Meeting a kind Elder Lich

The skeleton began to move, a red light appearing in its eyes. From what Mew could feel from it, its emotions were in turmoil. It waved its hands about in the air, seemingly wanting to touch something that was supposed to be there. With no succes.

When the skeleton looked around, he saw the worried and slightly angry face of the winged woman beside him. She seemed worried about him, yet her anger was directed at something else.

Looking at what had made her angry, he was met with a familiar figure of a creature he had only seen on television. A very old show and game experience at that.

"I am clearly dreaming. When I wake up I'll be back in the VR chair."

The skeleton rubbed his forhead with his hands, clearly not believing what was happening to him now.

[Confused? Are you confused? Why?]

Suddenly the skeleton heard a childish voice in his mind. Looking around for the perpetrator, he could see the confused eyes of Mew looking at him.

"Now I'm sure. I am definitely dreaming."

[No you're not. Why would I even appear in a dream to begin with?]

Mew giggled loudly, much to the annoyance of the winged woman.


The skeleton muttered soflty, completely unheard by all those present. He seemed to try a few things only he knew about, as the bewilderment seemed get only stronger.

"What the hell is going on here?"

The winged woman came closer, as she became worried as well.

"What's wrong, Lord Momonga?"

[Ehhh, Weird name.]

Mew giggled once more, not knowing he was being completely ignored by Momonga.

The woman began to fuss all over Momonga, letting Mew see something amusing as the skeleton began to calm down.

"Is there something wrong, Lord Momonga?"

Momonga glanced at the woman.

"The GM call function isn't working."

"Please forgive this foolish one, who has no knowledge of what GM is. Please let me correct this grave sin, so that I might be forgiven."

Momonga stared at the woman, while Mew was enjoying the drama that was currently unfolding before him.

[Oh...I wish I had some popcorn to go with this scene. Oh wait! I do have popcorn!]

Out of a rift, Mew grabbed a bucket of popcorn, looking at Momonga who began to try out all sort of things to make sense of the situation he was currently in. He spoke to the man called Sebas to scout the surroundings.

The other maids were ordered to go to something called the ninth floor to guard there, wherever that may be.

What followed was somthing that shouldn't be seen by kids. Momongs spoke to the woman called Albedo, tried all sorts of things like smelling the air around her and watching her talk, and ended up fondeling her breasts.

[How naughty!] Mew squealed, crunching down on the popcorn as if his life depended on it.

Shocked out of his wandering thoughts by this comment, Momonga stared at his hands, which had not even a second before been vigorously squeezing a woman's breast.

It wasn't an understatement to say that Albedo had become more than a little aroused.

"N-Now isn't the time for this, Albedo!"

"I'm so sorry, please forgive this one, Lord Momonga!"

"It is fine Albedo, I forgive you. More importantly, I have an order for you to execute for me. Gather all the guardians, with the exception of the fourth and eight guardians, in the fighting area on the sixth floor. Have them all gather there in an hour."

"Understood, Lord Momonga."

Albedo said, the previous lavicious look completely gone.

She then departed the throne room to accomplish her duties.

[Wow, to think she asked forgiveness for your lack of restraint. What a naughty superior.]

Mew clamored, the popcorn gone. He flew towards Momonga and sat down on his shoulders.

[So, your body looks pretty interesting, for one that is housing a foreign soul. Truly curious.]

Mew hummed, tapping Momonga on the head.

"Not that I know how it happened. This is supposed to be a game."

Momonga muttered.

[Oh, so it is the isekai trope this time. How exciting!]

"Haa, this time you say..."

[Well, yes. I've gone to many different worlds. Too bad this one will be the last, otherwise Arceus might get an heart attack and lock me up in his own realm.]

"Nothing I can do about that. I guess we both have our circumstances."

Both Mew and Momonga sighed. The were both faced with strange situations.

[You have it worse though, stuck in a game avatar in a different world. I wouldn't want to be you, that's for sure.]

Mew mentioned, rubbing salt in a freshly opened wound.


He couldn't refute his words at all, only stare at Mew who seemed to enjoy the whole situation he was stuck in.

"Haaah, no use thinking any further on it. Duties come first, so let's go."

Grabbing the gold scepter with different colored gems in it, Momonga teleported them to the sixth floor. A place where two guardians were already waiting.