023 - Heavenly Fate Plateau

When Xiao Yan left the Inscriptionist Association, he let out a sigh of relief when he noticed that Ye Shuo wouldn't be following him.

{At least I'll be able to use the void-form and not walk back home}

After finding a deserted alley, he used the void-form and then teleported high in the sky.

He used the same method he used when he went to the Ancient Orchid City Ruins for the first time, sight-based teleportations.

Going in the direction of the Infinite Forest, in the east, he then understood why Glory City never discovered the place he was going to.

{"Infinite Forest", well named indeed, there are trees everywhere in the horizon. People bellow Legend Rank normally can't fly, so they have high chance of getting lost here. They wouldn't willingly step inside of this forest}

Soon enough he reached the Heavenly Fate Plateau, a mountain which the summit was sliced off. Xiao Yan recalled what he knew about the tribe.

{They survived through the Age of Darkness thanks to the huge plain on the mountaintop, which has only one path leading to it, making it difficult for even demon beasts to reach}

{Thousands of people gathered here and formed a tribe}

{Even if they were protected from demon beasts attacks, the place isn't that fertile, so they were barely surviving}

{The stronger ones would go hunting to have more food, but they are too weak to be able to sustain everyone}

{Lacking information and cultivation techniques, they could only train their physical strength and there is no Demon Spiritualist}

As he looked down, he saw a group of people chasing after another one. He used the LoHP on them and understood the situation.

The first group were criminals, three Gold Rank Fighters and five Silver Ranks.

Their leader was Xiao Lang, a 5-Star Gold Rank Fighter, a murderer and a thief but people can't do anything to him since he is the third strongest on the Plateau. And the seven lackeys of his were also strong, making it really hard to stop them.

The second group consisted of a Black Gold Rank and seven Gold Rank Fighters.

They were led by Xiao Wu, the Tribe Chief and also the strongest of the Plateau.

{I'll help them, that'll make things easier for me}

Right now Xiao Yan was only a 5-Star Silver Rank Demon Spiritualist, he wouldn't be able to kill them by himself, not without using teleportations in front of them, so he was going to use one of the Black Gold Rank Inscription Scrolls he used the Clearance Potion on earlier.

Teleporting himself a hundred meters ahead of the first group, he then undid his void-form as well as his transformation.

He took out the Inscription Scroll "Icy Wind, Hundred Blades" from his ring and activated it.

A hundred blades made of ice materialized in the air, he quickly moved his hand and the eight criminals were killed before they had the chance to understand what happened.

He thought while slowly walking towards the Tribe Chief's group, {His luck was too crappy, he had to make trouble just when I was around…}

{Wait, why do I feel nothing special after killing for the first time?}

{Hmm, it must be the previous host memories, in this world killing is considered normal after all}

{Yep, that's it. I'm definitely not a psycho who would've become a serial killer on Earth!}

Xiao Wu and the other seven gulped as they stared at the eight corpses, thinking, These guys were one of the strongest group of the Plateau, and they died just like that?

Only after a few moments did they notice Xiao Yan walking towards them. As they understood that it was probably his doing, they became increasingly tensed. Upon seeing his clothes, they knew that he was definitely not from the Plateau.

He stopped as he was a few meters away from them, and said with a smile, "Hello, my name is Xiao Yan, a traveler from the outside world. I noticed that you wouldn't be able to stop these criminals, so I decided to help you by killing them"

A few seconds later, their leader replied, "Hello young master Xiao Yan. I am Xiao Wu, the Tribe Chief of the Plateau. We sincerely thank you for getting rid of Xiao Lang and his followers. May I know the purpose of the young master for coming in the Heavenly Fate Plateau?". Since he could easily kill everyone here without them noticing, he had to be polite.

{The effects are better than I expected}, "I was going deeper into the mountains in order to train and I noticed that your tribe had some problems with food sufficiency. I want to help you guys but I'm also no saint, so I have a deal in mind"

He threw one of his storage rings at him, "Inside it are bags of rice, ten pounds each, I would like uncle Xiao Wu to let everyone know that I will trade a bag of rice for ten Purple Smoke Rocks or one hundred demon spirits. I'll leave everything to uncle and come back in a few days, is that okay?"

Of course he accepted, he even thanked him for having such a deal with them. Xiao Yan said goodbye and left.

While they were observing the leaving figure, it was Xiao Kuang who broke the silence, "Father, will there be enough rice for everyone who want to trade?"

Xiao Wu sighed, "Yes, that storage ring of his is a hundred cubic meters one and there's 20 000 bags inside, more than enough. I think that this Xiao Yan really wants to help us, as I believe there would be people who would still exchange one thousand of the rocks for a bag of rice, or even ten thousand demon spirits as it's completely useless to us"

They had too much fear when Xiao Yan was around, only now did they relax and started to become excited as they realized how much food they were going to have.

The Tribe Chief then ordered the seven men, "Spread the word to everyone in the tribe, I'll start the exchanges right now in front of my house"