Stealing a crown

Walking through the palace were people of many different skin colors, gender and age. There were old people moving around, as well as teens walking with documents or other important items.

It was clear that there wasn't a big difference in statue in this place, aside from people who handled the most important issues, such as generals, heads of departments and of course the emperor Mew had yet to see.

Aldos and Mew weren't that visible to others, maybe due to the fact that they avoided well populated areas, as well as the fact that Aldos used invisibility magic when the need arose.

This made it easy for Mew to look at whatever place he was interested in, including the emperor's bedroom. The room was well guarded, but it was easy enough for Mew to get them in.

What greeted them was a classic room of roman style. Well, mostly roman with a heavy undertone of the European style.

In one of the drawers were large and regal clothing. The clothing was clearly that of an adult male, throwing the shota theory out of the window.

Looking around, Mew looked under the bed, closets, and other hiding places the emperor might have.

Unfortunately Mew's curiosity wasn't satiated, as he couldn't find any hidden books, the ones all boys had hidden somewhere in their room. NOr did he find any interesting hobby's the emperor might have had, such as a kinky fetish or plushy toys.

[How boring.]

Mew lamented, looking one more time through the room, only to find a hidden indentation in the wall.

Mew couldn't resist the temptation as he pressed it. The wall slowly moved aside, revealing a pretty golden circlet, one that had small but obviously pricy jewels imbedden into it.

[How pretty!]

Mew exclaimed, picking up the crown and placing it on his small head. Needless to say, it didn't fit all that well.

"Put it back after you are done. We shouldn't stay in another persons room for too long."

Aldos said, standing near the door to hear if there was someone coming. It would be a pain in the arse if they were to be chased by people.

[Boo, boo, you're no fun. I will bring it back later.]

Mew said as he took the crown and teleported them outside, not forgetting to leave a little IOU note at the spot the crown had been.

[Onwards to find the boring emperor!]

Mew yelled as he pointed his finger forward, the crown now used as some kind of oversized belt on Mews body.

It wasn't long after Mew left, that one of the people guarding the room felt that something was off. He went inside, only to find the room in a mess, things having been thrown around and the hidden treasury open. The most infuriating thing was the childishly written note, something clearly left behind by the culprit to taunt them with.

There wasn't even a thought in their mind that the crown would really be returned later that day.