Mew meets the Jedi-council

Looking over all these interesting people, Mew settled himself on the armrest of the man named Obi-wan.

All the people in the room looked at Anakin as he was giving his report.

"I am sorry, Masters. General Grievous managed to get away. He seemed to knwo where we were going to ambush him, as there was no sign of Grievous at his last seen location."

Anakin said, causing a bit of a stir in the room.

"Worry, you should not. Devious and scheming, the dark side is." Master Yoda said as he looked at Anakin.

"Still, there is a possibility of a mole in our midst. Our strategies seem to be leaking a lot more than we once thought to be the case."

The dark skinned man said.

"With Master Windu, I agree. Observe our allies, we must. The enemy hidden amongst friends, he could be." Yoda said as he was deep in thought.

"I agree as well, Master. Though we should also keep an eye on our troops. It isn't the first time that one of our own men, amongst the clones, had decided to change sides."

Obi-wan said, motioning at Anakin.

"I will keep that in mind, Master." Anakin responded, though he still was a bit annoyed.

He had traveled a long way to trap Grievous and a mole had to screw things up. All of it had to happen when HE was the one to ambush Grievous.

"Discuss this later, we will. Skywalker, a word. A hidden friend you have brought with you, did you?"

Yoda asked as he glanced towards Obi-wan.

"I do not know what you mean Master. I left Ahsoka to look over some strategies, so there should be no one else I brought with me in the vicinity."

Anakin said, a bit confused by the question.

"The unseen this friend is. Harmfull though, it is not. Show yourself, you should, yes."

Yoda said as he walked towards Obi-wan.

Obi-wan himself seemed a bit confused but waited for what master Yoda would do.

"All of you. Clear your mind. Show you, the force will."

Following the instructions of Master Yoda, the Jedi masters did just that and connected themselves to the force. They could feel it, though it was faint.

"A Convergence?"

Master Windu said, glancing at Obi-wan's direction as well.

Obi-wan though, he looked at the place he felt it. His arm rest.

"Seen you, we have." Yoda said as he pointed at Mew and flashed a smile.

Mew pointed at himself in shock as he glanced at the Jedi around him as they all looked at his direction. As none of them looked away, Mew became a bit embarressed and flew around the room to shake of their gazes.

"Interesting. It seems master Yoda's senses are still as good as always." Obi-wan said as he traced the movement of the force through the air. The invisible creature seemed to be made wholly of the Force. With every movement it made, it stirred slight ripples through the Force. Though it would go unnoticed, if one didn't exlpicitly look for it.

"Shy the creature is, yes. Show itself eventually, it will." Yoda said as he went back to his chair and they all waited for Mew to calm down a bit.