036 - Talk between girls

Seeing that Ye Ziyun understood, Chen Yin nodded to herself, turned to Xiao Ning'er and said, "Now, Xiao Ning'er", making the girl gulp.

"You should already know that the letters about "The Fraudster Family" were written by Yan'er. I don't need to tell you the risk he took by delivering these letters and what would happen if they come to know who wrote them"

"Yet he didn't stop with this. You are now a 5-Star Bronze Rank, you'll definitely go to the genius class after the test in two months, giving you the opportunity to go to the Heavenly Sacred Border. After that, you'd be protected by the City Lord and adding the letters Yan'er sent, you'd be easily able to cancel the engagement with Shen Fei"

"I don't know how you two managed to seduce my son, he's so infatuated with you that he couldn't wait a few months and wanted to be with you in public right now"

She paused a little and continued, "Yesterday, before the banquet, he infiltrated the Sacred Family all by himself. He managed to kill Shen Fei and came back without anyone noticing. Even if he did succeed, I want you to understand how much danger he went through just so that he can show his love to you in public"

She sighed, "Since he loves you both from the bottom of his heart, I'll treat you as my own daughters, but if you ever betray the love of my son, I'll make you suffer so much that you'll beg me kill you. Daughter of the Patriarch or daughter of the City Lord means nothing to me, all I care is the happiness of my son"

As she noticed that the two were going to cry, Chen Yin pulled them both in a hug, said, "Alright, that was it for the unpleasant talk", and patted their backs to calm them down.

When they finally calmed down, she said, "Are you two taking contraceptive pills?"

They became wine red while thinking, {How does she know? Were the soundproof inscriptions broken?}

As though she could read their minds, she added with a smile, "Even though the soundproof inscriptions worked, the servants still had to clean up everything after you had your fun"

Both of them thought, {So even the servants know… Wait, doesn't that mean that the whole family is aware of everything?}

They didn't think that it was possible to feel more embarrassed than how they felt right now.

Since she herself was once a bashful teenager, Chen Yin knew what the two were thinking, she said, "You don't need to be embarrassed, it's something perfectly normal between people who love each other. Ning'er, your father and the elders already agreed that you'll marry Xiao Yan"

Her eyes light up, "Really?", then she hesitated, "Wait, even the elders agreed?"

She knew that her father just wanted her to be happy and didn't really care who she'll marry, but most of the elders wanted a personal gain, why would they agree?

After laughing a little, she said, "Oh, yes. Yesterday night after the banquet, Xiao Yi assembled all the elders, he told us that you and Xiao Yan had to stay away from each other. He went on saying that we had to respect the Sacred Family even if their reputation was bad right now. It was so boring that I started to beat him up before he finished his speech, all the way until he lost consciousness. After that I told the other elders that you'd marry Xiao Yan and that I'll beat up anyone who wouldn't agree. They all agreed. Just wait a few days and we'll officially announce it, you'll then be able to hold his hand and kiss him in public"

Tears started to fall from the eyes of Xiao Ning'er, she knew that it wasn't as simple as just beating an elder. If so, her father would've done it long ago to cancel her engagement with Shen Fei.

More importantly, she was now engaged with Xiao Yan!

She wrapped her arms around the mother and said, "Thank you ma'am, I swear that I'll never betray Xiao Yan and I'll always try my best to make him happy"

Patting her back, she replied, "That's good to hear. In return I'll teach you how to take care of him and make him even happier. You too Ziyun, don't worry"

Turning to Ye Ziyun, she said, "As for your engagement, my husband and I are invited to the City Lord Mansion this morning to discuss about it, in a few hours you'll also be engaged to Yan'er. But in your case we'll have to wait a few weeks or months before officially announcing it. My plan is to make it sound like a political marriage to the public, that way they won't suspect that Yan'er was responsible for all of the storms going through Glory City since last week. Relax, I can be really convincing, the elders of your family will definitely agree to the engagement"

Ye Ziyun also gave her a hug while thanking her, but she was a little worried, {She's not going to beat up the elders of my family, right?}

Chen Yin then said, "Keep it a secret from Xiao Yan for now, I want to be the one announcing him the good news"

After a little pause, she added, "For now we need to know each other better! Ning'er, after school we'll go shopping together, just the two of us. Ziyun, tomorrow it'll be your turn and the day after it'll be the three of us. You two won't turn me down, right?"

Of course they agreed to go with her, they didn't want to know if she was going to beat them or not.

Thinking of something, she exclaimed, "We went off of what I wanted to talk about! Are you two taking contraceptive pills?"

Xiao Ning'er blushed and replied bashfully, "No, Xiao Yan told us that he is using a technique so that we won't get pregnant"

Ye Ziyun added in a small voice, "He said that he didn't want to have children before at least five or ten years"