Chapter Three: Making Up Is Hard To Do

Friday. Sweet bliss. A tantalizing promise of freedom, so close he could taste it.

"You all received your grades for the last exam and most of you did surprisingly well."

Professor McGonagal took a moment to smile at the students before turning serious.

"However, some of you did not."

Harry avoided eye contact with the professor. He was part of the second group. Usually his marks were good. Not Hermione good, but he could hold his own. However, as it turns out worrying about whether or not you and your enemy are going to morph into a one-headed freak, doesn't help with your concentration. He slipped up on this particular test and wouldn't you know it. This one dictated forty percent of his grade.

"Because of the importance of this exam and the extenuating circumstances of those who failed, I've come up with a way for you who need it to make up for your marks. An extra credit assignment."

"No, miss Granger it is not for every one. Only those who did not do well on the last test."

Hermione put her hand down.

" You students know who you are. Please stay after class. The rest of you may leave."

Harry waved Hermione and Ron off, as he made his way to McGonagol's desk.

"Good. You're all here. Now I don't necessarily believe in extra credit. However, you all are not the usual slackers. And each of you have special conditions at the moment."

Harry followed her gaze, and was surprised to find Malfoy sitting on a desk behind him. Three more students made up the failures.

" You will form a group and write three parchments worth of a report on the Maush-Hangers and all they contributed to transfiguration. As well as individual papers on one specific aspect you find interesting. Be prepared to demonstrate which ever one you choose. It will be due in three weeks. I suggest you make plans to meet now, so you can get started."

She paused for questions then left the room.

Harry discovered that along with Malfoy, another Slytherin, a girl named Whittany Chester, and two Hufflepuffs, Adam Clover and Jane Monroe, had been assigned to their group. They chose Tuesday evening to meet. It was a few days off, but the only time they could all get together. Adam had to go home over the week end.

They settled on the court yard on the west side of the castle. Since the weather was still nice. They voted no on the library, being that it was their first meeting and they would need to talk. Preferably without Madam Pince hushing them constantly.

As Harry left his un-likely partners he shrugged at the realization Malfoy didn't make one snide comment the whole discussion. In fact he was almost helpful. It was his suggestion they meet outdoors. Again, Malfoy surprised him with his lack of usual remarks. Not wanting to give the Slytherin more thought then he had been lately, Harry put the other boy out of his head.

Tuesday came quicker then he liked. Not once during the following days did Harry have any Malfoy-incidents. No random comments, no dreams, nothing. It was as if things were back to normal.

Of course, he wasn't naive enough to think the spell had gone away on it's own. At least not without confirmation from Dumbledore. But it had been nice having his head to himself again.

Although, on occasion he found himself expecting the witty remark of the blonde. Especially, when Professor Nore accidentally set Ron's hair on fire. Even Harry had some jokes about that one. And used every one he thought of sporadically through out the rest of the day. But nothing from his brain-buddy.

Only silence.

So Harry had settled into his old routine. He was mildly worried that this meeting would upset things.

He was the second to arrive and sat on the bench next to Adam. Jane came next and sat on Adam's left, with a slight blush Harry noted.

Malfoy arrived with a frown and Whittany in tow. He sat next to Harry while the girl took her place on Malfoy's other side. It must have been too close for Malfoy's liking, because Harry felt the blonde move closer.

He held in a smirk.

" Alright." All heads swivled to Harry.

He cleared his throat.

"The individual parts we can do on our own. Any suggestions on how we should divide up the rest?"

Harry was the first to speak and no one questioned his taking charge. No one was quick to answer him either.

" Well, I was thinking we could divide that up as well." This comment got protest.

" That doesn't seem fair. I mean, McGonagall assigned us all to write it. I think it's important we work together." Whittany interrupted as she shuffled on the bench.

Harry felt Malfoy slid closer.

" I suppose. I just thought it would be simpler if we broke it up into sections, then put it all together."

" I don't think that's what McGonagall had in mind. If it was then why would she have us work together?" Whittany asked.

" I think Whittany's right. We should...work together." It was Jane who spoke now. So softly, Harry almost missed it.

She was blushing again and Harry figured it had little to do with her shyness, and more with the boy next to her.

He couldn't see it, but Harry was sure the Slytherin girl was smirking as Jane gave her un-knowing back-up. She had something planned. Her movement closer to the blonde left Harry with little doubt about what that was.

Malfoy was almost touching him now.

Bloody hell, Potter. Scoot over.

Harry held in a snicker. He wanted to be mad for slipping back into their words free communication with out resistence, but his concentration was split. Having two conversations at once was a chore.

I can't. Adam's book bag is in the way.

" It's fine with me. Is everyone else alright with it?" Harry spared a look to Malfoy who nodded indifferently.

He ignored the vehement, Hell no, in his head.

" Sure." Adam gave the last consent.

" Perfect! I think we should start now. I happen to have brought a book with me. So there's no need to go any where." Whittany once more added her opinion.

She inteded to keep use their study group as a way to force Malfoy to be near her and some little Gryfindor wasn't going to ruin it for her. She'd been after Malfoy for weeks now and merlin help any one who got in her way. The blonde had been putting up resitance, but she knew how to handle him.

Potter. Do something.

The other boy was touching him now, Malfoy's thigh pressed firmly against his own. He was certain if he didn't help the other boy, he would end up in his lap, in his attempt to further himself from his female house-mate.

" That's great. You Slytherins really know how to plan, don't you? " He gave only a slight hint he knew her real motives, but continued before she could comment. He swore he could feel the ice coming off her stare.

" But I think it's best if we head to the library. That way we can all have a book and get more done. And if we get a spot in the back, Madam Pince won't bother us."

He stood and Malfoy immediately followed suit. Whittany was glaring a bit, but she kept her eyes away form Harry's.

Once they entered the library and found a secluded table in the back they all took part in an odd game of musical chairs. The table consisted of two chairs on each side and one wayward seat on the end. Whittany clearly was set on being next to Malfoy, who was just as clearly trying to avoid her.

Jane was subtly aiming for a seat next to Adam, who was the first to plop down. Malfoy nearly shoved Jane into a book shelf to earn his spot in between Adam and Harry who took the end seat. Jane dejectedly took the empty chair across from the light haired teen she admired. Which left Whittany in the space opposite Malfoy.

Whittany, however wasn't going to give up that easily.

" Adam, dear, would you mind switching with me? You're behind a window. It's better lighting and my doctor told me to take care of my eyes. Wouldn't it be horrid if I ended up having to get glasses or something?"

The comment towards Harry's appearance rolled off him as he watched Adam shrug and relinquish his spot. He took his place next to a cherry cheeked Hufflepuff.

" I think first we should read up about the..." He's already forgotten the name of their research project topic.

" Maush-Hangers." Malfoy filled in.

" Does any one know anything about them?"

Blank stares were his only answer.

" Right then, so first we should find out who they were, and what exactly they did. Then we can choose what to write about."

Everyone nodded and grabbed a book.

It turned out they did a lot. The Maush-Hangers were a brother and sister back when magic was still new. Or rather, when rules for magic were still new. They were responsible for creating some of the more helpful transfiguration spells. They single handedly, or four handedly, set the path for wizarding transformation and transfiguring spells.

They also developed the rudamintry idea of Polyjuic potions. Which Harry wanted as his topic. The only problem was it was more of a potion than a spell and even more difficult to show McGonagall.

After a solid half-hour of reading, not a peep from either Slytherin, Harry called the groups attention. Jane looked as enthralled in the book as Hermione would be and Harry felt a fondness towards the shy girl. Adam was fighting sleep and Whittany looked like she was losing focus as well. At least on the homework. She was eyeing Malfoy every few seconds. Harry cleared his throat.

" So did every one get the basics? The Maush-Hangers pretty much were responsible for transfiguration. Any ideas on what to write?"

" I think..." Harry gave the quiet girl an encouraging smile as she faltered.

" I think we should choose the key six improvements they made. This book outlined them if any one wants to..." She trailed off as she pushed the book away from her.

Adam grabbed it before Harry could and he made a low noise in his throat before handing it to the brunette. Jane blushed, but beamed at the table at her class mates grunt of approval. The raven haired hero skimmed the words and passed it to Malfoy. Barely looking at the words he tossed it on the table for Whittany to take. She shrugged and returned the book full circle.

" So, does everyone agree? Good. Great idea, Jane." Harry gave the girl another encouraging smile.

" Why don't we chose the topics. Some one's going to have to take two."

" The last two were practically the same. Why don't we combine them?" Adam spoke the first whole sentence since they'd all met. His voice was deep and Harry wondered how he knew that since he'd barley scanned the page.

" All right. Any body want anything specific?"

" I'll take the first one." Whittany said happily.

Bloody fuck!

Harry jumped. He looked over to Malfoy. The other boy had a deep frown on his face and it was aimed at the table. One fist was clenched and the other was hidden under the table.

Are you alright?

No. There's a dangerous harpy sitting next to me, who thinks it's charming to grab things that don't belong to her.

Harry mulled over Malfoy's words. A slight blush stained his cheeks as he realized what the blonde was implying. Surley, he didn't mean... not in the library... while they were all sitting here.

But she was a Slytherin after all.

When he turned his gaze to Whittany her eyes were shining.

" Harry?" Jane snared his attention.

" What? Oh, right. So any one else?"

Damn it, Potter. I'm leaving in five second if you don't do something.

" I'll take the last two." Adam offered.

What do you want me to do? It's...she's your problem. I'm sure you can think of something.

Yes. I can. And it's me. Leaving here.

" I'm interested in the third one. I'm thinking of writing my individual report on it." Jane continued. Wouldn't she be glad to know Adam was the only one paying her any attention?

What do you expect me to do?

I don't know, Potter. But think of something. Fast.

Just tell her to stop.

Malfoy's response was a kick to his shin.

" I'm sorry what did you say?" Jane didn't look upset when Harry admitted he wasn't listening.

" I'll take the third."

" Fine. Good. Owww. I mean, I'll take the fifth one. Which leaves Malfoy with the second. You know what? I saw a book earlier dealing with the spell casters state of mind during transfiguration. Why don't I show it to you Malfoy?"

Harry got up quickly and looked at the Slytherin, who for what ever reason hesitated for a moment, before following him into the tall book shelves.

"Smooth, Potter."

" Your welcome, Malfoy."

" I can't work with her."

" Why don't you just tell her you're not interested?"

Malfoy looked at him with such intense confusion, Harry was seconds away from checking for his second head.

" You don't know who she is, do you?"

Harry shook his head.

" She Pansy's best mate. Or what ever girls call it."


" Wow. I figured you lacked experience with girls but come on. Even you're not that dense."

Harry frowned, suddenly feeling completely stupid.

"Never mind." He tried to play it off, like he wasn't interested any more. Malfoy sighed.

" I can't mess around with Pansy's best mate."

" Because Pansy would be mad if you hooked-up with her friend?"

" Of course. It's some code with them. I'm sure Granger must have spewed her girlish ways to you before."

She had, but Ron and him just try and sympathize as best they can, without really understanding. And she never talked about a dating code. Although neither boy had showed interest in the few close girlfriends she had, so maybe it just never came up.

" So you don't want to upset Pansy? Who would be mad at you if you dated Whittany, but you really like Whittany?"

" No. Your mixing it up, Potter. It's irrelevant whether or not I like the girl. I can't make a clear statement either way. If I date her, Pansy and her will be planing our wedding. If I turn her down, they'll be plotting my death."

Harry was certain Hermione wasn't this complicated. He nodded despite still feeling unsatisfied. Malfoy moved around him to grab a book off the shelf.

" I don't know how some one as smart as Pansy can get so wraped up in something so stupid, but I supose everyone has their vices. I'm sure if it came down to it she would side with me."

Harry watched him think.

"Either way, I'm not going to make her choose."

" Come on, let's get back before they think we've really snuck off to snog and Whittany comes after you with her bare hands. As amusing as that would be, I don't think you could take her."

" But...what are you going to do about her?" Harry asked still unclear on the whole topic.

" Same thing I've been doing fot the past six weeks. Try and ignore it." He sighed.

" At least I got a little break."

Harry didn't ask any more questions.

They found their way back to the table and settled in for some heavy research. Jane had left to search for another book and Adam borrowed the original. It was open between their notes. Whittany smiled at Malfoy, who sighed in Harry's head.

The Gryffindor wasn't finding the blonde's predicament so entertaining any more. Malfoy was just trying to avoid hurting his friend's feelings. It was actually quite decent of him.

Jane came back and that was the last of the interruptions at the table. At least for a while and in a place not in Harry's head.

Potter. I lied.


I lied. I know who the Maush-Hangers are. I did a report on them in third year.

Okay. And your point is?

I'm bored.

Harry fought the urge to sigh.

I don't like her.


Whittany. I don't like her. Even if Pansy wasn't her friend. I wouldn't go near her.

Harry got a funny feeling at Malfoy's confession and it confused him. He shoved it down and hoped the other boy didn't pick up on it.

She's stopped now. Thank Merlin. I know she's going to drag this out.

A beat of silence.

At least some one might get lucky out of this.

Harry stared at the book he wasn't reading and waited for an explanation.

Look at Romeo and Juliet over there.

Harry glanced to Malfoy first, who nodded his head towards Jane and Adam. Both were bent over a shared book. Jane was shooting the fair headed boy quick looks and Adam was seemingly reading the text.

Yeah, too bad he's oblivious.

No, look closer. Look at his hand.

Harry studied the couple. She was clearly giddy and nervous, but Adam seemed aloof. He wasn't blushing, there was no sweat on his forehead, and for all intent and purposes he appeared to being studying.

Harry squinted, searching for what Malfoy saw. Maybe the other boy just knew more about relationships then he did.

But then he saw it.

Adams hand. His pinky was lightly resting next to hers. Touching in the most innocent way.

But there. It moved. He twitched and now the entire digit was pressed against hers. Neither party involved moved to correct the connection, but still Harry wasn't convinced.

I don't know Malfoy. It doesn't look like much.

Well, not to you. But to them it's everything. They are Hufflepuffs, remember. It's not as if he's going to throw her down on the table and have his way with her. This is how they work.

Harry was interested to know how Malfoy knew how Hufflpuffs dated, but a cough caught his attention. Harry looked away from Malfoy.

Wait. Since when was he staring at Malfoy?

" Draco? Is Potter bothering you?" Whittany spoke, hiding her distaste for Harry even less then before. Perhaps he shouldn't have teased her earlier.

" No... I..." Malfoy's foot once more found Harry's shin under the table when he couldn't think of a response. Harry flinched then spoke.

" I think we're all a bit knackered. Let's called it a night."

" Wait. When should we meet again? I still have more to look up."

Told you she'd drag it out.

" Well, since we all have our topics. We could study on our own and met again to finalize the paper." Harry tried once more to make this less of a group project.

" That doesn't sound like a good idea. We all have to come to the library any way. This way we're all here if something comes up and we all put in the same amount of work."

Whittany to the rescue again.

Before he could respond someone beat him to it.

" How about Thursday night? Six?" Again Adam surprised Harry by speaking.

Every one nodded.

Harry left the library with a string of curses ringing through his mind. Malfoy was very creative.

Harry looked at his over flowing plate of juicy turkey, green beans, roasted potatoes mixed with tiny onions, all gravy drenched. A small puddle of it dripped off the side. He was starving.

Ron had left moments ago. The boy came to the table in a flurry and shoved all he could into his mouth, grumbling about big nosed potions masters and how unfair life was in between rushed bites. Then left for his detention.

Harry smiled at Hermione then continued his own meal.

A loud clang brought every one's attention to the Slytherin table. Hartley Masterson was sitting still as a statue and any on looker might have passed him by.

If he wasn't covered head to toe in gravy and tiny bits of turkey.

All was quiet for a two breaths. Then all hell broke loose.

Some one, most like likely a muggle born, yelled 'food fight' and the entire hall erupted into a free for all. Any food within arms length was snacthed from the table top and flung into the crowd of students that fromed quicker then Harry could blink. Swarms of people chucking pies and pouring gravey down thier neighbor's back melted with the students fleeing and ducking soaring baked potatos.

The teachers cast shielding spells as they moved through the students, trying to cease the madness. Threats of detention and even expulsion fell on deaf ears.

Dumbledore sat at the near empty teacher's table speaking calmly with McGonagall. Harry couldn't make out the words, but he saw a twinkle in the man's eye. He suspected the older wizard was not in a hurry to end the students game.

Harry ducked and pulled Hermione under the table before the flying piece of cake made it's landing in her hair.

" Thanks, Harry."

" Come on. Let's get out of here." They crawled down the length of the table, spotting a few others with the same plans. One girl had brought her plate with her and was continuing her meal as if there wasn't a mini war going on around her.

They made it to the end with out incident, but then came the tricky part, the distance from the table to the door. Thankfully, it was shortest for Gryffindor. Any one attempting to escape from Hufflepuff would have to cross the entire hall before finding safety outside. Harry looked at Hermione, who had a grin on her face, and nodded. They shot straight for the wide double doors.

Hermione made it unscathed, while Harry was hit with glob of something un-recognizable. It smelled appetizing, but he wasn't about to test that theory. Once outside he peeled the substance off his shirt.

" Well that was interesting. Ron's gonna be upset when he finds out what he missed." Harry nodded in agreement.

Chuckling together they headed upstairs, Harry's mind already on the treats in his chest. He barely got two bites of his diner in and he was positive there was a bag of carmel popcorn under his invisibility cloak. His mouth watered at the thought.

As they neared the bend, two voices caught the duo's attention.

" I know chicken would have been more fitting, but I had to make do on such short notice."

" You were a traitor all along. Tunning on your own house mate. What would your father think?"

" Don't pretend you know a thing about loyalty, Masterson. And as for my father, I suppose he would be pleased to know his son was clever enough to discover the real reason professor Macknist ..." The voice dropped and Harry couldn't make out the last part.

He had stopped walking to listen to the conversation. He was positive it was between Masterson and Malfoy. Hermione was by his side, not saying a word as Harry strained to hear more.

" What do you want ?" The voice was low and full of contemptuous acceptance.

The answer was simple.

" Lay off Potter."

Harry's mouth fell open and quickly backed away from the wall he had been leaning against. He turned and headed in the opposite direction. Hermione made no comment as she followed him. When they reached the portrait hole and were safely inside Hermione ended her silence.

" Harry."

" What Mione?"

She hesitated.

" Why would he do that?" Harry laughed at her.

" How should I know?"

They both remained silent as they pondered that very question. Malfoy treatened Masterson. For him.

Harry was no longer concerned with the diner he missed.

Soon their red-headed friend returned, already having heard about the food fight and asking for details. It took Harry's mind off things.

For a while.

Bugs were crawling on him. Tiny invisible bugs. Maybe the crunch-worms had found him after all. It started subtley at first an itch here, a tickle there.

But slowly it built up, so now he was checking for the creatures he could feel scurrying across his skin. He tried to ignore them, but they were persistent. Faint ghostly vermin were taking a stroll on his body.

Help, Potter. I'm dying.

Harry sat bolt up right. Fear flooded his body.

"Harry, what's wrong?" Ron asked. He and the red head had been sitting in the common room playing a game of chess and sharing sweets from their last Hogsmead visit.

Oh my God! Make it stop, please. Malfoy moaned in his head.

Malfoy? What is it? Are you alright?

No. The bitch poisoned me!

Harry's first thought was Hartley had gotten Malfoy back for the prank he'd pulled yesterday. The image of a suffering Malfoy, lying beaten and choking in the dungeons somewhere flooded his mind.

He stood up trying to release the agitation that was only building.


"Harry?" The brunette shook his friend off.

Malfoy? Where are you? What's going on!

Whittany. She poisoned me. I can't... stop itching.

What? What do mean?

Itching? Now it all made sense.

Sort of.

Okay, so not at all, but at least he knew what was responsible for his phantom itches. Harry could feel the other teen's fear and anger pulsing through his own body.

" Harry? What's going on?" Ron asked again, placing a hand on his shoulder.

Harry ignored him.


So itchy. Can't stop scratching. Hurts.

Malfoy what happened?

Don't know. I was walking to my rooms when something... happened. It's so itchy.

Go to the hospital wing.

Harry scratched his knee.

Can't. Wait, okay. I'm going.

Harry felt the boy's heavy absence in his head. He was at loss at what to do. He couldn't reach out the blonde again. Frustrated he ran a hand through his locks. He paced the common room, imagining Malfoy in various states of pain. He was left with nothing.

Malfoy's plea echoed in his head, bouncing of the oppresing silence.

What if the Slytherin couldn't get there on his own? Was he alone? Where were his friends? Could you die from itching?

Without thinking any more about it, he left the common room and a confused Ron behind as he made his way to the hospital wing.

He wasn't confident he should try to enter the dungeons. So, hoping the blonde's last statement was correct he pushed through the hospital wing's entrance. It was less crowded then the last time he was there, but still fuller then his past visits.

Madam Pomfrey didn't allow him in any further then the door, but informed him Malfoy was admitted a few moments ago. One of his friends brought him in.

Unfortunately, she didn't answer any more of Harry's question and she not so kindly shoed him away.

He took small satisfaction knowing the boy was at least in good hands, but wished he could find out more.

Gee, if only he had some way of talking to Malfoy without seeing him. Harry rolled his eyes.

Malfoy? He tried.

No response.

Harry thought harder and strained to see what Malfoy was seeing. There had to be a way to reach the other boy. That or the blonde was stalking him, because Malfoy always managed to make estranged comments on his life periodically throughout the day. Comments about things he had to have witnessed through their wired connection.

There was no other way he could know the stuff he did.

If Malfoy could do it, then he could do it.

He closed eyes and focused.

That did the trick.

He could see the hospital wing through Malfoy's eyes. It was slightly disorientating. Like being on a ship for the first time. He felt as though he were swaying back and forth.

He could tell that Malfoy was in a bed, the sheets spread over his body, the soft pillow supporting his head. Pansy was next to him and he was drinking a glass of water. The girl was talking and Harry was shocked to find he could hear her as though she were speaking directly to him.

He felt like a little person inside Malfoy's head, looking out through his eyes.

Harry could tell Malfoy wasn't aware of him.

And suddenly something clicked.

This was why it seemed like Malfoy was always in his mind. Or how he could make a remark about Hartley bullying him, without having been there to see it. Because he was doing this. Watching Harry?

How often did he do this? Just visit Harry's head and watch his life.

In the back of his mind he always had a vauge notion that Malfoy did this, but as he listened to the Slytherin's talking as though no one could hear them, and for all they knew no one could, he began to get a sick feeling in his gut.

He knew Malfoy had no idea that he was listening to him and Pansy talk about the crowded room. Harry had the realization that he could stay like this all day and Malfoy would be none the wiser. He was in a prime position to see his former enemy in a personal vulnerable state. To see him ungaurded and relaxed becuase he belives he's alone.

Feeling awkward as Pansy asked Malfoy something about his father, he decided it was time to speak and let Malfoy know he was there.

But something stopped him.

Maybe he didn't want the other teen knowing he'd discovered his little trick just yet. He learned what he wanted. Malfoy no longer had the itchies. He was going to live.

Harry opened his eyes and was back in the corridor, back in his own mind.

He kept walking towards his tower, letting his feet lead as his mind wandered. He was unclear what he was going to do with this information, but he knew he wanted it a secret.

It bothered him greatly that Malfoy had been doing this all along. He felt violated. What private moments had the blonde witnessed? This was another item to add on his list of reasons he could never truly like Malfoy.

This wasn't some un-stoppable side effect. The blonde had to work at it. He had to concentrate and focus on his task. Which showed intent. He planned it. He spyed on Harry. And who know's how often he did it.


For the first time in a while Harry jumped as Malfoy spoke to him.


I... I'm better.


Harry didn't know what else to say. His mind worked to process what he's just learned.

That's it? Okay?

What do you want me to say?

I don't know. I just thought since you seemed worried before. I mean, you were kind of freaking out.

Well, that was your fault. You're the one who came crying to me like a child. Help. I'm dying. Could you be any more dramatic?

What's your problem?

I just don't understand what you want from me. Do you want sympathy? Is that it? Because I don't have any for you. But I'm sure you can scare some out of your brain dead goons. So go whine to some one who cares!

Malfoy didn't respond.

Harry was annoyed with the blonde always complaining to him and expecting him to cure all his problems. He was certain he'd never known any one as discontent as Malfoy. And he deemed Harry as the person who would fix it all.

He just expect it. He didn't even ask. He was selfish and stupid and cocky. More things on his list. It was dumb of him to even consider anything else was possible from the other teen.

That added to the fact that Malfoy, repeatedly for all Harry knew, dropped into his mind without permission wasn't helping matters.

Harry was in a right foul mood by the time he got back to the common room. Ron was waiting for him along with Hermione. The red head filled her in on Harry's abrupt dissaperance as soon as she returned.

"Harry, Where did you go?"

"No where."

Harry didn't want to talk right now. He could feel his annoyance at his best mate coming back and wasn't able to differ between his recent Slytherin like qualities and his own irritation with the boy.

" Harry. We were just concerned." Hermione said in a gentle tone, making Harry all the more frustrated.

" You shouldn't be. I can take care of myself." His voice wasn't a shout, but it wasn't a whisper either.

" It was about Malfoy wasn't it?"

Mentioning the blonde was not a wise move on Ron's part.

" So?" Harry watched Ron's face twitch with a satisfied smile as he barked out his question.

The red head glanced at Hermione, before continuing.

" I just want to know what's gong on. You can talk to us, Harry."

" I know. I'm sorry. I'm just tired. I'm gonna head to bed." The words felt like an old recording on tape. Harry just pressed a button and they played. They were hollow and thin from over use, but he spoke them none the less.

No one stopped him as walked up the stairs.

Harry was hot.

The last thing he remembered was falling asleep in his own bed. Now he could feel a different bed beneath him, the soft sheets around his legs and the smell of... lilac?

He was abruptly shocked out of his musings as a pale hand skimed down his stomach. The muscles tensed and relaxed instantly. The tingle they drew out lasted a while longer and strecthed into something more as the hand pulled at his zipper.

What was going on? Harry struggled to make sense of things.

The hand moved deliberately with just a hint of urgency, slipping past the boxers and gripping the semi erection underneath. It squeezed quickly, then realsed the half hard prick in opt for teasing the sensetive area around it.

Harry gasped. A low tug in his gut caught his attention as he momentarly forgot his train of thought.

It came back to him while deft fingers pressed low into his stomach. They were taunting, caressing and messaging the skin, building up the reaction from his more and more errect dick.

He was feeling Malfoy. That he knew instantaneously. But something was off about this experience. Other then the fact that Malfoy was getting himself off and Harry was some how caught in it.

It wasn't a dream.

It wasn't a memory.

And it wasn't like the hospital.

It was something new.

When he stood in the corridor outside the hospital wing, he had been completly unaware of his own body, but now he could feel his own breath hitch and his hips twitch as Malfoy kept at his exploration.

He was also certain that this time he couldn't get out. It was like he was dreaming, but...not.

The Gryffindor knew the blonde was oblivious to the fact that Harry was co-piloiting his wank. He didn't know wheter to be relieved or disapointed. At least if Malfoy knew about it, he would stop it.

Harry yelped as the hand traced the outline of his member.

He was panicking. And getting hotter. Sweat was forming on his brow and making the back of his shirt damp.

He could feel his own reaction to Malfoy's hands as they moved.

He felt less like he was in control, and more like he was watching something as it happened. The thought that Malfoy was in his own bed touching himself right now made Harry flush.

He could feel his body arc off the bed.

He should do something.

This was wrong.

Harry tried to will away all his thoughts or block out the images before him, but he couldn't quite grasp any real idea. He was unable to close his eyes because they were already closed. He was looking through Malfoy's eyes.

Which were wide open.

Malfoy gasped and Harry felt his heart leap into his chest in response. He could feel Malfoy's lust, but now he could feel the beginning of his own.

That thought sent a desperate cry through his mind. This needed to stop before it went any further.

Only problem was that Malfoy was done teasing now.

He had a frim grip and was pulling in sure but jerky movements. Enough to make it feel good, just on the brink of too intense, but holding back before it hurt. Throttling the line between pain and pleasure. Some how making it so damn hot.

It was fast and hard. His fist pumped maddeningly, his hips thrusting up to met the eager hand. The harsh yanks were a contrast to the previously gentle touches, but felt just as thrilling.

Harry didn't need to close his eyes to see pale fingers sliding up and down a long shaft.

It was all so foriegn and forbidden.

And for a moment Harry gave in.

He was only human afterall. And he was practically being attacked by the senses overwhelming him. It was hard to fight something that felt so right. And tight. And warm.

And fuck.

He heard his voice waver, the only sign he spoke out loud.

His breathing was labored and Harry squirmed as he ached to relieve himself. But he couldn't get out of his mind. He was slowly being tortured as he watched Malfoy's hand.

Some where in the back of his mind he knew this was trouble. It should end... before it ended.

But Malfoy was moaning and Harry could feel he was getting close. So was he and it was difficult to think about his actions. The blonde built it up so perfectly and now he wanted it over, messy and hot and fast. And he was about to get his wish and sweep Harry away in the process.

At least that's what he'd tell himself later. He was caught up in it. Unable to think properly. It wasn't his fault. All exuses that menat he felt someting. That he seeked the release that was just out of reach. But that's why he didn't notice he was moving his hand.

Only it wasn't his hand.

It was Malfoy's.

Harry squeezed, breaking the rythm the blonde had going.

Malfoy stiffled a groan before stilling his hand.

Harry held his breath. Fear coursed through his body, killing his lust. It would have been funny how quickly his errection waned, but he had other things on his mind and failed to notice the humor.


Harry couldn't define it as a question or statement even, and he certainly had no desire to respond. He opted for silence, hoping Malfoy would let it go.

Even as he thought it he knew it wasn't going to happen.


I know you're there. Meet me in the third floor corridor in front of the painting of the creepy baby. You have five minutes before I come after you.

And just like that the connection was broken.

He was left alone. Only his heavy breathing and deflated excitment remained. He debated staying in his room, but wasn't sure he wanted a pissed off Malfoy on his case. Especially one with an all access pass to his mind. He took a moment to collect himself, before slipping out of bed.

He wrung his hands as he waited for Malfoy to arrive. Afraid and desperate to know what the other boy was going to say when he got there, Harry paced the corridor. When Malfoy finally came around the corner Harry froze in his tracks. They locked eyes. Harry couldn't place the feeling shot through him.

A second into the staring Malfoy turned on his heel and Harry assumed he was to follow. He was grateful the other boy didn't want to talk about what happened. He gladly traced Malfoy's steps all he way to the Gargoyle guarding the secret staircase.

For the second time that month they found themselves once again in the headmaster's office. Harry wasn't sure what he was expecting when he went to met the blonde, but a visit to Dumbledore hadn't even crossed his mind.

What exactly was Malfoy going to tell him?