035 - Daughters-in-law

Xiao Yan understood the intentions of the Alchemist Association by giving him so much pills. They wanted to have a really good relationship with him to have more formulas.

The first two pills could be refined by apprentices, so 30 000 and 20 000 weren't that much considering they had at least a thousand apprentices. For the next two, they could be refined only by Alchemy Masters, so 1000 of each were pretty much if you think that the hundred of so Alchemy Masters had the formulas only a few days ago. As for the Nine Transformation Pills, 100 was quite a lot if you take into account that only President Gu Yan could refine them and that he was also busy refining the Caltrop Pills for him.

{Anyway, I planned to give them more elixir formulas even if they didn't gift me anything}

He took the ring, gave her three papers and said, "Thanks, here are the formulas for three pills, Spirit Pacifying Pill, Detoxifying Spirit Pill and Cold Resistance Pill. The first is a mind clearing elixir useful against hallucinatory-type demon beasts, the second one is an antidote elixir for poison-type demon beast and the last one increases the resistance against ice type demon beasts, which should be really useful here in the Saint Ancestral Mountain Range"

This made her in a really good mood, since there was nothing else, she thanked him and left.

Leaving his room, Xiao Yan gave a Caltrop Pill to uncle Tian after telling him to consume it once he reached the Gold Rank.

He then gave him two storage rings and said, "Uncle Tian, there is 1 Billion DSC in these rings, I want you to buy ten thousand blank papers, then fill the rest of the ring with food, water, medicinal herbs and anything useful to camp in the wild. The other one, use the rest of the money to fill it with Demon Spirits, half with Wind Lightning attribute and half with Ice attribute. I will need tens of thousands of Demon Spirits in the future so don't worry about buying too much"

While heading to the dining room, he thought, {Now that I have the Nightmare Demon Pot, I'll start preparing two Demon Spirits for Ning'er and Ziyun}

His two girlfriends weren't here yet, so he greeted his parents and gave them five Caltrop Pills, for themselves, the father of Xiao Ning'er, his cousin Chen Linjian and his aunt Ye Ling.

{I'll give them the rest of the pills once I finish buying what I need in the Abyss Prison Realm}

When the two girls came, anyone could tell that they were really nervous.

{Maybe they'll forget their nervousness if they become bashful?}

He stood up, took each of them by the hand and said, "Mom, dad, here are Xiao Ning'er and Ye Ziyun. We really love each other so please treat them well"

Noticing that their faces were getting increasingly red, he was satisfied and continued with a smile, "This is my father Xiao Yang and my mother Chen Yin, they'll be your parents-in-law"

They made an awkward bow to greet the parents and sat down.

Chen Yin knew that her son wanted them to feel at ease, so she said, "Poor little girls, you two must have been deceived by my son's honeyed words. If he dares to bully you, come and tell me okay?"

They laughed a little and the atmosphere started to lighten.

Once the five finished eating, the mother said to her son then to her husband, "We need to discuss things that only girls can listen, you can go to school. You, give his Caltrop Pill to the father of Ning'er, then consume yours and start cultivating", and took the two girls to her room.

Xiao Yan and his father thought that she was going to talk about the period of the month when women become as aggressive as demon beasts, but they didn't dare say it out loud so they just went to do their stuff.


After closing the door of her room, Chen Yin led the two to her bed and said, "There are some unpleasant things that I must say to you two, listen well because I'll only say it once"

Despite once again becoming nervous, they still nodded their heads.

She continued, "Since my Yan'er is too nice to tell you what he went through for you, I'll tell you everything in his stead"

She looked at Ye Ziyun, "Yesterday morning, after he left home he was followed by Shen Yue and five of his lackeys. They wanted to beat him up because he was close to you, but these idiots didn't know that Yan'er was far stronger than them, he knocked them down without them understanding how, and I'm sure you already know what he did to these six afterward"

The two teenagers finally understood why Shen Yue and his lackeys were naked in ambiguous positions in the school entrance yesterday. The whole school talked about it and Xiao Ning'er even saw them with her own eyes. She remembered having a good laugh with her friend when she told her about it in the afternoon.

The mother concluded, "What I want from you, Ye Ziyun, is to make Shen Yue understand that you don't like him. If you truly love my son, you can't let him be the bad guy and shoulder all the burdens. You also have to take some responsibilities. That would've not happened if you clearly told Shen Yue that you're not interested in him. You are now a 3-Star Bronze Rank, beat up Shen Yue, make him understand that you're not some trophy he'll get even if he manage to beat Yan'er. Make him understand that you are the only one who decide on who you love"

Ye Ziyun couldn't bring herself to tell her that she only had her first kiss with Xiao Yan yesterday morning after his encounter with Shen Yue, that would be too embarrassing, so she agreed to beat up Shen Yue the next time she saw him. The last bit of good impression she had of the Sacred Family already disappeared yesterday when she read the letter about "The Fraudster Family", now that she knew that Shen Yue wanted to beat the one she loves, she only felt hatred for them.