031 - Third ring

After they finished eating, he went to school but on his way there he sensed six people tailing him.

When he noticed it was Shen Yue and five of his lackeys, he knew they wanted to beat him up and he already knew the reason.

{Must be because I talked to Ziyun yesterday morning, as he considers her as his}

He led them to an empty street and used the back of his hand on their necks to knock them unconscious before they could even notice him. The hardest part was to control his strength so that he wouldn't accidentally kill them.

{Now what am I going to do with them? He thought as he looked at the six bodies in front of him}

{Just leaving them here won't satisfy me. But they did want to beat me up, so they'll have to pay the price}

{Beating? Killing? No, even if the elders of his family betrayed Glory City, he knows nothing of it, he's arrogant but never crossed the line}

{Oh, I know!}

He took off all of their clothes from them, then started to wrap their naked bodies two by two in ambiguous positions, he used some Icy Snow Spider Demon silk so that they wouldn't be able to move without someone helping them.

Shen Yue body was tightly hugged from behind by the lackey who had the most muscles, that way everyone would see his face and the front of his body.

The other two "couples" were hugging each other face to face.

When he was satisfied with their positions, he activated an Inscription Scroll with "Black Gold Portal" and sent the six to the entrance of school.

Finally, he went to school on foot and once there he noticed that a lot of people already formed a circle around Shen Yue's group, making fun of the six who still haven't woken up.

He just continued to walk towards to his classroom. {I'll find something else if you dare look for trouble again}

In the class, Ye Ziyun was seated next to the seat of Xiao Yan, she was on his left while Xiao Ning'er would be sitting on his right.

When she saw him, her heart sped up and her face heated up as she recalled what she talked with her best friend yesterday.

{Ning'er is right, I'm also in love with Xiao Yan. I do find him more handsome than yesterday and my heart is beating faster right now. I can even feel that my face is getting hot. Ah, so embarrassing…}

They greeted each other and he told her that he made three Inscription Scrolls to transform the rings she bought with Xiao Ning'er yesterday into storage rings. He took a scroll from his ring at put it on his desk, then took her by the hand to make her stand in front of him, saying, "I'll teach you how to do it"

Although she already knew how to do it, she didn't say a word as she wanted to get close to him.

He positioned himself just behind her, took her right hand and whispered to her ears while pointing a spot on the scroll, "You have to put the ring right here"

Guiding her step by step until the ring became a Legend Rank Storage Ring, he then did the same thing he did to tease Xiao Ning'er yesterday, he took the ring, turned her around so that she could face him, slowly put the ring on her finger, caressed her hand a little and kissed it.

She was furiously blushing, but she didn't stop him, so he took it as a signal and continued.

Putting his hands on her waist, he pulled her even closer to him and put a light kiss on her lips.

A moment after she responded to his kiss, he started to use his tongue while his hands started to caress her.

They only concentrated on their pleasure as their kiss was getting more and more passionate.

In their own world, they had forgotten, or didn't care, about the fact that they were still in class and all of the present students were looking at them.

The girls were blushing at this sight. They could feel the passion of their kiss and wanted to be in Ye Ziyun's place.

The boys felt both depressed and angry. Not only did Xiao Yan steal the Goddess of their heart, he also dared to show it in front of everyone!

By now Nie Li already came to the class, he felt like a knife was piercing his heart as he could tell that Ye Ziyun was truly in love with Xiao Yan.

{Is it a butterfly effect of my bet with Shen Xiu, or am I in a different time-line?}

{In my previous life she never fell in love with anyone before our interactions after the fall of Glory City. Is she the same Ye Ziyun that I knew?}

Once they had enough, she looked at him in the eyes and said, "I love you"

It was the first time she felt like this, she wanted to give her everything to him.

He also said with a smile, "I love you", while thinking, {Yes, I'm already lucky enough to have these two loving me with all their hearts, I don't need any other women}

Hearing him say it made her really happy, she tightly hugged him.

He hugged her back and whispered to her ears, "Ziyun, as I already told Ning'er, I won't have any other women than the two of you. I'll try my best to make you happy"

They stayed like that, enjoying the warmth of the other one.

Only once they sat down did they realized what they did in front of everyone.

Xiao Yan didn't care, tonight or tomorrow he would become a Legend Rank, strong enough to wipe out the Sacred Family if they dare to cross the line when they would hear of his relationship with Ye Ziyun and Xiao Ning'er. As for the others, he didn't have the time to care about what they thought.

Ye Ziyun on the other hand was really embarrassed, {I can't believe I did such a thing in front of everyone in class!}