
January 9, Quidditch Stadium

The roar of the crowd was deafening as Harry disarmed his opponent in three moves and walked back to his seat on the side of the pitch. But he knew the roar was not for him. The roar was for the next match – Gabrielle versus Hermione.

He gazed around at the stadium as he sat down. McGonagall had been right – there were at least a hundred veela in assistance. And a few dozen goblins – this was an unprecedented occasion in the wizarding world.

Madam Pomfrey bustled over to him as she started performing diagnosis charms all over his body.

"I'm fine, ma'am," he said.

"Which is as it should be, Mister Potter," Madam Pomfrey said sternly, "But I still need to ascertain that."

He shrugged and allowed Madam Pomfrey to continue muttering charms over him. He smiled at Gabrielle, who was walking into the stadium – the veela in the audience had actually risen from their seats at her appearance and were waving frantically at her, causing almost all of the males (and some females) in the stadium to go slack-jawed. Gabrielle looked in Harry's direction for a moment and waved at him. He just grinned at her.

Of course, most of Hogwarts was still cheering for Hermione, who was walking into the stadium as well. She appeared to be slightly intimidated by the crowd, but her jaw was set and she looked determined.

Harry just leaned back to enjoy the show.


Hermione Granger had never been so torn in her entire life. On one hand, she was overjoyed to see so many magical creatures find acceptance among the mainstream wizarding public. The presence of veela, and goblins, cheering for a half-veela taking part in a prestigious duelling tournament – it was a coup for all the ideals of equality that she cherished.

On the other hand, they were cheering for Gabrielle. The slut. She looked on sourly as Gabrielle waved at Harry, seated at the end of the stadium alongside a slightly morose looking Chiyo Yagami – who had lost her duel just like all of Harry's opponents. And Harry grinned right back at the half-veela.

Hermione had thought she had been competing with Ginny all along for Harry's affections – but the real threat had always been Gabrielle. In a matter of months, the half-veela had wormed her way into Harry's heart and was slowly on her way to securing top spot in his affections. And worse, Ginny appeared to be happy being the submissive one in the relationship – when had that even happened? How had she missed everything?

They approached the centre of the large stage in the middle of the stadium, under the glare of several floating spotlights and recording orbs. Just as both she and Gabrielle ascended the stage, a magical barrier hummed into place around the circular platform, shielding the onlookers from stray spells.

The arbiter – a referee for duelling matches - stood right in the middle of the platform and beckoned both of the contests to the centre. Hermione took a deep breath and proceeded to the centre of the stage, watching the half-veela preen before the audience with a baleful glare.

"Hermione Granger!" the arbiter shouted and paused as a roar from all of the Hogwarts students echoed through the stadium at her name.

She smiled at that – she had come a long way from her first year as an anti-social know-it-all. Out of the corner of her eye, she saw Harry pump his fist in the air and her heart rose.

"Are you ready?" the arbiter asked.

She nodded, and the crowd roared again.

"Gabrielle Delacour!" the arbiter said.

The veela in the audience started chanting her name and the goblins started thumping their feet rhythmically on the wooden seats. A significant portion of the crowd – Beauxbatons students mostly – cheered as well.

The roar was deafening, again. "Are you ready?"

Gabrielle smiled and said, "Born Ready."

The crowd roared again. Hermione grit her teeth. So she knows how to play a crowd, she thought sourly.

"Bow," the referee said.

Gabrielle smiled smugly at her, winked and bowed. Hermione let out a low snarl as she bowed as well.

Okay, Hermione thought, I don't care if she's championing veela rights. I am beating the SNOT out of her.

"FIGHT!" the arbiter shouted as he moved away from the duel, hastily clearing space.

Almost immediately, Hermione let out a powerful jet of water out of the end of her wand, aiming it right at Gabrielle. It was met by a ball of fire and her jet burst into steam. Gabrielle had not even used her wand.

Hermione looked at the arbiter for a moment, but he said nothing. She remembered a lecture Flitwick had given on duels a long time ago.

"Natural abilities are always allowed in duels," the professor had told them, "Metamorphmagi can transform, Animagi can assume their animal forms if they think it could help."

Hermione cringed as another ball of fire made its way towards her – Gabrielle was obviously using her veela powers with impunity. She ducked and rolled under the fire as the veela in the audience roared in approval. Gabrielle was making sure that no one was in doubt about her veela heritage.

Hermione raised her wand and conjured blue fire. She pushed it towards Gabrielle who met it with a wall of emerald flames. The half-veela simultaneously brought her wand around, letting out a flurry of spells at Hermione, who blocked them with a silent Protego.

Avis, Hermione thought and a flock of birds rose out of thin air, zooming straight at Gabrielle. Aguamenti!

A jet of water, even more, powerful than her first jet, gushed at Gabrielle, who was busy dealing with the flock of birds. But Gabrielle erected a massive wall of emerald flames yet again, and Hermione's jet immediately sizzled to steam. This time though, Hermione was ready.

She pushed her wand down and the steam coalesced into the shape of an otter that plunged right through the fire. She heard a satisfying shriek from the other side. The wall of fire dropped and Gabrielle emerged. Her right arm looked slightly charred and reddish – Hermione's steam otter had obviously burnt her.

Hermione did not pause though. She snapped off two stunners and then waved her wand right at the duelling platform. A shockwave rippled right through the platform and Gabrielle was on the defensive immediately, deflecting the stunners and trying to steady herself as the platform shook around her.

Hermione conjured a net and sent it flying but it tore apart under Gabrielle's assault.

And that was when everything changed. Gabrielle zipped aside with inhuman speed and an ear-piercing screech echoed around the stadium. A ball of fire zoomed towards Hermione, who ducked and rolled again. When she righted herself, she saw an awe-inspiring sight – a veela transformation.

Wings sprouted across Gabrielle's back, even as the half-veela swerved to avoid Hermione's hastily conjured metal chains. Forest-green feathers began to sprout all over her body and her limbs lengthened, forming talons. And then the wings flapped and she rose into the air majestically.

Hermione gaped. And the veela in the audience went wild. There were chants, roars, and shrieks – Hermione suddenly knew she was witnessing a shift here. A historic occasion – the day a veela took on a human in a wizarding tournament.

She desperately snapped off stunners and body-binds, but they splashed uselessly against Gabrielle's body. The veela flew to the side as Hermione conjured a massive spear and flung it at her with her wand, but it was easily avoided. A ball of fire came crashing down again and Hermione was forced to jump to the side to avoid it.

She sent out a massive jet of water, but Gabrielle merely swooped around it. And then, like a bird of prey, Gabrielle charged through the air, right at Hermione.

Hermione pushed outwards, and a wave of air blew Gabrielle off course. The veela screeched and righted course as she flew higher and higher. Hermione's subsequent spells splashed harmlessly against her and Hermione was now resorting to physical conjuration again – it was obvious that stunners, disarming curses and spells, in general, were useless against the veela's powerful form – but Gabrielle merely gained altitude, avoiding her conjurations with ease.

And when the veela was several dozen feet in the air above Hermione, she started sending down balls of fire again. They were too powerful for Hermione to vanish, so she desperately tried to avoid them, swinging from side to side, jumping all around the stage, desperately trying to escape the fireballs that were blazing down at her from above.

This was not her kind of duel – she was athletic to a certain extent, but she usually relied on her spell-casting and precision to vanquish her opponent. Hermione tried to snap off a spell or two in between avoiding Gabrielle's fireballs, but each time she looked up, she saw yet another ball of emerald fire raining down upon her and she had to run to avoid it.

Suddenly, the half-veela was right in front of her, cruel beak opening to form a screech. With a sinking sensation, Hermione realized that the balls of fire had just been a distraction, Gabrielle had been using them as cover to dive straight down at her.

Gabrielle seized Hermione by her throat and raised her into the air with inhuman strength. Hermione desperately brought her wand to bear, but Gabrielle seized her arm and wrenched her wand out of her grasp. The veela let go and Hermione slumped to the ground.

The crowd was dead silent for a minute.

And then one of the veela – a stately, beautiful woman – rose from her seat. She pumped her fist into the air and the veela screeched with her. And the crowd went wild.

The wings and feathers vanished. The talons morphed into hands. And Hermione found herself looking once again at Gabrielle Delacour.

The veela just smiled at her.

"Well fought, Hermione," she said, "But I guess you never saw me coming."

And Hermione just knew that she meant more than just the duel. She meant Harry.

Gabrielle dropped the wand in front of Hermione and walked back to the centre of the stage to be declared the victor.

Hermione just sat in place, slightly saddened about the loss of her duel.

Gabrielle had won a battle. But the war was still not lost. Not even by a long shot.

Hermione picked up her wand and got to her feet, brushing the dirt off.

She was Hermione Granger. She never let losses get her down. And she never gave up.


An hour later

Hermione entered the Common Room after being treated for mild burns by Madam Pomfrey. A lot of the students were still milling about and a lot of them congratulated her, telling her she had made them proud by giving it her best shot.

But she did not care for their platitudes. She made her way right to where Ginny and Harry were sitting.

"Hermione," Ginny said, "Good show! I'm sorry you lost, but that was a great duel."

Harry nodded.

"Ginny," Hermione said, "I… need to talk to you."

Ginny looked into her eyes for a moment and then got up. Hermione and Ginny then walked over to an alcove near the girls' dorm, away from Harry's curious eyes.

Hermione took a deep breath and said, "Ginny… I… uh…"

Ginny sighed.

"Is this about what you asked on the train the day before yesterday?" she asked.

"Yeah," Hermione said, "Is that… still on?"

Ginny said kindly, "Of course, Hermione. But again, I'm sorry it has to be this way – but Gabrielle isn't comfortable with you. So… this is the last time."

Hermione looked up sharply at that.

"So," she asked, "It was Gabrielle that told you to keep Harry from me?"

Ginny looked slightly uncomfortable.

"Uh… well… she…" the redhead stammered.

Of course, Hermione thought viciously, of course, it was the little blonde slut.

"Oh, just curious," Hermione said casually.

Ginny smiled uneasily.

"This is all for… Ron… right?"

"Of course," Hermione lied through her teeth, "As I said, I'm recording the whole thing. For posterity."

Ginny giggled.

Hermione pulled out a small silver screen out of her pocket and held it out in front of Ginny.

Ginny gasped. "Is that…?"

"A Chart-O-Vision?" Hermione completed, "Yes. It's for you. I've already charmed it to respond to my recording orb."

"For… me?"

"Oh, you know… just to reassure yourself. This way, you can see the entire thing."

"But what about Ron? Will he be watching too?"

"Oh, he has his own Chart. I just wanted to… reassure you. And if you want, you can watch it. This way, Harry isn't doing this whole thing behind your back."

Ginny tentatively took the chart from Hermione. She looked a bit bewildered. And then she smiled at Hermione.

"You're taking this better than I thought you would," she said.

"Of course," Hermione said graciously.


The students slowly fizzled out of the room, making their way towards the dorms to sleep after an eventful day.

Eventually, Hermione noticed Harry get up to go to his dorm and cut him off.

"Hermione?" Harry asked.

"Harry," she said, "You're coming with me."

He raised his eyebrows.

"I cleared it with Ginny. Harry, please. I need this. Today," Hermione said.

He smiled and put his hand in hers. She clasped his palm with both her hands and pulled him towards the Head Girl's dorm.


"Hermione!" Harry gasped as Hermione pushed him against the wall and kissed him noisily.

He flipped them around, pushing her into the wall and pulled at her lower lip, munching on it with his own lips. Hermione purred. And that was when Harry saw exactly whose door they were kissing against.

He drew them off with a start. On the door was a plaque reading "MARY MACDONALD – HEAD OF GRYFFINDOR"

"Hermione," he said, "I… uh… had no idea we were near MacDonald's room."

Hermione giggled.

"Afraid your favourite professor might catch us, Harry? Catch the Head Girl shagging the Boy-Who-Lived right outside her bedroom? Catch me mounting your big fat cock right outside her own bedroom?"

"Uh," Harry trailed off.

"Fear not, oh fearless conqueror," Hermione said as she pushed Harry across the corridor to the door of a room that read "HEAD GIRL: HERMIONE GRANGER".

The door opened and they tumbled in.


Ginny closed the curtains around her four-poster bed and hesitantly looked at the silver screen. It was tantalizing – she knew Hermione had given it to her as a show of good faith, but she was torn. On one hand, she had taken particular enjoyment in making Harry relive his exploits with other women when they had sex.

But she didn't quite know if she was ready for this – her boyfriend shagging her brother's girlfriend. It was ridiculous – hell, her brother would be watching this right now on another silver screen, masturbating furiously as Harry pounded his girlfriend.

And she didn't share her brother's weird fetish… did she?

Ginny bit her lip and expanded the silver screen so that it covered the entire section of the curtain at the foot of her bed. She floated the screen over and glued it to the curtain with her wand.

One-touch of her wand would be all it took to bring the screen to life.

I do not want to watch this, Ginny thought, I don't. I'm not… I don't… Harry…

A series of images flashed through her head. Harry's massive cock pounding into a tiny little snatch that was not her own, his muscled body spasming as he experienced the ultimate pleasure with another woman that was not her… she was not into that stuff.

Was she?

And then, another image popped into her head -

Harry pounding into Gabrielle, her blonde hair askew, while Ginny munched on the half-veela's gorgeous tits…

… But that's Gabrielle… we're going to be together now… it's okay to think of her and Harry like that…

… Harry pounding into Hermione's gorgeous, trim figure, her pretty face scrunched up in pleasure while Ginny caressed the Head Girl…

… Crap.

Ginny sighed. With numb hands, she cast a Silencing Charm on the curtains, shrugged off her robes and lay entirely naked on the bed. And then she waved her wand at the screen. It burst into life.

And she saw the Head Girl's room. It was absolutely empty.

Well, Ginny thought, that's anti-climactic.

She peered around the screen interestedly. The recording orb Hermione possessed (how did Hermione even afford one of those?) was obviously placed right in front of the massive bed in the centre of the room. It was very luxurious, and Ginny could see that Hermione herself had obviously customized the room.

The carpet was emerald green – Ginny was reminded of Harry's eyes, and that made her uncomfortable (perhaps Gabrielle was right, Ginny thought, and then perished the notion… there was no going back now) – and elaborate runes were stitched into it. Glowing orbs were floating around the room, bathing the room in a romantic orange glow. Hermione's desk was on the far side of the room, and Ginny could make out a ton of books stacked into neat piles and held in place by bookends that looked like… books (Ginny had to laugh at that).

There were no posters on the room walls – just a few sheets with quotations by famous witches stuck on the wall in front of her study table. A tiny dressing table sat in one corner of the room with a small mirror and what looked like a make-up kit.

The bed itself looked plush and luxurious, covered in velvet sheets – it had a very elaborate looking wrought iron bed-head with carvings of dryads and mermaids. That definitely was not Hermione's touch – it was probably a bed that had been in the Head Girl's room forever.

Ginny sighed, and after five minutes of waiting, moved to switch off the screen – she was half-relieved, half-disappointed.

And just as she was about to wave her wand at the screen, the door burst open.

Harry and Hermione tumbled into the room, locked in a fierce embrace. Their lips seemed to be glued to each other and Ginny could hear Hermione moaning and slurping – their tongues were on each other. And then, the door slammed shut behind them. Their kiss deepened, even as their bodies drew apart and their clothes started dropping.

Hermione never stopped kissing Harry as her hands deftly worked her skirt off, followed by her panties. Then she tore her shirt apart and flung it aside. Her bra followed shortly after.

Harry just waved his wand at himself and his clothes vanished. And then, to Ginny's utter amazement, his wand vanished into thin air – how did he do that?

And through it all, the couple was still managing to march in lockstep to the bed. Eventually, Hermione squealed as she tumbled backwards onto her own bed, her lips finally pulling off Harry's as she sat on her bed. Harry plopped down next to her.

Hermione scooted over to one side of the bed and sat against the headboard, her legs splayed wide open and Ginny had a glorious view of her vagina. It was gorgeous – Ginny had to admire the girl's pink slit, with juicy red lips clinging tightly to one another. It was absolutely minuscule – how had Hermione had sex with Harry's monster anyway?

And Harry – Ginny went breathless as Harry scooted over right next to Hermione and leant against her headboard. His legs were wide apart as well ��� Ginny could see those apple-sized testicles she loved sucking on and that juicy man-meat she loved tasting.

Ginny palmed her own tits at the sight and moaned. She pulled at her nipples.

"How can you just sit there, Hermione, you slut?" she gasped, "Little Harry looks so… desperate."

Harry stretched a muscled arm to his right around Hermione's shoulders and pulled her closer to him. And Hermione leant right into his chest with a sigh. Hermione's left hand was trapped against Harry's side, but she ran her slender right hand down his chest, tracing a line down his pectorals and feeling up his abs as she snaked her hand down to the… prize.

Her hands are so tiny, Ginny thought, that cock is bigger than her wrist. Ginny massaged her breasts hard and refocused on the action.

Her boyfriend looked like a beast sitting next to the petite Hermione – the Head Girl was absolutely tiny. Hermione was snuggling into Harry's thick neck and her left hand snuck behind Harry's back as she turned towards him. Her right hand though, finally reached Harry's enormous shaft.

It was rock-hard pointing straight into the air, gleaming in the soft glow of the orbs floating around the bed. It looked perfect to Ginny – thick, but not overly veiny, monstrous but beautiful, ending in a massive mushroom-shaped head. It looked like a glorious battering ram, blunt and wide.

"You have a monster cock," Hermione said in awe, echoing Ginny's thoughts, "But it looks so… beautiful." Harry just chuckled as he looked down to observe her hand's trajectory.

Hermione just traced up the shaft with her right hand, her fingers only managing to form a semi-circle around that massive rod. Ginny couldn't take it anymore – she had to get off. With her left, she kept pulling on her breast and nipple, while her right hand traced down to her own clit. Ginny pressed and moaned, circling the nub ever so pleasantly.

Pathetically, she moaned as she saw another woman toy with Harry's cock.

Hermione's dainty fingers continued to trace a teasing path up Harry's shaft, along the top side of his cock. The Head Girl then bit her lip as she fixed her eye on the cock she was stroking with her entire hand; she pushed and Harry's shaft angled forward, unbending as an oak tree. Hermione then stroked deliberately all the way up to Harry's enormous cockhead.

Suddenly, Hermione pushed her left hand out from between her side and Harry's and held onto the base of Harry's cock. She pushed his cock back up towards her and palmed the crown, stroking with the flat of her palm against his massive dome and a single eye. She giggled and then started squeezing and pulling his purple crown with her entire palm.

"You whore," Ginny moaned as she pressed on her clitoris once more, "You little fucking nerd."

Harry's face and Hermione's were now sided by side, his right cheek and her left smushed together as they both gazed down at Hermione's hands worshipping his penis. Harry was hugging Hermione into him now, his right hand now tracing the side of her cushy right boob – they were a handful, though Ginny was slightly relieved that she far outweighed the Head Girl in bust size.

Ginny gaped as Hermione's left palm – her forefinger and thumb not even close to touching each other as she encircled his enormous meat – tugged at the base of Harry's cock even as her right kept fondling his humongous crown.

Bloody hell, Ginny thought, there's still space for me and Gabrielle on that thing!

Harry smiled and leant back on the headboard, his hands falling onto the cushions at the head of the bed as he sprawled imperiously over it. Hermione, on the other hand, leaned forward, eager to play with the cock she was cradling. Only, she didn't have to lean forward much. His enormous cock was pointing straight into the air. Harry spread his thighs out and pushed his hips forward.

"I've never quite seen it like this before," Hermione gasped, "It's enormous!" His dome was level with her chin and her right palm still resting on top of it.

"And it's so juicy," Hermione crowed, "No wonder those sluts were so eager to suck you off."

Even though Ginny was furiously fingering her clit now, she was completely thrown by that statement. Sluts? She thought, what sluts?

Hermione had now fully turned to face Harry, her left leg bent under her bum and her right leg draped over Harry's left thigh. Her slender leg didn't quite manage to block off the view of Harry's enormous massive balls though. With her left palm still curled around Harry's base, she moved her right hand down and started massaging Harry's ballsack.

She rested her right palm on it, just feeling his testes move up and down with each inhalation and exhalation; then, she starting palming and massaging them and Harry sighed happily. Now, with her right hand on automatic, just cradling and lightly squeezing Harry's cum-filled testicles, she started playing with his shaft.

She lightly licked at the head with the tip of her tongue, not even having to bend because his dome was practically next to her chin. Then she just nuzzled into it, rubbing her face from side to side against the crown leaving a trail of Harry's slimy pre-cum across her glistening cheeks, and then pushed her nose against his cockhead and inhaled. She then shifted her left hand so that instead of being curled around the underside of Harry's cock-base, it was curled on the other side.

Then she pushed down so that his massive unyielding rod angled down until it was at roughly sixty degrees to the vertical from its former perfectly vertical position. Hermione then bent forward so that her face was in the space just vacated by Harry's shaft, in between his pole and his muscled, reclining torso. She let go of his cock and it sprang back, smashing into Hermione's face and slapping her silly.

Hermione moaned, withdrew her face from where it had been smashed against his shaft and said, still gazing at his cock in wonder, "It feels like being hit by a broomstick."

Harry chuckled again. He was just looking at Hermione with… adoration? Affection? Fondness? Ginny couldn't quite tell.

Hermione was actually playing with Harry's cock like a girl who had found a fascinating new toy, swinging it this way and that, slapping her face over and over again (Merlin, Ginny thought, it's so big her face doesn't even span the upper half), mussing up her hair with it, nipping at it and laying kisses around its bulbous head.

Ginny plunged her middle finger and ring finger into her snatch – she was wet. The sight of the Head Girl ruining her perfect face with Harry's giant-sized penis was just too much. Ginny started plunging her fingers back and forth into her own pussy like she was possessed.

Hermione's eyes then narrowed with a fierce determination Ginny had only seen on her when she tried to solve a particularly frustrating piece of homework.

"I… want this," she said fiercely. Harry just smiled at her and said, "Oh, you'll get it alright, Hermione."

"I want you," Hermione repeated wildly and then stood up on the bed right beside Harry.

She faced towards the camera - showing off her entire front profile to Ginny - turning her back to Harry and planted her left leg firmly on Harry's other side. She leaned forward, stroking down her legs sensuously.

She's doing this for Ron, Ginny thought as she stroked herself frantically, she's giving her boyfriend a show. The whore.

Her tiny, but perky, the ass was right in front of Harry's face and Harry leaned in to nuzzle it – while the orb was slightly off to the side of the bed, Ginny could not quite see Harry's face as he nuzzled Hermione's ass, but her ass cheeks jiggled and Hermione squeaked. The Head Girl then trailed her ass down, mashing her ass cheeks around his chin and onto his neck; Harry face emerged from her ass crack with a grin on his face. She then trailed her ass down and onto his chest and down on his abdomen as she slowly sat down on Harry's midriff.

His cock angled forward again as Hermione settled into a comfortable position on Harry's abdomen. Now, Hermione was on top of Harry and they were both facing the orb, their legs splayed out with Hermione's legs looking amazingly slender superimposed on Harry's tree trunks.

The Head Girl's legs lay right on top of Harry's own legs and her ass was sitting on his midriff. Her pussy was flush against the base of Harry's fat cock, but Ginny could not see it because Harry's massive shaft stood ramrod straight right in front of Hermione, his base in front of her crotch and his head all the way near Hermione's breasts.

"She so fucking tiny!" Ginny gasped to herself as she continued to knead her tits and massage her clit, "Harry, you freak!"

Hermione moaned and leaned back against Harry's chest as she ground her crotch right against Harry's pole. She pushed and ground this way and that and Harry's penis swayed with her movements, still covering up her twat with his girth. Ginny gulped as she saw rivulets of a transparent fluid run smoothly down Harry's enormous hairless balls – obviously, Hermione was gushing, just like Ginny was.

And then Hermione, still seated on Harry's crotch with his cock jutting out in front of her, bent over, her modest breasts draping around the mid-section of Harry's rod; she grabbed around the lower half of his shaft, pushing it against her stomach and kissed his cockhead with pouty lips. Harry threw his head back and moaned; his hands moved off the couch and Harry started massaging Hermione's slender back, working over her shoulders and her upper back.

And the kiss deepened as Hermione's lips drew apart; her mouth widened and her lips slid slowly around his crown. She bent even further and with a loud slurp, his enormous crown stuffed into her wet mouth.

"Fuck yes!" Harry groaned.

Hermione then started mashing her lips on his enormous dome-like she was eating it so that she slurped down even further.

"Munch on my dick!"

His entire fat crown had been crammed into her mouth now and Hermione sank even further until she was a quarter of the way down his rod before she started gagging. She choked and dribbled around his penis and tried to rise up but Harry moved a hand off her back to the back of her head and held her in place.

Both of Hermione's hands were rubbing frantically up and down Harry's shaft as she desperately tried to rise up and free her mouth off his enormous invader, but Harry just grinned as he held her in place with a single hand.

Ginny started stroking her pussy furiously at the sight of his Hermione choking on her boyfriend's massive meatstick as it clogged up her throat. Hermione's eyes were rolling up with lack of oxygen even as she tugged and pulled at the lower three-quarters of Harry's rigid shaft that was not stuffed into her throat, wiggling and grinding against his meat as her hands tugged up Harry's meat and then smacked into his springy balls painlessly as she stroked down. Her spit dribbled all the way down Harry's cock and accumulated on her hands, then dropping down onto his testes, which were nestled onto the bed.

Suddenly, Harry let go and Hermione withdrew with a gasp. She wheezed and panted, her gorgeous tits with their bullet sized nipples heaving up and down as she rose off his shaft with strands of spit dribbling down her mouth.

"That… how you… treat a woman?" Hermione asked through panting breaths.

"No," Harry said casually, "That's how I treat a cock tease, Hermione. All of those previous encounters, commanding me and using me as you owned me. And now, you've got a recording orb in front of our bed."

"Uh…" Hermione gasped, "It's for… recording."

Harry's eyes turned flinty.

"For… Ron?" he asked.

"Forget about all that," Hermione said suddenly, her voice clearing, "Just… focus on me."

There's something very wrong here, Ginny thought, previous encounters? I thought there was only that one time?

Yet, she could not stop herself. Hermione looked so sexy – the normally poised, virginal girl, was now sitting behind an enormous cock, slutting herself up like a bitch in heat.

"Fuck," Ginny moaned, pressing upon her inner walls, searching desperately for that spot, "She's fucking hot!"

Harry just settled back, though he seemed a little colder.

"Go on, then," he said.

Hermione, though, just smiled and looked straight at the orb… looked straight at Ginny (though Ginny thought Hermione was actually looking straight at Ron).

"I could play with this for hours," Hermione said sultrily as she kept jerking up and down the lower half of Harry's shaft as she hunched over his fat cockhead.

Harry didn't answer. He just held onto her head pushed her back onto his cock. Hermione flashed a smile at Harry's cock as if welcoming it into her drooling trap and she leaned down, throwing herself onto his meat and stuffing it down her throat again. She made a grrk sound as she choked herself silly on Harry's cock and this time, Harry wasn't even forcing her down – he had abandoned her head in favour of massaging her back again.

"Look at that little horny nerd go!" Ginny crowed.

Hermione then started moving up and down on Harry's cock, keeping his crown in her mouth and alternating between choking as his head hit the back of her throat and then breathing deeply through her nose as she lifted herself up to the ridge where his crown met his shaft.

And considering the limited range of motion Hermione possessed, bent over on Harry's lap as she was, she was still doing an excellent job of blowing the length of his shaft she could access.

Harry eventually moved off her back, even as Hermione drooled and chomped on his penis like a slut, and started palming her tits, bending forward onto her. He pulled at Hermione's nipples - and such amazing nipples they were – that was standing at attention like never before, aroused beyond belief.

"She loves it," Ginny gasped, "She loves being treated like a whore."

Harry pulled her off his shaft like she was weightless and Hermione squealed as she was dropped back onto the bed unceremoniously. Harry pushed her onto her right side and pushed her left thigh-high into the air, spreading her legs apart.

He then rolled over, so that his back was to the orb and leant in to taste the Head Girl's muff. His ass was to the orb and his enormous balls and shaft hung right between his thighs – Ginny moaned at the erotic sight.

Ginny remembered that divine tongue plunging into her own depths. She knew what the bushy-haired girl would soon feel.

And sure enough, Hermione started moaning as Harry started working over her – Ginny couldn't see his face; the orb was behind him. All she could see was the back of Harry's head as he dove right at Hermione's cunt.

But she could see Hermione's face. And she saw only utter bliss. The Head Girl's eyes were glazed, and she was looking right at the camera. She looked almost wild, with her brown hair hanging around her, her beautiful face flushing with pleasure.

"Oh fuck!" Hermione moaned, just as Ginny murmured, "Morgana!"

The very air seemed to shimmer around Hermione and Ginny knew that Harry was using his magic. His tongue was vibrating in Hermione's wet snatch, plunging and twisting and twirling around, caressing her inner spots and flicking this way and that, taking the Head Girl to the very heights of pleasure.

Ginny knew what that felt like.

Hermione screamed and buried her fingers into Harry's messy hair, pushing his head down into her vagina.

"Lick me! Suck! YES!" the girl moaned, "YES YES YES YES YEEEEEEEEEEEE…"

And the last vowel lengthened as Hermione's body spasmed around Harry's head. The Head Girl threw her head back and screamed to the heavens and Ginny came at the sight. That was beautiful – Hermione looked gorgeous in the soft light of her room, shuddering around Ginny's boyfriend. Ginny spasmed around her own fingers as she approached her own orgasm, her pussy gushing as it quivered in the throes of pleasure.

"What the fuck?" screamed an annoying voice to her left, interrupting her period of bliss.

Ginny struggled as she sought to refocus on the intruder and come down from her orgasm, even as the action on the screen continued.

Somehow, she managed to turn her face to her left. Her curtains had been wrenched open and she looked right into the eyes of a very angry Gabrielle Delacour.

Oh… shit, Ginny thought.



Gabrielle was exhausted. She had fielded questions from the press, talked to the veela and goblins who had been quite enthusiastic about meeting her and had fended off overtures by overzealous fans. Eventually, she made her way to the Gryffindor common room only to find, to her utter disappointment that no one was around.

Then again, curfew had long since passed them by, so she supposed she should not be so surprised. She was a little bit disappointed that Harry was not around to greet her on her triumphant return – she had looked forward to a solid night of fun to celebrate her victory over Granger. She chuckled at that – she had won.

It was a victory for the rights of magical creatures, and she was proud of that… but it was also a victory for her. She was with Harry – she had displaced Ginny from the top of the relationship ladder and she had decimated Granger.

And she had plans for Harry. For that power. She wanted to be at his side as he accomplished great things, guiding him and advising him. And loving him. She had plans for the world. And she wanted to be at his side as they transformed the world together.

She slowly trudged through the empty Common Room and made her way up to the girls' dorm. Her friends were all sleeping peacefully in their own beds.

She looked at Ginny's bed and saw that the redhead had pulled her curtains shut around her. Gabrielle smirked.

She tiptoed to Ginny's bed with a mischievous smile on her face – she had wanted to celebrate this night with Harry, but in his absence, his girlfriend would do just as well. She wrenched the curtain open and was hit by a sudden wave of sound.

Gabrielle jumped onto the bed in alarm and wrenched the curtains back around her hurriedly, closing off the Silencing Charm Ginny had obviously cast on them. She then turned around and gaped.

Ginny was masturbating – to a naked, writhing Hermione Granger on a silver screen.

At first, Gabrielle was a bit disturbed, but then she saw exactly why Granger was writhing. The annoying know-it-all was experiencing an orgasm on the screen. More specifically, she was experiencing an orgasm because she was being licked off by a hunk of a man with messy-looking black hair.

Gabrielle was very familiar with that body and that hair.

Harry Potter was performing cunnilingus on Hermione Granger. And Ginny Weasley – Harry's (and Gabrielle's) girlfriend – was masturbating to it.

"What… the… fuck?" Gabrielle screamed.

Ginny spasmed a bit more and then blearily looked in her direction. The redhead's eyes widened as she recognized Gabrielle on her own bed.

"Gabrielle, I… I…" Ginny stammered.

Gabrielle angrily gestured to the screen. "What is this? When was this recorded?"

Ginny blushed and started stammering.

Gabrielle felt the blood pounding in her temples now – she was boiling in rage.

"Is this being recorded now?" she asked dangerously.

Ginny shrank before her and tried to crawl away, but Gabrielle slapped her hands down on Ginny's shoulders and mounted the prone girl.

"Is. This. Being. Recorded. Now," she asked through gritted teeth.

Ginny looked away and stammered, "Yes."

Granger's screams continued to echo behind Gabrielle. She leant over Ginny, her clothed breasts pressing into the redhead's naked tits.

"You lied to me," Gabrielle hissed, "You told me you had told her to back off."

Ginny whined and pleaded, "Please, Gabrielle, I… she told me this was the last time!"

"And you just said yes?" Gabrielle asked, her voice quivering with rage. Her aura twanged around her, and she knew the redhead could feel it – Ginny's nipples were pressing into her breasts and she could feel it through her clothes.

"She had just lost against you, Gabrielle," Ginny wailed, "I… just… I didn't have the heart to say no."

Gabrielle glared at Ginny for a long moment, trying to ignore the bushy-haired slut screaming in pleasure on the screen behind her. Ginny looked at her with pleading eyes, begging Gabrielle to forgive her.

Eventually, Gabrielle let out a deep breath.

"Fine," she gritted out, "If this is the last time…"

"It is!" Ginny replied hastily, "Hermione promised!"

"If this is the last time," Gabrielle continued, "Sure. I don't give a darn. She's still with Ron, right?"

Ginny nodded frantically.

"Fine," Gabrielle said as she moved off Ginny, "Let Granger have this round of pity sex. After that, though, Harry is all ours."

She glared at Ginny again.

"Do you understand?" she asked.

Ginny nodded, shaking her enormous tits in the process.

Gabrielle sighed and started pulling off her own robes.

Ginny stared as Gabrielle wriggled out of her clothes and knelt in front of Ginny. Then the redhead squealed as Gabrielle sat down beside Ginny, lifted her up and placed Ginny on her own lap.

"But you," Gabrielle whispered into Ginny's ear, "You need to be punished. For lying to me. And for clicking your naughty little pussy to Granger, of all people."

Gabrielle hugged Ginny to her, pressing her own breasts against Ginny's back. She then weighed the redhead's breasts.

"Morgana," Gabrielle gasped, "Those tits are enormous."

Ginny moaned as Gabrielle started kneading her breasts harshly. Gabrielle pinched Ginny's tits and pulled at the nipples… they stretched and stretched and stretched until Ginny screamed.

"I'M SORRY!" the redhead shrieked, "PLEASE!"

Gabrielle kissed around Ginny's neck and relaxed her hold. She started massaging Ginny's tits and the redhead slumped against her.

"Never lie to me again," Gabrielle hissed.

"Never," Ginny gasped.

Gabrielle smiled and licked around the crook of Ginny's neck as she continued what the redhead had been doing by herself on the bed. As Granger shrieked and writhed onscreen like a flopping fish, Gabrielle kneaded Ginny's tit with one palm while she slapped a hand on Ginny's clit, eliciting a soft scream from the redhead and started pushing down on it, crushing it.

Ginny started grinding her own clit against Gabrielle's fingers.

And Gabrielle felt her own stamen grow erect, pressing against Ginny's amazing arse. Then Gabrielle turned to look at the screen along with Ginny.

"What…?" Ginny gasped.

"You have an amazing derriere, ma chère," Gabrielle moaned as she started grinding her erect stamen right into the valley between Ginny's huge cheeks, "Your bum feels like a pillow around my stamen."

Ginny just groaned as Gabrielle caught Ginny's clit and pulled, drawing out another soft scream from the redhead.

"Such an amazing body," Gabrielle gasped as she ground Ginny onto her lap, "Huge tits, wide ass… Harry must love working over you."

Just then, Harry stood up on Hermione's bed, even as the petite brunette lay on the bed quivering with the aftershocks of her orgasm by Harry's skilled tongue. The bed sank around Harry's feet as he bent down, hooked his hands under Hermione's armpits and lifted her into the air.

Hermione gasped in surprise as she fastened her arms around Harry's thick neck and hung onto him with her legs around his mid-section. Harry's cock, lathered in the Head Girl's spit, was entirely erect and pointing at an angle slightly greater than ninety degrees.

He hooked a single hand around Hermione's back and lifted her even higher into the air. Simultaneously, he grabbed his cock with the other hand and angled it up. He turned towards the camera so that his grinning face was in full view along with his upward-pointing penis and massive hanging balls. Hermione's ass covered his chest, and her slender torso was to the side of his face as the girl hung onto his head.

Hermione's legs were hanging loose in mid-air, her body was flush against Harry, with his cock pointing up between them.

"Does he know we're watching?" Gabrielle gasped, plunging her fingers into Ginny's pussy.

"No," Ginny gasped, "Just… Ron."

"Wait…" Gabrielle asked with distaste, "Your brother's watching this too?"

Ginny nodded and moaned. Gabrielle felt slightly dirty, but she was secretly happy too – for all her book-smarts, Granger was an idiot. She definitely would not endear herself to Harry by "performing" for her boyfriend.

Hermione groaned on the screen as Harry's enormous cockhead pushed into her tiny slit.

"That's going to be a tight fit," Gabrielle remarked.

Harry was holding on to Hermione's ass now, letting her down on his cock inch by inch. Hermione's toes curled and uncurled as she sank down on Harry's shaft.

"In my… stomach," Hermione moaned – Harry was actually pulling her down now, her tight twat expanding ludicrously as his shaft burrowed deeper and deeper inside.

Within seconds, Harry's cock was completely sheathed inside the Head Girl, whose cunt was leaking obscenely over his cock. Her fluids were dripping out of her twat, even though her lips seemed to be sealed shut around his massive girth. Her tight ass was sitting on his balls now.

"Merde!" Gabrielle gasped, "She's so… tiny! How is she even taking that monster?"

Harry pushed Hermione's ass up in the air and her twat dragged up as well along with his cock, leaving a trail of arousal behind. Hermione squealed in pleasure and then Harry pulled her ass down on his cock again. Her ass smashed into his springy balls and Hermione squealed again.

And then a series of squeals and moans tumbled out of her as Harry started pushing and pulling her ass up and down his cock, manhandling her as if she weighed nothing. Her cunt scraped around his cock, and seemed to be drooling around his cock.

"It… It's starting up… HARRY!" Hermione screamed as she started twitching spasmodically.

"She's cumming," Ginny moaned as Gabrielle absently pushed up against her inner walls.

The half-veela herself was just gaping at the sight of Harry's monstrous shaft spearing into the brunette's twat as it dribbled pussy juices all over the place.

Hermione was licking and moaning all over Harry's face, even as he worked her up and down on his cock like a puppet. But her hands were coming off his neck and her torso arched back – the Head Girl was obviously cumming too hard to maintain her grip.

So Harry plopped down on the bed and lay on it. Hermione was now squatting over his cock with her legs bent double so that her feet were on his thighs behind her. Harry kept his hands tight on Hermione's ass as he continued using the Head Girl like a fleshlight, fucking her onto his penis.

Gabrielle wished it was her twat that monster was burying into and that it was her shuddering on top of his mid-section, but she comforted herself with the notion that this was Granger's last time with her mate.

"Oh Merlin, I wish I could suck on those balls now," Ginny moaned. Gabrielle just grinned – Harry's balls did look juicy.

"Even with Granger riding him?" she asked.

"YES!" Ginny screamed as Gabrielle started stroking in and out of her even faster, making an incredibly dirty sound, "I'D SUCK HER OFF TOO!"

"Such a submissive little slut," Gabrielle said, "Hermione would never allow it though."

"No," Ginny gasped, "But you would."

Gabrielle's grin grew wider. "Oh, you'd lick my cunt while I ride your boyfriend's fat cock, will you?" she asked huskily.

"YES!" Ginny screamed again.

Gabrielle nibbled at Ginny's earlobe playfully as she continued to finger the redhead's pussy and rub against Ginny's pillowy rear end.

Hermione arched her back on the screen as she screamed, "HARREEEEEE… STILL CUMMING! PLEASE… REST!"

Gabrielle laughed derisively. "Salope," she muttered, "She has no idea what to do with that cock.���

Harry pulled the Head Girl off his cock, her cunt lips struggling to free themselves of his slick shaft. Hermione kept twitching at intervals as her pussy seemed to gush liquids at a phenomenal rate, even as she tumbled off his cock on her side.

But Harry did not intend to leave his cock unattended. Just as Hermione landed on the bed, he pulled on her head and shoved it against his cock. Hermione squealed as Harry turned his hips and angled his cock straight into her mouth. The Head Girl opened her mouth obediently and let him stuff his crown into her mouth.

Harry started pushing his hips back and forth, ramming a quarter of his enormous shaft in and out of the Head Girl's hot mouth. He brushed her hair away so that Hermione's entire face was visible to the orb with his cock splitting her mouth apart.

"Head Girl indeed!" Harry crowed and laughed, "You give amazing head!"

Hermione just shuddered and screamed, "MMMMFFFFFF NNNNFFFFF NFFFFFF!" around his cock. Gabrielle laughed at that.

"Look at her take that!" Ginny squealed. Gabrielle was slightly annoyed – she had never given Harry a blowjob before.

Harry was using the Head Girl's mouth, fucking his cock in and out of it.

"Enough," Harry said after several minutes of ramming Hermione's trap and shifted on the bed so that he was lying behind Hermione, both of them on their sides so that Harry was spooning Hermione.

Hermione's petite body was right in front of the camera, but it did not quite manage to hide Harry's muscled torso behind her. Harry lifted Hermione's thigh into the air and pushed it against her side in an amazing show of flexibility from the Head Girl. Her legs were wide apart now, displaying her tight, gushing cunt for all to see.

"You bastard," Hermione moaned, "I haven't stopped cumming yet."

Harry just angled his cock up into her twat and with a twist of his hips burst into her pussy again. Harry extended his arm around the thigh that was pressed up her side and around Hermione's breasts so that he was hugging the brunette to him.

He curled his other hand around Hermione's tiny neck so that her breasts were squashed between his hands, her thigh and the bed. And then Harry just held Hermione in place as he started slamming his cock in and out of her twat, his balls slapping against her quivering cunt.

"BASTARD!" Hermione screamed and the scream continued to taper off into a high-pitched whine, "HNNNNNNNNNNNNNN!"

"She can't stop cumming!" Ginny moaned.

Gabrielle gaped at the sight – but it was the sound that was getting to her. As Harry's cock speared in and out of Hermione's impossibly tight quim, she heard this scraping sound, like Harry was trying to stuff his cock into a tiny sleeve made of wet fabric – it was erotic.

Gabrielle couldn't take it anymore. She lifted Ginny up and sank the redhead down onto her slender tubular clitoris… her stamen. Both girls moaned.

"How are you still so tight?" Gabrielle gasped, "Harry should have destroyed your cunt by now with his monster cock!"

Ginny just rocked back and forth on Gabrielle, moaning and still gaping at the screen. "Fuck!" the redhead gasped, "Harry's really giving it to her!"

Gabrielle just started palming Ginny's massive tits, pulling at her nipples as she lapped at Ginny's right cheek. Harry had doubled his pace – he was pulverizing Hermione's tiny pussy now. The Head Girl wouldn't be able to walk the next day, in Gabrielle's estimation. Gabrielle started grinding into Ginny now, feeling the redhead's walls contracting around her stamen.

Hermione's face was scrunched up now – her eyes unseeing and wild and her mouth gaping and screaming as Harry continued to pound her. Gabrielle could hear her pussy sloshing now, wet and tight around Harry's fat meat as his balls slapped onto her clit.

And suddenly, Harry sat up on the bed, moving the Head Girl up with him, still impaled on his cock. Hermione's hands and legs scrambled for purchase on the bed as she shrieked in surprise – she was sitting on his balls now with his cock shoved deep inside her womb. Now though, she was facing them, with her back to Harry's face. All Gabrielle could see was Hermione's beautiful face contorting in pleasure as a massive penis dug into her cunt, splitting her hairless twat wide open. Hermione's nipples were erect and her breasts bounce as she desperately tried to continue riding Harry.

And Harry raised her ass up into the air. With Hermione squatting on the bed slightly above his midriff with about half his slick cock up her cunt, held in place mostly by Harry's powerful grip, he started pounding up into the Head Girl. She was literally along for the ride now, squatting on top of him as he slammed up into her.


Gabrielle tried to mimic Harry's movements, pounding up into Ginny who was sitting on her lap, but the redhead was too heavy.

"This is all your fault, Ginny," Gabrielle panted, "You're letting your boyfriend destroy another woman."

"Yes," Ginny moaned, still not taking her eyes off the erotic sight on the screen, "Hermione looks gorgeous."

The Head Girl was indeed gorgeous, even in Gabrielle's envious eyes – with that flushed face, frazzled hair and slender physique, bouncing around over Harry's engorged shaft.

"HAREEEEE!" Hermione screamed, her eyes widening as Harry's shaft continued to scrape her insides, "SOMETHING… HAPPENING! I… CAN'T… CUMMING TOO HARD!"

"YES!" Ginny screamed, "Fuck her!"

"OH SWEET MOTHER OF… HNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN!" Hermione screamed, reaching her highest pitch yet and there was a deafening squelch and Hermione's pussy erupted.

A fountain seemed to burst forth around Harry's fat cock, spraying over his balls. The brunette continued to scream as more fountains gushed forth, ejecting jets of fluid all over the bed, and then over the orb itself.

The image blurred as Hermione's pussy juices landed on the orb with a loud splat, after which the self-cleaning charms kicked in and the image cleared yet again, revealing a bewildered, spasming Hermione Granger writhing around Harry's cock.


Both Gabrielle and Ginny stopped grinding into each other as they gaped at the screen. "She's… squirting," Gabrielle whispered in terrified arousal.

"Fuck," Ginny gasped, "I don't think she's ever… done that… before."

"She told you that?" Gabrielle asked, not looking away from the screen as Hermione let out another series of screams and squirts.

"YOU BROKE IT!" Hermione screamed stupidly as she squirts noisily again, around Harry's cock, her eyes rolling up into her head, "YOU'RE BREAKING MY CUNT…YOU RUIN ME…!"

Gabrielle heard Harry laughing at that, but she was too absorbed in the sight to even register Hermione's words.

"She… she… told… me… she… never…" Ginny moaned.

Gabrielle numbly murmured, "We have to stop this… stop this… before…"

And then she saw Harry's balls contract and pulse. His cock swelled and recoiled.

"' Mione!" Harry groaned as he unloaded right into Hermione's spasming cunt.

Hermione collapsed back onto Harry's chest. Gabrielle could see her dripping cunt shuddering around Harry's girth now, even as droplets of Harry's sperm leaked out from her gaping twat. She couldn't actually see their faces – just the sight of Harry's incredibly thick cockmeat pulsing into Hermione's vagina.

Ginny spasmed around Gabrielle's stamen at that moment as she turned her face sideways and kissed Gabrielle on the lips. Gabrielle kissed her right back, then drew away with a surprised gasp.

"You… came?" Gabrielle asked, stupefied, "You came watching your boyfriend diddle Granger?"

Ginny blushed as she looked away and back at the screen. She ground herself on Gabrielle as she gasped out, "I… guess… I'm just turned on at the sight of Harry with another… woman."

Gabrielle was taken aback by this entire turn of events – that had been intense. She had no doubt she was finally part of Harry's harem, but apparently, she had done her job too well. Ginny was turning out to be far more submissive than she had previously thought.

"You can watch Harry and I go at it whenever you want," Gabrielle said cheekily, trying to cover up her dismay, "At least this is Granger's last time."

And just then, she heard Harry murmur, "I should leave, Hermione."

Yes, Gabrielle thought, leave. Please.

"No," Hermione panted, "Please. Don't go."

Harry pushed Hermione off him onto the bed, his cock popping out of Hermione's sloshing, cum-filled quim as he made to get up. Hermione turned to her side and extended an arm around him.

"I love you," the brunette said, as firmly as she could, trying to come down from her orgasmic bliss.

Harry was now sitting up on the bed, but he turned to face the prone Hermione and gaped at her.

"I mean it," Hermione repeated, "I love you."

Harry looked at the orb with bewildered eyes. Ginny gasped in shock as Gabrielle continued to gawk at the screen. Her throat suddenly felt dry and the blood seemed to pound in her temples. The world went very quiet.

"Hermione… I… Ron…" Harry stammered.

Hermione laughed shrilly and then coughed as she ran out of breath. "Ron and I split up during Christmas, Harry."

"What?" Harry asked, stupefied.

"Ron called me over for Christmas and we discussed our relationship. It was going nowhere," Hermione said, her voice slowly gaining strength as she went on.

"Was it… was it because of me?" Harry asked, though his face strangely showed no guilt – just curiosity.

"No," Hermione said, "You started becoming the only reason Ron and I were together. You are more of a fixture in his life than I am." There was no bitterness in the Head Girl's voice, just weird happiness.

"Ron has his eye on Vicky Frobisher now," Hermione continued, "Won't be long before he asks you to… you know… like I said, you are a fixture in his life now."

"I see," Harry said smoothly. His eyes glinted.

"And I realized I want to be with you. I've always wanted to be with you," Hermione murmured.

Harry's eyes softened and turned warm.

"Even if you have to share me?" he asked.

"Do you love me, Harry?" Hermione asked in return.

"I do," Harry said softly.

Hermione sighed happily as she rose up gingerly on the bed and placed her head on Harry's shoulder, hugging him as they sat side by side, completely naked. Harry hugged her right back.

Hermione smirked at him.

"Then I'd better be on top of your harem, Potter," she said, "Because I'm never leaving you. Ever."

Harry just grinned back, and they both tumbled back onto the bed, snuggling into each other and kissing.

"Wait," Harry said suddenly, drawing apart from Hermione, "So… uh… why's the orb recording all of this? How did you even get an orb?"

Hermione half-giggled, half-panted.

"It's actually a present for you," she said, sticking her tongue out at him, "From George Weasley to his stakeholder."

"So he entrusted it in your care?" Harry asked curiously.

"Yes," Hermione said airily, "He mentioned that he wanted to give this to you for Christmas but missed out on that opportunity. So I just said I'd carry it back and give it to you."

"So… uh… that's why you were recording this?" Harry asked, "I mean… I'm guessing Ron's not at the other end watching this… because that would be…"

Hermione shuddered.

"Please," she muttered, "Let's not spoil the afterglow. No, Ron isn't watching at the other end. But someone is."

She had an edge to her voice when she uttered the last sentence.

"Dare I even ask who?" Harry asked warily, "Is it still recording?"

"Oh, it is still recording," Hermione asked, "Your change of status… our change of status is very relevant to the audience."

"And just who is the audience?" Harry asked slowly.

"Oh, just your girlfriend," Hermione said.

Harry just gaped at Hermione, but the Head Girl chose that very moment to collapse and fall asleep.



Gabrielle fumed. She pushed Ginny off her, rose onto her knees, grabbed her wand and waved it at the screen. The silver screen went dark and the broadcast ceased.

She turned to face Ginny, her eyes blazing.

Ginny shrank immediately, her temper lessening as she beheld Gabrielle's fierce countenance.

"Gabrielle… I…" Ginny said hesitantly, "I didn't know that she would…"

"I don't blame you," Gabrielle said, though she was angry at Ginny, "Well… not entirely. She played you. She played us."

Suddenly, Gabrielle's victory over Hermione Granger in the duelling tournament seemed utterly hollow – she had won a skirmish in what was going to be a very long war.

"I… I can talk to Harry," Ginny started, but Gabrielle cut her off.

"No," the half-veela said immediately, facing Ginny, "You will do nothing of the sort. If Harry says Hermione is part of our circle now, she is. We're not second-guessing him.��

"But…" Ginny started but Gabrielle interrupted her.

"She has a disadvantage," the half-veela said, "She's one woman. There are two of us on this side of the ring."

Gabrielle smiled and continued, "Don't worry, Gin-Gin. We can still come out on top. Either way, you better get used to the idea of sharing your boyfriend with Hermione. There are four people in the relationship now.

"But we'll still come out on top. I will come out on top. I am a veela. I never settle for second place in the heart of the man I choose to be with."

"So… Hermione is… now… with Harry?" Ginny asked.

Gabrielle smiled at the redhead.

"Yes," she said, "For better or worse. But as I said, she is going to have to settle for second place."