002 - Reincarnate 2/3

Xiao Yan watched as Nie Li was punished standing at the back of the classroom for the next two months, not like he cared.

He was first joined by Du Ze and Lu Piao, those two were his best friends in his previous life, and even if they only knew him for a few days in this life, they had a really good impression of him and wanted to stand by his side.

Then three commoners joined them, they wanted to support Nie Li for speaking up for commoners despite belonging to a noble family.

Those three only appeared five or six times in the whole story, {I don't even remember their names…}

Xiao Yan didn't hesitate to not join him.

{With the LoHP I can have better cultivation techniques than what he can offer me, and with the formulas that I have, he can neither help me with money nor elixirs. I also want to court Ye Ziyun and try to make her one of my women… He already considers her as his, so I definitely can't be his friend}

To try to shatter the confidence of the six children and the other commoners, Shen Xiu choose to congratulate the three strongest of the class.

The first was of course Ye Ziyun, cyan soul realm with a soul force of 86.

Then there was Xiao Ning'er and Shen Yue, both with a green soul realm and a soul force of 78.

She looked at Nie Li with contempt, her eyes saying "You are just trash with your weak red soul realm and your little soul force of 5!"

People of Glory City believed that talents in cultivation were determined by their soul realm's color. From the weakest to the strongest, they were red, orange, yellow, green, cyan, azure and indigo. They were of cause wrong, anyone with a suitable cultivation technique would have the same potential.

But right now, only Nie Li and Xiao Yan knew that.

Shen Xiu then continued her lecture.

Xiao Yan carefully looked in the memories of his new body, which visually was exactly the same as his last one.

He was called Xiao Yan, that as well didn't change. With a yellow soul realm and a soul force of 52, he was considered the number two of the young generation of the Winged Dragon Family, the first one being Xiao Ning'er.

His father, Xiao Yang, was a commoner adopted by the last Patriarch of the Family and was now one of the six Elders.

Chen Yin, his mother, was the little sister of the current Patriarch of the Divine Family, one of the three strongest families of Glory City.

Both of them were 5-Star Silver Rank Demon Spiritualists.

They really loved their only son, always spoiling him and doing everything for him. Thankfully the previous host of this body didn't abuse of that.

{Since I already have a storage ring of a hundred cubic meters space and one million three hundred thousand demon spirit coins, I can already start to buy all the Purple Haze Grass of the city starting from tomorrow. After that, I'd need to…}

He started to plan his course of actions for the next few months based on what Nie Li would do, and soon enough Shen Xiu finished her lesson.

{Right now, Nie Li is going to hunt horned sheep in the training grounds with Du Ze and Lu Piao for the next seven days. His goal is to have enough money to buy some unused soul crystals to test their soul realm to be able to choose their suitable cultivation techniques. With the remaining money he would then buy the most Purple Haze Grass possible to make more money}

{Well, I'm the one who's going to do that now, but I'm sure he knows of another herb with which he can do the same thing}

{First, I need to go to the school library to copy all of the books in the LoHP}

He went straight for the library after exiting the classroom.

Once there, he began by saying "Flaw!" in his mind while looking at a book on a bookshelf. He would have to do it again for each book of the whole library.


Two hours later, he was feeling dead tired but he was also satisfied as he just managed to record all of the books in his LoHP.

{Now I should go to the training grounds to try to teleport and see the price of using that technique}

The training grounds of the Holy Orchid Institute were meant for any student who was below the Silver Rank. They would be able to hunt the low level demon beasts that the experts of the city placed inside of it for the students. Aside from gaining fighting experience, the commoners could also come here to earn money as they can freely dispose of the hunted beasts. They would generally sell the beasts materials to merchants.

Xiao Yan entered inside its towering walls after his identity was verified by the guards at the entrance, then he walked through the safest zone until he found an isolated area where he was sure no one would be able to see him.

He concentrated on a spot two meters ahead of him and the next moment he was at that spot while breathing hard.

{That teleportation took me around one fifth of my soul force, so it should be around ten soul force, now let's see if the distance… Nevermind}

He took a notebook and a pen from his storage ring, wrote "Each teleport costs me ten soul force, regardless of the distance", then said "Flaw!" in his mind while looking at what he just wrote. In his mind, his notebook appeared and there was written "Flaws: 0".

He felt satisfied of his "discovery" and went back home, deciding to train using that power when he'll become stronger.

{For now it's really expensive, but later it would mean nothing, I will even be able to use it while fighting…}