Mew wants to sleep

After having extensive soccer bouts with the younglings, Mew left them to their own devices as the sky started to darken. Most of the people in the surroundings had already left and the Jedi building had become a little deserted.

Yawning a bit, sleepy tears forming in his eyes, Mew went to look for a place to sleep. The building was still largely unknown to Mew and he wasn't planning to sleep in a unknown location. Following that thought, Mew went back to all the places he had been up till now, starting with the library.

Seeing the many bookcases with Holocrons again, Mew swiftly passed through it in search of a comfy sleeping spot. He hoped there would be a comfy place, as he remembered there were when he was with Professor Oak in his laboratory.

After looking through it carefully, Mew was disappointed there were none. Even the chairs were hard, unlike their soft cushioned appearance.

Leaving the library a bit dispirited, Mew moved on to the elevator. He remembered the chairs the Jedi masters had sat on. They didn't move about much, so the chairs had to be very soft and comfy, right? At least enough to get some nice sleep til the morning.

Waiting patiently in the elevator, Mew could feel a slight ripple going through his Garden. A bit puzzled about the phenomenon, he decided he would look into it after he took his nap.

Leaving the elevator, the only person Mew saw was Jedi Master Yoda, but he seemed to sleep as well? Or maybe this was that thing they called meditation. Who knows, he didn't care either way.

Doing a eany meany miny mo, Mew finally picked the chair master Plo Koon was sitting on early this day. It was fully covered in red cushions. Pressing his small paws against the cushion, Mew desperately hoped they would be soft, as the ones in the library were truly to awful to sleep on.

Feeling his paw sink in quite easily, Mew brightened as a wide smiled crept on his face.

[Gengar! I found a good spot! Why don't you pick out a spot as well. There are enough chairs.]

Mew said as he laid down on the chair, feeling himself sink a bit into it, adjusting to his posture.

"I'll stay in your shadow. It's a lot safer in there than it is out here."

Gengar statted matter of factly. He didn't really care, as the shadows were a lot more relaxing than getting out of them.

[Boo, boo! Spoil sport.]

Mew replied as he yawned again and closed his eyes to take a long, long nap.

While Mew was finally napping away, Yoda glanced at the now visible Mew. Mew had no clue his invisibility would fade as he lost conciousness.

"Very trusting he is, hmm. Not afraid of others, he is."

Yoda commented as he returned to his meditation and left Mew to sleep non the wiser.