034 - Black Pearl

In the Heavenly Marks Family, the Patriarch Nie Hai was already sleeping, so Xiao Yan managed to take the Remnant Page of the Temporal Demon Spirit Book that he kept on him without waking him up.

He then went to their Treasury to take the Soul Puppet Blueprint and the Black Pearl, then went back to his room before using the LoHP on the pearl.

Apparently, it was made from Nether Law and only the Nether Spiritual God would be able to make one.

{So that's why Ming Fei was shocked when Nie Li gave it to him, he's normally the only one who would be able to make it}

{Either he made it himself in the past, or it was made by the one who was the Nether Spiritual God before him}

{I remember that pure energy can knock every other kind of energy, let's try pouring my soul force inside}

As he did that, the Black Pearl shattered and became dust, revealing a storage ring.

He checked what was inside, finding 10 Million Gold Spiritual Stone Essences, the cultivation technique "Myriad Dragon Roars" and a Heaven Spiritual Crystal. He knew what it was by using the LoHP on it.

The technique had nearly two hundred flaws, it was quite good since up until now the techniques that he recorded each had thousands of flaws, and this one even went up to the Deity Rank.

{That Black Pearl was definitely meant for Ming Fei, because he is already cultivating an incomplete version of that technique. Maybe it was arranged by the Space-Time Spiritual God or Kong Ming, to let him train while Nie Li goes to the Draconic Ruins Realm. That amount of Gold Spiritual Stone Essences is equivalent to 1 Trillion Spiritual Stones, along with the complete version of the "Myriad Dragon Roars" it should be enough for him to reach the Deity Rank}

{I should go to the Nether Realm when I have some time, I'll help Xiao Yu reach the Heavenly Fate Realm to have a good relationship with her father Ming Fei}

He injected his soul force in the Heaven Spiritual Crystal to test his Spiritual Root.

It would become a joke if he went to the Skysoul Institute only to be rejected there. Nine violet threads were formed, meaning he had a 9-Grade Heaven Spiritual Root. He would have the easiest time absorbing heavenly energy once he start to cultivate to become a Heavenly Fate expert.

After keeping everything in his storage ring, he went to the room of Xiao Ning'er, seeing the two in the bathtub.

He directly undid his transformation and put some inscriptions around the room.

Ye Ziyun asked her friend with a puzzled expression, "What is he doing?"

She laughed a little and answered, "He's putting some soundproof inscriptions, as for why, hehe, you'll soon understand"

Before she could reply, Xiao Yan was already naked in the bathtub and he was kissing her.

He activated the Daoyin Technique with his fingers and soon enough she indeed understood why he put those inscriptions in the room.


When he woke up, he was lying on the bed with both Ye Ziyun and Xiao Ning'er sleeping peacefully on his chest.

{Yes, with Ning'er and Ziyun I don't need any other women}

Ye Ziyun woke up before Xiao Ning'er. As she thought of last night, her face got wine red, {I can't believe I did such things with Ning'er…}

She then saw Xiao Yan looking at her with a smile, making her even more embarrassed.

Seeing her like this woke up the lower half of his body, so he kissed her while his hands started to caress her.

They were rapidly joined by Xiao Ning'er who couldn't sleep anymore due to the noise they were making.


The three of them were now full of sweat and breathing heavily, but they also had a satisfied smile on their face.

After fully enjoying the aftertaste, he put on his clothes and kissed them.

Before leaving the room, he reminded them of the breakfast with his parents.

When he saw uncle Tian, he asked him to prepare a bath and told him that there'll be two more people eating with his family this morning.

While the servants were preparing his bath, he wrote down the three last elixir formulas that he got while coming to this world. He got a lot more from the books translated by the LoHP, but he decided to wait a little before using them. He then made a few Black Gold Inscription Scrolls that were ordered from the Association before taking his bath.

Yang Xin paid him a visit just after, bringing a lot of things.

She first gave him the Nightmare Demon Pot, "Little brother Xiao Yan, we managed to buy the pot at 50 Million DSC from the Hong Yue Family, consider it as a gift from the Association"

He took the pot and gave her a paper, "Thanks, here is a cultivation technique that I prepared for their Patriarch, send it to him please"

She then took out a bottle of elixirs and said, "Here are 43 Caltrop Pills. For the others we are going to auction them, one every week"

He gave her one of the pills which she accepted.

Next was his profits from their partnership, "The price of the Purple Haze Grass stabilized at 240 DSC per pound, we sold all of the stock and after taking our one fifth, your part was 670 080 000 DSC, I added some of your profits from the five elixir formulas to make it 1 Billion DSC. In the future I plan to come every time it reaches 1 Billion, what about it?"

"Sounds good, if I change my mind I'll let you know", {It would indeed be troublesome if she comes nearly everyday}

Finally, she gave him a storage ring and said, "Inside are 30 000 Soul Nurturing Pills, 10 000 Soul Concentrating Pills, 1000 Soul Tempering Pills, 1000 Scarlet Body Enhancing Pills and 100 Nine Transformation Pills. It's a gift from the Alchemist Association to you and your family"