009 - First victory

When she heard of his plan, she was surprised because it was the same that she had.

Well, in theory, since she didn't have a powerful cultivation technique to make it possible, she even went sick and nearly died while trying to get stronger.

To the public, the Heavenly Sacred Border was a secret realm within the Holy Orchid Institute. Only the strongest of the students from the Genius Class had the right to go there, but they rarely do so because almost everyone that went inside had problems with their soul realms after coming out. Only a few managed to gain something, but those few became top experts of Glory City. Right now, only two people who passed the test were still alive, Ye Zong and Ye Xiu, both at the 5-Star of the Black Gold Rank, representing the peak level of cultivation of Glory City, excluding Ye Mo who was at the 5-Star of the Legend Rank.

That's why, if a student were to pass the test, his future achievements would be guaranteed and he would be under the protection of the City Lord. Hence, even the Sacred Family wouldn't be able to do anything to them if they were to pass the test.

{Well, I still have three to four months until Nie Li goes there. And as I already modified the time-line, it might even be later}

He smiled while caressing her cheek and said, "What I want to say is that I really want to stay here with you, but I need to go. I'll see you tomorrow morning"

He was going to leave her when she said, "Wait!", she used her hands to hold the back of this head and gave him a passionate kiss, afterwards she said "Good night", with a blushed face. They both couldn't believe that she was so bold.

He smiled, replied her, "Good night", and then went out of her room.

She was really happy, she knew that she would forever remember this day as the most wonderful day of her life.

{I need to cultivate!}, She thought as she sat down with high spirit.


Xiao Yan was also quite happy. Even if it wasn't planned, right now he was sincerely in love with her. That's why he refrained himself from sleeping with her just after their first kiss even if he knew that she wouldn't stop him.

He wanted the both of them to fully enjoy the beginning of their relationship before taking it a step further.

When he nearly reached his room, uncle Tian greeted him, "Young master, here is all of the Purple Haze Grass that were available on the market and also your remaining money", he said while giving him eighteen storage rings and continued, "There are 3 523 129 pounds, I spent 719 000 Demon Spirit Coins, the storage rings came from your father's treasury and he gave them to you, they all have a hundred cubic meters space"

Xiao Yan quickly calculated, {Since the price will skyrocket and stabilize around 200 DSC per pound, that means I will make at least 700 Millions DSC of profits… But wait, how come he already bought that much? I just asked for it yesterday night…}

Seeing his puzzled face, uncle Tian asked him, "Young master, is something the matter?"

"I'm just surprised how fast it was, as I believed it took several days to go to the other side of Glory City"

"All the shops that sold the Purple Haze Grass were within several hours from here. As it's a cheap grass that takes a lot of space for its price, only the biggest shops sold it. The shops further away didn't sell it. Therefore, it really is the stock of the whole city"

"I understand", He then took out the technique he already wrote for him and continued, "That's for you uncle Tian, as thanks for being so efficient, it's a powerful cultivation that should suit you, I translated it from an ancient book. I already gave theirs to my parents so you can go ahead and start using it".

He took the parchment from Xiao Yan, looked at the technique and stared at him, "Young master… are you sure you want to give me something this valuable?"

"Yes, you've always been been of a great help to our little family and I know I can trust you, so don't worry. For now keep it a secret, I plan to give some cultivation techniques to everyone in the family, but only once I become strong enough since it might attract trouble"

"Young master, thank you!"

When he was alone in his room, Xiao Yan transfered 23 129 pounds of the herb in his own storage ring, planning to give it to his family for their own use.

Then he wrote down more than sixty uses of the herb on a paper, also the five pill formulas on other papers and put them all in his storage ring.

{Well, I already have all of the herb, sorry for you but it's my victory. He thought with a smile. He didn't hate Nie Li, it's just that he found him annoying, so having the upper hand over him was really satisfying for Xiao Yan}

{Anyway, he's resourceful enough to find other means to become rich}

As for the five pill formulas, it was the first five that Nie Li would trade with the Alchemist Association, and Xiao Yan plan to trade it before him.

{I'll add the books of their library to the LoHP today, and tomorrow I'll take the test to become an Alchemist Master}

He went out of his room and headed to the Alchemist Association. Once there, he went straight for the library and started to add them in his LoHP. As there was as much books as in his school library, he also took two hours to record all of them.

When he was back home, it was dinner time so he ate with his parents. During the meal, he thought of something then he used the LoHP on them, he wanted to check if there was some cultivation techniques in the books of the Association.