008 - First kiss

Soon enough, he finished his massage and she buttoned her upper dress.

Xiao Yan was out of breath, she thought that it was the Daoyin technique which left him dead tired. She didn't know that it was because she was too charming and that it was getting really hard, in various ways, to restrain himself from jumping at her.

Finally able to relax a little, he took out the technique that he wrote yesterday from his storage ring and gave it to her.

"Here is a cultivation technique that should suit you, try it and tell me if you feel anything unusual"

She memorized it and started cultivating.

After just a few seconds, only two words came to her mind to describe that technique: {Too powerful!}

{And he just gave it to me like this…}

Thinking of all that Xiao Yan had done for her, she could not restrain her emotions anymore as her eyes reddened and tears started to fall.

While she did like the fact that she now had a powerful cultivation technique to cultivate, what she liked the most was that she had finally found someone whom she could trust and depend on.

Seeing her tears, he thought that she was feeling pain from cultivating a powerful technique and that she regretted that she couldn't cultivate it, so he took her in his arms and patted her back.

"Please, don't cry, if it's too painful then don't cultivate for now, in a few days you'll be completely cured, you won't feel any pain if you cultivate that technique at that time"

But instead of calming down she cried even more.

{He's too kind for me…}

Not knowing what to do, he apologized to her.

"Sorry if I didn't notice your illness earlier, I know how hard it was for you to endure all that pain alone"

{Will I ever be able to repay him for all what he has done for me?}

{Maybe she's thinking of the Sacred Family? Damn those bastards, making her cry!}

"I'll find a way to cancel your engagement with Shen Fei, you won't have to marry him or anyone you don't want to"

{I'm not worthy of being with someone as kind as him…}

Since she didn't stop, he continued.

"I'll always be here for you, so please, stop crying, it's really painful for me to see you like this"

This brought her back to reality and she finally stopped crying.

{What am I doing? I can't let him misunderstand and take advantage of his kindness!}

She forcefully calmed down and looked up at him.

{I have to tell him everything that I feel, that way I won't have any regret even if he keeps on thinking of me as a friend}

"You misunderstand. I was crying out of happiness", She smiled and continued.

"Xiao Yan, thank you for being so kind to me. I know that someone like me isn't worthy of you, but please, just allow me to stand by your side for the rest o-"

He interrupted her by a kiss. {She's underestimating herself too much, she has to know that I already fell for her}

She was surprised at first, then she responded his kiss by hugging him tightly.

As it was the first kiss for the both of them, at first their movements were clumsy.

But back on Earth Xiao Yan was a gentleman with refined tastes who had studied a lot of materials meant for academic purposes, so he had more confidence and knew what to do next.

Using his tongue to open her mouth, he then started to slowly caress her tongue with the tip of his. At the same time, his hands began to caress her neck and her waist.

He then entwined their tongues, and their kiss became increasingly passionate.

Both of them were in their own world, nothing else than the person in front of them mattered, they didn't know how long it was, and they didn't care.

They only stopped when they were starting to have trouble breathing.

They looked at each other, knowing that they would both remember this moment for the rest of their lives.

Just now it wasn't a simple kiss, they had poured all of their feelings inside of it, they felt connected and each of them became fully aware of the feelings of the other one.

"I love you", He told her by looking at her straight in the eyes. {I just have to be honest with her, too much words would only ruin the sincerity}

When she understood what he just said, she told him with a bright smile, "I love you".

They hugged each other and stayed like that without doing anything else, appreciating the presence of the other one.

He was the one who broke the silence.

"The cultivation technique that I gave you is something that I managed to compile from untranslated books I found in the school's library. With that we will be able to enter the Genius Class after the test in two months, then we will be allowed to enter the Heavenly Sacred Border to try its test. Once we pass that test, even the Sacred Family won't be able to do anything to us, and we won't have to hide our feelings to the public anymore. Until then we just need to concentrate on our training"

{Right now I'm just a 5-Star Bronze Rank, I can't offend the Sacred Family since they have a few Black Gold Ranks and their Patriarch is just a few steps away from the Legend Rank. There's also the Dark Guild with two Legend Ranks, I need to keep low profile…}

{While I can't cultivate until I found new books to compile, it's different for Xiao Ning'er since the technique I gave her should last at least until she reaches the Legend Rank. And to help her speed up her cultivation, I need to take her there before Nie Li, or else it would be worthless because he would take all of the energy there and even destroy the whole secret realm by taking its treasure}