black dress that easily matched my own, trim and all. It made me want to eat her up but as sexy as she appeared she also radiated power and confidence making most men flinch away and even more woman stare openly at her, almost leaning in as if to drink her up.

Announcing their Royal Highnesses, the joys and pride of Fairy Tail: the Dragneel princesses and princes!" Melody finished her announcement stepping back with the other kids.

"Is this how you greet your guest? Or should we take this as a sign to go back home? Our guards will remain with us either way." Lucy demanded and a man most likely an adviser waved us forward apologising over and over again. The Royal guard was allowed inside, only our rear guard was outside and with Eric with them that really didn't matter.

I watched as the adviser spoke to whom I assumed was the King in whispered tones. Sometimes I forget that most people in Fiore don't even know about a dragon slayers abilities let alone the rest of the world. I heard the King order to have the guard killed for us.

"What!?!" The twins cried blocking Luna and Igneel from the man.

This more than surprised the King as well as all the lords and ladies in the audience. I stifle a sigh before speaking, "I would rather you not order death in front of my children. We ALL can hear you just fine. Besides one of my men skilled in the particular art informed me it was an accident. He did not mean to point his weapon at my daughter but only to block my daughter's entrance."

"I see, then he may keep his life with no ill will from you or your family?" he questioned.

"That is what I just said." I replied Luce is so much better at this, I glance at her to see her fighting a smile.

"I see, then so be it. The man may continue to live but have him reassigned outside of the castle." the King turned towards his adviser who nodded backing away.

"It is a pleasure to finally meet the great Dragon King!" the man nearly shouted before turning to Luce and adding, "And of course Queen," The supposed King claimed while still seated. I bristled knowing full well that he was slighting not only me but my family, but I remained quiet. "We only received word of your arrival early this morning by messenger so I'm afraid that we have not had time to prepare anything but we offer you our hospitality nonetheless." The man has spouted lie after lie since he began speaking and I was nearly done listening to it. We know full well that our messenger arrived early yesterday evening because we watched him arrive. We also know that the messenger was tortured for false charges of crimes against the state because he carried our letter for us.

"I do find that undoubtedly intriguing as he should have arrived early yesterday if you could send him to us we will send him home right away. After all, I gave him my word that we would pay him for his service upon our arrival." Lucy spoke already knowing that he would refuse. "If you cannot deliver him to us within the hour one of our men will do so for you, so as to cause you little to no inconvenience." She had him trapped, either let the man go or we will drag him away.

I kissed the back of her hand before speaking, "Perhaps we should send our children with their guards so we can speak more openly my Queen?" I looked tenderly at her, my smile genuine as I did. Sometimes the vast amounts of time that has passed is overwhelming and the only time I can smile is when I look at her. This will take our children to safety without the use of the bell and then we could just use the bell after they get to the closest gate, which we had set up just outside of the view of the city gates.

"That sounds like a fine idea! After all we wouldn't want to burden children with adult affairs now would we?" the imposter spoke. Yes he is only pretending to be King while the true King of Pietra hid behind the curtains well behind him, on a second but larger throne. I know for a fact that not only I but all of the dragon slayers had found him. Even my little Igneel who as far as this world was concerned was only 5. Jokes on them he is 40 years old, he will be 6 Earthland years old in another two back home.

"Mommy," Luna looks at Luce with her large green eyes her blond hair gleaming in the evening light. When she had everyone's attention she asked, "How old is that man?" She pointed at the idiot on the throne. Luce just looked at the man lifting an eyebrow at him.

He chucked before answering, "My, my young miss I am 39 years old. How old are you?" He must have been expecting what everyone else was expecting, that's not the answer he got.

"I just turned 54 last month. Why do you look so old, even little Iggy is only 40." Luna answered him. Most of our guard tried very hard not to laugh out loud and personally it was just over. Once I broke down laughing so did they only Levy and Luce could keep from laughing and even they couldn't hide their smiles of amusement. Thankfully Sting and Rogue didn't give away their positions.

"Luna, I love you." I sighed as I wiped a tear that had formed from laughing so hard. "People here age differently than back at home so here he is an old man."

She nodded then looked straight at me before asking, "Does that mean that to them we are old?" She looked a little sad at the thought which of course broke my heart.

"No, no, no, no! You're daddy's baby girl! Even Melody is still Daddy's baby girl, no one thinks your old!" I glared at the man for making my daughter cry he just sat there completely confused. When it looked like he had himself together again it looked like he was just going to believe whatever he wanted, which was not my daughter's words.

"Perhaps they should leave," Lucy speaks loud enough that the man could hear, trying to relieve the tension. She turned to Melody before speaking again, "First Princess Melody, I charge you with the safe return of all your brothers and sisters back to Fairy Tail with the quickest haste. You will rule in our absence so be sure to pay close attention to your aunts and uncles." Melody nodded her head slightly bowing at the waist thumping her right fist over her heart.

"Uncle Sting and Uncle Rogue," Melody spoke out loud. And to the horror of those in attendance two shadows grew into the air as if from nothing, large as the men that stepped out of them, taking a knee before the princess. "My brothers and sisters and I will be leaving for home now if you would be so kind?" They bowed their heads before standing up creating something of a shadow doorway between the two of them. It was really a sight to see they had been practicing making a show of it for a long time and I could see their smirks at either the reactions of those around us or from Luna's earlier antics. The doorway opened for our children to step into, the audience was flabbergasted as the inky black of the shadows seemed to be edged in light itself before disappearing into the black abyss that was it's shadow. Sting had light radiating off him as Rogue seemed to embody the shadows themselves.

Each of our children gave hugs and kisses to us before stepping into the shadows seemingly to disappear into nothingness before the court of Pietra, I couldn't help whispering "good job" into Luna's ear, earning one of her more brilliant smiles. Melody stopped and handed Lucy the silver bell before doing the same as her siblings. Both Sting and Rogue stepped into the shadows following their charges before the shadows disappeared altogether.

"How unusual, how do they travel through the shadows? And if you could do that why did you take so long to arrive?" The imposter questioned ignoring the matter of our childrens ages altogether. They didn't need to know that they could travel faster in the late afternoon light. Or that they could only move with the shadows because their group was so large.

Now that our children were safely away, our friends circled around us ready for the fight that could very well be demanded, both Gray and Gajeel still sporting smiles from Luna. "The better question would be why have you been lying to us since we have arrived? Or why you seem so set to slight us at every turn?" Lucy spoke instead. "How you seem more inclined to speak to my husband and belittle my own presence?"

The man before us started to fumble looking for words to distract us. "In the Dragon Realm of Fairy Tail the Queen holds equal power if not more to the King. Not including the fact that she is physically stronger. My mate will be respected regardless of who is in her presence. Even a fake king such as yourself." I speak my mind, no longer caring now that my babies were already safely away. Eric keeping us informed as they fled to the gateway.

"Whatever do you mean? How dare you make such a claim before me without any proof to back it up!" the man screamed, The Lords and Ladies of the court whispered amongst themselves only confirmed our words. Many asking how old or wise we were if our children were indeed older than their King?

"Do you require proof?" I asked smiling. The man hesitated before smiling an ugly smile nodding waving for us to continue. "Very well, Gray, go." Before the man had so much as a moment to blink Gray had the true King, his hands frozen behind his back and on his knees, before all of us. There was a gasp and many whispers from around the room, many of which only served to prove our suspicions. Still several were both impressed as well as frightened by the sheer speed only one guard had shown.

"Then this must be an enemy spy, if he is not in fact the King. We will gladly take care of such scum for you if you wish?" I say smiling again glaring at the man who dared to lie to me. I could feel as my rage started to spiral out of control as my words sounded so cold.

"Now, now my mate we both know that he is the King after all no need to have the imposter stoop so low as to commit treason." Lucy smiled sighing out before she sent a fire dragon's roar at him thawing out the man before everyone. "There now he is free to defend himself from his imposter." Making sure everyone heard her, so that no one could say that it was us attacking the King but one of his own men. I really hate politics, but as I looked at Lucy I knew I couldn't avoid it, my dumb ass was King after all.

I smile at her kissing the back of her hand as I did. "Of course, my Queen." It is so hard not to call her Luce in front of everyone but she had insisted that it was necessary for them to take us seriously. Thankfully I had started playfully calling her my queen before we even had the Dragon Realm. I looked before us again waiting for them to either defend the imposter or persecute him.

"Well you see," the King sputtered before us unsure of what to do with his subjects looking between the two. The magic that had rendered the imposter now dispelled they could see the truth of our words.

"I see so Pietra has no desire to trade with Fairy Tail what so ever. What a shame." Luce stated for us. "If you had we would not have had to go through all of these hoops just to speak with you. If you change your mind, please be sure to send a messenger to Magnolia. We will happily return for true peace talks and trade agreements when you change your mind." Lucy turned to me taking out the silver bell holding it daintily in her hand. It looked like it was a delicately carved silver bell, that no one paid any attention to.

"We will take our leave now," I say as our friends took their places around us as we begin to leave through the door that we had come in. Not the best outcome but livable after all we haven't had to use the bell yet maybe we could get out without using it at all.

"Wait! What do you mean peace talks? Do you dare declare war on Pietra!" the King asked from behind us. It took a lot of effort to stop myself from groaning out loud.

Lucy and I turn back to the man before us, "We have no need to declare a war when you have already done so. We came here in good faith believing that you would actually try to conduct peace, we even brought our children, only to have you utter lies to our faces and insults at our feet." Lucy spoke her confidence shining brightly as she did. "A sheep should know better than to stab at a dragon."

This seemed to infuriate the man lets be honest it should have, he sputtered something along the lines of how dare you or do you know who you are speaking to but nothing really could be heard. The imposter king stood up instead, "The man who delivered your message has been sentenced to death for crimes against the crown and so will all of those who side with you! This is war!"

Just then Laxus arrived carrying a beaten and abused man who was barely conscious, it was the courier. "I see you have him very nearly dead from your torture already." I grumbled loud enough that everyone could hear before turning to the man. "Are you alright?" He vaguely shook his head no only just barely able to do so. "Do you still wish to come with us to Fairy Tail? You are still welcome." I asked him.

"My family..." He was able to rasp out.

I turned to Laxus, "His family is already with the rear guard they jumped at the possibility when I offered it; they did not know that he was already here. Apparently he has been hidden away so they could try and torture information out of the guy." Laxus informed us, his voice gruff as he did. The man in his arms sighed out before nodding his head tears running down his still bloody face.

"It is decided then, we will take him with us." Lucy announced ignoring the protest of the king. She turned towards him her glare steady as she focused on him, I watched him as he flinched away from her making me smile, "If it is a war that you want then speak clearly your reasons! We came here to discuss trade and instead you lie, cheat, and torture your own subjects! Why do you want a war?" Her voice rang clear as the stars around the room even with the fire of her rage at such injustices as this.

"You stole the Star Dragon from us. And you have the audacity to claim we proclaimed war?" the King raged at us, he sounded much like a small child that had his favorite toy taken away because he had been naughty rather than a King.

"My adoptive mother, Celeste, chose to come with us, if you did not believe us you could have simply asked her. We would have been happy to receive you in our kingdom before this but now at most you could speak to her on a lacrima." Lucy spoke loudly making sure that all those in attendance heard her. This earned many whispers, most not knowing that Lucy and I were the ones that she blessed only a few short years ago to them.

"Yes, after you have it locked away and possibly tortured of course it would say it was true!" the king sputtered. The crowds started getting louder at such a claim they were quite honestly a little past mad at such a thought.

"Lock away and torture a dragon? Do you even hear yourself right now?" I ask confused how he could believe such a thing. The crowds were clearly on our side and considering we were in his kingdom that was saying something. "SHE chose where to go and what to do and how she lives."

"If you wish to declare war with Fairy Tail I suggest you find at least a plausible reason for doing so. But let me make ourselves clear." Lucy paused the room silent once again. She had the whole rooms attention as she spoke even a mouse could not be heard in the silence. "We will defend ourselves from you. Your people, so long as they do not raise a hand against us will remain safe. After all we do not care for war. Only peace, equality and freedom." Lucy announced clearly to the room of lords and ladies.

We turned once again this time leaving unhindered. No one dared to step in to stop us. We could hear the king and imposter king try to convince the court that we were the ones trying to urge war by making such claims. The people in the court did not side with him though. When we were almost to the city gate I heard as the king and imposter king ordered us killed and sent people to do so before we got too far. They had done so far away from the lords and ladies which only told me they did not agree with him at all.

I sigh, "Looks like he is determined to have this war." I look around at my friends and mate. "He just ordered us to be killed before we can leave the country. The man must be crazy." Gray, Gajeel, Levy and Laxus nodded grimly at the information.

"We will just have to take them out and maybe leave a note tied to them outside of view of the gate home. It sounded like they only sent four." Lucy added.

Gajeel stepped forward, "It's been a long time since I had a good fight." he grinned I watched Lucy nod and wave for him to do as he pleased. I frowned the only reason I couldn't fight him more often was because Luce dragged me to do stupid paperwork all the time.

She laughed turning to see me pouting before she gave me a gentle kiss that left me begging for more. We found a good place to stop for our lunch under a large oak tree and waited for our attackers. Levy going ahead of us with the beaten up man from before to get his injuries taken care of.

"So Luce, do you really think Melody was ready to act as ruler? She is still so young." I asked her between bites of my food.

She laughed a little, "You do know that she is much older than we were right?"

I pouted anyway, "That's not the point! How am I supposed to treat her like my baby girl when she keeps growing up?" I whined with sauce still on my face.

She laughed softly before cleaning my face for me. I couldn't help myself I grabbed her hand and kissed her palm looking up into her eyes. "I love you." I whisper to her. I can't help looking into her sparkling honey brown eyes as I did. Mavis how did I get so lucky?

Suddenly I hear Gajeel sigh in relief, "They are finally here!" I frown at him knowing that he is at least twice sappy as I am when he was with Levy. No joke she had him so tightly wound around her little finger all she would do was breathe and he would be jumping to her side. As further proof they had a few more kids than we did and that was counting Happy and Melody.

"Don't worry about him, he is just upset Levy is gone." Luce tells me whispering as she did. I couldn't help it anymore I pulled her close and gave her a sweet deep kiss all the while Gajeel was beating the ever loving shit out of the would be assassins. In it's own way the entire thing was hilarious but in that moment I could only feel my breathing stutter as I pulled her closer, begging for more.