The boy stood up and ran inside with a gloomy face. He really hoped there was still Pokemon left to choose from.
"Professor, are there still pokemon left?" The boy said as he headed towards the table with a couple of poke balls.
"Well, you're a little late, Ash." Professor Oak said, but as he wanted to continue, Ash looked at the pokeballs on the table and sighed in relief.
"There still are. Then I choose you." Ash opened the first Pokeball. Empty.
He opened the second. Empty.
He opened the third and last pokeball on the table. Empty.
His face became gloomy again as he was overtaken by regret. He should've woken up sooner!
"I was about to say there weren't, but I see you already noticed." Professor Oak said as he scratched his head.
Mew found the sight very funny and couldn't help but be interested in this boy. He was such a natural comedian.
"Though, I still got one left, but it's a bit hard to train."
"I'll take it!" Ash yelled as he almost grabbed professor Oak in desperation.
Mew followed, filled with burgeoning curiosity, as he almost clung to Ash's shoulder. Almost.
Mew hovered just a few inches above it and watched with rapt attention as professor Oak revealed a pokeball with a small lightning mark on top.
Ash grabbed the pokeball and let the pokemon inside it out.
What appeared was a yellow mouse Pokemon by the name of Pikachu.
It looked around at its surroundings, until it was suddenly picked up. It didn't like it as it glared at Ash. Seeing the coming attack, Mew teleported behind professor Oak and waited to watch the show.
Not even a second later, both Ash and professor Oak were electrocuted by a thundershock from Pikachu.
As if nothing happened, professor Oak continued to talk.
"The little mouse pokemon, Pikachu. It can be rather shy but quite electrifying when touched by people."
Ash fell down on the ground still holding Pikachu, while the Pokemon in question just laughed at him and jumped out of his hands.
"Still, I choose you to be my partner, Pikachu. I know we'll be best of buds." Pikachu turned his head away as if he didn't hear Ash. What a sassy and intriguing little fellow!
Mew circled around the new additional pokemon, finding its actions rather cute. As if Pikachu could feel Mew, it nervously looked around itself. Mew giggled again as he pulled on Pikachu's tail, earning Ash another electric shock.
Pikachu seemed sorry about the last shock, but still avoided Ash like he was a plague. It didn't even want to enter its Pokeball and remained outside. Not that Mew could blame the little Pikachu, that pokeball did look rather small.
Having decided he had enjoyed enough fun for today, Mew explored the big house for food and a possible hiding spot to sleep.
After all, he didn't want others to see him and bother him when he was taking a nap.
Mew yawned and went on his way, while professor Oak helped Ash on his way as well, as he started his journey with the rebellious Pikachu.