Mew arrives on Coruscant

After exploring the whole ship and listening in on a lot of interesting conversations, Mew returned to the company of Anakin Skywalker and the little girl at his side.

"Genral Skywalked, Commander Tano. We are leaving hyperspace."

A clone reported as the ship arrived in front of a grey planet with orange marking covering a lot of the surface. Far away, Mew could see the sun shining down on the planet, though it was a bit farther away from the sun than Earth would have been.

The Cruiser slowly descended in Coruscant's atmosphere as it flew towards the docking bay. Once there, Anakin Skywalker and the girl at his side, 'commander Tano'

Left the ship and boarded a metal transportation vehicle. Joining them as well, Mew was just on time with boarding as the vehicle sped up in a quick pace. While Anakin was talking with miss Tano, Mew watched the city scape pass by him. Everywhere around him were only buildings. Tall buildings. All around him were multiple vehicles flting throught the sky. They were in many colors and shapes, but their purpose was still the same.

When he looked at the roads stretching out around the buildings, Mew could see multiple races he had never seen before. Not that he had really seen that many races. There were a few Mew recognised, humans for example, and a few people that looked a lot like miss Tano.

Arriving near a big temple like building, Anakin and miss Tano departed from the vehicle and entered the building. Flying close behind them, Mew followed them into the building. Walking all around the place were people of many races wearing fancy clothing. Whenever they passed by, Mew could hear them talking about things in a fierce discussion.

Not inclined to follow the less exciting fancy people, Mew continued to follow Anakin as they took an elevator upwards.

Both of them were quiet as they waited for the elevator to arrive on the top level.

"I will see you later, Ahsoka."

Ahsoka nodded.

"Yes master."

The elevator door closed behind Anakin and Mew as Ahsoka went somewhere else. Mew looked shortly after the figure of Ahsoka as the doors closed and followed after Anakin. Why wasn't the female coming with them? A bit confused, Mew continued to trail after Anakin, still completely invisible.

The door opened and in front of them was an platform with around it seats distrubuted in a circle. On those seats were various people of diffenrent races and ages.

Seeing the green long ear, Master Yoda, there as well, Mew circled around the room as he observed all the people gathered in this room. There was a brown skinned man with goggles and a breathing mask.

A dark skinned human, a man with a long head and a white mustache and beard.

A woman of the same race as young Ahsoka who had the blue/white tails as well, though her skin was red with white patches of schmink on her face.

The there were a few men who had horns, one with two horns growing from the side of his head, while another had small horns growing from his fore head.

The there was the brown bearded human called Obi-wan, and a green skinned man with a lot of tail like protrusions from his head.

To summarise: a lot of interesting people.