021 - Completely cured

Xiao Yan went back to his desk, said "Blood Crystal" in his mind to know of the ingredients needed to refine them. He wanted to help his relatives in their cultivation.

After noting down all the required materials, he also added the ones needed to make the Clearance Potion and some empty bottles of all sizes.

He thought of his parents who just became Gold Ranks, then remembered where Nie Li would go when he reached that level of cultivation.

Saying "Purple Caltrop Rock" in his mind, a few books appeared and opened at the corresponding pages.

Some simply talked about the rock, but when he saw the effects of the "Caltrop Pill", to which it was the main ingredient, he was really shocked.

It allowed the Gold Rank who consumed it to become a Black Gold Rank within days or weeks depending of the cultivation technique used!

The reason why Nie Li wouldn't refine that pill was because one needed to be a Senior Alchemy Master and also a Black Gold Rank in order to do so.

{I'll go there once I have the time… I also have to help the father of Ning'er}

He transformed into the Shadow Devil, used his void-form, then quickly found Xiao Yunfeng and added him in his LoHP.

Back to his room, he wrote down his cultivation technique and put some order in his storage rings until breakfast.

He first gave uncle Tian one bottle of ten Soul Tempering Pills and another one of ten Scarlet Body Enhancing Pills for his personal use. Then he gave him the paper with all the ingredients he needed to buy and also gave him three empty storage rings along with Two Million DSC. He finally asked him to completely fill two of the rings with bags of rice.

During breakfast, he gave the same amount of elixirs he gave to uncle Tian to each of his parents and also asked them to give a third set to the Patriarch along with the cultivation technique he prepared.

He wanted to wait a few more days to give them the rest and also the treasures he found last night.

Noticing that his mother looked younger, as she took the soul nourishing bath, he didn't dare to praise her as he still remembered what happened yesterday.


In class, he was greeted by a cheerful Ye Ziyun who told him that someone made an Inscription Scroll with the Silver Rank Inscription he drew yesterday morning and it worked when they used it.

She then told him that it was someone of the Dark Guild who made the other Inscription Scroll.

Since he couldn't say that he was in her room last night, he had to act surprised, "No way? But why would the shop sell it?"

She smiled, then said, "That was also my question, then the President of the Inscriptionist Association told me…", She went on telling him what Xue Yin told her yesterday.

When she finished, he took a paper from his ring and gave it to her, "Here is a cultivation technique that should suit you, please accept it"

She looked at it, she could tell that it was much more powerful than her current technique, just like the one he gave Aunt Xue.

"Xiao Yan, thank you! It means a lot to me", {With this I'll finally be able to meet father's expectations!}

They talked a little and she went back to her seat.


Back home, when he finished the massage of Ning'er, he told her, "Ning'er, you are completely cured now"

"Thank you", She replied him with a low spirit while buttoning her upper dress.

She didn't want her Arctic Disease to be cured. Yesterday she trained all night in hope to make it last longer, she nearly became a 2-Star Bronze Rank but didn't get sick. This morning she didn't take her medicine. All that because she wanted him to touch her more…

Xiao Yan was also very disappointed, she was already cured after the forth session of his Daoyin Technique.

He could've done it less seriously to make it last longer, but he didn't dare to take any risk with her health.

Seeing that she was also feeling down, he took a pendant from his ring, "It's a gift for you, it's an Abstruse Gemstone, it'll allow you to cultivate up to three times faster". He proceed to put it around her neck and didn't forget to kiss her when it was done.

Before she could thank him, he gave her two bottles of elixirs, "Those are Soul Tempering Pills and Scarlet Body Enhancing Pills, it'll also help you to cultivate faster"

A warm feeling spread through her heart and she hugged him tightly. Words were unneeded.

Understanding how she felt, he hugged her back, then he though of something, "Ning'er, tomorrow I want to bring you somewhere after school, are you willing?"

She agreed without asking him where it was, she would go wherever he wanted.

After flirting a little more, he went to his own room.

True to his reputation, uncle Tian already finished buying all what he wanted. He gave him his three rings back after greeting him.

After creating the Clearance Potion, he used it on the blood of a dozen Inscription Scrolls to make them activable again.

He rapidly drew two inscription patterns before going out.

He first teleported to the entrance of Ancient Orchid City Ruins to bury the skeletons from last night.

That done, he went to the Inscriptionist Association and he was surprised to see Ye Shuo, the one in charge of information gathering, interrogations and assassinations for the Snow Wind Family. He was talking with Xue Yin.

Since he didn't want to interrupt them, he stayed a little away to wait until they finished but she stopped talking and called him, "Ah, little brother, we were talking about you, come!"

{But I'm not guilty! What does he want?} He thought, but he still went to them.

When he was at the counter, she directly presented the old man, "Here is Elder Ye Shuo from the City Lord Mansion, he wanted to talk to you personally"

{Did they pretend that they didn't notice me last night?}