Chasing a Mew

Mew and Aldos moved about through the palace, opening door after door to see what kind of things were hidden behind it.

Most of the rooms were pretty common, being guest rooms, tea rooms, offices and storage rooms. Then there were the occasional odd rooms, the ones where there would only be a single golden toilet placed in the middle of the room.

Rich people and their weird tastes.

Mew had seen a lot of things, but the toilet was just weird. What a waste of space.

Unfortunately their sightseeing was cut short as guards in armor were running down the hallways, stopping every person they came across to question them and give them a full body check.

[What the heck are they doing?]

Mew asked in complete confusion, staring at the soldiers behavior as if it was a foreign occurence to him, which was that strange, as Mew hadn't seen such an occurence happening in front of him before.

"They are no doubt looking for the 'belt' you are currently wearing, Mew-sama. Isn't it time you return it?"

[Ehhhh? Do I have to... It looks so pretty. It even fits me so well. Look! I don't even have to hold it!]

Raising his paws from the crown, the crown easily slipped from his body, falling on the ground.

A crystal clear sound of metal hitting stone resounded in the hallway.

The soldiers looked at the source and saw Mew floating in the air after he had just picked up his new 'belt'.

"We've found the thieves!"

"Get them!"

"Alert the others!"

More than half of the soldiers, which were about a dozen, chased after Mew and Aldos, while the others split up and warned the other people in the palace incase Mew managed to get away.

"It seems we are in a predicament."

Aldos calmly stated as he speedwalked through the halls.

Mew was floating behind Aldos, a big smile on his face as he was making silly faces at the soldiers and taunting them at every turn they made.

"Please don't antagonize them, Mew-sama. They are too pitiful."

Aldos commented, as he grabbed Mew's tail in order not to get seperated.

[Who says I'm anta- anti- antagonozing? Antaganize?]


[Yes, Antagonizing them?]

"Then aren't you doing that right now?"

Aldos questioned, as Mew had made the soldiers up front become stuck on the ground after Mew aimed a string shot at their feet, effectively sticking them to the ground.


Mew stuck out his tongue as he pointed at a direction for them to go to, only to end up in a well furnitured room, one that was currently being used by an old man, a blonde man in regal attire and a burly man in armor.

[Eh... Hi?]

Mew said as he waved at the people in the room with the 'belt' he had recently picked up from the ground.

The room and the hallway became eerily silent.