033 - Divine Family

Xiao Yan noticed that Xiao Ning'er was looking at the couples who were dancing in the middle of the hall and understood what was on her mind.

Approaching her, he presented her his right hand and asked with a smile, "Beautiful Angel, would you allow this mortal to have the honor to dance with you?"

She blushed and muttered, "Stop joking…", but nevertheless took his hand and they started to dance in front of the envious gazes of many.

Xiao Ning'er was really happy right now, to dance with the one she loves in this kind of party was always one of her dreams.

She whispered to him, "Xiao Yan, thank you"

They continued for a while until she told him, "You should ask Ziyun for her turn now".

And so he did. Ye Ziyun was really embarrassed as it was the first time she would dance with someone of the opposite sex, and it was even going to be in public.

But she was also like Xiao Ning'er, she wanted to dance with the one she loves at least once, so she accepted and they went in the middle of the hall.

At first she was a little clumsy, but after Xiao Yan whispered some love words to her ears to calm her down, she started to relax and was finally able to fully enjoy herself.

Both of his parents were looking at him with a warm smile. Ye Ling, Chen Zhenlong's wife, was amused so she said to her sister-in-law, "Chen Yin, your son seems to be quite popular with girls, look at all those envious gazes of the teenage girls"

She smiled, which mother wouldn't like her son to be handsome?

Her husband asked her, "Do you think we must warn him that he might lose them both if he court them at the same time?"

She immediately replied, "No need. Look at their expressions, they're clearly in love with him, and Xiao Ning'er doesn't seem jealous of Ye Ziyun, but rather happy for her"

"Won't the Sacred Family try to find trouble for him once they knew of this?"

"Humph! Those bastards better keep themselves in check, I'll kill whoever dares to stand in the way of my son!"

After dancing, the three teenagers went to eat together at the same table.

When he noticed that his parents were finally alone, Xiao Yan quickly wrote down something on three papers and went to see them.

He gave his mother three Legend Rank Storage rings, two of which being identical, and said, "Mom, these are for uncle Zhenlong, aunt Ling and cousin Linjian, inside are also three cultivation techniques for them"

"Okay, I'll give it to them later", She thought that he managed to get what he wanted in the library and wanted to thank them, so she readily agreed.

His father then asked him, "Yan'er, you do know that Xiao Ning'er is currently engaged to Shen Fei, right?"

He replied, "Not anymore, when I finished reading the books that I needed in the library, I used a Black Gold Portal Inscription Scroll to go to the Sacred Family. I killed that bastard and came back without anyone noticing"

Chen Yin frowned a little and said, "So she's more than just a girlfriend?"

He replied with a serious face, "Mom, Dad, I'll spend my life with Xiao Ning'er and Ye Ziyun. I really do love them and they already agreed to marry me together. I hope that from now on you can treat them as family"

His mother hugged him and caressed his head, "Looks like my cute little boy is already a man. Relax, as long as they love you, we'll treat them like our own children"

Xiao Yang added, "You should invite them to eat with us the soonest possible"

Back with the two teenagers, he said, "My parents want you two to eat with us, what about tomorrow morning?"

They agreed and when he saw them blush a little, he decided to tease them, "I told them that I love you with all my heart and that I will spend my life with both of you. So they want to meet their daughters-in-law"

Now their faces were wine red, {I really love their bashful appearances, they're so cute}

After eating, he danced a little more with each of them until the end of the banquet.

On their way home, Ye Ziyun stayed with them as she already notified her family that she'll sleep with her best friend tonight.

When they had to separate, Xiao Ning'er whispered to his ears while blushing, "Come join us in my room after you take your bath"

He was shocked, {No way? 3P? Already?}

Then he hesitated a little, "Ziyun, we kissed for the first time this morning, are you really sure?"

She immediately replied, "Xiao Yan, thank you for your concern, but I'm already sure that I'll never love anyone else, I want you to make me your woman the earliest possible. And I'll be even happier if Ning'er is here as well"

She had a red face, but her eyes were firm, so he agreed to come later and went to his room.

He noticed that uncle Tian already prepared his bath, {I should receive the Nightmare Demon Pot tomorrow. I'll then refine a powerful Demon Spirit for him}

When he cultivated, he directly breakthrough the Legend Rank, but his Cultivation stopped after reaching the peak of 1-Star Legend Rank.

{I'll need to record more books if I want to reach the Peak of the Legend Rank}

When he went to the room of Xiao Ning'er in his void-form, the servants were still preparing their bath, {Everyone can't have an uncle Tian}

The two were on the bed, discussing in low voices so that the servants wouldn't hear them.

"Relax Ziyun, Xiao Yan is a really good listener, everything will be alright!"

"But isn't the first time really painful?"

Since they were having a really private talk, he decided to go to the Heavenly Marks Family.