039 – Date with Ye Ziyun

After leaving the Inscriptionist Association, the young couple went in the direction of the closest gate of Glory City, the southern one.

On their way, she was now holding his arm with both of her hands and was no longer embarrassed about the gaze of the other people. They stopped at a lot of food stall to eat some snacks, the breakfast they had earlier wasn't enough to cover the energy they used up last night.

They knew that it was going to be just the two of them until tonight and that their date had officially started, so they sometimes fed each other, something they always wanted to do if they ever had a lover.

He took her in the direction of a nearby mountain.

Ye Ziyun was really excited, it was the first time that she left the city and she was going on an adventure!

Once he was sure nobody could see them, he crouched down and carried her piggyback.

He started to float and then flew in the direction of the Ancient Orchid City Ruins.

Noticing that his legs were no longer touching the ground, she asked with shock, "You're already a Legend Rank?"

He replied seriously, "Of course, if I want to marry the cute Ziyun and protect her, I can't be any weaker!"

She laughed and pinched his cheek, "Sweet talker!"

When she thought of the cultivation technique he gave her, she wasn't surprised anymore because she could tell that in one year or two she would also become a Legend Rank.

Soon he was dozens of meters above the ground, he didn't go any higher because he knew it was the first time she was outside the city and he wanted her to fully enjoy it.

His speed wasn't that fast either, letting the excited Ye Ziyun have the time to look all around them, her eyes sparking with curiosity.

It took them two hours to reach their destination, but he didn't go down and instead presented to her the places of the Ancient City like a tourist guide.

He finally landed near the spot where there was the hole leading to the underground maze, then started to explain to her that it was a secret passage and also how he activated it.

Like he expected, she wanted to go down the hole all by herself, so he just observed her as she prepared the Icy Snow Spider Demon silk, then floated a few meters away from her when she started her descent, in case she would fall.

The passage she went through led to the room where he had the three Remnant Pages and the map of the underground maze, he gave her the map and let her resume the exploration.

When she was finally in the treasure vault, he also showed her everything that was with the golden coins and said, "If there's anything you like just take it"

She asked him, "Why didn't you take the golden coins? You could sell it for at least 600 Million DSC"

"That's because Chen Linjian is going to come here in a week, he might be a little depressed if he doesn't find anything at that time, since he's my cousin and the money I'm getting from the Alchemist Association is more than enough for my needs, I might as well let him have that part of the treasure"

She just took a Legend Rank Sword and a few golden coins, then he took her on his back to rapidly exit the underground maze and next they went deeper in the mountains.

When they noticed a lake and a small islet in the middle of it, she wanted him to land down.

Once her feet touched the ground, she said, "Xiao Yan, I can't hold back anymore!", then she directly kissed him with passion and started to take off their clothes.


After enjoying themselves, they sat next to each other and admired the peaceful lake.

Ziyun had her head on his shoulder, she thought of something and said, "Can you show me the remnant pages again?"

He took out the three pages without asking anything, waiting for her to continue.

Once she had the pages in her hands, she furrowed her eyebrows and muttered, "That's weird, I feel some kind of connection with these pages"

{Was there something in that tomb that prevented her from sensing that connection?} He asked her, "Did you also feel the same thing in the underground maze or is it new?"

She was a little embarrassed when she replied, "It's the same feeling, but back then I was so excited to continue the exploration that I ignored it"

Hearing her, he gave her the other two pages in his possession. {Maybe she can feel the one inside of her body? I should tell her that I may have a way if she wants to take it out}

When she had the five pages in her hands, a golden light enveloped her while illuminating the surroundings and it formed a sixth page in front of her.

The light then dissipated and the new page slowly fell to the ground.

Before she could say anything, she felt a powerful energy within her body so she quickly sat in the lotus position, closed her eyes and started cultivating to assimilate that energy.

He could feel that her cultivation was rapidly increasing, in just a minute she was a 4-Star Bronze Rank and it didn't stop.

Using the LoHP on her to confirm something, he saw that she no longer had the "Shattered soul of another life".

{That means that thing still existed solely thanks to the remnant page}

Sighing of relief, he thought, {Now she won't have any memories of her previous life with Nie Li, our relationship won't become awkward}

Suddenly, he felt that someone was coming in their direction from several hundred meters away, his cultivation being at 3-Star Gold Rank. {He must've been alerted by the golden light}

Xiao Yan directly flew in his direction and stayed in the air, releasing his aura of Legend Rank.