Chapter 37

Natsu's POV

Timing is everything and just as luck would have it, it was mating season. I tried to pull myself away knowing we had to prepare for the war. But damn it all; Luce just looked to fucking good to stay away from.

"Melody, you will lead the first charge! Make sure not to kill anyone if you don't have to." Lucy ordered breathless as my tongue danced along her neck and my teeth nipped at her collarbone.

"Yes, Mother." she replied ignoring me. Melody is a good daughter, I feel a little bad that she is watching me as I tempt her mother. I find Luce's ear making her gasp out loud as my hands slid along her sides.

"We will be there once we know you don't have another brother or sister coming." I hissed as Lucy moaned in my arms. Thankfully all that worry about mating season was a load of horse shit. Honestly we can have as many kids as we want without worrying, but that could just be because of the dragon realm. After all it was a little weird that in the past dragon slayers only ever had one kid.

"Yes, Father." she smiled and turned to leave. We heard as she shouted orders, gathering the troops.

I smile at Luce, "Mine." We barely made it to the bedroom closing the doors behind us as the season truly started.

Lucy's POV

Mating season is over but Natsu is still acting all lovey-dovey which I have taken as a sign to mean I am pregnant again. I sigh out loud as Natsu is bringing me yet another strawberry milkshake and triple chocolate muffin. Yep, I'm definitely pregnant it's only been a month since the season ended but still. I communicate with Melody through a lacrima and it has not even been a whole day on the battle field yet.

She was sending about a third of our troops home for a couple of days rest before they return and she sends another third for their rest. I mean Pietra really didn't know what hit them as the troops always seemed full of energy and well rested. Melody was an excellent strategist having spent so much time with Levy and studying on her own. I guess that was the skill she had decided on. And she was damn good at it.

We have found that even though the males were not actually carrying the babies they were useless to be away from their mate if they were indeed pregnant. We probably should have went to Earthland before but we hadn't noticed mating season sneaking up on us. I wonder if we will have a boy or girl this time?

Those of us stuck at home worked either farms or blacksmithing. Most of the men refusing to allow the maybe pregnant woman to do any hard work leaving us sewing or reading books. Those of us reading were typically studying something be it a new magic or cooking technique or even martial arts even though we couldn't practice it at the moment. We ladies were even limited on how much we could cook but that was okay too because it just meant our mates were forced to help us.

The reports I was getting from Melody were about every hour her time and about everyday my time. We sent several loads of food several times a day and given how much dragon slayers eat that wasn't a bad thing, occasionally we would also send some fresh weapons and armour as well. I just sent Natsu to do the last delivery to make sure that our kids were eating properly. Which was the only reason he agreed to leave me behind.

It was almost time to lay our eggs, this time we would be having another girl, time was really flying by. I smile thinking to myself as I rub my belly. Once I lay her egg Natsu or I could go to the battlefield. So long as one of us stayed behind it would be fine.

I was humming to myself as I was making an extra large batch of chowder when I felt something snap making me groan. It was time to lay my egg.

"Natsu!" I cried and as if I had summoned him he was there beside me.

"Geeze Luce, anytime I take my eyes off of you." He chuckled at me carrying me safely to our room. He held my hand and whispered soothing words to me as I pushed.

Natsu's POV

Another baby on the way. To say I'm excited would be a severe understatement. Lucy is weak now from pushing for so long. The egg was beautiful much like those of her brothers and sisters. Her's shined bright like fire and starlight, the glow was incredible. I felt something in myself snap.

I NEED to protect my family. I always feel the need but never so strongly as when there is an egg involved. I kiss my mate who had fallen asleep and our newly laid egg before turning around to leave. This is war.


When I arrived at my daughter's side I was already up to date on everything going on. Content knowing Luce would be asleep for quite a while I use celestial wings and I jump into battle. The smell of blood was potent and from what I could see Melody was doing well. The enemy was captured and restrained but not killed. Our own side having not lost a single warrior either. Yes Melody did very well. I fought for a while making sure all of our kids were safe from harm. When it hit me that if I just take down the coward of a King this whole thing could be done with.

"King of Pietra! Come out and fight me you bastard. How can you demand war and not even show up to the battle?" I screamed causing many of the enemy to falter and get captured as a result. Using my celestial wings I fly into the air again this time heading straight for the back of the enemy troops, towards the coward that would dare call himself a King.

The sheer amount of blood I saw was nauseating. People collapsed from blood loss in the enemy ranks only to be ignored by their own people. I watched as our sky dragon slayers captured them and healed them with the help of the exceeds flying on their backs. Not even their own people would help them.

"How are they the evil dragons when we are the ones causing all of this?" I heard one whisper after being rescued and healed by Wendy herself from what I'm sure was the brink of death. She had been on Earthland when mating season started so she managed to miss it, like so many other mated dragon slayers.

Evil dragons huh? I think to myself. I release a dragon slayer roar mixing both celestial and fire as I did. Effectively clearing a path to the generals tent at the back to the enemy soldiers. I walked the path my fairy like wings still firmly in view as I did. I walked to the tent demanding to know how they could justify killing off their own people in a pointless war. I couldn't even concentrate on my words, I'm pretty sure it was Luce speaking for me because I sounded so fucking good. Let's be honest she knew her way around words and me not so much.

"There is no reason for either of our people to die! Even if you did not want to trade with us. We would have been happy to walk away with just a peace treaty. So why are you attacking us!" My voice rang clear as the few remaining people in my way ran as far out of the way as humanly possible.

"I am King of the Dragons, Natsu Dragneel, son of Igneel Dragneel the Fire Dragon King and I will be heard!" I could hear my voice echo as the enemy turned to listen unable to ignore me. I could feel as celestial arena coated the whole area including the tents so I could see the coward of a King shaking in his boots.

"We can stop this fighting here and now if you just agree to a peace treaty. We do not wish to kill anyone." I call out hoping to end this. It's only been a few days of fighting and the enemy was exhausted and my mate was stressed out. Our baby needed to hatch in a world of peace.

"Liar!" The King of Pietra screamed as he marched to the end of his guards hiding behind them. "You wish to steal the Red Dragon from us just like you stole the Star Dragon." A few people murmured in agreement but much of the fire left them.

"Red Dragon?" I ask confused. What the hell is he talking about?

"The Red Dragon as well a few others also turned to stone throughout Pietra. You only wish to enslave them all!" The man yelled back. His people now scoffing at the idea of a dragon being enslaved.

"Then how about we settle this with a one on one fight? Then no one else has to get hurt?" I asked him. "I am the King and willingly volunteer to be the fighter for Fairy Tail." Several of Pietra's people gasped at the idea of a King fighting for his own people turned in shock to their own King.

"Fine, I will send my strongest Royal guard to fight you." His own people booed him for not fighting himself.

"The fighting will end regardless of who the victor is! And everyone will go home." I announced before taking my place signaling I was ready.

The people of Pietra moved out of the way as an older very powerful man steps in front of me. I smile, finally we can have peace. "The winner is just that, the winner, the other country's King will bow and meet the demands of the victor. Are we in agreement King of Pietra?" I announced for all to hear.

"Very well, I agree to your terms," the sniveling King responded. "Let the fight begin!" He shouted making me frown.

I look at my opponent and simply asked, "Are you ready?" he nodded his acknowledgment and we both smiled and began fighting. To be honest he was quite good, I enjoyed the fight laughing at some points when he got a good punch in or landed a sound magic attack. But this was war so the smile would quickly disappear from my face and I would redouble my attacks. When I was sure his pride would not be hurt I went into dragon force and after a few minutes knocked him out.

After several minutes I released my magic and looked to the shaking King. "Come here and bow!" I demand. When the King started to back away his own people booed him throwing down their weapons and stomping on their flag. They stepped towards the nearest dragon slayer to them and offered them their hand. When my people took their hand in return many invited them back for a drink in Fairy Tail at the others expense of course. This war was over.

"Gray, Gajeel." My words were quiet but they came anyway. I motioned to the coward running from me and they brought him back. Forcing him to his knees in front of me. "This war is over! Pietra is now a part of Fairy Tail!" One of Pietra's own generals came forward and took the crown from the man's head in front of me. "Take him to Magnolia he will serve out his life for crimes against his own people there. He will never enter the Dragon Realm of Fairy Tail." I commanded and Gray froze his hands behind his back and Gajeel waved for some men to escort him to his cell.

"Make sure he is comfortable he won't be leaving it anytime soon. Gihi" Gajeel chuckled as his men took him away prisoner. The looks on their faces told me that he wouldn't be getting any pillows, if nothing else was sure.

I turn to the general who had removed the king's crown he was kneeling down holding it up to me. I smile and squat in front of him, I waited until he looks up at me, fear very present in his eyes.

"Dragon's do not wear chains no matter how pretty they look. Sure we goof off and like a good party. But we take care of our own. Dragon's take care of each other." The man just stared at me and as proof I took the crown put it on my head and turned to face Gray.

"So do I look like the coward King with this on or do I just look to good in it?"

True to form, "Flamebrain, I still don't know what Lucy sees in you. You squinty eyed freak!" Gray yells causing a round of laughter amongst the dragon slayers. The rest of the people very confused and very afraid.

"Oi! What did you say?" I yelled as I took the crown off crushing it in my hands before throwing it towards Wendy, who would later have it made into something useful.

"You heard me you fire breathing freak of nature, or are you to senile in your old age?" Gray taunted.

"Droopy eyes your just as old as I am, ice bastard!" I retorted. I smiled and held up my fist now lit on fire, "You wanna go ice pervert?"

Gray hunkered down ready for a good brawl, "Hey don't think you two are leaving me out! We haven't had a good fight in ages, gihi." Gajeel did his weird laugh.

"Let's go bolts for brains!" Gray smiled a frosty fog surrounding him as he prepared his ice.

"Daddy!" I heard Melody whine as she arrived.

I straightened my back and smiled my fire now gone, "There's daddy's little princess!" My grin was short lived as both Gajeel and Gray punched me. "You bastards I was talking to Melody!" I shoot back at them landing a couple good punches for good measure before turning back to an exasperated Melody. "What?" I asked only acting like the idiot I used to be. I walked to my baby girl who was pouting. "No pouting!" I said right before I tickle her. Just like her mother she is extremely ticklish.

"Dad!" She screeched as all the dragon slayers laughed as we started to head home.

I turned around to see the still shocked expression of the general. "What are you waiting for your buying the first round!" He jumped up and followed me back to Fairy Tail, both confused and afraid.