017 - Kong Ming's fake tomb

As it wasn't dinner time yet, Xiao Yan decided to start preparing his gift to the Sacred Family. He didn't know how long he took but he had to write on ten whole papers before he finished. He was satisfied as he read it once again.

{Now I need to make fifty copies, and I have to do it myself since others might be scared to go against them}

He was going to make a copy when uncle Tian called him for dinner. While going out, he asked him, "Uncle Tian, I'll need one thousand blank papers and a bottle of ink, do we have them in the family or do I need to buy them?"

"We already have them in stock, I'll bring it to your room during dinner", He immediately answered.

"Okay, thanks", He then went to the dining room.

His mother directly told him, "Yan'er, you created quite a storm in Glory City"

Seeing his puzzled expression, she continued, "The price of the Purple Haze Grass you bought is already 10 DSC per pound, and it's still increasing"

"Oh, that", So Yang Xin already made the uses public, he then said, "It'll still increase, my guess is that at first it will hit 300 DSC per pound, and after a few days it will stabilize around 200 DSC at least for the next three years. Right, I kept some for the family use and not for sell"

He gave his father 20 000 pounds, "Half is for our family branch and half will be split for the other branches", then gave his mother 1 000 pounds of the herb and also the five others, "And this is for you and father, mix those six herbs together to make a soul nourishing bath, try to see the effects tonight"

{So now I have a little more of one thousand pounds left in my storage ring}

They thanked him and the three of them started eating. At first they wanted to warn him that it might attract him trouble, but seeing that he even knew at how much the herb would sell, they decided to trust him and to let it go.

Back to his room, he rapidly stored the nine cleaned empty bottles, the new papers and the bottle of ink in his ring, then took his bath.

He was quite excited, {Hehe, I'm going to leave Glory City to go on an adventure tonight! It's just a pity that it isn't during the day, but my blood is still boiling!}

He decided to put on some black clothes to stay discreet, told uncle Tian that he was going to the training grounds of the school and that he might not be back until daybreak. When he found a deserted street, he went there to used his teleportation to go high in the sky, then used it again and again in the direction of the Ancient Orchid City Ruins.

No one noticed him and in just a few minutes he was already there, but it took him much longer to find the secret entrance he was looking for.

Finally in front of the sculpture, he said the password and the ground started to collapse. He teleported himself ten meters away before lighting one of his lamps. He took out his Icy Snow Spider Demon silk, which had such toughness that it could support the weigh of at least three adults, it was used as rope by most adventurers. He first cut three meters and used the other part to wrap one end of it firmly around a big boulder, he found another smaller one of around one hundred pounds to wrap the other end of the silk. He then threw the small boulder in the hole.

Only after did he realize something, {Maybe I should have done it little by little? Nevermind, as long as it works}

He used the three meters to wrapped one end around his waist and the other end around the hilt of the lamp. He then slowly went down by holding the silk.

{I could've just teleported again and again with the lamp in my hand, but it would've been boring and I wouldn't have this exciting feeling I'm having right now by going down with a rope}

After ten minutes he finally touched the ground. He stored the three meters silk, put the lamp on the ground, teleported himself on the surface to unknot the silk and back down he also stored the silk when the other end fell on the ground.

He looked around to see six paths and he randomly choose one since he planned to check them all.

After a few steps with the lamp back in his hand, he remembered something, {That's right, there are traps hidden all over the place, while I can check each stone with the LoHP to look out for the traps, it would spoil my fun}

Deciding to have some fun, he started to run into the tunnel.

When he activated the first trap, he continued to run and began to laugh because he was faster than the traps.

A few tens of minutes later, he was still laughing as he arrived in a vast hall with a stone coffin in the middle of it. Since there were also human skeletons of various ages, he knew that he was in Kong Ming's fake tomb.

He went to the stone coffin but didn't feel any restriction by the soul force surrounding it. {My soul force is probably too pure for me to feel it}

When he touched the coffin, all the soul force dissipated. He took the Remnant Page of the Temporal Demon Spirit Book and the Abstruse Gemstone Pendant.

{I'll trade the remnant page with Nie Li if I really need something from him. The Abstruse Gemstone Pendant will be for my cute Ning'er, she'll be really happy to have her cultivation speed raised by three times}

He took all the valuable objects that were on the skeletons and then decided to also collect the bones to bury them later.

Since he already knew what was ahead of that hall, he teleported back at the entrance to choose another path.