038 - Shattered soul of another life

When he went to his seat, Xiao Yan thought of something and used the LoHP on Nie Li.

Reading the content of his book, he was getting increasingly excited.

{As I thought! The Temporal Demon Spirit Book is inside of him!}

{But he can't detect it, maybe I'll be able to force it out of his body if I use my pure soul force on him?}

{Tomorrow night Du Ze and Lu Piao will finally sleep, I'll try it at that time}

He then looked at the books of Xiao Ning'er and Ye Ziyun.

Not only did they each have a remnant page inside of their bodies, they also both had something called "Shattered soul of another life".

According to the LoHP, it was these things that would let them have some fragments of their past lives with Nie Li.

{With my soul force, I should be able to destroy it, and the energy would also give them a little boost in their cultivation}

He let out a sigh of relief, {That way they won't dream of him}

The two girls then entered the classroom, a bright smile on their faces when they saw Xiao Yan.

Noticing them, he smiled back at them, thinking, {Weird, they seem to be in even better mood than this morning, is it the "talk" they had with mom?}

He didn't dare asking them to confirm, there were things that were better left unknown.

They announce him that they would go shopping with his mother today and the next two days.

{So it's just because they are going to do some shopping that they are in such a good mood? Girls are still girls even in other worlds I guess}

Since he was now a Legend Rank, he could easily hear the other students gossiping in low voices.

"I heard that Ye Ziyun became Xiao Yan's girlfriend, after learning that, Shen Yue wanted to beat up Xiao Yan with his lackeys, but he ended up being the one who was humiliated yesterday"

"You mean it was Xiao Yan who put them naked at the school entrance yesterday morning?"

"Yes! It was so much fun watching them, I laughed so hard that I was nearly crying"

"This morning, Ye Ziyun learned that Shen Yue wanted to beat up her boyfriend, so she started beating him up, he was so scared that he even wetted his pants"

"Too bad I wasn't there, it must've been fun to watch"

"She even declared that she was Xiao Yan's girlfriend and that she would kill Shen Yue if he ever dare to get in his way again"


Nie Li could also hear these talks, {There's no way that my bet with Shen Xiu led to this, I must be in another time-line than that of my past life. The Ziyun I know was always a shy girl, she would never have a boyfriend nor beat Shen Yue for him, even less declare it in front of everyone. She never clearly rejected him in my previous life, that's the reason why he never gave up and she ended up getting engaged with him}

{There's also the new pills of the Alchemist Association and the fact that Glory City now has three more Legend Ranks}

{Yes, I'm definitely in another time-line}

He sighed, {My Ziyun already died, the one in this life is totally different than my love…}


When he heard the other students, Xiao Yan was really happy, {Hehe, it's really nice to know that someone you love fought for you}

He said to her, "Since Ning'er is going to be with my mother, do you want to spend the day with me?"

She happily agreed with a red face while thinking, {A date! It's a date!}

Since he noticed that Xiao Ning'er was feeling envious, he asked her for tomorrow, as it'll be Ye Ziyun's turn to go shopping with his mother.

They continued to talk but Shen Xiu didn't come, instead it was someone from the school staff who told the students that today's class will be canceled because the teacher had a personal matter to take care of.

{Must be because of the letters. Or Shen Fei. Or Shen Yue. Nevermind, thanks to her I'll spend more time with my Ziyun}

Xiao Ning'er went home alone. She wanted her friend to fully enjoy her date.

Xiao Yan took Ye Ziyun by the hand, they left the School and went in the direction of the Inscriptionist Association.

In the street, he saw that she was getting embarrassed, making her looks extremely cute.

He couldn't resist and directly kiss her under the warm gaze of the passerby.

After he was satisfied, he told her some sweet words before saying, "Thank you for what you did this morning"

It took her a few seconds to understand what he was talking about, she looked down and asked with a little voice, "Do you think that I'm a violent woman?"

"Of course not. I was glad because I know you did it for me. Rather, I find you even cuter now"

She looked up and noticed his serious expression, she knew that he wasn't lying, which made her happy.

They continued to flirt on the road, not caring about anything that was outside of their bubble.

Arriving at the Association, they were greeted by Xue Yin. She gave him the 520 Million DSC that he received from the Storage Rings he sold to her, then he gave her a Caltrop Pill.

He asked her the two books to update the ones inside of his LoHP and quickly read them.

Surprisingly, there was now six hundred more orders of Storage Rings of two hundred cubic meters and two hundred for the Legend Rank ones.

Xue Yin explained that most of these orders were from the Alchemist Association.

He wanted to buy a thousand rings and enough bottles of Black Gold Rank demon beast blood to make them, so Xue Yin gave them to him for free.

{Since I'll be busy with Ning'er and Ziyun today and tomorrow, I'll complete these orders in two or three days. After that, Nie Li will give the cultivation techniques to his friends, so I'll finally be able to stop going to school and have much more free time}