003 - Reincarnate 3/3

{Now I'm going to cultivate, haha, cultivate!}

Being a fan of these kind of novels, he was really excited that he was himself going to cultivate for real. He was nearly dancing and singing on the streets.

As he was finally home, he was greeted by Xiao Tian, the butler of his father and a 5-Star Bronze Rank Demon Spiritualist.

{It's a shame he is not from the Sebas Family, that would be so cool…}

Seeing Xiao Yan in such a good mood, the butler couldn't help having a small smile on his face.

"Young master, your parents sent words that they wouldn't be able to eat together with you tonight, your dinner was sent in your room a few minutes ago, as well as hot water for your bath"

"Thanks uncle Tian!" As efficient as always!

Before going to his room, he didn't forget to use the LoHP on him to confirm that it could now compile a suitable technique for him since he recorded all the books of the school library inside. Looking at the book inside of his mind, he indeed saw a new cultivation technique.

{I'll write it down later tonight and give it to him in a few days}

Finally in his room, he wolfed down his food.

He concentrated on the books containing cultivation techniques of his LoHP and said "Compile!", a new book appeared in his mind, containing a flawless cultivation technique for him.

Sitting in the lotus position, he started to use the new cultivation technique.

He didn't need to sit in that position to cultivate, it's just that people usually do it since when they cultivate they do it for hours, and it would be very uncomfortable if they do it in other positions.

1-Star Bronze Rank, 2-Star, 3-Star, 4-Star, 5-Star. In just a few seconds, his soul force reached the peak of the 5-Star Bronze Rank. Not only that, even his physical strength, which usually is much harder to train, reached the same level as his soul force.

His body was now covered in sweat and some kind of filth. That cultivation technique refined his body by expelling a lot of impurities from inside and also corrected the imperfections to a certain degree. With his skin now as soft as a baby's, he was a lot more handsome than just a moment ago.

Bronze, Silver, Gold, Black Gold and Legend, each from 1-Star to 5-Star, these were the twenty five levels of cultivation of Glory City.

From 1-Star to 5-Star of the Bronze Rank, even with the strongest cultivation technique it would take a least a few weeks.

By doing it in just a few seconds, he would normally have to be happy.

But right now Xiao Yan was really depressed. He sighed, took off his clothed, went inside the bathtub which already contained hot water and started to clean himself while feeling down.

Just now he used his cultivation technique until the end, that meant he didn't have enough books on the Silver Rank, let's not talk about the stronger ranks.

Since he reincarnated this morning, he didn't read any book talking about cultivation, so he couldn't tell before using the technique to which rank it would allow him to reach.

{I must find a way to look at the books containing cultivation techniques of all of the families}

{Since some of the them have thousands years of history, they might have some powerful techniques without knowing, for example if a book is in a language that they can't understand. I don't have to worry about that since the LoHP automatically translates the books for me}

{The simplest way would be to become close to Nie Li, since he has thousands of powerful cultivation techniques in his mind, but I really don't want to owe him anything…}

{First I'll look the books of the other families, and if I really need Nie Li's help, I'll make it a trade after having some treasures that he wouldn't be able to refuse}

{Since I have access to the Family's library I'll put the books in my LoHP, maybe I'll be able to become a Silver Rank after…}

He exited his bath, dried himself, put on some clean clothes and was shocked as he finally noticed his physical change in front of a mirror.

When he touched his cheek, the softness let a thin smile appeared on his face.

{Must be the flawless cultivation technique… Damn, I became so handsome…}

{I need to know if I need as much books for me and for other people's cultivation techniques}

He wrote down the cultivation technique recorded in the book of Xiao Tian, and under it he wrote "The limit of this technique is 5-Star Bronze Rank or higher", he then checked it with the LoHP which told him it was true, so he continued to write it with 1-Star Silver Rank and checked again, all the way to 1-Star Legend Rank when finally his library told him there was one flaw, which was "or higher". That meant uncle Tian would be able to cultivate up to the 1-Star of the Legend Rank with this cultivation technique.

Back in his good mood, he went out of his room for the library. He noticed some of the maids blushing when they looked at him.

{Hehe, I'm handsome right? He thought to himself with narcissism while smiling at them}

Soon enough he finished to record all of the books inside of his LoHP, then he compiled a new cultivation technique for himself but it was the same as before without anything new.

{In a few days our family is going to the banquet of the Divine Family. Since their Patriarch is my mother's brother, I think that I can ask to access to their library through her}

On the way to his room, he found uncle Tian, so after using the LoHP on him again to refresh his book, he gave him all his money and asked him to send people to buy all of the Purple Haze Grass of Glory City starting tomorrow. He just accepted and put the money in his own storage ring without asking anything else.

{He accepted just like that? Not even asking me if I was sure since it was just a cheap herb only used to repel insects? Does he trust me or just considers that it isn't his business?}