022 - Legend Rank blood

Xiao Yan greeted him, then Ye Shuo said, "Xiao Yan, thanks to you witnessing the wrong blood used in the Inscription Scroll "Icy Wind, Sharp Knives", we managed to stop an attempt of the Dark Guild to weaken Glory City. There were one thousand scrolls and thankfully we were able to take them all before anyone died"

"Oh", {It's just that, scared me for nothing}, "Uncle Ye Shuo, it's all thanks to Ye Ziyun, most people would've just send back the scroll to the shop to have a new one, but she choose to study it and tried to figure by herself what was wrong. Even if I didn't notice, I'm sure big sister Xue Yin would have"

"You don't need to be humble, the fact is that you've saved more than a thousand lives Xiao Yan. You also found the original inscription pattern of "Icy Wind, Sudden Snow", making it a Silver Rank inscription, therefore, you can ask a reward from the City Lord Mansion, feel free to ask whatever you want"

"Really?", He thought a little, {I'm still a teenager, I don't need to be polite and refuse, but what do they have that I can be interested in?}

Finally, he decided, "I would like bottles of Legend Rank demon beast blood, the more the better"

"That shouldn't be a problem, I'll ask the amount to the City Lord and deliver it to your Family"

He left but Xiao Yan could tell that he was hiding not far away and that he was going to listen to his conversation with Xue Yin.

I think the City Lord asked him to observe me to know if I am trustworthy, I must act normally.

Xue Yin first thank him for his cultivation technique and he congratulated her for her breakthrough.

Taking out a stack of Inscription Scrolls from his storage ring, he said, "Big sister, here is one hundred of the Bronze Rank Inscription Scroll "Icy Wind, Sharp Knives", please check them".

Since this morning she already checked hundreds of the same Inscription Scroll, she didn't take long to check them all.

She gave him his 80 000 DSC and said, "Little brother, with the way you drew the Inscriptions, I can tell that you can at least make Inscription Scroll of the Black Gold Rank, why did you only buy some bronze rank yesterday?"

"It was my first time drawing inscriptions with a brush and demon beast blood. Before yesterday I only drew with normal pen for training. But I also felt that I can now draw Black Gold Rank Inscription Scrolls, since I can even draw Legend Rank inscriptions with a pen. That's why I asked uncle Ye Shuo for that reward, since it can't be found on the market"

"So that's why!", That made sense, one needed to accumulate experience by doing easier things first.

He then gave her two papers, "I discovered that the inscription pattern currently used to make the Black Gold Rank Storage Rings isn't the original one. Here is the complete version, it can double the space, going from one hundred cubic meters to two hundred. I wrote the book and page where I found it on the paper. Same for this one, it's the Legend Rank version, the space should be one thousand cubic meters."

He wanted to make some storage rings, that's why he went through these books. They were considered as Enchanted Equipment but the way they were created was much more simple than the other ones. One didn't need to carve the ring with some inscriptions but only needed to put it in the middle of an Inscription Scroll and to activate it. It would create a new space to which the ring was the key.

After a few moments, she finally sighed and said, "The new black gold rank one will be longer to make, but it won't be more complicated. As for the Legend Rank one, even I can't make it… Little brother, you can do it?"

"I think that I can but since I never tried I can't say for sure", Since he could draw it with a pen, he could also draw it with a brush, like the bronze rank inscriptions, right?

"Hehe okay, I'll wait for the news, do you need to buy anything?"

"I need one thousand Blank Inscription Scrolls, three hundred rings and one hundred bottles of Black Gold Rank demon beast blood of any attribute", {I'll make some for my family and for myself before getting the Legend Rank Blood}

After putting everything on the counter, she said, "I'll pay for you, the cultivation technique you gave big sister is worth much more than that"

He didn't refuse and took everything, "Thanks!"

"Okay, I'll see big sister next time then", He said while leaving.

"Hehe, bye little brother!", She replied in a bright mood.

{"Big sister" attack huh…}

When he left, Ye Shuo came back.

"What does Elder Ye Shuo think?", She asked with a smile. She knew that he would stay and spy them.

He sighed, "He's definitely not someone using the Spiritual Constellation Technique like we feared, his aura is well merged with his body so he's not some old monster who stole the body of a child. As he is in the Winged Dragon Family since birth, we can affirm that he is not sent by the Dark Guild to earn our trust. What are your thoughts?"

"He is very honest and he can't lie. When you asked him if he wanted a reward he didn't even try to act polite and straightforwardly asked for what he wanted".

"Legend Rank demon beast blood"

"It's not like we can use it and make Legend Rank Inscriptions, even Lord Ye Mo can't. The same goes for the the Dark Guild, they have the blood but not the inscriptionist to use it. We might as well give Xiao Yan what he wants and show him our goodwill"

"I think so as well, but it'll be the City Lord's decision. I'll report it to him right now"