Master of Death(18+)

"So…" Natalie asked, "Uh… how many girls is he going out with now?"

"Natalie," Harry said tiredly, "I'm right here."

"I'm still ready to jump in," Demelza said.

"Me too," Nandini added quickly.

Harry sighed. They were sitting at the breakfast table – he had smuggled himself out of the Head Girl's dorm in the early hours of the morning. He had tried waking Hermione, but she had been sleeping like a log. The only problem was – he had not been as discrete as he had hoped. Mary MacDonald had caught him walking out and had given him detention, though there had been a smirk on her face when she did so.

And to make things even worse, Natalie had been present as MacDonald had interrogated him in the Common Room about his "activities" in the Head Girl's dorm. And, much to his consternation, he had completely forgotten about a Silencing Charm and so had Hermione.

And so, MacDonald had heard everything – something she seemed to take great pleasure in describing in front of an open-mouthed Natalie and an embarrassed Harry. He supposed Hermione was in for a chewing out as well if she ever got up.

"Why were you even in the Common Room?" Harry asked sourly.

"I… uh…" Natalie stammered.

"She totally forgot to do her Charms homework, again," Nandini said with a grin, "That's our Natalie – doing her homework at the last minute." Natalie just stuck her tongue out at the dusky girl.

"So," Demelza asked, "You think MacDonald's going to jump Harry in detention?"

"Oh, shut up," Harry said and blearily looked around for Ginny or Gabrielle, but the two were nowhere to be found.

He had no idea how they would take this entire thing and was quite alarmed when he realized he did not care.

"Oh, they had breakfast early and left," Demelza said, sidling up to him, "Said they had to 'talk' with the Head Girl."

"Uh, oh," Natalie said in a sing-song voice.

And just then, Demelza started kissing around his neck as he tried to eat.

"What the… fuck?" Natalie asked, completely taken aback, "How many of you are with him?!"

Nandini leaned in on the opposite side and started trailing soft kisses down his neck as well. Harry just sighed as Natalie looked on open-mouthed. He raised his fork to get a morsel in before either Nandini or Demelza tried to take this further right at the breakfast table, but he was interrupted again, this time by an owl.

He shrugged both girls off, and they tittered. He then proceeded to untie a note from the grey post-owl that had just landed on his table – he had never seen the owl before.

The letter was from Audrey. He frowned and opened it.

Hi Harry,

Aberforth is back, earlier than expected. He was pestering me about my rent yesterday and said that the Hog's Head wouldn't be open for some time yet, but I thought you should know.

You owe me a good fucking.



Harry chuckled at the last sentence and looked at his schedule – he only had Charms that afternoon. He still had quite some time to go to the class. If he hurried, he could make it to Hogsmeade and back before the class started.

Harry stood up abruptly, said goodbye to the bewildered girls and made his way to his dorm to retrieve his cloak; then, he would make his way to the third floor to a certain statue of a one-eyed witch.


Harry ignored the "CLOSED" sign hanging on the front door of the Hog's Head Inn and opened it, stepping right into the gloomy interior of the pub.

"It's closed," a snide voice snarled at him.

Sure enough, behind the bar, looking as unkempt as ever was Aberforth Dumbledore, brother of his former Headmaster. He was… cleaning a glass with a cloth that looked like it had been soaked in dragon piss. Harry sighed – some things never changed.

"Even for me?" Harry asked.

Aberforth looked up and saw Harry.

"Ah, of course," he said, his voice not losing its snide edge, "It's Harry Potter, hero and saviour of the world. How may I be of service, Potter?"

Harry walked up to the pub casually.

"I needed to talk to you," he said, dusting off the seat of one of the barstools. He sat on it after making sure that it was clean.

"Come back in March," Aberforth said, "The bar'll be open and I'll be all ears."

"It's not something that can wait," Harry said coldly.

"If you're here to ask me about my brother, or discuss our shared past," Aberforth said equally coldly, "Don't. Don't you dare, Potter."

"Oh, I'm not here to bring up old grudges," Harry said dismissively, "But I am here to discuss a certain portion of your shared past."

Harry saw Aberforth opening his mouth to reply angrily, but he stalled the bartender, "No. It's not what you think," Harry said, gesturing in the direction of Ariana Dumbledore's portrait, "I'm not here to discuss that. I'm here to discuss more… recent events."

"Do I look like I care to answer your questions, Potter?" Aberforth asked.

The air crackled as Harry summoned the Elder Wand out of thin air and brandished it in front of the older man. Aberforth's eyes widened in surprise, and he recoiled.

"What… how…?" he stammered.

Harry gestured his wand around the room and cast every single secrecy charm and silencing spell he knew. Aberforth just watched him open-mouthed as he cast his protective enchantments.

Finally, Harry stopped casting and turned to the barkeep.

"Do I have your attention now?" he asked.

"Yes," Aberforth gasped, "He… he told me its power would die with him."

"Dumbledore meant to keep his promise," Harry said, "He meant to die with the wand in his hand – I suppose he surmised that if his murderer did not actually want to murder him and that he wanted to die, the wand would lose its power."

Aberforth did not take his eyes off the wand in Harry's hand, but he asked, "So… Severus…?"

"… Killed Dumbledore,�� Harry finished, "But he was only following Albus' orders."

Aberforth finally took his eyes off the wand and peered at Harry.

"I see," Aberforth said, "In retrospect, I should not be so surprised. He always was a manipulative old coot."

"He was," Harry admitted, "But he's also the reason I'm alive."

The Elder Wand disappeared from sight at Harry's command and Aberforth seemed to relax.

"I hate that piece of wood," the old man muttered in distaste as he lowered his gaze to the glass in his hand, "I loathe the fact that my brother left it under my protection. It… it was the wand that took the only thing I ever cared about from this world."

"I'm sorry to bring it up," Harry said, "But I'm a bit desperate. And it was the only way I could convince you to help me."

Aberforth looked up at him and grinned in humourless fashion.

"It's affecting your mind already, is it not?" he asked.

Harry leaned back on the stool and crossed his arms.

"So, you know how the wand affects its owners," he said.

"Of course I do," Abeforth said, "We studied that accursed Deathstick for decades, Potter. My brother and I… we scoured tomes for knowledge of how to control it… or in my case, destroy it once and for all. Nothing we tried worked. Nothing I tried worked either – it's simply too powerful to be destroyed."

"And what about control?" Harry asked.

"My brother never got around to using it until a year before his death," Aberforth said, "The only way to control that damn wand is to never use it. My brother knew the effect it had on people… once he deprived Grindelwald of it, he immediately came to me and we devised a Fidelius Charm for keeping it from ever being used."

Harry nodded. He knew all of this already.

"But he came to you… before he died," he supplied.

"Yes," Aberforth continued, "He popped in here one morning – during the summer – with a charred hand and told me he was dying. That he needed the Elder Wand so that it could… die… with him."

"I guess that did not work as he intended."

"It almost did," Harry said with a sigh, "But there was a wrinkle in his plan. Before Severus Snape could… kill your brother, Draco Malfoy - one of the students at Hogwarts who was working for Death Eaters – disarmed him."

"So the wand passed on to the Malfoy boy," Aberforth gasped and shuddered.

"He never realized it though," Harry said, "Malfoy never even figured he owned something like this. I suppose Dumbledore was right – you have to use the wand before it recognizes you as its owner."

"And you disarmed Malfoy?" Aberforth asked.

"I did… during our escape… thanks to you," Harry said.

Aberforth waved him off.

"So the wand came to you," the old man said, "Only, you were unaware of its power and used it to cast magic."

Harry sighed.

"Yes… the circumstances of its capture are… complicated, but yes, I used it."

"And now it's affecting you," Aberforth said shrewdly.

"Yes," Harry said, "I… I think I'm slowly losing my capacity for… any sort of higher emotion. I feel like they've been cut off – I feel… angry… all the time… or apathetic. Like there's this monster inside me, clawing to get out. It's like I'm turning into this chained beast… only, the chains are growing more and more fragile as time passes."

Harry paused and took a deep breath.

"I'm sorry," he continued, "I'm rambling. But I need to know. Do you know of a way I could control it? If we placed it under a Fidelius Charm right now, would its effects be suppressed?"

Aberforth sighed.

"I'm afraid not, Potter," he said, "In the last year of his life when my brother began using this wand, he complained of the same effects. According to him, the wand was making him reckless. It took a regimen of potions to keep him alive and sane – and my brother was a prodigious Occlumens. So we tried to put it back under a Fidelius Charm – my brother wanted to see if that would shield him from its effects for a while."

"It did not. My brother was still affected – the influence of the Elder Wand cut through the most powerful charm in existence like it wasn't even there. Once the wand knows, Potter, it is relentless."

Harry massaged his forehead with his hands.

"I see," he said, "Is there anything you can do? Or tell me?"

"Afraid not, Potter," Aberforth said, though his voice was completely devoid of pity, "And frankly, I'd rather not have anything to do with that damn wand ever again."

"Aberforth," Harry said with closed eyes, as he kept massaging his forehead.

"I'm not going to keep this wand forever. I know it, and you know it. Day after day, I feel myself… devolving. Becoming primal – more bestial. I feel the blood pounding in my ears, calling for battle and violence. I feel… less than human. And someday, a powerful wizard… or witch�� is going to take this wand from me. Perhaps in combat. Perhaps by merely snatching it from my hands. Perhaps by slitting my throat in my sleep. The pieces are all in place – a clever wizard would surmise that Dumbledore was the last owner of the Elder Wand and that his natural successor would be me."

"The point being – someday, someone is going to take this wand from me and they are going to use it to wreak utter havoc. Look at every wizard or witch that has possessed this wand – apart from Dumbledore, every single one of them has used this wand to destroy the lives of hundreds of people."

"Is that the sort of fate you're consigning me to?"

Harry opened his eyes and looked straight at Aberforth.

"Someday, another aspiring Dark Lord is going to pry this wand from my cold, dead fingers and use it to take innocent lives. Is that what you want?"

Aberforth sighed and looked away – Harry knew he was looking in Ariana's direction.

"Charming speech," he said, "But I'm afraid my answer is unchanged. I cannot help you."

Harry flushed and opened his mouth to argue, but Aberforth held out his own hand and said, "However… I can lend a hand. Stay right there, Potter."

The old man then shambled his way out of the room. Harry heard thumping as if Aberforth was going up a flight of steps. Harry tapped his fingers on the bar impatiently, waiting for the man to return.

After five minutes, the old man came back down and handed Harry a slim book with a blank, silver cover.

"This is a journal written by my brother – the entirety of his research on the Elder Wand," Aberforth said wearily, "He entrusted it to me. He said the very cream of his research… our research… on the subject of the Elder Wand was all contained in that book."

"I see," Harry said, though he could not keep a hopeful note from his voice.

"However, I should warn you that the book does not detail a method to control the power of that wand," Aberforth said, "Albus never found a way to control that thing. But… if it gives you comfort, Potter, you can have it. I suspect you'd value it more than I do, in any case."

Harry nodded.

"Thanks," he rasped and then proceeded to leave the Inn.


"So," Gabrielle asked delicately, "Why did you summon us here, Granger?"

She, Ginny and Hermione were all assembled in the Head Girl's dorm – Hermione had sent them a note by way of Crookshanks at breakfast, asking them to come to her room to "talk things over." Of course, Gabrielle had been reluctant, but Ginny had dragged her along in any case.

"Please," the Head Girl said tiredly, "Call me Hermione, Gabrielle. And I would've met you elsewhere, but I don't think I can move. My legs have never felt so sore."

Gabrielle inclined her head.

"Very well… Hermione," she said, "Answer the question."

Ginny looked between her and Hermione warily.

Hermione turned to Ginny and said, her eyes warm and apologetic, "Ginny, I never meant to hurt you yesterday."

Ginny's eyes widened momentarily, but then she pursed her lips and looked at Hermione with disapproval.

"You lied to me," the redhead said in a hurt voice, "I… you're my friend."

"Ginny," Hermione said hastily, "I… I love Harry. Just as you do. I couldn't give him up without a fight."

Ginny tried to reply, but Hermione cut her off.

"However," the Head Girl ground out, "That doesn't mean lying to you was the right thing to do. I had to choose between the easy way and the hard way, and I chose the easy path. And I apologize – I'm really sorry. I was just a bit… miffed, last night. And wanted revenge so bad… I forgot about our friendship."

"But I promise I'm not trying to sabotage your relationship with Harry," Hermione said sincerely.

"I promise I'm not trying to usurp your position or take your place. Nonetheless, I'm not letting go of him. I should have talked this over with you and then made a move… but I was so scared you'd refuse. And worse, I tried to humiliate you in the process. But now that I've got him, and now that I know how… amazing he is… I guess I just realized you didn't deserve that. I'm really sorry."

Ginny and Hermione stared at each other for a while and then the redhead sighed.

"I guess I always knew this was a possibility," Ginny said wistfully.

"I know I'm not enough… to handle him. I'd rather it was just me, but if I had to share him with someone, I'd rather it be you and Gabrielle."

The two girls smiled at each other.

"Plus," Ginny said, her smile turning shrewd, "I like watching you going at it with Harry."

Hermione blushed.

"I'm sorry you… watched it at all," she said, "I guess I was being a bit impulsive when I gave you that screen."

"Don't be," Ginny said airily, "Gabrielle and I sure enjoyed watching you with Harry. Next time, I'll even join in."

Hermione flushed an even deeper shade of red and stammered, "I, uh, don't think I'm ready for something like… that. And I don't swing that way, Ginny. Like… at all."

Ginny just giggled.

"Wait," Gabrielle said, slightly taken aback at the renewed camaraderie between Ginny and Hermione.

Hermione sighed and turned to look at her.

"Gabrielle," she said, "I know you like Harry…"

"I love him," Gabrielle snarled.

"Of course," Hermione said in placating fashion, "But does he love you?"

Gabrielle gaped at Hermione.

"I…" she stammered, and just like that, her old insecurities were back again.

Harry had freed her and made her addicted to his magic – she wanted him. Needed him. Craved him. But now, she was entirely stumped by Hermione's question.

"I didn't mean to put you on the spot," Hermione said kindly.

"I've seen how Harry looks at you Gabby. He's… passionate about you. He definitely likes you. And you probably have great physical chemistry with him, being a veela and all. And I'm sure he will come to love you in the future. You're very beautiful. And a fierce dueler, as I learned to my detriment yesterday."

"Wait," Gabrielle said, "Why are you telling me all of this, Hermione? Why placate me at all?"

"Harry wants to be with you," Hermione said.

"Not what I meant," Gabrielle said, "Why are you trying to be so… diplomatic? You seemed pretty happy shoving your little session with Harry in my face yesterday."

Hermione lowered her gaze.

"Again," she said tiredly, "I'm really sorry about that. Yesterday, I had lost a duel to you, and was on the verge of losing Harry… because you had asked Ginny to stop him and me from…"

"But now that I'm with him, I guess my perspective has changed. Even if Ginny had forbidden me from ever… being… with Harry again, Harry would not have stopped loving me. Or I, him. Again, I should have talked this over with you – both of you – before I did any of this."

"That's Hermione for you," Ginny said abruptly.

"She just… does this stuff. Don't let the geeky exterior fool you – once, she suspected that Harry's broomstick was cursed and went straight to McGonagall without even talking it over with Harry. She just… rushes into things. And then regrets it and cries all over the place."

"I so did not cry all over the place," Hermione said hotly, but Ginny just stuck out a tongue at her and Hermione giggled.

"I'll get you for that, Ginny," Hermione said good-naturedly.

The brunette then turned to Gabrielle and said, "Gabrielle, I'm just trying to call a truce here. We're all with Harry now. Let's just stop… fighting. There's plenty of him to go around… too much of him, to be honest."

"I agree with that," Ginny added.

"So," Hermione said, "Let's just be friends with each other."

Gabrielle stared at Hermione, pondering her words.

Hermione continued, "Look, Gabrielle, the thing is… I've realized that I… like you. You stand for everything I actually cherish as an ideal. You're a part-veela, and you're proud of your heritage. Your presence in the tournament is causing waves among the pureblood morons that infest every level of our government. You've become a symbol for the rights of all sentient magical beings – something that I deeply admire. I like you, Gabrielle, and I know we can be friends."

Gabrielle's cold demeanour finally broke at that little speech.

"I suppose I could be friends with you," Gabrielle said eventually, and Hermione smiled at her in relief.

"I… sort of admire you too, Hermione. You're possibly the only person around that I can actually debate Runes and Magical Theory with."

"Are you calling me a dunce?" Ginny asked though she was smiling.

"Of course not, love," Gabrielle said, "But you're still pants at Runes."

Ginny grinned. "I guess I am," she said.

"So…" Hermione asked, "We're in this together?"

"Of course," Ginny said.

Gabrielle nodded. Then, after a beat, she grinned at Hermione.

"I've always liked a healthy competition better than a bitter one anyway," she said.

Hermione grinned right back.

"Oh, I'm not going to be deluding myself, Gabrielle," she said, "But for now, I'm on top of this little harem…"

"We'll see, Hermione," Gabrielle said, "In time, we shall see."

Hermione stuck out her hand. Gabrielle walked up to the bed and shook it. Ginny laughed. And for some strange reason, Gabrielle could not stop herself from smiling happily at how things had turned out.


Harry barely made it through classes that day – he pored over Dumbledore's book throughout the day, even managing to sneak in a few pages during Charms class. He had bought a stack of Pepper-ups at the local apothecary in Hogsmeade and drowned one vial after another as he read each page of the book at a feverish pace. He dimly realized that his friends… and girlfriends, might be searching for him, but at that particular moment, he could not bring himself to care.

And that scared him. His higher thought processes were still intact, but he was losing sight of the emotions he once cherished. Love, affection, compassion, humility – all of them were slowly eroding away within him. It was not so much that he was letting go of them so much as it was the fact that they were becoming muted.

Only last night, Hermione had asked him if he loved her. And the truth was, only a month ago, he did. He did cherish the beautiful Head Girl – she had stuck with him through thick and thin, even when Ron had abandoned him. She cared for him.

But more than that, she stood for everything that he believed was good – she was his centre of morality. After his years of abuse at the hands of the Dursleys, being friends with Hermione was what kept him centred about the concept of moral goodness and evil. It could so easily have gone the other way had he fallen in with the Malfoys. Granted, she did take the nobility thing too far sometimes – in the sense that she did not want to believe the worst of people.

And a lesser person would have turned after the horrors Lestrange inflicted on her, but Hermione did not. She could be a little vengeful, a little insecure and a little vexing at times, but for him, most of the time, she was always there. And when she had asked him if he loved her… he should have said yes without a moment's hesitation.

Only a month ago, he would have. And it was a testament to his love for her, that despite the muting effect of the Elder Wand, he had felt an inkling of affection for her. He had said "yes" at the end, and he could not even bring himself to feel guilt.

And then there was Ginny. When Hermione had told him his girlfriend had been watching at the other end, Harry had been surprised… but all he felt was utter apathy. He had been sated, and that was all he cared about.

And he knew he had loved Ginny… he knew he still should have, but even that was muted. The redhead was his – fierce, yet always at his side, faithful to the end. Adapting to circumstances with him, flowing like water around his headstrong current.

And last, there was Gabrielle. He did feel something for her – but now, his feelings had been reduced to mere lust. Each time he saw the veela, he wanted to ravish her, ruin her, push her up against a wall and fuck her. And dipping into that side was just so… easy. So tempting.

All of that scared him – he now recognized exactly what the three girls stood for now. Hermione was transcendence – something he yearned for and something that drew him… something beyond this world of simple, binary good and evil.

The Resurrection Stone.

Ginny was loyalty made flesh, serving him to the end. Adapting, flowing, meshing into his life seamlessly.

The Invisibility Cloak.

And Gabrielle was passion, lust, a thirst that must be quenched. Something that stoked his blood, made it boil.

The Elder Wand.

He truly could not tell where the Hallows ended and he began. He was melding into them, turning and twisting and reforming. He was being destroyed. Torn apart. Just like Dumbledore had told him.

So Harry did the only thing he could – he avoided the girls and found an isolated corner of Hogwarts, on the sixth floor in an abandoned classroom with a powerful Notice Me Not Charm cast around him. He turned page after page, seeking answers and searching for a solution to his dilemma.

But Aberforth had been right – there was nothing there. Dumbledore had barely even mentioned the three hallows – possibly a good idea, as far as the Headmaster was concerned. All any potential reader would see were research notes revolving around a mysterious subject that the Headmaster did not see fit to disclose.

And there were copious notes on wand-making processes – every single step that went into making a wand, from different nations and cultures, was described and elaborated upon. Potions were discussed, means of muting magic through charms and runes were debated and elaborate curses were dissected, but after each possible solution, Dumbledore had written down a single word – "Failed."

For the first time, Harry truly saw evidence of prodigious intellect his former Headmaster had possessed. The sheer amount of Arithmancy discussed in the book was far beyond Hermione, let alone him. And as the diary went on, the notes grew more and more meandering – the last entry was dated two days before Dumbledore's death.

Apparently, the old man had been taking potions – powerful, highly advanced concoctions to keep the influence of the Elder Wand at bay. But they were all marked with the same word – "Failed."

By far the most interesting find was on the very last page of the book. It was a piece of an ancient parchment stuck to the last page of the book – it had apparently been extremely hard to find.

"Alas," Dumbledore had written on the penultimate page, "It is a pity my life draws to an end in a world that still has such wonders to spare."

For written on the parchment were a scant few words – in a language Harry vaguely recognized as Gaelic, or perhaps Old English. Dumbledore had painstaking translated each word. Apparently, according to his former Headmaster, it was the beginning of a letter. Below the ancient parchment, Dumbledore had written in his loopy handwriting:


There remains no hope for our weapon. Antioch is lost to us. Cadmus has embraced death. It was with a heavy heart that I take the last [unknown word]…"

And the letter ended there. According to Dumbledore, that had been all he could recover from the ancient parchment – an alleged letter from Ignotus Peverell to Merlin himself. A truly remarkable find, in Harry's opinion.

Apparently, the parchment had been torn off just before the last unknown word had been completed. According to Dumbledore, it could have stood for several terms – from "ingredient" to "component" to "collection."

Harry went back and forth through the book, re-reading passages and hoping to come upon something…anything that could help him. He cast one revealing spell after another, hoping to try and discern if Dumbledore had left him yet another ridiculous riddle. It opens at the close… or something.

But there was nothing there. The book was just that – Dumbledore's research on matters related to control of the Elder Wand… and futile research at that.

Harry slammed the book shut and stormed towards his dormitory. A range of emotions flickered through him – rage, frustration, annoyance… but he did not feel a shred of self-pity. And again, that alarmed him.

He hit the bed as soon as he reached his dorm and the extended doses of Pepper Ups took their toll as he fell into a deep slumber.


When he woke up the next morning, he thought for a moment that he had woken up too late and had missed classes, but then he looked at the calendar hanging near Neville's bed and realized it was a Hogsmeade weekend. Everyone had long since gone to Hogsmeade – it was nearly mid-day.

Harry slumped out of bed and blearily took a shower. He thought of going through the book again, but that thought merely led to more frustration. So he eventually decided he would go to Hogsmeade and join his classmates – he would try to take his mind off his problems and try to feel something again.

And so, here he was, stomping around Hogsmeade and trying to find someone to spend the day with.

After a few minutes of searching, he found Gabrielle and Ginny, loitering near a shop that sold expensive robes.

And Harry grit his teeth as he felt again – only, it was a massive spike of bloodlust. The Hallows were calling, and he had to answer.

Dimly, as his vision turned red, he registered that Gabrielle had spotted him and was walking towards him with Ginny. She was a vision to behold – blonde hair shimmering in the daylight over a set of tight, flowing robes that stretched across her curvaceous figure. Ginny looked even more ravishing, her amazing bust begging to be kneaded and squeezed, bouncing with the wind.

And just as Gabrielle got within a few feet at him and opened her mouth to ask where he had been, he stepped right into her personal space and grabbed her around the waist with one hand. With the other, he held Ginny's hand and pulled her in towards them. Then, there was a loud crack as they disapparated in the middle of Hogsmeade.


He kissed Gabrielle, his tongue swirling around in the veela's own mouth, licking circles around her tongue and Gabrielle moaned into him. He dropped his left hand from around the veela's slender waist down to her ass, his fingers sinking into her rump.

"Harry… what?" Ginny gasped, trying to wriggle out of Harry's right hand that was curved around her waist, pressing her to the kissing couple, "Where are we?"

Harry started kneading Ginny's amazing bubble butt as well and the redhead arched her back and squealed.

"Harry!" Ginny squealed, pushing against his right shoulder, her breasts working wonders against the side of his chest that was not pressed into Gabrielle's tits.

He felt, rather than saw Ginny look around – he was too busy kissing Gabrielle and making the blonde moan as he munched on the veela's tongue, now protruding right into his mouth. Loud slurping noises emanated from where their lips were joined.

"Harry!" Ginny shrieked, this time with alarm, right in his ear, "Are we in… are we in Audrey's bedroom?!"

Harry smirked as Gabrielle's tongue surrendered before his onslaught. He had apparated them to Audrey's bedroom – it was the nearest secluded spot he could remember in his lust-fueled haze. And Audrey came home late anyway… not that he cared if Percy's fiancée walked in at that particular moment. He needed this. Craved this. If Audrey walked in, he'd push her down and fuck her too.

He grabbed Gabrielle's hair and pulled her off his mouth. She stared up at him hungrily and he smirked.

"Audrey's not here," Harry said smoothly to Ginny, "And her big, soft bed is all vacant and empty. We're going to fuck on top of it."

Gabrielle giggled and Ginny blushed. Harry narrowed his eyes at Gabrielle and then smiled.

"Oh," Harry said, finally turning to face his first proper girlfriend, "And Ginny, you're going to be in charge of Gabrielle this time around."

For a moment, the two girls merely stared at him, open mouthed.

"Really?" Ginny asked breathlessly. Harry nodded.

Then Ginny smiled back at him mischievously.

"So," she asked, gesturing to the bed, "What are we waiting for?"

The busty redhead pushed Gabrielle out of the way and hugged Harry, kissing him in a purposely sloppy manner, slobbering all over his lips with her tongue. Harry pushed her clothed breasts up as she leaned in and started kneading them – they felt massive and doughy, as usual and he loved how his fingers just sank right in.

"Ginny!" Gabrielle whined.

Ginny pulled off Harry with a slurp and looked at Gabrielle with a playful smirk.

"Didn't you hear him?" she asked, "I am in charge today."

She pushed Harry's chest lightly, prompting him to take a step back, which he did. She knelt and then pulled his pants down along with his boxers, pooling them around his ankles. Harry raised his legs one after the other stepping over his clothes.

And as soon as his pants came off his knees, his cock snapped out and sprang into position at a perfect ninety degrees to the vertical and Ginny laughed at the sight.

"I never get tired of looking at that enormous fuckmeat," Ginny remarked.

Then Ginny turned to look at Gabrielle, who was already stripping down in front of Harry and was now in her bra and lingerie.

"Such an eager veela slut," Ginny said.

She grabbed Gabrielle and pulled the blonde down to her knees before she could start working her bra off. Ginny curled her left palm around Harry's enormous head; with her right, she pushed Gabrielle by the back of her head right onto Harry's fat crown.

The veela opened her mouth almost on instinct and Harry's cockhead popped into her wet mouth. Ginny moved her hand down Harry's cock in sync with Gabrielle's head and Harry moaned at the combined feeling of wetness and pressure. Eventually, when Gabrielle was around a quarter of the way down his cock, she began to gag, quite violently.

"She acts so superior!" Ginny crowed, "But look at the veela now! Choking on that big fat cock!"

Gabrielle moved her head from side to side, rippling the cockmeat in her mouth, trying to tear her mouth open so that she could take in more of Harry's cock. It felt amazing to Harry – the top quarter of his cock was buried in this hot, wet space while Gabrielle's tongue lashed around the bottom, even as Ginny beat off the lower three-quarters with her left hand. Tears streamed out of Gabrielle's pretty blue eyes as she choked around his man-meat. Eventually, she tried to pull off, but Ginny's hand held her in place.

"MMMMMMMMMMMMMNNNNNN!" Gabrielle screamed, sending heavenly vibrations around Harry's rod and Ginny laughed.

"Had enough?" Ginny asked, as she let go.

Gabrielle withdrew with a gasp, Harry's cock popping out of her mouth – there was a web of saliva connecting his cock to Gabrielle's panting mouth.

"Merde," Gabrielle gasped, but Ginny bunched up Gabrielle's hair into a make-shift pony tail and slammed her down on Harry's cock again.

"Yes," Harry hissed as he felt his cock sink down that amazing tight, spit-soaked cavern again.

Gabrielle's pretty blue eyes looked straight up into his own with… adoration. Mixed with awe.

Ginny started working Gabrielle up and down Harry's cock, her tight mouth working wonders across the part of his shaft she could engulf. Ginny took her left palm off Harry's cock and started slapping Gabrielle's bra-clad tits with loud thwacks.

Ginny was actually using the veela now to pleasure their mutual boyfriend like a sex toy – Gabrielle desperately tried to deep-throat Harry as her tits jiggled all over the place thanks to Ginny's incessant slapping. Gabrielle was actually making loud "glugglugglug" sounds around his cock now, lathering it with spit.

Ginny suddenly let go of Gabrielle and stood up to kiss Harry. She closed her hand around his shaft and squeezed it, even as Gabrielle slurped around the head of his cock. Their tongues entwined and Harry plundered Ginny's mouth, licking around her inner cheeks. Eventually, Ginny drew off with a gasp.

She sat on Audrey's bed and beckoned to Harry. Harry sidestepped towards the bed, dragging Gabrielle along with him, her mouth still tasting and slobbering over his cock. The half-veela waddled on her knees desperately to keep up while not letting go of the cock in her mouth.

And then Harry slowly began to turn in place so that Gabrielle was forced to shuffle clockwise as well on her knees. Eventually, they came to a stop with Harry facing Ginny, who was seated on the bed, with Gabrielle between them, on her knees on the carpeted floor as she stuffed Harry's cock into her mouth.

Ginny leaned forward, snaking her arms under Gabrielle's armpits as the veela continued her sloppy blowjob. Once Ginny had Gabrielle in a full Nelson, she slowly leaned back on the bed and loosened her grip until she had Gabrielle's wrists locked behind the blonde girl. Harry thought it was incredibly erotic – Gabrielle was blowing his pole even as her hands were stretched and locked behind her.

But Ginny wasn't done. With a sudden movement, she pulled at Gabrielle's arms while simultaneously lifting her feet off the ground as she sat back on the bed. Ginny slapped one foot down on Gabrielle's back and the other on Gabrielle's head.

Gabrielle's arms were now stretched out behind her as Ginny pushed the veela down with her feet. Gabrielle screamed around Harry's pole as all of her control was taken from her in one go.

"YES!" Ginny yelled, "I haven't forgiven you for what you said before, little slut. You wanted first place, eh? And Hermione in second place! And me… you forgot about me!"

"MMMMMMFFFFNNNNNN!" Gabrielle screamed as Ginny pumped her feet back and forth, never allowing Gabrielle any respite as she pushed her down further on Harry's cock at each downstroke.

"Little bitch!" Ginny screamed, "Getting your comeuppance now! How does first place feel, Gabby?"

Harry grinned. He liked this part of Ginny – when she became possessive. He loved it when the redhead became primal. Ginny grinned right back at him.

"You love that, Harry? You love the feeling of this French slut crying on your big cock?" Ginny asked hotly, pushing Gabrielle down on his cock with her feet.

"Sure do," he said.

Ginny laughed and kicked out even more, forcing Gabrielle to gag on his penis.

Gabrielle was squealing and shrieking now, impaled on his cock as she was – muffled screams that echoed around Audrey's bedroom.

"Not as submissive as you thought, am I, Mistress Gabby?" Ginny taunted, saying the word "Mistress" with a mocking lilt.

Harry groaned as Gabrielle's throat started convulsing, heaving along his shaft – walls of wetness closed and constricted around his sensitive skin and he loved the feeling.

Ginny then let go of Gabrielle's hands and relaxed, sitting back atop the bed with a smirk on her face as Gabrielle frantically snapped her hands forward and pushed off Harry's cock yet again, panting and huffing. Ginny pulled off her robes and underclothes, and sat naked on the bed, even as Gabrielle continued to huff in front of her, holding onto Harry's thighs to keep herself upright.

"It's not over yet, bitch," the redhead said harshly as she grabbed around Gabrielle by her tits and pulled at her nipples.

The veela shrieked and Ginny lifted her up with immense effort. Gabrielle was pulled to her feet and then onto the bed on Ginny's lap. Ginny pulled them both back, so that Gabrielle's back lay on top of her own tits as Ginny lay on the bed.

Ginny then coiled her legs around Gabrielle, pushing her knees over Gabrielle's and twisting her shins around Gabrielle's own legs, using her ankles to lock Gabrielle's legs to her own. Simultaneously, she held Gabrielle in a chokehold with her arms, one arm around Gabrielle's neck and the other on top of her head.

Ginny then spread her legs, pulling Gabrielle's own legs apart in the process. Harry tore Gabrielle's panties off effortlessly and admired the view. Gabrielle's jutting ass now lay flattened against Ginny's midriff and both of their twats glistened up at him, one above the other.

Ginny's flaps were soaked in arousal already – Harry grinned at the sight. Ginny always did gush like a fountain. Her clit was completely erect and peeking out in between her folds. Gabrielle, on the other hand, had plump lips that seemed to be sealed tightly, but the truly remarkable feature was her unique veela stamen – it really did look like an enormous clit to Harry's eyes. Tubular and throbbing erotically, pulsing in tune with her heartbeat.

Harry pushed his cockhead against Gabrielle's lips, prying them apart with his enormous mushroom head, his girth crushing her veela clit. The Frenchwoman gasped and her eyes glazed. Ginny's face, which was right next to Gabrielle's, was looking up at him and grinning at Gabrielle's plight.

Harry winked at Ginny, then abruptly took his cock off Gabrielle's plump twat and speared it right between Ginny's folds, plunging into the redhead in one stroke. Ginny's velvet walls – tight as ever – parted with ease because of how incredibly wet she was and slickly enveloped Harry's shaft with a loving caress.

Ginny screamed right in Gabrielle's ear and the veela cringed. But the Frenchwoman could not move – Ginny's grip tightened around her as Harry started slamming in and out of the redhead, her folds making an incredibly dirty sound as they dragged back and forth around Harry's spit-soaked cock.

"HAAAAAARRRRRYYYYYY!" Ginny screamed as both she and Gabrielle started bouncing back and forth on the bed, "A warning next time! OOOOOOHHHHHHHH!"

Harry just grinned as he felt his first girlfriend's pussy start convulsing around his cock, walls contracting and expanding in rhythm with his thrusts, even as his head breached her cervix and popped out of her womb with each stroke back and forth. His balls slapped onto her ass, which was flattened onto the bed.

Ginny's screams and yells rose in pitch as Harry started increasing his pace, and Harry started brutalizing his girlfriend's pussy – he loved doing this. Ginny was a real firecracker in bed and he had missed this.

And then, there was a squelch sound, just like with Hermione a few nights back and Ginny squirted – she was by far the most amazing squirter he knew, apart from Molly. Streams of pussy juice gushed out of her vagina and sprayed both Gabrielle's cunt above her, as well as Harry's chest and abdomen – the girl could really shoot.

And Harry just surged through Ginny's violent orgasm, fucking in and out of her like a jackhammer as vile noises echoed in Audrey's bedroom ��� of gushing and squirting, fucking and pounding, the wet slap-slap-slap of naked flesh and the screams and moans of the girls he was fucking.

Harry abruptly pulled out of Ginny's pussy, her flaps clinging wetly to him as he popped out. Harry then stuffed his cock between Gabrielle's lower lips, his head bursting into her vagina with a loud schlicking noise.

Ginny's quim continued to convulse and spray his balls with her juices. Gabrielle's love canal was incredibly tight, but parted with ease before his pole, as he slid home into her, his stomach clapping against her waist, even as his balls slapped into Ginny's clit, making the redhead scream again as she kept cumming.

"AAAAAAAHHHHHH!" Gabrielle yelled in an open-throated scream as Harry started spearing into the veela now, pounding in and out of her wet cunt like a piston.

Gabrielle's twat seemed to be drooling all over his cock, gushing out juices at an incredible rate, convulsing and spasming around his fat rod.

"OUI OUI OUI!" Gabrielle kept screaming with each savage thrust into her twat and eventually, she started orgasming, at which Harry pulled straight out and plunged into Ginny again.

"Double… dipping… are we?" Ginny asked hotly, panting as his cock snuggled in and out of her heaving pussy, "Loosening our cunts with your enormous fuckmeat? HUH! HUH OOOHHHHHHHHHHHH!"

Ginny seemed to lose all coherence as her orgasm – that had been winding down – revved up again and more juices gushed out sloshing pussy, her lips bulging outward obscenely, ruined by Harry's cock.

Harry continued in this vein, extending each girl's orgasm just as it petered out, spearing into their cunts turn by turn. He loved how Gabrielle's cunt coiled around his cock with an incredible grip that just seemed to give way when he moved, and how Ginny's walls stayed flush on his cock and allowed him to move only because of how incredibly wet the redhead could get.

And the bedroom echoed with Ginny's "OHHHHH" and Gabrielle's "AHHHHHHH". Ginny was actually licking the side of Gabrielle's face now with a wild, frenzied lust, even as her pussy gushed out gallons of cunt-juice onto Audrey's sheets.

"Enough," Harry said at last, pulling free of Gabrielle's cunt, which was soaked in both her juices and Ginny's squirt.

He tore Gabrielle off Ginny and shoved the blonde to the side. The person he wanted now was Ginny. Ginny just looked up at him with glazed eyes, her cunt literally throbbing as it gaped open after her thorough fucking.

"Harry…" Ginny panted, "Oh… fuck…"

And he abruptly turned her over onto her stomach so that her amazing bubble butt lay invitingly over the bed. Enormous, smooth mountains of flesh with nary a wrinkle on them. Harry mauled her cheeks with large palms and Ginny squealed.

He prised them apart, and slapped them back together, watching them ripple and bounce with delight. Harry shoved two fingers into Ginny's vagina, thoroughly soaking them with the redhead's cunt-juices. He then brought his fingers to bear right between Ginny's butt-cheeks, teasing the edges of her rosebud.

Ginny gasped. "Harry… I…"

"Not a word," Harry said coldly and pushed against Ginny's asshole.

It throbbed against his fingers and widened in a maddeningly slow manner. He then waddled forward on the bed and slapped his cock down on Ginny's left ass cheek. He beckoned to Gabrielle, who dragged herself forward on the bed and lay her head on Ginny's back as she suckled his cockhead, slobbering over it again.

"Yes," Ginny gasped, "Get Harry's cock wet for my… OOOOOH!"

Harry plunged his fingers into Ginny's asshole as her first ring of muscle parted and her rosebud accepted his insistent invasion. Harry shook his fingers around her asshole, and chuckled as her bum bounced all over the place in a delicious manner.

"Fuck," Harry groaned, "Your ass is enormous."

Just like your mother's, he thought.

More rings of muscle loosened up as Harry's fingers sank knuckle deep into Ginny's ass, even as Gabrielle sucked and slurped noisily on his cock. Gabrielle's wet tongue ran back and forth across the sides of his penis as she worked her mouth all over his shaft, occasionally reaching out to lick Ginny's back and arse.

Through it all, Harry kept working his index and middle fingers in and out of Ginny's ass, making sure it was loosening up. He flexed his magic and one of the large cushions at the head of the bed jumped into his hand. He lifted Ginny's wide ass into the air, circling her hips with his left hand while digging into her butthole with his right and placed the cushion beneath her tummy.

He then summoned the remaining cushions and stuffed them between Ginny and the bed so that Ginny now lay on the bed with her ass in the air, supported by the cushions.

Gabrielle, never taking her lips off Harry's cock, circled around Ginny so that she was now right beside Harry, only bent over with her lips on the base of his enormous shaft, licking all over the top of his cock. "Gabby," Harry said, "Lick her now."

Gabrielle looked up at him for an instant, then moved. She lifted Harry's cock off Ginny's ass and slid right under it. Harry casually mussed up Gabrielle's hair with his cock as the veela gave Ginny a noisy rimjob.

"That feels so dirty," Ginny moaned, "She's actually… oh fuck… her tongue… fuck!"

Gabrielle actually shifted over Ginny with her legs on either side of the busty girl's head as she tongued Ginny's puckered anus. The veela was now upside down over Ginny's back, with her knees around Ginny's head on the bed; Gabrielle was actually bending over Ginny to delve into her dumper. Harry chuckled softly as he saw Gabrielle's head burrowing between Ginny's ass cheeks, slurping noisily at the redhead's rosebud.

"Ooh," Ginny moaned, "She's licking around my asshole, Harry. The dirty little slut."

Harry seized Gabrielle's hair and snapped her head up, her neck arching backwards. Her mouth was wide open and her tongue was lolling out; Harry plunged his cock right into her trap. Gabrielle gave a muffled squeal and then gagged as Harry hit the entrance of her throat.

Simultaneously, Harry pushed his fingers down into Ginny's asshole. Harry slammed back and forth into Gabrielle's mouth a few times, before he withdrew and pushed the veela down again, back into Ginny's ass, withdrawing his fingers once more.

Gabrielle's hands were actually digging into Ginny's soft flesh now, prying those amazing cheeks apart as she dug into Ginny's ass with her tongue.

Ginny laughed.

"This is… ooh… why I love Harry," she said, addressing Gabrielle, "He just… oh, that's amazing… One word is enough to make me the top and you the bottom."

Gabrielle slapped her hands down on Ginny's cheeks as she continued to slurp and lick away inside Ginny's ass.

"And no amount of spanking is going to change that, Gabby," Ginny said happily, "Not until he says otherwise."

Harry lifted Gabrielle's head up and plunged his shaft down her throat again – his cock was now drenched with spit and girl-cum – even as he plunged his fingers back into Ginny. He held Gabrielle in place as she choked and then withdrew abruptly. Gabrielle went down on Ginny's ass again.

Harry continued in this vein for a while, using Gabrielle's mouth as a cock-sleeve for a bit while fingering Ginny's ass and then letting Gabrielle continue her amazing rimjob. Eventually, he felt Ginny was as ready as she could be. He snapped Gabrielle's head up and pushed his cockhead between Ginny's pillowy cheeks.

"That's… not Gabrielle's tongue," Ginny panted, "Not your fingers either."

"No," Harry said, amused.

"Oh, fuck," Ginny gasped as Harry pushed at her asshole – the rim expanding around his cock as he stuffed his crown in.

"Shit!," Gabrielle gasped. She was perched right on Ginny's ass and had full view of Harry's enormous man-meat slowly squeezing into Ginny's anus.

"He's digging into your ass, Ginny. It's stretching around his fat penis."

"Ooooooh," Ginny groaned.

Harry's crown sank into her ass, her bubbly cheeks hugging his cock in a manner he thought should be considered illegal.

"It feels amazing," Harry muttered in awe. This was, by far, the tightest hole he had ever been in – the lubrication was doing wonders for him, and yet, the way Ginny's ass pressed down and spread around his cock like butter was wonderful.

It was incredibly slow going though – in Harry's estimation, it took much longer to burrow into Ginny's ass than the first time he had sex with Hermione.

"He's stuffing your ass!" Gabrielle squealed as a quarter of Harry's cock eventually jammed and stowed its way into Ginny's bubble butt.

Harry dug his fingers into the redhead's buns and pulled them apart as he sank further and further in.

"So… full," Ginny gasped.

Gabrielle reached a hand down, between her and Ginny and started rubbing her own pussy furiously at the sight of Harry's spearing Ginny's tightest hole.

Millimeter by millimeter, with incredible patience, Harry sank into what he thought was heaven. After what seemed like hours of tortuous pleasure, his abdomen finally met Ginny's ass and crushed it as his cock lay fully buried inside the redhead's incredible moon-shaped ass. Harry just held his cock in Ginny's crushing depths, reveling in the sensation.

"Morgana," Ginny gasped, "I've been impaled on a broomstick."

Harry started making slow, small thrusts in and out of Ginny's ass, wishing this amazing sensation – her arse just seemed so soft, yet so warm and tight around his fat cock - would never end.

He scraped and heaved into her bum, his slick shaft sending soft waves across her cushy arse. And slowly, he started speeding up his pace. Ginny squealed and writhed underneath him, making it even more pleasurable for him as he ground into her bum.

Gabrielle was fingering her own cunt quite furiously now, so much so that Harry could actually hear the shlicking sound she was making.

"Oui", the blonde gasped, "Pound that ass. Pound it to mush."

Harry pulled out of Ginny's ass more savagely, feeling it constrict around his cock and then slammed home, his balls slapping onto her cunt. Ginny screamed into the bed. And Harry repeated the motion, thrusting violently in and out of her considerably loosened anus, probing and fucking into it. Harry dug his fingers deeper into her fleshy bum cheeks and Gabrielle actually bit into Ginny's rippling assmeat as she abused her own twat.

Ginny's bubble butt was actually jiggling as if it was made of jelly with each slap of his abdomen into her waggling ass and the redhead was wailing into the bed as Harry jackhammered in and out, turning her inside out, distending her asshole with each upstroke, withdrawing nearly half his penis out of her rosebud, and stuffing it back in on each downstroke.

Eventually, he slipped his cock right out of Ginny's asshole, watching it pull out of her rosebud with pleasure. He then snapped Gabrielle's head back up and stowed his cock into her mouth again, making her choke and drool all over it.

"You like the taste of Ginny's ass on my cock, Gabby?" he taunted.

He then pulled out of Gabrielle's throat, yet again, and made Gabrielle go down on Ginny's starfish.

"Merde," the veela gasped, "Her ass is wide open!"

Harry looked down and chuckled. Ginny's asshole seemed to be frozen in a perpetual O-shape – almost gaping up at him. He could literally see her anal passage, undulating and pink, convulsing on empty space.

Ginny just moaned into the bed. Gabrielle's head then covered her ass as the veela delved in yet again with a noisy slurp. Gabrielle raised her head after a few seconds of licking Ginny's ass.

"I can taste your cock on it," Gabrielle gasped, "I can actually taste around her ass!"

And then Gabrielle's head disappeared between Ginny's cheeks again as she renewed her rimjob on the redhead. Harry allowed Gabrielle to lick away for a few minutes before he snapped her head up and forced his cock in again, making her gag.

He then pulled out, and pushed his shaft back into Ginny's incredibly tight arse. This time, though, he allowed Ginny no respite and just jammed his cock in, renewing his savage pounding of her arse.

"MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMNNOOOOOOOOOOOOOHHHH!" Ginny screamed as his balls smashed into her clit again and she spasmed, even as her pussy exploded into a shower of juices, splattering his testicles.

"I'M CUMMING FROM MY ASS!" she screamed stupidly and Harry chuckled.

"She goes off like a fountain each time," Gabrielle observed as she started grinding her quim on her fingers yet again.

"That she does," Harry concurred, never pausing in his determined pulverizing of Ginny's ass.

Her pussy continued to splatter tremendous amounts of juices all over his cock and balls, even as he continued to bugger the redhead.

Gabrielle slid off Ginny and with a tentative glance in Harry's direction, she sat right in front of the wailing, orgasming redhead with her legs wide open, her puffy, abused cunt open for all to see. Harry shrugged at her even as he continued to pump into Ginny's ass.

Gabrielle smiled, lifted Ginny's head up off the bed – Ginny's muffled wails turned to open screams, before they were muffled again as Gabrielle shoved the redhead's face into her cunt.

"Make her moan," Gabrielle gasped, "Please. Make her scream into my cunt. The vibrations are heavenly."

Harry grinned at Gabrielle and jumped onto his legs, squatting over Ginny in a powerful stance. He then started smashing at an even greater pace than before, his cum-filled, heavy balls now bruising Ginny's cunt as he thrashed into her tight ass.

Ginny's ass was now a blur, wobbling all over the place, even as he gripped her waist in an iron grip so that she wouldn't push forward with each thrust. Gabrielle groaned as Ginny's scream reached its highest pitch yet, muffled though it was by the half-veela's twat.

"Smell my cunt, whore!" Gabrielle shrieked as she pulled Ginny's face further into her twat, "Scream into my cunt!"

Ginny kept squirting out fluid and her hands were now tearing the sheets apart. And Harry felt his balls tingling and pulsing as he squished in and out of Ginny's ass now – he was close to the edge.

All of a sudden, Gabrielle spasmed as she had yet another orgasm. The veela smashed her thighs around Ginny's face as she screamed to the heavens. And the entire sight – Ginny sandwiched by Gabrielle's thighs as she screamed into the blonde's cunt, Gabrielle's beautiful face contorted in the grips of pleasure, Ginny's ass rippling as his cock knifed in and out of her amazing butt.

Harry felt his balls pulse as he smashed into Ginny's ass, burying deep inside with his balls flush against her convulsing pussy.

Ginny actually slapped her hands onto Gabrielle's thighs as Harry's cock expanded and pulsed deep inside her abused ass. Harry grunted and his cock recoiled, shooting stream after stream of his seed into Ginny's gaping hole. Harry mauled her ass for all it was worth as his extended high went on and on, discharging one thick vat of gooey cum into her ass after another.

And eventually, he drew out his cock out of her cum-filled asshole and slapped it down on top of her ass, laughing as he watched his own semen spill out and run in streams across her sweat-drenched, massive cheeks.

Gabrielle seemed to have come down from her own orgasm and was watching his semen spill forth with wide eyes, as if she was making up her mind about something.

Suddenly, the veela leapt forward and dove into Ginny's ass, tasting his sperm right out of her bum and Harry laughed at the sight. Harry waddled around the bed and laid on his side right beside Ginny – the redhead seemed to be moaning and panting on the bed, her eyes completely glazed in the afterglow of a thorough fucking.

"So…" Harry said, by way of conversation.

Ginny just moaned and drooled in stupefaction on the bed, and Gabrielle seemed to busy slurping away at her asshole. It was a comical sight – yet so erotic; Ginny was lying on the bed with her ass high in the air, and Gabrielle was buried between the redhead's butt cheeks, licking away noisily at the cum sloshing around inside Ginny's ass.

Harry just sighed and relaxed, meditating on his own troubles now that he had been sated temporarily.


"We're so… lucky Audrey didn't catch us all in her bedroom," Ginny said wearily as Harry half-carried her back to Hogwarts with his hand around her waist.

Gabrielle laughed.

"What I'm really intrigued by is why Harry knew of her bedroom in the first place."

Ginny looked at Harry with a sly smile.

"She… and you…" Ginny said suggestively.

"Yeah," Harry muttered.

Ginny sighed.

"Don't worry Harry, I'm not… intimidated. Not anymore."

Harry looked at her curiously, then looked at Gabrielle, who looked quite happy.

"You girls seem… abnormally cheerful," he said.

"We're always glad after a bout of sex, love," Ginny said.

After a moment, both she and Gabrielle broke out into a giggling fit.

"Not what I meant," Harry said in a flat voice, "I meant… I'd have thought you two would be mad at the stunt Hermione pulled."

"Do you regret it?" Gabrielle asked him.

Harry shook his head.

"Not for a moment," he said.

Gabrielle smirked.

"Yeah, thought so," she said.

"Hermione got us all together in her room," Ginny said quietly, "She told us… that we should all get along rather than… you know…"

"Being catty," Harry finished.

"I do not get catty," Ginny sniffed, but her face softened as Harry chuckled.

"So, that's it?" he asked curiously, "She just delivered a monologue… and you guys were satisfied?"

"I'm still a little mad at her," Ginny said, "But that's what adults do, Harry. They talk things over." She giggled again.

"Uh-huh," Harry said in an amused voice.

"She was right though," Gabrielle said, clutching the arm on his other side and walking alongside him, "At the end of the day, you have not been particularly partial to any of us. So… what were we fighting for anyway?"

"Not that Gabby will ever be able to suppress her competitive instinct," Ginny said.

Gabrielle stuck her tongue out across Harry at the redhead.

"But," Gabrielle said firmly, "I do like Hermione. She's got a great head on her shoulders."

"That she does," Harry said fondly.

"Like I said," Gabrielle continued, "She's right. At the end of the day, I think there's a part of you that is attracted to each of us – and that's… enough."

"And as long as we stay united… and do not clash, we can make this work. On the other hand, if we keep up with the in-fighting, we'll all lose you. That's the gist of what Hermione said, anyway."

Harry squirmed a bit at that, but he merely nodded. Gabrielle was hitting a bit too close to the truth for comfort – Harry had thought the same thing about the Deathly Hallows.

And just like that, all of his worries came crashing back down like he had been drenched in cold water. The hallows, his quest to control them, Dumbledore's frustrating, meandering notes… he felt slightly miserable for trying to distract himself now.

Eventually, with Harry's knowledge of Hogwarts' secret corridors, they reached the Gryffindor dorms without being caught – they had long since passed curfew. He let Gabrielle support Ginny back to the girls' dorm. He, on the other hand, wished them goodnight and headed straight for the showers. He needed to get back to his studies.


His muscles relaxed as a stream of warm water poured over his body, soothing and caressing him. He leaned against the wall and just breathed, trying to sort his thoughts out. And even so, he knew the Hallows were all influencing him now – he recognized the bloodlust he was feeling, and the sense of impending doom.

The voices and whispers in his head were back with a vengeance – the sex obviously was not working any more as a stalling mechanism.

Everything he had learned, everything he had gathered – he parsed it all through his head. It reminded him of his first two years at Hogwarts – those years had been filled mysteries that had to be unraveled with care and attention to detail. All the pieces he could gather were there for the taking, but the pieces were so discrete and unconnected that he had trouble making an association amongst them.

At the very least, on the domestic front, he wasn't having any troubles. He supposed he was in a genuine polyamorous relationship right now – with Hermione, Gabrielle and Ginny. It was comforting to know that three of the most talented and affectionate witches he knew were genuinely attracted to him. At the same time, he felt like he was on a helpless ride – how could he even tell where his feelings ended and where the Hallows began?

"As long as we stay united… and do not clash, we can make this work."

Harry pondered that statement for a moment. Gabrielle had obviously been talking about the relationship, but Harry had thought that was the solution to the problem of the Hallows as well – if he united them, under his ownership, he could make them work for him.

But Dumbledore had been right – the Hallows did not cancel each other out, they merely superimposed upon each other, tearing his mind apart with divergent feelings.

And then there was the mysterious letter in Dumbledore's diary – apparently from Ignotus Peverell to Merlin himself. Ignotus had been making a weapon for Merlin… no, he had said "our weapon". It meant that Ignotus had been manufacturing a… weapon with someone else, most likely with his brothers.

It had struck Harry that the weapon that Ignotus had referred to could be the Elder Wand… so what? But if Ignotus said there was no "hope" for the Elder Wand – what did he mean? Did he mean that the fearsome control that the Elder Wand exercised over its owners rendered it useless? And were all three Peverell brothers involved in its construction?

Harry sighed. Dumbledore had been right all along – it was a vain quest to control the Elder Wand if even the wisest of the Peverell brothers had deemed it hopeless.

"The Elder Wand is an anomaly, Harry," Dumbledore's portrait had said, "A blight on the world. A tear in the fabric of reality – it should not exist. It is monstrously empty – incomplete, filled with neither good nor bad. Utterly hollow. It should not be used. It can never be controlled."

"Damn it," Harry swore and then sighed. He looked up at the wall he was leaning against, the light buzz of water droplets across his skin no longer a soothing touch so much as an annoying hum.

"I'm doomed."

He closed his eyes and cursed Xenophilius for ever peeking inside Dumbledore's tomb. If Xeno had not peeked, perhaps Harry would not have retrieved the wand. That stupid editor and that stupid locket... Harry closed his eyes in frustration.

Images danced across his vision. A triangle enclosing a circle and a line. They danced across the darkness, mocking him and teasing him. And then they all melded together into a red blur that caused Harry to grit his teeth. Unity. Such a lie.

And then it struck him. Harry reeled and clutched onto the wall for support as every fiber of his being was suffused with a sudden lightness.

He had stumbled upon the solution.

It was so simple. Unity was the answer. It had been staring him in the face all along. It had been staring Dumbledore in the face all along.

Harry turned off the shower, towelled himself off hurriedly, put on his bathrobe and charged into his dorm.



Sometime in March, Quidditch Stadium

Harry stood tall, back straight and wand held high, facing Gabrielle Delacour in the final match of the Contest of Wands. The stadium was filled with a thousand spectators – both human and non-human. Cheers and applause rang in his ears.

"Bow," the arbiter said and they both bowed to each other. The crowd roared in approval.


And they sprang into action.


Mid-January, in an abandoned classroom

Harry feverishly flipped through Dumbledore's diary and finally landed upon the page he wanted. On that page, Dumbledore had described his thoughts on the final step of the wand-making process. It seemed so obvious in retrospect that Harry was kicking himself for missing it entirely. The devil truly was in the details.

The diary said:

"The last step of making a wand – often the easiest step in terms of the intense rituals that accompany wand-making – is still difficult, but not in terms of actual procedure. However, it does take a modicum of clever association to land the finishing touches upon a wand. In simple terms, it involves an additional ingredient that is associated with the 'theme' of the wand core as well as the presence of a rune connecting the two."

"For instance, let us consider a wand that uses phoenix feathers as a core. Generally speaking, phoenixes represent the 'flame' of life. As such, a wandmaker might invoke the rune for 'life' as well as the rune for 'fire' – this would involve activating the runes with the incomplete wand. However, as mentioned above, it would also require an additional ingredient associated with the 'flame of life' theme. Garrick once confided in me that he prefers using a portion of a Gubraithian Fire – he travels to Italy once every year for a portion of the everlasting flame that so few wizards can conjure. It is a clever association on Garrick's part – the Gubraithian Fire never dies, and as such, it would be a fantastic representation of the 'spirit' of an undying phoenix."

"Similarly, unicorns would represent purity – nobility of spirit. The rune for 'purity' would make for perfect invocation, in addition to the rune for 'spirit' or the 'soul'. However, Garrick claims that he still has not found the perfect ingredient to associate with the 'theme' – hence, his unicorn core wands frequently require repair or replacement. He uses a bezoar – it does purify the body of most poisons and staves off ill health – as an additional ingredient."

Harry laughed.

The Peverell Brothers had all been wand-makers – the weapon they had been making was the Elder Wand. And Dumbledore had said it himself, by way of his portrait – that the Elder wand was "incomplete, filled with neither good nor bad." Only, Dumbledore himself had not realized the weight of his own words.

The Elder Wand was perhaps the most powerful wand known to man – but it truly was incomplete. That was why it was so whimsical about its ownership. Because it had no connection to its theme, which stabilized its being.

The Peverell brothers had been stymied before they could carry out the last step – someone had slit Antioch Peverell's throat and carried the wand away, just like in the fairy tale. The remaining brothers had tried to flee with the ingredients they were to use in the last step, but the Resurrection Stone had then been lost. Only Ignotus survived, with the Cloak.

Only, the stone and the cloak were never meant to be standalone artefacts – that's why the legend of the three Hallows endured; they were never meant to be used alone. His cloak was never meant to be an invisibility cloak – it looked nothing like a cloak in the first place.

The invisibility had only been a side effect. It had been made by Ignotus for use in the final step of forging the Elder Wand. Only, the Elder Wand was so powerful it required two additional ingredients. Hence, Cadmus' stone.

Harry laid the cloak and the stone on the table in the middle of the classroom with trembling hands. He pushed them aside so that they lay along the edge of the table, leaving space in the middle.

He then carved the rune for 'enemy' onto the table in front of him in Elder Futhark, with a bit of help from an Ancient Runes book he had borrowed from the library.

The Elder Wand. An instrument for vanquishing your enemies.

He then carved the rune for 'death'.

The Stone. A tool capable of peering beyond the veil of death itself.

And finally, the rune for 'conquest'. The book of runes said it also stood for 'destruction.'

The Cloak. A means of conquering death itself.

He touched his wand to the runes, invoking his magic and binding it with the runes. The runes glowed in the dim light of the classroom. Enemy, destruction and death.

Together, they invoked the theme of the Deathstick:

"The last enemy that shall be destroyed is death."

It was not just a meaningless, throwaway quote after all. It was a message – passed on by Ignotus Peverell. The theme for the last step in the creation of the Elder Wand; he had anticipated that someday, someone would figure it out.


March, Quidditch Stadium

The crowd roared as Gabrielle went on the offensive straightaway, throwing balls of fire right at Harry. He smiled and waved his wand. A burst of wind rippled out, extinguishing the balls of fire with ease.

Gabrielle transformed and took to the air – tremendous fiery bursts started raging forth at Harry. At least a dozen balls of fire blazed down upon him.

Harry held his wand aloft with his right hand and closed his left fist. Magic rippled around him and a dozen wisps of utter blackness burst forth from his wand, meeting the balls of fire in mid-air.

He opened his left palm and the fires imploded, withdrawing ineffectually. Gabrielle gave a screech of frustration and zipped through the air to avoid Harry's counter attack – his spells ricocheted past her.

She sent down more balls of fire, but Harry just grinned and raised his hands, calling upon his magic. A tremendous plume of fire burst forth, forming a giant claw that whooshed into the air.

Gabrielle's miniscule fireballs splashed uselessly against the fiery claw as it burst through the air, zooming straight for her. Harry made a grabbing motion with his hand and the giant claw of fire reflected his actions, grabbing at Gabrielle.

The half-veela gave a frightened screech and her wings flapped frantically as she dove under the fire and swooped at Harry like a bird of prey. It was an act of desperation, she hoped to end the duel before she was overwhelmed, depending on her superior reflexes to avoid Harry's powerful magic and her superior strength to physically tear Harry's wand from him so that she could end the duel quickly.

Harry just grinned as his fiery conjuration vanished, only to reveal the fearsome avian form bearing down upon him with outstretched talons.


January, abandoned classroom.

Harry touched his wand to the cloak and concentrated on the runes. His wand started vibrating and Harry grit his teeth, holding it in place. The rune for conquest glowed brighter than the other two runes and the cloak melted before his very eyes and moved, like a lethifold, right into the wand. A rushing sound echoed in his ears as the cloak simply flowed it his wand. The bloodlust dimmed and the pounding in his ears lowered to a whisper.

He then tensed his muscles and held his wand with both hands, trying to control it as lightning burst forth from the tip, searing the walls. Benches floated into the air and began swirling around him, blown by cold, turbulent currents of air. The wind blew right against him and Harry roared as he brought the wand around with tremendous effort and touched it to the stone.

The rune for death blazed and the stone turned to dust. The dust rose into the air and then glimmered in the darkness. And then, like wisps of life being extinguished, the dust turned black as death and rushed towards the wand, sticking to it and then diffusing into the wood.

The rune for enemy glowed with an unholy light. The wind blew harder than ever – shattering desks and chairs against the walls. Lightning fizzled out from the tip of Harry's wand. And at the center of all the commotion stood Harry Potter himself, face set in immense determination as he stood rooted to the spot in the eye of the storm.

The last enemy that shall be destroyed is death.


March, Quidditch Stadium

Harry saw Gabrielle's avian form swoop down upon him with impossible speed, but he had anticipated the tactic. He switched wand hands and then pointed his wand at himself, casting an ancient spell. His muscles tightened and tensed as he received a temporary boost in strength. Veins popped up all over his body as he stood rooted firmly to the dueling platform.

Then, just as Gabrielle's talons closed in on his shoulders, Harry took a step back and the veela screeched as her claws grabbed at empty air. Gabrielle rose into the air, possibly to make another desperate sweep, but Harry stretched out with his right arm, grasping her leg just above her outstretched talons.

He then pulled with magically enhanced strength. Gabrielle's wings flapped helplessly as Harry brought her crashing down onto the platform on her back. Simultaneously, Harry jabbed his left hand forward, casting a cushion of air right where Gabrielle was about to crash onto the ground.

Gabrielle screeched as she hit the cushion of air. She tried to right herself, but found that her legs had been snapped shut with chains. She tried morphing back to her human form, flailing desperately for her wand, but her hands closed in on an empty wand holster.

The chains and the air cushion vanished as Gabrielle sank onto the platform. She rolled over and looked up at Harry. He had long since disarmed her and was holding her wand in his right arm. Despite herself, she smiled.

She had never stood a chance.

Harry grinned as a sudden silence fell upon the crowd. He waved Gabrielle's wand in a complex motion, conjuring a golden rose, which he floated over the Gabrielle with an impish smile. She smiled right back, got up and dusted herself off. And daintily, she grabbed the rose. The ladies in the crowd screamed. Harry then handed Gabrielle's wand to her.

He then caught Gabrielle's hand and raised it into the air, pumping both of their hands into the air. And the non-humans in the crowd roared in approval – it was Harry's way of declaring his allegiance to their quest for equality. He looked at Gabrielle and whispered, "Well fought, Gabby."

She looked right at him and winked.

"I shall expect a consolation prize tonight," she said primly.

Harry winked right back, dropped her hand and walked over to where the arbiter waited with a golden trophy.


The storm grew to a fever pitch, like applause in his ears. The wand blazed golden in his hand, like a trophy held aloft in the air.


Harry caught the trophy and raised it into the air and the crowd roared and applauded. Chants of "Harry" echoed throughout the stadium.


The storm died down. The lightning ceased to be. The runes stopped glowing. The rushing in his ears ceased. The whispers in his head died. And the world burst into beautiful color. The drab walls seemed to blaze with life. Torches around the room burst into fiery flame. And best of all, Harry could truly feel everything – happiness, love, compassion… all of his suppressed feelings came bursting forth, filling him with awe.


Harry brought the trophy down and shook the arbiter's hand.


Harry brought his arm down, along with the Elder Wand. Magic flowed into him from it. He had done it – he had united the Deathly Hallows. The wand was docile, yet thrummed with power in his hands – it truly belonged to him now, forever and beyond.


His destiny… his future, was now in his hands. He was no longer a pawn any more – he was no longer Dumbledore's weapon, nor the Chosen One, nor a puppet strung around by the Hallows. The Wand was his to use now. All of its power now belonged to him. He was now Master of the Deathly Hallows. He could feel it in his very bones.

He saw Gabrielle meet up with Hermione and Ginny and talk softly with them. All three girls turned to him and smiled. He smiled right back and winked.

"And now," Harry murmured, "My life truly begins."