016 - Inscription Scrolls

{There are orders from more than two years ago!}, He exclaimed in his mind before understanding, {Glory City doesn't have enough Inscriptionists to meet the market demand, that's how the one Ziyun bought went on the market}

He then looked at the prices, making a Bronze Rank Inscription Scroll would earn him 800 DSC, Silver Rank 8 000 DSC, Gold Rank 80 000 DSC and Black Gold Rank 800 000 DSC, there weren't any order of Legend Rank. They didn't have the Inscriptionists nor the materials for that.

There were hundreds of orders concerning the Bronze Rank and the Silver Rank, but each of them actually asked for at least ten Inscription Scrolls. For the Gold Rank and the Black Gold Rank, the orders were per unit, around five hundred and one hundred respectively.

{So that's why Nie Li won't come here to earn money. Even if I complete all the orders, I would only have 150 Millions DSC, not even one fourth of the profits I'm going to make with the Purple Haze Grass}

He didn't look at the book concerning Enchanted Equipments and directly took the other one.

The inside was separated in three parts, the first part listed all the needed tools to make Inscription Scrolls, such as brushes and blank inscription scrolls. The second part was for Enchanted Equipments, where were equipments without inscription and also tools to carve them.

As for the last part, it was where were bottles of demon beast blood of different attributes and ranks.

"Big sister Xue Yin, what happen if someone doesn't finish his order in time?"

"It's "first come, first served". In fact nobody can properly "take" an order, they just look at the book and the first to bring the completed order will be the one who gets the reward. But since there are a lot of identical orders, it never happened that someone brought an order for nothing", She paused and said to him, "Is little brother going to take an order?"

"Maybe, I'm going to at least try"

{Even if I'm confident in making Black Gold Rank Inscription Scrolls, I should start with the Bronze Rank ones to train myself}

After thinking a little, he said, "I would like to buy one brush of each size, one hundred blank inscription scrolls and ten bottles of Bronze Rank Ice Attributed demon beast blood"

She first put the three books back in her storage ring, then continued to use it to put what he wanted to buy on the counter and told him with a smile, "Here, and you don't have to pay, it'll be a gift from the big sister to a future Inscriptionist"

He quickly calculated, {One blank inscription scroll is at 100 DSC, same price for each of the ten bottles, and all the brushes together should also be around the same. So she gifted 11 100 DSC to a stranger she just met? I understand that she can easily make hundreds of thousands of DSC a day, but still}

{She doesn't even have the proof that I can make inscription scrolls. She was totally brainwashed by the "big sister" attack…}

He took out a paper from his storage ring, gave it to her and said, "Thank you big sister! Here is a cultivation technique to show you my gratitude"

After she took the paper, he put everything that was on the counter in his ring.

She said, "Don't worry, I am glad to be able to help the little brother"

"I'll see you tomorrow big sister" He said as he started to leave.

"See you tomorrow little brother", She replied in good mood.

When she was alone, she finally looked at the cultivation technique he gave her. She didn't believe that it would be useful to her, after all she had access to the resources of the City Lord Mansion, even the other two strongest families of Glory City might not have a technique that could interest her.

But when she started to read it, she could tell that it was way stronger than the strongest techniques that she had ever seen. So she started to use it and after a few minutes she made a breakthrough, making her wonder if she was just dreaming.


Xiao Yan went to buy a thousand pounds of each of the five common herbs that are needed to mix together with the Purple Haze Grass to make Soul Nourishing baths. It took him only 5 000 DSC and he was planning to give it to his parents.

Back to his family, he was greeted by uncle Tian who gave him his one kilometer of Icy Snow Spider Demon silk and told him that the lamps and lighters he asked him were already in his room. He thanked him and put the silk in his storage ring.

Since there was at least one hour before dinner, after storing the lamps and lighters with his silk he decided to draw some Inscription Scrolls.

He went to sit on the chair in front of his table, took out a blank inscription scroll along with a bottle of demon beast blood and some brushes.

There was an order of one hundred of the Bronze Rank Inscription Scroll "Icy Wind, Sharp Knives", the same that Ye Ziyun showed him this morning. Activated, it created dozens of flying knives made of ice, during ten seconds, the user would be able to make them fly rapidly wherever he wanted.

As he was not used to draw inscriptions patterns with a brush, the first one took him five minutes, he checked it with the LoHP just to be sure that it would activate, then went on the next one. As he was getting increasingly confident, he was also getting faster. The second one took him four minutes and a half, then four… The tenth one took him thirty seconds and he was no longer getting faster, he continued until he drew the last, the hundredth one.

Of the ten bottles of demon beast blood, he was left with only half a bottle of blood remaining.

It only took him a little more than one hour to make the one hundred Inscription Scrolls, he was satisfied that he didn't miss any of them.