032 - Fraudster Family

Only when Xiao Ning'er came and gave Xiao Yan his breakfast did Ye Ziyun relax.

She felt at ease seeing him eat in a carefree manner.

Shen Xiu came and started her class without waiting for Shen Yue.

{He's probably too ashamed to show his face in public}


Once the class was finally over, Xiao Yan stopped reading techniques in his LoHP and went back home with his two girlfriends. He told them that his parents and him would need to go to the Divine Family before the banquet because he needed to check something in their Library.

The two girls would see him in a few hours and meanwhile they could spend some time between girls so they didn't mind.

He went to his room while they went the other way.

Greeted by uncle Tian, he was told that his bath was ready along with his clothes and that his parents were waiting for him to be ready.


After looking at his reflexion in a mirror, a smile appeared on his face as he felt quite satisfied.

Seeing him, his father directly clapped his back while laughing, "Haha, "Fraudster Family", well done Yan'er, the whole city is talking about them!"

He didn't like the Sacred Family, so of course he would be happy when they were down and with everybody spatting on them.

While going to the Divine Family with his parents, Xiao Yan thought, {It's just the beginning, once I become a Legend Rank I'll start to give them other gifts}

The fifty one letters that he wrote were named "The Fraudster Family", he wanted the people to find a new name for them.

He first talked about the seventeen Inscription Patterns that their Ancestor claimed to have created but were in fact all plagiarized from ancient books.

As proof, he drew the original versions where he copied them from, also noting in which book and which page they were.

He also talked about how they became one of the three strongest families, the fact that they never fully helped out Glory City during Demon Beast Hordes, having the lowest number of casualties. That it was only by preserving their strength that they slowly climbed up to their position. That along the way, they have done nothing else than oppressing other families.

All what he said were accompanied with concrete proofs. He didn't forget Shen Fei, who was a scumbag who raped some commoner girls, always getting a scapegoat to pay for his crimes.

At the end of the letter he wrote, "Outside of the City, the Demon Beasts are eyeing us with anticipation, yet these people are going against fellow humans for the sake of their greed and ambition. What's the difference between the Dark Guild and the Sacred Family? Are they even humans? Are they Demon Beasts taking the skin of humans?"

Thinking of his letter put Xiao Yan in a good mood, he wanted to know how will the Sacred Family react to this.


Chen Zhenlong, the big brother of his mother, instantly agreed to let Xiao Yan enter their library, and he insisted on giving his mother a bottle of ten Soul Tempering Pills to congratulate her for becoming a Gold Rank Demon Spiritualist. She accepted as she didn't want people to know that the Winged Dragon Family already had more than two hundred of it. She also didn't want to waste her brother's good intentions. Witnessing that, Xiao Yan used the LoHP on him and his wife to thank them later.

It didn't take long for Xiao Yan to record all of their books, so he went to the library of the Sacred Family in his void-form.

Once he finished, there was still some time left before the banquet, so he decided to spy on them a little.

He was shocked when he saw Shen Fei cultivating in his room, as he usually spends his time with women. But upon noticing his red cheeks he understood.

{It must be his father who slapped him, telling him to cultivate instead of raping girls}

{I want to punish Shen Hong for poisoning Ziyun's mother, I want him to witness the fall of his Family before his death}

{Since his son committed a lot of crimes, I'll start with him}

Xiao Yan positioned himself behind Shen Fei, undid his void-form and used the sharp bone sickles on the arms of the Shadow Devil to behead him before he could even notice his presence. He immediately went back to his void-form.

{You won't make Ning'er or any other girl suffer again, bastard}

In their Main Hall, he noticed several Black Gold Rank experts, including their Patriarch Shen Hong.

He had a look of extreme anger on his face and there was one of the fifty one stack of papers in his hands, he said, "In the next few weeks I'll try to breakthrough the Legend Rank, only then would the people respect us again. Shen Ming, you'll be in charge of the Family during that time, I don't want to be bothered unless it's something of utmost importance"

The elders bowed to him and started to leave the hall.

Their meeting is over, let's get back to the Divine Family.

There, Xiao Ning'er, Ye Ziyun and the other children of Noble Families already arrived, they were discussing with Chen Linjian, the son of the Patriarch.

He greeted Xiao Yan and continued to talk about the Ancient Orchid City Ruins, he was organizing a secret expedition to go there, their families would think they were going to train in the mountains.

{So that's when Ziyun decided to accompany him to the ruins}

Xiao Yan accepted to accompany him along with Xiao Ning'er and Ye Ziyun even if he knew the three of them might change their minds in a few days since he would take them there with a Black Gold Portal Inscription Scroll.

He added his cousin to his LoHP like he did with his parents earlier, Since he's now a 5-Star Bronze Rank, {I'll give him a cultivation technique so that he'll become a Silver Rank before heading to the ruins}