Chapter Four: Behind Enemy Lines

" Interesting."

Harry squirmed. He couldn't even look at the blonde next to him as Dubmledore asked him to exlpain what they were doing there. They had been allowed in instintantly and Malfoy launced into an explaination as soon as they walked through the door. Both refusing the seat offered, they stood as far apart as the room would allow in front of the professor's wooden desk.

"And what were you doing at the time mister Malfoy?"

" Writing, sir." He answered calmly. It was a lame answer but Harry gave the boy credit for the smooth delivery.

He was impressed at how much control Malfoy had. If Dumbldore had asked him, he would have been struggling with an excuse as he fumbled over his words. Heat rose in his cheeks just at the memory.

" I was finishing an essay for class the next morning. I find I'm procrastinating much more lately. All the sudden it was like I could feel someone else in the room. I looked around, but didn't see any one, and before I had a chance to do anything more..." He stopped, searching for the words.

" It was like my hands weren't mine any more. I could see them move, but I didn't have control."

" And you knew at once it was Harry?" Dumbldore asked the teen.

" Yes," Malfoy said the last part quietly. His discomfort was becoming too much for him to hide. His calm surface was spouting tiny cracks.

" And what was your experience, Harry?" Dumbldore looked to Harry waiting for an answer. Subtly Malfoy perked up a bit.

" I, umm. I was in bed, asleep. Then I woke up and I knew I wasn't in my room. I saw hands moving. Holding the ummm...quill and at first I didn't have control, but then I thought about moving my hand. And it moved. I could feel the... surprise, but I knew it wasn't all mine. That's all, sir."

Dumbldore gave him a strange look, but made no comment on Harry's composure.

" Well, I think I may have an explanation." He said slowly. He stood up and began pacing behind his desk as he spoke.

" You must understand this is all theory, but the brain controls everything, from your heartbeat to how many times you blink a day. And since your minds are still fusing, it appears as if now they are searching for each other for more then just help in the thinking process. It's progressing to your motor skills.

" Instead of only being able to hear each other's thoughts or feel each other's feelings. I beleive you will see more physical side effects, like you did tonight. You've been using each other for thinking, and now you may find yourselves in situation's similar to this more often." He looked off to the side as he pondered the possibilities.

After several minutes Harry decided to bring him back.

" Umm, sir? Are you still working on the cure?" The headmaster snapped back to reality, as he turned his attention to the boys.

" Sorry, my mind gets away from me sometimes. But you boys would know all about that, wouldn't you?"

Harry and Malfoy remained silent.

" Yes, well, we are working on it. But I'm afraid it's a bit more complicated then we originally thought. There has never been a case like this before. It's actually surprising, considering the spell is used quite often in learning facilities."

An impatient shuffle from Malfoy's direction brought Dumbldore back on topic. He looked over the boys, both still in their sleep ware and must have remembered the late hour. He sat down in his chair and placed both hands on the desk.

" Any way, we are working on it. Don't worry. It shall only be a few weeks, at most a month."

" If that's all boys. I think it's time you head up to bed now. It's late. Goodnight."

Harry and Malfoy, glad to be released quickly walked through the door.

" So I guess we just hold off on... personal stuff until this is all over." Harry said trying to be tactful.

" What's a matter, Potter? Afraid you'll see something you like?" Malfoy smirked, looking at the other boy for the first time that night.

" No." He was getting annoyed at Malfoy's arrogance and was determined not to show his own embarrassment. He still felt some resentment towards the boy.

" Unless of course, you like an audience." He shot back.

" I prefer a more intimate setting. Besides, I don't see why I have to change. It's not fair for me to suffer. Maybe you shouldn't be such a perv." He said.

Apparently Malfoy hadn't had time to cool off after their fight either. If Harry could go by the dick the other boy was being.

Maybe he was still sore about Harry yelling at him after the hospital incident.

" It 's not like I choose to do... what-ever it is that happens. You know just the same as I do I have no control over it." His temper was starting to get the better of him. Malfoy could really be an ass. He'd almost forgotten these past few days.

" I don't know anything, Potter. You heard Dumbldore. The mind is a complex thing. Maybe you secretly desire me or something."

As much as Malfoy enjoyed watching Harry's face go through the various emotions of bafflement to outrage, the yawn he fought back reminded him of the time. It was late and he had class in the morning. So he decided to end their conversation.

" What-ever. I'm not stopping. So I suggest you find a way to control yourself." And with that he turned and left a very angry and tired Harry standing in the hall.

Yes. He was defiantly still mad at Harry for earlier.

" Harry, what happened? I heard you went to the headmaster's office last night?" Hermione bombard Harry as soon as he reached the last step. Her face was scrunched up with worry.

Harry shot a glare in Ron's direction. He was standing sheepishly behind the bushy haired girl.

Ron was worse at keeping his mouth shut then most girls.

Harry had returned to the dorms last night to find a somber looking Ron. The sleepy-eyed red head didn't say a word, just watched him silently. Harry instantly felt guilty.

He decided to make up for being cross with him earlier by confiding in him. He gave a brief edited version of the story and they talked for a while before heading to bed.

Obviously he got up early this morning and informed the third member of their trio.

" Nothing, Hermione. It was just another side effect." He answered, wanting to tell her as little as possible about last night.

" Oh. Did you learn anything new?" She asked curiously, but still with a slightly worried tone.

"Only that it's getting stronger and Dumbldore said it's only going to get worse. " He thought about it some more before adding,

" And Malfoy's an even bigger git then we thought."

Ron made a sound of agreement and they headed off to breakfast.

True to his word, two nights later Harry once again found himself woken up by a hand in his pants. Only it wasn't his hand or his pants. He rolled his eyes and tried to focus his mind. Maybe he could control it this time, or push it away. He thought hard on stopping his hand.

No luck. The hand pushed past the cloth barrier of his underwear and gripped tightly onto what it found underneath with out so much as a twitch. Harry jerked in shock. It was even stronger this time.

He felt a twitch in his own pants in reaction the touch. He took a breath before reaching out to Malfoy.

Really Malfoy? Again?

Harry was tired and in no mood to deal with his enemy's late night activities nor did he particularly care for tact.

The hand froze for an instant...

Bugger off, Potter

...before going back to it's previous rhythm.

Harry rolled his eyes, ignoring the thin gathering of sweat forming on his forehead.

I can't. Remember?

There was a beat of silence, in which Harry bit his lip to keep the moan back. Was that him or Malfoy?

Well at least shut up then. It's a bit difficult to concentrate with another bloke talking in your ear.

Harry mentally felt Malfoy shift on his bed as if that would put some distance between them.

A retort was on the tip of his tongue, among other things, but he paused to think before...well, thinking. It had nothing to do with the tiny surges of pleasure currently running down his spine.

He was thinking. Really.

Malfoy wasn't going to listen to anything he had to say, anyway. And the faster he shut up and let the blonde finish the faster he could go back to sleep.

He sighed out loud, but in his head he thought:

Fine. Just hurry so I can go back to sleep.

All he got was grunt in response. Harry unclenched the fist that was gripping his bed sheets and began a list of non sexual things in his head. His own body didn't seem to get the message that this was his enemy, his very male enemy, and in no way an object of sexual stimulation.

To get the image of Malfoy's creamy soft hand sliding down his firm hard chest he had to counter it with the picture of Dumbldore in a purple frilly tutu. Yes, he could see it now, the professor dancing around his office, wearing the lacy garment around his middle, perhaps some music is playing...

Fuck, Potter. A tutu? Not... helping.

Harry was rudely brought back to the present and found he was no better off then when he left. Apparently his body decided it didn't need him. A rush of annoyance and lust came with those words. Making his breath hitch and causing his erection to strain even more.

Great! Another thing he had to deal with before he could rest.

Sorry. I wasn't aware you required that kind of help.

Haha. Your a riot. What's...what's a matter? Finding the image of me too irresistible?

Harry fought the blush at realizing why the blonde sounded so out of breath as he frowned in thought. Should he sound out of breath in his mind? If there was one place you didn't have to breath then it was in your mind, right? That hardly seemed fair.

The time stretched on as he pondered his tangent. Time, Malfoy could have taken to mean anything. He quickly retraced their conversation.

No. But it's not like I'm a unic or something. My body's going to react. It can't tell if it's from you or some one I actually want touching me.

And because his mind was already split between two and now covered in sticky slow running lust, a random image found it's way to Harry's overworked brain. He suddenly recalled the time Dudley's friend came round to visit.

Well, friend might have been an bit of an exaggeration.

The prostitute Uncle Vernon paid for while Petunia was visiting a sick mate might have been more accurate. At any rate she mistook Harry for Dudley and he got a new experience before the mistake was rectified.

Her small hands grabbing his and placing them on her backside while she ground into him was still fresh in his memory. As was the feel of her soft breasts pushing up against his chest. The firm ass in his hands as she groped his own body.

She was clingy, but the sensation of her warm breath gliding across his skin and the sweet smell of her perfume, as she whispered to him, was something Harry wouldn't soon forget. Neither were her words.

" Want me on my knees or my back?"

A groan from Malfoy once more brought him back to the events actually happening now.

Damn Potter. Can I come to house for the holidays?

Shut up Malfoy.

His cheeks flushed redder. Malfoy was close though and he knew this torment had to end soon. He just wanted this over with.

Right. Sorry.

The lust must have dislodged the jerk rock in Malfoy's brain, because Harry was certain that sounded sincere. Although he wasn't in any position to judge. Harry was surprised by his ability to form any words at all. And that was only in his own mind.

If he was asked to say his name right now, he wouldn't even be able to get the "H"out. That or a string of nonsense would fall from his lips. He tended to babble when he was in such situations. The wanking, not the feel of his rival's hands on his skin.

He had never been so turned on in his life. The gentle steady movement of Malfoy's hand was sending spikes of electricity straight to his groin. Sweat soaked his shirt and left his hair matted to his forehead. The fact that this was wrong. So very very wrong was a tangible presence in the room. A presence that made everything more intense.

His lungs worked overtime to quench his thirst for air. These aren't my feelings! He shouted at his brain.

No answer.

Curiosity made him wonder...

God Potter! Can you focus for one minute! I thought you wanted to sleep.

Well that didn't last long. An especially sharp tug caused Harry's head to fall into his pillow as a shudder coursed through him. Tingles rippled through his body. The heat alone was driving him mad. It was getting harder to fight. He barley registered Malfoy's words.


Despite his call, Malfoy never ceased his hand's movement. In fact the pace increased slightly. A thumb slid across his slit and Harry yelled out. A quick peak out his curtains told him it was only in his head and he settled back into the pillow.

The chuckle in his head did not make his stomach tingle.

Harry was feeling two emotions at that time. Desire and anger. The first made the latter stronger and was much more difficult to deal with.

That's it.

Was the only warning he gave Malfoy before letting go. Something in his mind loosened and Harry felt calm and solid. Still hot as hell, but something deeper was at peace. He had more control, which he promptly used to change their roles.

A quick flick of his wrist and a squeeze of his fingers caused Malfoy to jerk up in bed. Now he was the one writhing.

Hey. Give me my ha...hand back.

No. Just shut up. I'm tired and your dragging this out. For God knows what reason. So, since you can't do it on your own. Just let me.

Harry worked Malfoy faster, using what he thought felt good. For a while Malfoy was silent, save his breathing and tiny gasps, that did not make Harry repeat what he just did two more times.

But I can't...not if I know...it's you.

Those were the last words in Harry's mind before he felt the connection break. To busy riding his own orgasm to care. He cleaned himself off with a flick of his wand and shut his eyes tight. Only thinking of grey eyes once before sleep took him.

Thursday. One of Harry's favorite days of the week. It was a comfortable distance from the Monday's on both ends. A nice time to start thinking about weekends, and not feel the dread of the looming Monday.

Only this Thursday was filled with trepidation. It was the first time since bringing Malfoy off, that he would have to face the other teen. Maybe he'd taken too much liberty the other night. Harry laughed at the thought of him worrying over ruining the Slytherin's virtue.

He stepped into the library and searched for familiar faces. He found none and delved deeper into the room, heading in the direction of their last meeting. He checked his watch to make sure he had the right time and when he looked up he found his worry was in vain.

Harry was the last to arrive and took the seat on the end. It was the same place he was in last time. In fact they all were.

Silence took over. Harry avoided looking any body in the eye.

" Alright. Does any one have anything new to add?" Every one shook their heads.

" How much more time do you think you need?" He wanted out of this group, and away from these people as fast as he could. He figured one more meeting was necessary. Tops.

" I'm nearly done researching my part." Jane spoke up. Adam nodded his head, which Harry took to mean he was too.

" Well, I've still got loads to do. I figure I can take the first part. I'll write it up and next time we meet I can hand it to Draco. Then he can write it up and pass it to the next person." Whittany answered.

" Do we really need to meet just for that?" Harry asked as politely as he could.

" Of course. It will give the rest of us a chance to read and approve the prior persons writing and allow us more time to research our individual parts."

Harry had to hand it to the girl. She really planned this out. He couldn't think of a reason why that was bad, other then the fact that it put him less then a foot from Malfoy, so he only nodded.

After that they settled into a quiet routine. Harry read up on his part since he had been distracted last time. It was rather boring and he wasn't looking forward to writing about it. After a while he scanned through the book, hoping to find something that caught his interest. He still had no personal topic.

He was contemplating doing his paper on the effects of a bad transfiguration, the irony was not lost on him, when Malfoy's boots suddenly pressed into the back of his calves. He shot a skeptical look at the other teen.

You're drawing attention to yourself.

Harry cast his eyes down at the book in front of him.

Me? I'm drawing attention? What the hell are you doing? Harry decided for direct. He kicked at the other boy's legs, but they held their place.

It's Chester. She's trying to play Footsie with me.

So you decided to make her jealous by playing it with me? Harry was surprised by his own light teasing.

Why yes. That's it exactly.

No. I'm trying to hide. I figure... Oh, bloody hell. Now I'm saying it. You have no idea how much that girl loves that phrase. All day I hear, well, I figure...you know I figure... Anyway, my thinking is she won't come near you.

Won't she notice if your legs disappear? Harry felt Malfoy shift closer. Now his knees were touching Harry's. It was warm solid weight.

I don't really care at this point. Harry could tell by the clippy phrase that the other boy was getting annoyed.

So, did you ever find out what happened with the itching? Harry shocked them both by asking the question. It took him a second to realize he was trying to apologize.

Yes, actually. That stupid game. Stupid people are playing. Some one mistook me for their target and I got hit with that horrible spell.

Harry took the response as an acceptance of his apology.

He could have stoped there. They were somewhat back to normal and they could have went on from here. The fight was behind them. The air was clear.

Yet he found himself continuing.

Yeah. I've heard about that game. Do you know anyone actually playing it?

Malfoy adjusted his legs and in the process the hem of Harry's trouser was pushed up. His skin was exposed and then covered by Malfoy's bare ankle. His pants must have also been moved.

Neither boy acknowledged the fact that they were touching skin to skin.

A few. But it seems to be winding down. The professors are giving out harsher punishments.

Hmm. Harry wasn't sure what to say next, but he didn't want to stop just yet. He searched his brain for anything else he could say.

Have you tried setting her up?



You mean frame her for something? Good idea. Maybe stealing. I could plant something on her.

That's not what I meant.

No wait, I've got something. Kidnaping. I could place Filch's cat in her room. Leave a few hairs on her bag, give an anonymous tip.

Harry rolled his eyes.

I mean get her interested in some one else.

I can't subject some poor unsuspecting fool to her. I'm not that cruel.

There must be some one you can...push in her direction. Some one as determined and strong head as she is.

Someone who wouldn't get eaten alive, you mean? There are few of those types of people out there. But only a few.

Unless your interested in her. Perhaps, I can set that up.

Ha. Right cause only if she didn't hate me, it would be such a perfect match.

You know what they say, Potter. There's a thin line between love and hate.

Maybe. But some lines are better left uncrossed.

There was silence and Harry couldn't shake the feeling he'd said something wrong.

Always playing inside the lines aren't you?

There are worse ways to live.

Maybe. But there are also better ones.

Harry wasn't sure, but he thought he heard something behind Malfoy's words. But it was like trying to hear a whisper from far away.

" Harry?"

The brunette looked up. Jane's eyes were on him.

" Yes?"

The girl looked around, unsure of herself for a moment.

" Are you finished with that book?" She pointed to a deep coffee colored book, that Harry looked through once before discarding it.

He smiled wide and offered it to the quiet girl.

She muttered her thanks and then went back to work.

Harry caught Adam staring at him with his deep brown eyes and thought maybe he did miss the way that boy felt for the girl. He offered a smile, hoping to convey he wasn't a threat. The boy just turned his attention to his book.

Must you smile at everyone?

I'm sorry. Are you feeling left out?

Harry turned to the blonde who was watching him and gave him a bright toothy grin. Malfoy's mouth twitched before he too broke out into a smile.

Harry was captivated. He'd never been so close to the other boy when he smiled. They held each other's gaze for a moment longer then necessary then looked away at the same time.

"Do you think I can make it into the basket from here?"

Harry shrugged and watched as Ron threw the jellybean at the waste basket across the room. It missed, bounced off the wall and skidded under a chair. Ron grumbled.

" Try again." Harry encouraged, setting his charms book down.

He was studying. Something he had been doing more and more lately. His worry over his grades had increased to an almost Hermione level over the past four days, and he knew just who was responsible.

Malfoy's obsessive studying was another unwanted side effect. Although the look on Snape's face when fails to stump Harry in class is almost worth it.

A jellybean came soaring through the air and hit Harry square in the nose. He lifted his head up to find Ron, trying to look nonchalant. Harry picked the candy off his leg and popped it in his mouth.

" Trying to make up for the food fight you missed?"

Ron groaned. " Don't remind me. I bet it was brilliant." His eyes glazed over. Harry reached for his bag of sugary beans.

" Alright. Two chocolate frogs says I can make two in before you." Ron grinned and the game began. Harry lost. And after a bet of double or nothing, only this time they had to make twenty shots, Harry put them back on even terms.

The game ended when they ran out of beans. Ron owed Harry three chocolate frogs and Harry owed him two licorice whips.

" Why are there jellybeans all over the floor?" A voice asked from across the dorm.

Harry and Ron exchanged looks and causally left the room. The broke into a fit of laughter once they were out of sight. Harry felt good. It'd been a long time since he laughed that hard.

Ron was getting on his nerves. Seriously did he have to be so loud? And skinny, it was disgusting the way his clothes hung off him. And really? Who's hair is that color?

Harry kicked a rock into the lake. He was tired and cold and fed up with these feelings. It seemed he was angry all the time lately. Yesterday he'd yelled at a girl who asked him out. Literally yelled. Loudly.

It was embarrassing, not to mention the guilt that followed. She was kind of cute and he completely over reacted.

She was in the middle of her speech when he'd snapped at her. Informing her, loudly for all to hear, that he was not now, nor would he ever be interested in some one like her. Did she know who he was? Did she really think she had a chance with him?

Then he laughed.

He laughed at the cute blonde girl who'd been brave enough to talk to him. He felt like an utter prat. And every one around him agreed. Ron and Hermione understood, of course, but it was a small conciliation.

Malfoy was even more full of him self then Harry thought. Was that how he treated people? Did he really think he was better then them?

" Harry?"

" Hummm?"

" Do you... are you..."

Irritation was starting to creep into Harry's skin. He craned his neck.

" Spit it out Ron!"

" Why are being so friendly towards Malfoy?"

" Well, you see Ron. Neville, you know him right, well he messed up this simple spell..."

" You know what I mean!"

" Not really, Ron! The guy is stuck in my head. Okay. Do you get that? I can't get away. Sorry, if I don't want to fight him all the time. What would you and I do then?"

He was aware he was getting upset over nothing, but couldn't help it. The anger was right there and felt so good. He had an all acess pass.

" That doesn't mean you have to... You've changed."

" Yeah. It's called growing up. You should try it sometime. Instead of acting like a giant two year old." Was all this anger really coming from Malfoy? It had to be.

"Should I act like you? Walking around like you're some kind of gift? You know what? Go ahead. Spend all your time with Malfoy. You can talk about how much better you are then everyone else. And make fun of first years together, like the giant prats you are."

Harry's retort never got life. Something more urgent took precedence as Harry promptly slapped himself in the face.

Hermione was on her feet in an instant, her book forgotten on the ground. Ron didn't move from his spot. Hermione was looking between them as if they were about to tackle each other.

Harry closed his eyes. His anger dissipated.

Sorry, Potter.

What the hell, Malfoy? Well, most of it.

I said sorry. I was aiming for the weasel. This motor skill thing is harder then it looks.

Harry ignored Malfoy for the moment.

Ron promptly turned on his heal and stormed away.


Harry's cry fell onto deaf ears. Or rather gone ears. The redhead was too far away. Harry turned to Hermione, an exasperated look on his face.

" What was that about?" Harry asked, hoping she had some insight.

She looked at him for a long moment before answering.

" He was just trying to talk to you Harry."

The brunette heaved a heavy sigh and ran a hand through his locks.

" I know. I just... I can't control this. He knows that. I'm just as tired of this as he is. I don't know whay he keeps asking all these questions, anyway."

" He's just worried."

" About what? I don't understand. Nothing more's happened, yet he keeps acting like he needs to an update every day."

" It kind of has, though. Your relationship with Malfoy is...new. And it's changing. Can't you see Ron's jealous?"

Her answer only added to his confusion.

" Of what? Does he want Malfoy stuck in his head? I thought he understood the situation."

" He does. And so do I, but it's different Harry, we can all see your getting closer to Malfoy. Your always off in your head talking and laughing with him. You two have your own secrets and conversations. It's a little unnerving to watch, actually. And you're snapping at people a lot more lately."

" Well, I'm sorry! It's not as if I asked for this." Harry snapped. Then groaned.

" I know, Harry. I'm not saying you did. It's just that Ron is worried. He thinks your going to replace him with Malfoy or something. It's like you're pushing him away to spend more time with a Slytherin. A Slytherin you hated not too long ago and know you're..."

Harry couldn't help it. He laughed at the girl before him. Hermione looked affronted.

" I'm sorry, mione. It's just ridiculous. I'm stuck with the him in my head. I can see things about him I never...I don't have a choice. I'm trying to make the best of it and even if I did find Malfoy... some what less annoying then usual. No one could ever replace Ron."

" Again. I know, but Ron needs to hear it." She clasped her friend on the shoulder.

" Don't worry too much. Ron does understand. He just needs a little reassurance. Everything will work itself out. Just talk to him."

Then she left him standing alone by the lake.

Harry closed his eyes and focused. He knew his brainy friend was right. He would give Ron time to cool off, then he would find him and apologize.

All in all Ron had been handling this whole thing with much more maturaty then Harry would have expected. He could see why his friend was worried. He recalled all the times he ignored the redhead or left him standing alone wondering what happened. The night he went to the hosptital was only one example.

Not to mention he'd come back crabby and with no explination of why he left. Harry forgot sometimes what this whole situation must be like to his friends. They didn't know what the blonde and him were going through. They just saw Harry pulling away.

He made a decision to let Ron in on what was going on. Parts of it anyway. Feeling better about his plan he focused his attention on a more pressing matter.


He was going to find out just what the other boy was thinking, why he was so mad and most important why he slapped him in the face. But first he had to find him.

Taking a deep breath and stretching his mind, he reached out to the blonde. He pushed past the shock of how simple it was and looked through Malfoy's grey orbs for a sign of recognition. Something that would tell him where the Slytherin was heading. He needed to have a talk with the boy and he wanted to do it face to face.

The blonde was walking down a hall with a group of people. A sleeved arm and a hand swing into vision every other step.

He searched for something that would tell him where Malfoy was. The suit of armor was his clue. That meant the third floor, heading up. Possible the library or astronomy tower. It didn't matter, really. Harry didn't plan on letting Malfoy reach his destination.

With the third corridor in mind Harry took off in a sprint. Fueled by anger and exasperation he reached the armored suit in under four minutes. He was breathing heavily and sweat trickled down his back and neck.

He closed his eyes again and focused. Malfoy wasn't far. The group he was with stopped just around the corner to talk with a fellow house mate. An irrate Harry headed for them.

" What gives you the right!"

Harry yelled louder then intended, but couldn't regret it as all five teens turned to look at him. Malfoy was leaning against a wall, one eye brow raised. The others in the group looked quite shocked at the outburst. Blasie had his hand in his robes, ready to pull out his wand.

Harry noted Whittany and Pansy were among the group. The latter shot Malfoy an amused looked.

Malfoy drew away from the wall calmly and walked up to Harry.

" If this is about the report I think the entire group should be included." Whittany spoke from behind the blonde.

" It's not." Harry and Malfoy growled in unison. Harry was surprised at his tone. He seemed to be nonchalant until this point. At least he was sure that his earlier rage had been steaming from Malfoy.

Harry ground his teeth and waited. Malfoy looked over his shoulder and with a nod he sent his friends away.

Then they were alone.

" You have no right to interfere with my life!"

" Relax. I apologized. Besides I really meant to hit Weasely. He went too far."

" He didn't actually. And that's no excuse! How do you even know what he said? What? Is you're own pathetic life not enough for you? You have to ruin mine, now?"

" That isn't what I was trying to do! You don't know what I've just had to put up with. So, I suggest you don't push me now."

" Are you joking? You're asking me to respect your feelings? Why would I do that? You just trample all over every one elses."

Harry thought back to the girl he insulted.

" I meant it, Potter. I said I was sorry. I'm not sure what more you want. I'm trying to be civil here."

" Well, maybe that's your problem. Maybe if you didn't hold it all in, you wouldn't take it out on the wrong people. You think you're in control of your emotions, but you're not. They're in control of you. You can pretend you have a clam demeanor on the outside, but inside you're a wreck."

Malfoy was bristling now. If Harry wasn't convinced before he was now. Malfoy was pissed. And lucky Harry was tuned directly into it.

" Are you suggesting I act more like you? Rambling on about the first thing that pops into my head? Acting like a child? Snapping at people because I can't control my feelings. Chasing them down in the corridor?"

Malfoy waved his arms around showing the proof he had before him.

"You're not any better then me, Potter. So don't act like it."

Malfoy's words so closley mirrored his own from earlier, Harry was a little surprised. Malfoy was telling him the same thing he'd told Ron not ten minutes ago. The messgae was simple: Grow Up.

And not exactly the worst advice. Even if the delievery was less then smooth.

Yet, here he was standing in the corridor screaming at his rival. Harry took a mental step back. Suddenly he wasn't so angry any more.

They were both heaving now and both had run out of insults for the moment. Harry's earlier excursion hadn't done him any favors. The run all the way across the grounds, up three flights of stairs and down the corridor was catching up to him.

His anger deflated some more and he began to feel awkward. The tentative truce he had with the other boy was most likely shattered into a million pieces now. Again. Maybe they'd never be able to co-exist without fighting.

Malfoy was standing so close Harry felt a puff of air on his face each time the blonde exhaled. It was clear the anger had fled the other boy as well. The only question was what happens next.

" So... I'm a prat." Malfoy offered Harry a tentative smile, to which Harry responded with a blink.

Malfoy shuffled closer, for reasons unknown to Harry, and offered more. His eyes never left the Gryffindor's.

" You can tell Weasley it's all my fault, if it'll help." Harry had no response. Less then a minute ago they were screaming at each other and now he thinks Malfoy is apologizing. For real.

" ummm. No. I mean, yes. What?" Malfoy was so close Harry could see the parts of his eyes that weren't grey, but a darker blue.

" I'm trying here, Potter. Why can't you ever just accept it."

Harry's tongue darted out to wet his dry mouth and when Malfoy's eyes followed the movement, Harry's stomach gave a lurch. Now he had a whole new reason to feel unsettled.

" I... What?"

Malfoy smiled at him. Agian.

Some one came round the corner and bumped into Harry. He went flying for a millisecond before crashing into Malfoy's chest. Quicker then quick he jumped away from the boy. Confused, exhausted and confused some more, Harry shook his head.

" Sorry, Harry." It was a second year Harry gave his left over frogs to last weekend. Harry vaguely remembered the kid. He smiled at the boy, who scurried away once he spotted Malfoy.

" Yes." Harry said, having gotten some distance and re-gained his ability to form coherent words. It was Malfoy's turn to be lost.

" What?"

" You are a prat." He said with a full smile, before he turned and walked away.

Did you know you crinkle your nose when you're thinking?

Harry was jolted out of his concentration by the seemingly ever present voice in his head.

You're like a giant human bunny.

Malfoy, I'm trying to think, so unless your gonna tell me the answer to twenty two, kindly shove off.

Some one's testy. Careful, Potter or you might not get the opportunity to let out all that tension tonight.

Harry dropped his quill on the ground. It was the first time either of them mentioned their late night activities, which had continued almost regularly.

A glare from Snape was all the warning he needed to know he was on thin ice. He bent to get his quill, pretending the whole class wasn't watching him fumble for the feathered contraption.

Nice view, Potter. You know what? I take back what I said. How can I resist that?

Harry promptly banged his head on the desk. A swoosh of robes was all the warning he got before Snape stood at his desk, accioed his quill and slammed it on the table.

" Any more disturbances you wish to grace my class with? Some students are actually trying to test, Potter."

Harry, flushed red and sat down at his desk once more.

Mangled charp root, slowly melted in a brass cauldron.

Harry took the answer and thanked merlin the blonde finally shut-up.

Harry was humming. It was almost lunch and he was walking with Neville towards the great hall. Hermione had disappeared off somewhere and Ron stayed back to talk with the professor.

What is that?

A song.

What song?

I don't know I heard it on the radio this summer.

So, it's a muggle song.


Harry waited for more.

It's catchy.

Harry blanched.