018 - Void-form

Again, he ran through the tunnel while laughing as the traps were getting activated.

Arriving in a hall which looked like the previous one, he noticed that this one had four exits and didn't have any skeletons inside.

He went to the stone coffin and the soul force protecting it also dissipated once he touched it.

Inside, he found three Remnant Pages of the Temporal Demon Spirit Book and a map.

{The Patriarch of the Heavenly Marks Family has one, one is sealed within Ning'er and another one is with Ancestral Master Daozang, that means Kong Ming managed to steal at least two of the three that were with the Sage Emperor. That'll be really useful to me if I need to trade with Nie Li in the future}

He looked at the map, after a few seconds he realized it was a detailed map of the underground maze he was currently in. Thanks to the entrance with six paths, he rapidly knew where he was. He recorded it in his LoHP before putting it in his storage ring along with the remnant pages.

According to the map, the four exits led to the entrance. Just to be sure, he teleported himself back there and ran through the remaining four entrances to check if the map was accurate, and it indeed was.

Aside from the exit he already knew, there was another one under the City Lord Mansion, but he couldn't go there as everything already collapsed long ago.

So he went to the hidden door of the Treasure Vault as it was his first purpose for coming here tonight.

He directly integrated with the Shadow Devil Demon Spirit inside of the Spiritual Lamp and cultivated a few seconds until it also reached the peak of 5-Star Silver Rank.

{I'll take everything but the gold coins, since that amount is worth at least 600 Millions DSC and Chen Linjian's Family is already the wealthiest of the families of Glory City, I won't feel bad. I also don't need more money}

First taking everything, only when his storage ring was full did he take out the gold coins to make new piles. He wanted to be sure that there was nothing else under the current piles.

He managed to put everything in his storage ring before it became full, but he had only one or two cubic meters left.

Only then did he check what he took.

There were hundreds of Inscription Scrolls, all of the Gold Rank or higher, a few dozens of them being of the Legend Rank but all of them were currently unusable. In his mind, he said, "Clearance Potion" and a few books appeared in front of him, all of them opened at the corresponding page, explaining the usages and how to make that potion.

{With this I'll be able to make all of these scrolls activable again. Even if I can teleport to escape dangerous situations, I much prefer to have a way to fight back}

He also had some horn-type materials, furs and a lot of rare metals. But what took most of the space were the equipments, dozens of set of armors and all kinds of weapons and shields. They all had inscription patterns which were at least of the Gold Rank carved on them.

{Now I'm going to test the void-form. Normally it would slow me down while using it, but with my TP it's going to be overpowered} He teleported to the surface and stored his lamp.

Xiao Yan quickly transformed into the Shadow Devil and used its skill. In void-form, not only was he invisible, he was also physically untouchable. But he couldn't touch others either, for that he would need to switch to the corporeal-form to attack with the two one-meter long sharp bone sickles he had at each arm which were even sharper than most blades. Only people with really sharp senses would be able to sense him in his void-form, and to make him undo it they would need to bombard him from everywhere with their soul force.

He could tell that with his soul force he could stay in that form for around one hour, so he teleported back to Glory City without undoing it.

{I'll check it at the City Lord Mansion. At Silver Rank Nie Li was able to stay unnoticed to Gold Ranks, let's see if I can do better}

He first went to some Bronze Rank guards, they didn't notice him. Silver Ranks, neither. He was getting more and more surprised as even the Gold Ranks couldn't perceive his presence. It worked even on Gong Liangshu, a 3-Star Black Gold Rank Demon Spiritualist, whom he knew the name by using the LoHP.

{It must be the pure soul force of my cultivation technique}

With his new confidence, he went to look for the City Lord, considered as the strongest of Glory City excluding Ye Mo.

Xiao Yan found him doing some paperworks in his office along with Ye Xiu and Ye Shuo, who were the third and forth strongest of the Snow Wind Family.

{No way, even Ye Mo, a 5-Star Legend Rank, can't notice me? He was shocked as he noticed him cross-legged in a corner of the room, meditating}

{He's surely trying to comprehend the laws}

After using his LoHP on them, he looked for Ye Ziyun.

He observed her as she was sitting at her desk, looking deeply in thoughts, in front of her was the inscription "Icy Wind, Sudden Snow" he drew for her this morning and there was also the book he told her about, opened at the concerned page.

At that moment, someone knocked on her door, bringing her back to reality, "Miss Ziyun, you were looking for me?"

She quickly replied, "Aunt Xue, come!", and Xue Yin walked in.

"Aunt Xue, this i-", she stopped as she saw her face, "Aunt Xue, what happened to you? You look more beautiful and younger than usual"

"Hehe, I met a little brother, I became a Black Gold Rank Demon Spiritualist and I took a soul nourishing and beautifying bath!", She replied her in a cheerful tone.