Chapter 36

Lucy's POV

Back home in Fairy Tail at the palace, I was currently standing in front of a podium on the balcony; Natsu by my side and our children standing behind us. We were all facing the subjects of Fairy Tail and I was giving a war speech. Oh Mavis how I hate war. There really was nothing good about war. People die in war, the thought of my friends and family dying did not sit well with me.

"The King of Pietra is determined to fight this war even while we were trying to reason with him. We will continue to do everything in our power to prevent such a catastrophy but we can only do so much without you, our people." My voice strong as it was had everyone captivated. My words seeming to trap not only their ears but their eyes as well. I felt as if they could have melted me from their very gaze. "So I ask you here today; will you fight for Fairy Tail?" I heard as my voice echoed through the speakers. My dread building as I spoke, every word felt like a knife impaling me, making it that much harder to breathe. I was asking our people, people I have spent hundreds of years with to not only fight but possibly die. How could I do that? Why do I have to do that?

I looked out into the sea of people in front of me wondering if there was anything at all I could do to prevent the death of everyone's loved ones? Could I possibly find a way to prevent even one death from occuring? All those years ago the Celestial King said that when we died we would be forced to come back to the dragon realm and never able to leave again. Does that mean all my worry was unneeded? Will they be able to continue to live here even in death? Or did he mean something else entirely? Over the hundreds of years we have spent in the dragon realm now known as Fairy Tail has even one person died? I know that we don't age here but surely there have been accidents of some kind that could have killed someone? If not here then what about on Earthland?

For just a brief moment everything was silent as people took in my words my thoughts going unnoticed by the masses. The silence was almost deafening and then there was what sounded like a sickening crack and a boom of thunder as there was a roar of cheers as everyone screamed their consent, their approval, their demand to be included to be able to protect our family and what we as Fairy Tail believe in.

"Of course we do not expect everyone to fight after all how will we sustain ourselves if we did? Staying home and farming or creating magical items and weapons are just as important! Find where you best belong and report to your districts command post! Pietra will either make peace or pray to Mavis that they had!" The people of Fairy Tail cheered so loudly that I'm sure I heard a few windows shatter from the sheer volume but no one noticed or if they had they didn't much care.

Gajeel, Levy and Lily went to Pietra to deliver a communication lacrima if they decided to discuss peace we would be happy to listen. The months that they were gone for their day trip to Earthland the palace armory was filled with high quality weapons and armor by the now many expert blacksmiths of Fairy Tail. We had invited two or three and over the years they trained more and more apprentices that now spread all across Fairy Tail.

Erza as a way to prepare for the war took on several apprentices to teach re-equip magic to. After she had several she was confident in, they then took several apprentices. Who could only pass after they fought Erza and passed her expectations. I would watch as their ranks grew and how they all continued to get stronger and stronger as they then taught. I asked Erza once why she felt the need to fight them all to determine their progress.

"They are not the only ones who need to get stronger, I as their teacher must also get stronger." she looked at me sadly before adding, "What better way than combat? As they get better and better the less I have to hold myself back and grow as well." That was sincerely a scary thought, a stronger Erza.

When Team Gale came back , Gajeel Levy and Lily, they started training the iron dragon slayers which considering they already knew the magic would have been easy if not for Levy's complete understanding of it's strengths, weakness, and the practicality of it. Honestly of the two to fight Gajeel was more ruthless but Levy was by far the superior opponent. The way she used her opponents to do damage to themselves even had Gajeel shivering at times. Add to that her script magic she practically had an unlimited source of food. I would have liked to spar with her but I was truly afraid that I might hurt her. Maybe if she fought Erza first? Then I would know if she could withstand my blows.

All of our guards followed suit training the dragon slayers of their natural element first and then if they were mated sent to their second element. If they did not have a second element there was several training sessions offered that did not focus on dragon slayer magic but on standard magic of all kinds not just re-equip. Freed even taught several classes on Rune magic while Levy taught tactics and strategy.

Then there was also the apprentice training. Our people had to train in a craft be it weapons or armour or even woodworking. There is more to war than just fighting and metal working there is also the ability to feed not only yourself but your comrades. So with the forest dragon slayers help who really couldn't use combat moves unless they trained elsewhere, people began creating massive meals to feed the whole town or city, while only working in small teams. It was excruciatingly hard work.

Our kids were not left out either. Nashi choose to learn heavenly body magic from Jellal and Luke leaned rainbow fire magic from Romeo so really they were just trying to be more like each other but when it came to their skills Nashi took weapons and Luke took armor. They are honestly to well balanced of a team. Luna decided to learn rune magic and her wood working skills were second to none and Melody decided to learn how to re-equip, but I had heard that she has been sitting in on more than a few of Romeo's rainbow fire lessons as well; her chosen skill was unknown to me. But I trust my daughter to be doing her very best so that she can lead our people well.

Igneel wanted to learn water magic and was constantly in Juvia's lessons. Really it kind of shocked me because he is a fire dragon slayer but he is just so level headed water makes sense. It really balanced him out. As he progressed I heard from Gray that he would sit in on his lessons as well so he at least has a basic understanding of ice make magic. The years have really passed for us. The twins Nashi and Luke turned 19, Luna 16, Igneel 14 and Melody has already passed the age stopping 21 in Earthland years.

Fairy Tail was well passed ready for war. Our country has had decades to prepare where Pietra only had a few months. When Sting and Rogue brought me the report that Pietra's army had started marching.

So now it is time, the time I have dreaded for centuries now. It was time for war...