Mew sees a creep

After leaving the Jedi behind, Mew went on his own little adventure again through the Jedi temple. He had once again turned invisible to the people walking through it, as it was too much trouble to be chased after by unknown people who were intent of driving him out.

From his shadow, Mew saw Gengar snickering and laughing.

[What are you laughing about?] Mew questioned.

Gengar had remained oddly quiet during his whole fun time, which was unlike him.

"I was just letting you enjoy yourself. Don't mind me. I just find it funny how quickly you were found out."

Gengar replied as Mew could hear his characteristic laugh, Gegege~

[Shut up. I'll try to sneak up on them the next time. Even if they find out, I will still win if I scare them fast enough.]

Mew replied as he was annoyed at Gengar's laughter.

"Sure, sure. So, where are we going now? Any idea on some fun place?"

Gengar said as he too wanted to have some fun.

[Nah, but I'll find it soon enough.]

Mew said as he flew through the corridors. He saw a few bookcases filled with glowing blue cubes, but he wasn't that intent on learning new thing, as that was the intended purpose of those blue cubes. After seeing a Jedi open the cube with telekinesis and seeing a projected image of another Jedi, Mew soon lost interest. It would be nice to learn about the different races and plantes in this world though. That would come in handy.

Leaving the building behind, Mew spotted another building that seemed interesting. There were a lot of important looking people coming out of it. How he knew? The were walking all dignified and were giving of the air of a diplomat.

Following them in inside, Mew saw a gigantic congress room with multiple floating platforms on which people were listening to the speaking men and women. In the middle was another man, though he looked a bit creepy. Beside him was a blue skinned man with two horns that grew from it to the sky. In his hand he held a scepter like object.

They were all speaking about a war and about safeguarding the galaxy from the Separatists, or whatever the enemy of the ones present here were.

A blue skinned man who had a potruding mouth like a fly and had strange eyes spoke up.

"Chancellor Palpatine, my people are starving. We need supplies!"

The room was quiet as the pleaded for his people.

"Senator Farr, we are doing every thing we can. Be a little more patient, the supplies will be delivered, of that I assure you."

The creepy man, Chancellor Palpatine, said. He had a kind smile on his face, yet Mew could feel the ill intent behind it. It would be best to stay away from him in the future.

Gengar seemed to feel the same thing, yet a sinister smiled crept on his face as he moved from Mew's shadow and moved closer and closer to Chancellor Palpatine. As Palpatine was speaking to the other Senators, he suddenly felt a breeze pass through the lower half of his body.

Looking down, he was horrified to see that his usual attire, a deep red robe, had been cut apart. Even his trousers hadn't been spared as he stood there with a completely bare lower half, exposed to the other Senate members.

The hall was deathly silent.

Naturally, Mew and Gengar had long left the congress hall, Mew giggling from the scene while Gengar had an excited smirk on his face as he admired his handy work from the shadow of Mew.

From far away the Senate they could hear a strange sound.

"Gegegegege~ Gegegegege~"